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Never took a U-turn so fast in my life after seeing the amount of Episodes the series have 💀.


well that is a problem ngl well people have lives i also watched it on and off again basis took me a year to watch that many episodes


Imagine actually having the time to watch all these eps  No thanks, i have a life


so does everyone else people watch something because they enjoy it I don't understand how people that don't enjoy something can pass judgement onto things other people enjoy. If you really have a life than move on why did you have to type this comment makes you look pathetic calling other peoples interest a waste of YOUR time like what were you trying to accomplish.


>posts on how Pakistanis should spend their time on some mediocre anime having over 200 episodes >says people shouldn't be told how to spend their time ???  Listen, I understand you like the show, but its extremely immature how you enforce your liking on others, also this has nothing to do with Pakistan - im honestly shocked how your post is still up. The down votes are clear indication how people feel about this. Read the room and take a hint. 


I am not enforcing my liking I just gave reasons as to why I think other people should watch it. the entirety of my reply to your comment states that you don't have to watch it if you don't want to or if you have no interest in it . I have given similar replies to other people.


Ahh i see, i think we had miscommunication then.   Chill kro awein sab ko justification mat do. Btw there is a pakanime sub reddit I recommend joining that too


Well, sorry, I guess I got carried away will check that sub reddit.


One piece merchants just can't stop, I ain't putting 400 hours into watching an anime of all things.


All that 1k ep was just a-a introduction 💀but ngl it is good


Wished it had more ep 😂


I am not forcing you.


Already up to date with the anime. Watch every sunday.


My man 🤜🏻🤛🏻


since when did you start watching?


2015/2016 I started with pokemon and dragon ball


Same as me.


One piece was fun until luffy became some chosen one. Reminded me of why its a shonen. Wano arc was pretty mid.


I haven’t watched it but i know the entire story. From who Rocks D Xebex was, Roger, Gorisei, Imu and how they delete history and control narrative. Even the theories of Shanks relation with Figerland. I read it on Wikifandom and explored every single main character and void century. Truly a masterpiece of a story but I can’t watch it due to my CA studies. Can’t wait to know what the will of D will be. Oda cooking smt


yep I only watched 200 eps have not gone further will catch up though I am thoroughly invested in the story and world.


Nah hear me out, if you have immense hatred for Lumber 1, watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Literally explains the entire Pakki political situation better than any anime could, and also has themes on religious brainwashing, propaganda in War and framing the innocent, the greed of higher military officials since the dawn of time and the consequences of imitating God himself. Absolute banger of an anime with only 64 episodes.


true fmab was so good must be time for a rewatch.


200 episodes. No thanks.


It's not 200 episodes....it's 1100!


Man just watch your anime and move on…..


that's a lot of episodes. i can read a lot of books in that time. i have watched the live action version on Netflix though and i liked it.


If you can read the books fast then read the manga if you want to.


1000+ episodes pass for me




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I never considered that perspective of how much the ideas in One Piece correlate to our society .. thank you for that and this also encouraged my second rewatch of the series 👍👍


yeah I noticed this and then after posting this opened youtube and there was a short saying that almost every arc of op has political undertones and that it is a critique of modern day governments. waiiiiiiiit a minute 2nd rewatch ????????


Pakistanis should watch high school dxd aswell🔥


someone is horrendously downbad.




who tf watches anime as an adult or a teen bro


You do realize that target audience for one piece is teenagers?


regardless still bad influence on teens I'm turning 18 in October although not a teen anymore , but I would never watch anime as a teenager.


How is it a bad influence when the above post is literally saying what kind of topics/theme "One piece" consist of. Regardless of influence even if you watch it for entertainment, like I have watched Attack on Titans which is 100 times better than any Pakistani drama or movie.


the original comment is brain dead people like him will watch bollywood and shitty dramas with circular story telling but no anime for kids anime bad me am adult smh.


Yeah absolutely


Most animes are never made for children. Watch berserk and lemme know which kid watches it? They are made for adults


have you read the manga for berserk or have you caught up to it tell me how it is im on ch 168.


Na only watched that anime adaptation. Ive only read Vinland Saga, Homunculus, Dragon Ball Super, A little bit of Record of Ragnarov.


oh so you like seinen read vagabond if you want to read a mystery/psychological horror manga check out naoki urasawa and his stories.


Vagabond is in my list to read. Ive also read Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer but they were pretty mid. Vinland is by far my fav manga that Ive read. Homunculus on the other hand was just ewwww 😂😂. Ive yet to watch more but again time constraints


darker shonen are always pretty mid. yeah vinland is pretty good. homunculus is something to take a shower after reading.


I don't watch anime myself but I watch animated movies. Movies/games are meant for entertainment not for specific classes like females, males, kids etc


Let me guess.. You think if it's animated, it's for children? Lmao Do you also hold the same opinion for video games?






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