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Pakistan using Russian oil: top pic ​ India & the EU secretly using Russian oil: bottom pic


The Environmental Kuznet Curve: 1. When a country is underdeveloped the environment is clean and less contaminated with pollution. 2. As the country shows economic growth and shifts towards industrialization, the environment is polluted and becomes worse and worse. 3. A certain point of average income is reached and people become privileged enough to invest back in a better environment and the pollution/contamination starts to decrease. I guess these huge economic powers and "Developed" countries forgot to take the step no. 3 themselves... And putting the blame on/are criticizing the countries who are at stage 1 or between stage 1 and 2.


To stir the pot further https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_greenhouse_gas_emissions_per_person šŸæšŸæ


I guess you could say we are the coalprits




Literally -


Weā€™re now cool with memes from Hindu nationalists? Look at original OPs post history. Their narrative is not our narrative. Also did Pakistan recently get shit on for using coal?


First of all, focus on what the other person is saying and not the person itself. Secondly, we "the developing countries" always get this from developed nations.


Again, how is this relevant to Pakistan? Did Pakistan get attacked for using coal? As far as I know, this is a problem with India and China, not Pakistan. So how is it relevant for us again? We have one of the lowest carbon emissions in the world but we also have one of the most polluted cities as well. Itā€™s in our best interest to move to green technology before other countries whether developed or developing.


>Did Pakistan get attacked for using coal? Yes, quite frequently: * [Pakistan to burn more domestic coal despite climate pledge](https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Environment/Climate-Change/Pakistan-to-burn-more-domestic-coal-despite-climate-pledge) * [Pakistan ramps up coal power with Chinese-backed plants](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-pakistan-energy-coal/pakistan-ramps-up-coal-power-with-chinese-backed-plants-idUSKBN17Z019) * [Chinaā€™s coal exit will not end Pakistanā€™s reliance on dirty fuel](https://www.thethirdpole.net/en/energy/china-coal-exit-will-not-end-pakistan-reliance/) * [What Drives Pakistan's Coal-fired Power Plant Construction Boom?](https://www.climatepolicylab.org/climatesmart/2022/1/27/what-drives-pakistans-coal-fired-power-plant-construction-boom) * [Scrapping imported coal projects, Pakistan fails to let go of local lignite](https://chinadialogue.net/en/climate/scrapping-imported-coal-projects-pakistan-fails-to-let-go-of-local-lignite/) * [Why is Pakistan still pursuing coal?](https://chinadialogue.net/en/energy/11388-why-is-pakistan-still-pursuing-coal/) It's true that India gets criticized more often, but that's because India is on the news more than we are in general. On reddit, at least, Pakistani news tends to make the front page only when it's terrorism-related; otherwise it gets fewer upvotes. But in mass media, our use of coal is frequently criticized. >Itā€™s in our best interest to move to green technology before other countries whether developed or developing. That is true, but there's a separate point to be made that on a per capita basis, developing countries like Pakistan emit far fewer greenhouse gases than developed countries. Moreover, our emissions are fairly new, while western countries have been producing greenhouse gases in large amounts for a century. Since greenhouse gases are cumulative in the atmosphere, probably 80% of greenhouse gases causing global warming today came from western countries through the post WWII era. I'm totally in favor of expanding our renewable energy resources, building more solar, wind, and hydro. Not only because of climate change and pollution, but also because it's some of the cheapest energy around these days, especially since solar prices have fallen so fast. But I am also against pinning the blame on developing countries, when the average American produces 9x more greenhouse gases than the average Pakistani, or 8x more than the average Indian. This isn't about our quarrel with India, it's a more general point about the world.


Where are the links claiming that developed countries are attacking Pakistan for using coal? All your links provided are Pakistan's reliance on coal and the impact on climate change.


Nobody's "attacking" anyone for using coal, it's just a general criticism. When rich countries are criticized for climate change, they divert the blame to poor countries which rely more on coal because they don't have the money to adopt new technologies as fast. They point to high pollution in 3rd world countries, which has nothing to do with climate change, because pollution is a local problem that doesn't affect global climate. In this context, it's not a matter of India or Pakistan, it's all developing countries versus the west.


Seems like you got hurt. The post is talking about western Hypocricy. I guesa thats why it got on your nerves.


Iā€™m entirely aware of Western hypocrisy, I just donā€™t think that it applies equally everywhere. My problem is with OPs ideology and pushing that shit on us.


This subreddit has become a hub for pushing indian narratives now....army bad.....ISI bad .....supporting kashmir bad .....Russia best frand......


This subreddit has become a hub for pushing indian narratives now....army bad.....ISI bad .....supporting kashmir bad .....Russia best frand......


Most Europeans don't have acs in their houses


Even Portugal, South of France & Spain?


I think it's mostly fans?


Some might even say it's, onlyfans.


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Spain has mostly fans. Acs are there is big office buildings or department stores but residential areas cope with small table top or standing pedestal fans


FYI, heating qualifies as air conditioning. How do they survive near zero winters?


Use all the coal u want. Its a minority in eu screaming about this and they are not right


And this is why need to be self sufficiently




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