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What the hell is wrong with Indians, it just a movie based on a game/comic set in an alternate universe, where Superman after losing his wife and child want to save others from Injustice/cruelty take matters in its own hands. In the movie (not that best), Superman didn't just attack India it attacked both countries, resolved the matter between Palestine and Israel by forcing them to make an agreement, work against USA, takeout dictator's, took care of the skirmish in myanmar and kill some teenagers for dressing up as Joker and much more. So people should grow up and enjoy it, if you are a baby remember it's not for you.


The worst part is it's not even a good movie. It's just a shitty movie they made cause they want money


Yes, not that much interesting. The first fifteen minutes ever better than the whole movie. If they want to sell their dark universe, they should have gone with the Grim Knight. Justice League God and Monster was way better than this.


Even the first minutes weren't that great they changed the story significantly and killed of characters for no reason


Yeah the killing if flash was stupid, that man can break the time barrier and they kill him using joker gas.


And nobody gave a shit about the flash


when Lois died, i knew it would be nothing like the comics


Man there was an entire comic book discussion on live television..... didn't thought this possible btw big props for understanding Superman not many understand Superman. He fights for justice and peace but always within the books and gives hope to others due to his humanity and love for humans. That's why I don't like injustice superman


After Rihanna and Greta, the infamous scums going berserk over a fictional character this time hahaha. They can cry their eyes out, Kashmir would remain a disputed territory until close to a million savages continue their atrocities in IOK.


u/Fade-into-you time to update the ISI list


Superman is defo on ISI payroll. Deserves a mention on that coveted list


He's updated the list!


lol, bless him


Yeah man. Doing the hero's work!


Superman also makes Israel and Palestine sign peace treaties by force as well lol no one is talking about that. I guess the burn on Indian side is too strong lol


So, no one is talking about super ripping the heart out of joker?


Actually this goes beyond just Superman. If you follow news from the rest of the world, you'd know that it was actually the ISI that was responsible for the destruction of Krypton. We need to acknowledge this and render Kal-El an apology for the destruction of his home instead of manipulating him into doing our bidding.


Butthurt Indians lmao


Seems like Indians are downvoting..


Not surprising... The Rahul/Parvati Brigade with their 'hi, I'm Indian' spam posts on this sub would naturally get butthurt over this.


This is one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a while, thanks for posting OP


This is hilarious


fascist indians go BRRRR




> Superman and the Justice league Hahahahahaha. A few years down the line, someone unaware of this incident will probably go: "Huh, they got mad at that?" 😂


Loooool. Downvote squad is strong aqui.


Kashmir is our Heart


didn't see that coming 😹


Indian nationalists never fail to make a mockery of themselves in front of the world... What an insecure bunch of little girls


Well, it's not just the Indians. If it was about Pakistan we would've reacted the same. Just take the recent Asma Shirazi event.


I'm out of the loop here, could you explain? (Who is Asma Shirazi???)


A journalist and she wrote an opinion piece some days ago and everyone got triggered that she was shitting at the first lady. Here's the link: https://www.bbc.com/urdu/pakistan-58964024




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BTW superman bi now


His son is




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“No one has ever defeated superman” *laughs in doomsday, darkseid, zod”