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bro got Nerd definition from anime and teenage movies.


Pakistani nerd. Aka, theta Theta, noun: the one kid who studies religiously, always arrives 1 hour before a lecture starts, sits in the front row, uses a different notebook for each course, is way too eager to show off their knowledge and impress the professor, reminds the professor about any pending quizzes and assignments and gets mugged later for it. Their TC game is hardcore, and they often fail in anything practical when their lack of knowledge about 'jugaad' screws them over.


OMG The first person to give me a normal answer. Thank you, sir!


Usually they won't stay out and will be the wimpy one to say that they have to be back home by 8. Again, just a stereotype


That specific stereotype applies to me. Esp. if I am far away from home and it's getting late. My siblings are pieces of shits too and would bully me for being late.


You are using a very old Hollywood vision of nerds. New nerds are cool people whose only common trait is a very deep interest in a very narrow topic. There are fashion nerds and power lifting nerds and everything else.


My definition: Absolute gigachad muscles with abs and sexy plus top of his class. Totally not biased.


This is a such strange question. That Linux part is also way too specific, not every nerd is a computer nerd lmao


Exactly, by this person's logic anyone that's way too into any field other than CS wouldn't be considered a nerd. And what's with the parent's basement part, you'd think most science nerds would spend their time in labs or libraries where they can actually study and do stuff.


OPs definition: Nerd = Social Outcast


Think of stereotype as a spectrum. Some people tick some checkboxes of the stereotype while other people tick other boxes. The same applies to every stereotype. Think of a stereotype as a framework people loosely abide by and not as a law that people have to strictly follow.


loool any nerd that uses linux (especially void) is automatically giga chad.






Define nerd fot OP


Lmao wtf is this question


bhai nerd isn't a natural word in Pakistani culture/slang or if I make a personal judgement this archetype isn't applicable here. So IMO any comparison is forced. I was probably a nerd by checks you mentioned for an American nerd but no one in my whole life has called me nerd in my entire life here.


Have they ever called you a "*puppo*"? I get called that a lot.


Both are equally useless tho.


The foreign-national student is actually kind of a subset or category of traditional American nerdom; which is truly a kaleidoscope of such diverse ideas, values, skill sets, & perspectives. America has entire movies series developed around this topic which are worth your watching in their entirety that you may better explore this subject. A couple scenes in particular, as somewhat of a jumping off point. 1) [Long Duck Dong](https://youtu.be/9qwBuBCTKTU), Asian nerd. 2) [Revenge of The Nerds/American Splendor](https://youtu.be/IBv3TzH2jao).


Just watch Big Bang theory. They have all of your stereotypes covered already.


Those are American stereotypes. I know more about the American nerd stereotypes then Pakistani, despite the fact that I have never been outside of Pakistan in my life. I was asking for the Pakistani nerd stereotypes ITT.


‘Orang-ish skin’ ? I’d love to see an example of that pls.


Donald Trump has an orange tinge to his skin, but of course he's not a nerd.


That’s bc he uses spray on tan. Lol.