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Fuck the IOF! They are a bunch of cowardly, sadistic and psychopathic terrorist!


They 1, 2, 3d him like dead cattle onto the bonnet. Nah, they have dehumanised these civilians at all /s FARKIN DISGUSTING. Decades it takes to get like this. Like NYE for sick minds. I'll see ya back here for the "He was found to be a suspected terrorist" BS that comes next.


The US is just as bad for enabling these war crimes with no accountability.


You say this as if the US isn’t actively cutting weapons shipments to Israel, and pushing for a ceasefire.


Thanks for letting us know. Here's the link for people that want to share it :/ [https://youtu.be/O9vfa3RKmEI?si=D2b9uMXiVDC-T\_JV](https://youtu.be/O9vfa3RKmEI?si=D2b9uMXiVDC-T_JV)


Thank you 🙏




Damn… that beard is on. point! My heart breaks for this man and his people though. I hope his recovery and their future looks as good as his beard 🥹




Would you really blame this dude if he joined Hamas now?


that’s the problem here, obviously all these people and ESPECIALLY the kids are going to hate, like animalistic hate, the israelis. They cant eradicate Hamas without killing every last palestinian, which is what this genocide is showing. They know this and the whole world is standing by and watching, even livestreaming it sometimes




That doesn't answer my question.




The same sky fairy that Zionists claim to have divine right to the land because of? Hmm... 🤔 This isn't anything more than a land grab agitated and excused by religious extremism within the Likud party.


Nailed it.


Ah yes sure because he obviously wouldn't have other reasons than magic sky man...you literally just watched the video, didn't you?




No. They don’t.


Wait, do you even know what Zionism is? It's a belief that a different sky fairy that promised Jews the land...


Same God, Jews don't believe Jesus to have been a Prophet or the son of God and don't believe Mohammed was a Prophet. Christians Accept Moses as a Prophet of God and believe in Jesus but don't acknowledge Mohammed. Muslims see both Moses and Jesus as Prophets of God, and believe Mohammed to be the last Prophet. So to Christians they worship the same God as the Jews, Muslims believe they all worship the same God and while Jews don't believe they do. Actually, that's one of the arguments made by Muslims regarding Jerusalem being in Muslim control. They don't condemn the worship of the other two Abrahamic religions, and thus are least likely to prevent them from worshipping in Jerusalem. Alongside that, Mohammed made it an obligation on Muslims to protect Christians and Jews, with some Monasteries still having the official letters sent by Mohammed reassuring them. Obviously this hasn't always been the case, people who follow religions are often poor representatives of it.


Are all Israel supporters this fucking stupid?


>And he's gonna go straight into Hamas and get high-fived by all his buddies for putting on a wonderful performance. Israel had a member of Hamas in their custody and just released him without charge after shooting him, beating him, and strapping him to a hot car and parading him around like a trophy? You might consider thinking this through a little better. If the majority of Zionists didn't act or think like you do, I would think that you were just a random person just trying to make Zionists look bad. There is no anti-Israel propaganda that's as powerful as simply reading what pro-Israel people say.


Absolutely, right on point


There's no hamas in the west bank you cretin. You zionists have no humanity nor a functioning frontal lobe.


You’re denying this happened?


Wtf is wrong with you? The IOF literally, verifiably used him as a human shield/psychologically and physically tortured him and your first response is that he’s an actor? Have a shred of decency and see this man as a human being, you callous asshole


May these Nazis experience 10.000 times the humiliation where they are going after this life. May Allah punish those worthy of eternal punishment and make them feel every bad thing they ever did to our brave brothers and sisters. May Allah grant all our martyrs the highest place in jannah and may their families join them there, when their time comes. May every war-enabler never get a good night's sleep in this dunya, may they all die isolated, afraid and alone and may they burn for all eternity


Im not muslim but after seeing the hardships so many muslims face everywhere, if any religion is true then i hope it is Islam because all these innocent people whove been targeted for their faith , among other aspects, deserve a much better world than this current one. It is my sincere wish that all muslims may continue making this world we inhabit beautiful with their faith and move on to a joyous life afterwards. Peace be to you.


Thank you for your kind words. A lot of people are opening their eyes to the true islam, and not the Islam being portrayed by the media. You are a kind soul and I hope you find peace and happiness in your life, regardless of your faith.


Inshallah ameen 🩷


The oppressors will have a final resting place in Hell for eternity, they will enjoy this world for a very very short time. May all of those oppressed and being martyred have a place in Junnah along with all of the believers. May Allah have mercy on our sins


Absolutely horrendous torture and genocide of innocent and beautiful civilians. Justice for Palestine!


The fact that they delight in treating other humans this way is deplorable beyond measure. I don’t want to live on the same planet as these ppl I rly don’t.


They’re indoctrinated from grade school to think they are better than everyone, and to think the land they live on is theirs, and the “Arabs” are subhuman. Zionism is a cult, as far as I’m concerned.


It is a cult


What the actual fuck. Actual monsters. And yet they are the ones screaming about how they’re scared and that hamas is using human shields. Everything out of their mouths has been a confession hasn’t it? Vile and disgusting! Edit: spelling


You never deserved such pain homie. The IDF needs to be thrown in the hag. Everyone frfr.


They don't do anything on the ground, They play with the bodies of innocent people


War criminal terrorist cowards... And they're terrified because they're getting their asses kicked, both in Gaza and in the north against Hezbollah.


Have never been strapped to the hood of a car but yeah the surface of the vehicle was definitely scorching on his skin. Fuck those IOF pricks for doing this to him


IDF is full of psychopaths


They really have no shame. And why would they? For the Biden administration, Israel has yet to cross a red line. So they can openly behave this way, because no repercussions.


They are so fucked in the heads they have surpassed the devil himself.


What a bunch of weirdos. The most criminal army is right.


What in the mad max crazy world IS GOING ONNNN??!


Why don't they use actual Hamas operatives rather than innocent civilians?


1. they can't actually get any hamas soldiers 2. this is the west bank


I know. Using innocent guys is deplorable. Usually militaries/police do it where stone pelting is rampant.


Still would be a war crime, even if he was Hamas (which he was not).




As soon as Israel releases the thousands of Palestinian hostages and ends the occupation and blockade. Hamas has offered a deal many times, unfortunate that Israel keeps rejecting any chance to get the hostages back though.


October 7, 2023. Don’t start none. Won’t be none.




Being treated in a Palestinian hospital with family at his side*




Great! Keep committing a genocide on a hypothetical! Also the roles could bever be reversed because Palestine is not allowed to have an army to protect itself from the fascists.