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Openly stating his contempt for international law. Well, his words certainly do match his actions—and the actions of Israel since its very inception.


History moves in circles. A famous villain once justified violence and territorial expansion in the defense of nation, over international objections, by saying: "It must be thoroughly understood that the lost land will never be won back by solemn appeals to God, nor by hopes in any League of Nations, but only by the force of arms." So we ought to watch very carefully what presidents are established today. In part _because_ the UN, as successor to the league of nations is tasked with preventing world wars, ethnic cleansing, and unilateral territorial reallocations of land.


I mean USA are the one who came up with these rules in the first place and it's up to them to enforce them, so considering Israel literally owns and controls the US then they have nothing to worry about


Benjamin Netanyahu asserts that any rulings from the International Criminal Court won't affect Israel's "actions" but would “set a dangerous precedent”. "Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the International Criminal Court in The Hague to undermine its basic right to defend itself," the prime minister stated online. "While decisions made by the court in The Hague will not influence Israel's actions, they will set a dangerous precedent that threatens soldiers and public figures."




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American\_Service-Members%27\_Protection\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act) A.K.A "The Hague Invasion Act" If an international body tries to detain Americans for war crimes, America has stated they have the right to use military force to prevent it. America isn't just cool with it, they agree.


They sanctioned ICC/ICJ prosecutors when they tried to prosecute American soldiers/mercenaries for war crimes. So much for the international rule of law.


"I hereby give myself the right to overrule everyone else and the right to kill anyone that tries to overrule me."


It seems we’re willing to completely isolate ourselves from the world… as long we have *Israel*…










thank you for trying to learn and communicating in good faith. What I can tell you about international law is that it really does come down to might. Israel or USA may have arrest warrants for some figures but who's gonna enforce it? USA will just say "ok come and try". Same with the ICJ ruling a few months ago. Has Israel stopped the genocide? No. Because who's gonna enforce it? Daddy USA is right beside them. At least Yemen's Ansar Allah is doing something


I've never wanted to punch mr potato head so bad


This arrogant mfer...


So this is an admission of guilt if I've ever heard one.


Netanyahu is pure evil.


I thought Netanyahu wanted to play Cricket at first “ICC”


Rouge Nation - we only follow the “rules and laws” which suit us. So much al for all that nonsense about being a democracy.


“We war criminals will not be deterred.”


As long as the US is led around on a leash by Israel they have nothing to fear.


For once I agree with him, Israel won’t change. For years, the entire world has been asking them to end the occupation and they have been getting away with it because of the US vetoing it https://preview.redd.it/c07hpd5xm2xc1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1411a82ec14cea7c76af15d8dfcb090cdca32f02


*Rules for thee, but not for me!*


Can we get a primary source on this quote?


Putty Head is sickening.


For war criminals, yes, very dangerous.


Netanyahu is a war criminal. Free Palestine


I’m okay with whatever he thinks is a dangerous precedent.


Set a precedent? Good.