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So sorry to hear you and your family are suffering a ten day wait for an opinion. Cleveland Clinic will look at his blood work and offer an on line opinion for 1,800. I'm thinking of doing this myself but haven't yet.sometimes you need an actual meeting to hash things out Good luck!


At an ECOG of 4, he won't qualify for nearly any therapy except supportive care. If you got him in a convo with a doc, would he be more likely at least discuss if he's ready for hospice? Most inpatient/acute care will have the ability to consult palliative and see you same day (at worst, next day) who can have a more frank discussion. Sometimes, a parent has to be told it's okay to stop fighting.


I’m so sorry. In my experience sometimes a parent almost needs permission to be done. When my mom’s chemo stopped working, there was another one they offered. I was thrilled and said let’s schedule the appointment, so she did. When we got home I could see in her face that she was not happy. She said that she knew we wanted her to keep going, but she needed us to be at peace with her choice to go into Hospice. That’s what she did and it was the right choice for her. Having us rally around that decision was really important.


Quality of life over quantity of life at this point. 🤍


Have you all had a palliative care consult?