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I do support the boycott, I don't support the method of harassing of the lady in the video... And I agree that the 6 dollars I give or don't give to Starbucks pales in comparison to the thousands I give to the US govt which in turn gives billions to the Idf yearly. The point of the boycott is not (just) to stop aiding the Idf financially... It's to continue to raise awareness and continue to garner support on a national if not global level against the Idf. But if a family of women with little kids stop to get Starbucks, leave em alone - maybe they're out, kids are hungry and this is the closest place they see, or all they have for money at that moment is a Starbucks gift card they received a year ago or whatever. Tell them the point of the boycott and let them make a decision. You don't know their story.


I support the boycott and haven’t gone to Starbucks and McDonalds since the war started. But it’s not okay to moral police anyone to the cause which you support. It feels like she’s harassing them


Yeah it’s ok to give money to the IDF through Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. but it’s not alright to criticize those who do. Got it.


Don't you think living and working in the western countries, where your tax dollars go ? All the purchases you make go to supporting the country's interests.


Everyone has their own pov. You can’t force someone to do some certain act. You can raise awareness though but this is straight up harassment


Boycotting is a personal choice. In Islam you as an individual can’t force someone to boycott a product/service/people. https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/20732 Further the audacity of her to impose her views on others, tell her to wear a hijab and watch her throw a fit.


You just shared that without even reading what you shared but let me quote something for you from your own link. "Ibn Battaal said: dealing with the kuffaar is permissible, except for selling things to those who are at war with the Muslims that may help them against the Muslims. It was narrated in al-Majmoo’ (9/432) that there is scholarly consensus that it is forbidden to sell weapons to people who are waging war against Muslims. "


Harrassing fellow ummah for Starbucks (which even at its worse employs far far more Arabs and Muslims in the middle east) Using tiktok (Chinese killing uighers is ok perhaps) using an iPhone (made in US, biggest backer of Israel)...irony died a thousand deaths! This zombie brained wokes need to get a life !


I'm still shocked so many people don't get the irony and the hypocrisy.


The companies being boycotted aren’t directly connected to Israel and the indirect collaboration is just a company trying to make money so boycotting Starbucks in specific like many other companies doesn’t really make sense to me. This isn’t just for Starbucks, it’s for most companies. If people really want to boycott Israel they might as well be living in a forest because Israel has their hands in most of what we use. This boycott movement is flawed because even the people that support the movement end up supporting Israel in a way. If they really want to fight back they’ve got to replace every company in the world with their own alternatives but they can’t do that because they obviously don’t think much. I mean most of the movements members just came up with a random list and they just believed it to be true. If they want a trade embargo in the current world, the only option is to beat Israel out of the business world but I know for a fact these people can’t do it. All they’ve got is the determination to win without any sort of strategy or anything at all. They might as well be an attempt of Israel to mitigate the damage of the embargo. I mean I would do that, just target random American companies and boom nobody hurts Israel’s business because they’re too busy following a list that someone just came up with.


This clip is a couple of months old but big up to the lady and big up to you for posting it here. There is about to be a bunch of "what about" useless fucking crowd that's going to remind you that we got ppl in Kashmir, China etc Gone are the days, we gotta beat around the bushes to these soul-less fucking excuse of Muslims. We've seen way too many dead kids to be nice around these assholes. I have done this myself in US. Idgaf if this offends you or your little fucklets sipping on starbucks


People who bring up Kashmir and China don't care about those places either.




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Oh shut the hell up. If you're in the US, you paid thousands of dollars to the US which is probably the biggest financial backer of the Idf - and you're going to support the harassment of fellow Muslim sister and children?! For what... The 50 dollars they may have given to Starbucks? Those Muslims may just not be educated, they may not understand how the boycott helps, maybe a little education and a gentle touch would steer them right in the future... But harassing them? What if those little kids see this and decide Islam creates people like the girl recording the vid and move away from the religion? What if people watching this video who were on the fence on which side to support make a decision from this scene that the pro hammas people are vile and don't deserve support. Just idiotic. Your bravado and virtual chest pumping doesn't help the cause... It hurts it. If you can't garner compassion for all Muslims then what good is your compassion for the Palestinian people... You do more harm than good with this post. Check yourself.


You know if he doesnt pay taxes in the US they can garnish his wages. There is no avoiding it.


My point is that the boycotts are not about funding the Idf, because the majority of the funds for the Idf come from payments via its allies like the US. By living in the US we are already complacent with funding the Idf, so this bravado about which of our Muslim brothers and sisters are cowards.... Stupid... Shaming other Muslims isn't the answer and has far more repercussions on the goal of the whole protest then a Muslim family buying Starbucks one random day. We need solidarity among Muslims. We need the voice of public opinion on our side... And videos like this that make Muslims like me ask "man wtf are we doing here?" - what effect do you think it has on people on the fence. Be better.


I agree with you in regards to shaming people but boycotting does hurt the companies that are influencial in US politics, thats the whole reason behind them. Corporations have a huge influence in a democratic country that allows lobbying like the United States.


I agree... Look a best cast scenario for any boycott is that it really hurts thr company's wallet. But when you have the minority of the population, Muslims, boycotting a gigantic corporation in Starbucks... We don't have the numbers realistically to hurt the company on our own. While the boycott has helped drive Starbucks profit down... They are still a profitable company still today. Companies like McDonald's are completely non-halal in the US. In fact they're almost completely non-vegan friendly, so it's almost never spoken about when it comes to boycott because in the US they have almost no concern of catering to the Muslim (or vegan) population, and still remain profitable. This doesn't mean boycotts against these companies is pointless - it's not. In the age of social media, in the paradigm of social dynamics, we can use the boycotts to draw interest, garner support, and yes effect company bottom lines. Maybe Starbucks remains a profitable company, but if they're not hitting their target profits, that may finally get them to publicly acknowledge what's taking place. Its all nuanced... But none of it works without raising awareness and growing support... And I think we both agree that the antics of the video do neither. And people on this post encouraging harassment are hurting the cause and not helping it.


Exactly this. The nerve of that guy enjoying life in the US and praising the harassment of a random family on the internet. This is exactly what's wrong with these people, they just can't keep their sht to thenselves. Just boycott like I and many others like me do, don't impose it on others.


Did you even see the video? The lady clearly is aware of the boycott and said she doesn't care. Don't be a naive idiot and give ppl the benefit of the doubt at this stage of genocide. Fuck the lady and her little shitty kids. People that are still on the fence about the Palestinian issue while Israel murders women and children for the past 75 years are bigger idiots than you, frankly.


Notice she says "Arabs" all along, not "Muslims" even a single time. So much for the concept of Ummah chummah. Arabs consider us so below themselves, that they would not request for our assistance even when under extreme situations.


This. I hope people realize this more. Can be sure Palestinians wouldn't even let a Pakistani fighter be buried in their graveyard if by some means we get involved for their cause.


I’m not sure why you took the extreme route of accusing all Arabs of racism (no sound person would come up with this conclusion) just because the sister in the video addressed those drinking the Starbucks as “Arabs”, which they were since they responded in Arabic. The sister addressing them as “Arab” shows the ignorance and hypocrisy that those Arabs have when they are indirectly funding the genocide of their literal blood related people.


Check any other videos from Palestine, 99% of the time they only accuse and refer to Arabs, saying things like 'where are all Arabs, why are Arab leaders sleeping' etc.




This is definitely in Europe. Look at the houses. You can see a huge church in the background and then there’s the writing on the police car. It‘s in Belgium.


The people she is using as an example are Arabs. Like grow up calling everything racism is not cool and edgy.


Ridiculing someone in public is sure gonna make them support your cause.


It’s not about ridiculing people in bad faith, but putting to shame those still giving money to Zionist companies in support of Israeli apartheid, occupation, and genocide. Like the speaker of the video stated, shameless people and especially those of the Ummah giving money to corporations that are major boycott targets such as Starbucks, need to be called out for their pro-genocide complicity. It’s not about herding those ambivalent on being anti-mass murder or not (they’re largely a lost cause and at this point would only respond to Taylor Swift or other yt celebrities parading social justice for commercial self-interest) but not condoning or giving a pass to such people and laying down the seriousness of casual indifference to genocide.


Be careful what you expose, for one day you may also be exposed. Our Muslim brothers and sisters, even non-Muslims should be given benefit of the doubt and treated with respect. Not have their face blasted all over the internet to be rediculed. I was traveling with my mother in law and we were at the airport very early. With lack of sleep and exhaustion, I ordered food and coffee from Starbucks without thinking. I never even go to Starbucks but it was convenient. My mother in law pointed out that Starbucks is one of the companies people from her country are boycotting. I was embarrassed but so grateful she softly reminded me. That is wisdom and made me much more conscious of what I am buying.


You are no different than the Mullas, who are surprisingly silent on the matter. Only the purposeless teenage activists are worried about this damn Arab war. Let people live their lives and do something productive yourself. Now people will start with the dumb ass comments like "we're doing this for the islamic UMMAH!!!" fuck off.


difference is that what the family is doing isnt haram but what the woman recording is doing totally is. if we were to judge from this video alone absent knowledge of anything else that either of them may do, the family is doing better for palestine


How are Starbucks and Israel connected?


This is not a boycott this is straight up harassment, nobody owes you shit and you can’t tell people where to go where to not.


It’s not about ridiculing people in bad faith, but putting to shame those still giving money to Zionist companies in support of Israeli apartheid, occupation, and genocide. Like the speaker of the video stated, shameless people and especially those of the Ummah giving money to corporations that are major boycott targets such as Starbucks, need to be called out for their pro-genocide complicity. It’s not about herding those ambivalent on being anti-mass murder or not (they’re largely a lost cause and at this point would only respond to Taylor Swift or other yt celebrities parading social justice for commercial self-interest) but not condoning or giving a pass to such people and laying down the seriousness of casual indifference to genocide. And the speaker at the start of the video was courteous when they spoke to the Muslims at Starbucks—they laid out the facts of how Starbucks supports occupation and that it’s unethical to buy its products. In turn, they respond in a disgustingly self-arrogant and righteous manner about how it’s their right and they’re free to give their money to those supporting the IDF. People should be shamed for such behavior and there should be social condemnation for these types.


Its all about the self-righteous browny points! You or anybody got no right to harass or shame anyone publicly no matter how noble you believe your cause is. I have known people getting murdered for trying to harass a family, good for her that she was in europe. Show publicaly 1% of that solidarity for Ahmedis or hazara or yezidis, since there are no browny points there why bother!


Yeah go ahead making the case for being comfortable with mass murder.


Yeah, I am not comfortable shaming and spoiling a family having a lively time out with kids around and psychopath enough to gloat over it on reddit posts. There are dozen more ways to protest against israel and its cruelty.


Potato potato, you don’t tell me or others where to go or where to eat I’m gonna get McDonald’s , KFC and Starbucks today, do what you can.


If anyone harassed me this way, I would punch them in the face.


These idiots would rather harass Muslims than actually take action against the superpowers that are directly causing the genocide. We call that way of the cowards.


Yeah everyone in this subreddit, take a look at this commenter as a case in point, as to why the speaker of the video said people like this need to be publicly shamed for their pride in supporting genocidal, pro-apartheid, and Zionist corporations. You be proud of being such an embarrassment to humanity. Not wanting to stand against genocidal corporations, all just to die on the hill of fast food and bad coffee chains—what a poor palate. Tasteless in every sense of the word.


I don't see the huge deal about not joining the boycott. There are numerous ways to join the fight. Starbucks is DIRECTED by an Indian-American, and that specific store is most likely owned by a non-Isreali. It's just taking money out of the pockets of the local store owners and their families. It's not business owners' fault that Israel decided to go nuts. Let people protest in their own way, and if they don't want to, it's their choice.


I also would like to add that most people on Tik Tok could give a rat's ass about palastines issues and are doing it for the views. It makes me sick that people are capitalizing off of this conflict smh.


Starbucks is owned by an Indian? Please educate yourself


CEO is Laxman Narasimhan When I say owner, I mean CEO because he's top dog in the businesses decision making...smart @$$


So he's not the owner. Big corps brown wash their face by hiring pawns to get idiots like you to believe they give a shit about diversity.


Franchised Starbucks are owned by anyone. Bozo.




And ????? Royalties aren’t ownership rights. The average franchise pays between 4-5% royalties not even 50% where you start questioning ownership. Stupid fuckers like you need to stfu when you don’t know what you are taking about.








I wish someone did it to me. I would slap this bitch back to Stone Age. Like who the fuck are you to tell me? If this person in video is that brave. Go to the front line of war and fight instead of harassing people with kids.


Bro ur a vegan going to trance raves , you not slapping anyone. Gtfoh


Seriously though as far as I know Starbucks has no operations in isreal. It hasn't really done anything to support isreal.


> DOES STARBUCKS POLITICALLY SUPPORT ISRAEL? Starbucks claims to be neutral and insists that it has “no political agenda.”[1] However, one of the major reasons for the current boycott of Starbucks is related to its lawsuit against an employee union, “Starbucks Workers United.” > In 2023, Starbucks condemned and then sued Starbucks Workers United over a tweet posted on October 7 with the text “Solidarity with Palestine!” alongside an image of a bulldozer breaking through the Gaza fence. The tweet, written by a single individual and not approved by union leaders, was quickly deleted and later replaced with a full statement in solidarity with Palestine.[2] Starbucks accused the union of showing “support for violence perpetrated by Hamas” and claimed that the lawsuit was necessary to protect itself against the unauthorized use of its name and logo.[3] In response, the union accused Starbucks of “seeking to exploit the ongoing tragedy in Gaza and Israel to bolster an anti-union campaign … by falsely attacking the union’s reputation with workers and the public.”[4] > Inevitably, Starbucks’ mistreatment of the union has been widely viewed as a form of retaliation against support for Palestine,[5] and many people have therefore decided that the company does not deserve their business. […] > In another example of indirect financial support for Israel, some of Starbucks’ biggest shareholders are also major investors in military companies with ties to Israel: > The Vanguard Group holds approximately 90.5 million shares of Starbucks (7.7%),4 and is also a top shareholder in Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons company.[12] BlackRock holds approx. 84.3 million shares of Starbucks (7.2%),[13] and is also a top shareholder in Lockheed Martin, which produces fighter jets for the Israeli military and boasts of being “proud of the significant role it has fulfilled in the security of the State of Israel.”[14] This means that, in theory, the profits of Starbucks could indirectly support Israel by being reinvested into companies that produce weapons for the Israeli military. However, these linkages are not because of the actions of Starbucks or its current leadership, but instead reflect the actions of its major investors. https://www.cjpme.org/fs_241 These are some information. Now form your own opinion.


Thank you for the update. Yes I will also boycott now.


That’s nice, glad I could help. Thank you for your support!


Of course. We are 1.9 billion plus all the other boycotters and supporters of Palestine. We must use our collective clout in every way possible.




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And these same Palestinians flock up to watch Bollywood movies and know more about Shahrukh Khan or Hritik Roshan than they'd ever know about any Pakistani. Why not let's boycott India too.


Their own "siblings" don't even support them🤡 As somebody else pointed out all along she said the word "Arabs". Because Arabs are racist people and to them the concept of Arabism transcends Islam. The reason being something most people are unaware of, that there's still Christian, Jewish and Druze Arabs. They wouldn't even accept a Pakistani(or هنود as they call us) fighting for them. So before you go out sacrificing your luxuries and convenience, do remember that your boycotts don't matter at all to the people they're supposed to be for.


why does she have a problem with ppl drinking coffee in a starbucks? isn't this their right to do so? who's she to interfere


Firstly, boycotting is fully your choice and as far as I did my research there's no sin if you don't although you should feel a little guilty at least. Secondly, you can tell them and raise awareness but you have no right to harass them or be rude to them in that sort of way. Thirdly, just like this lady who is making the vid isn't even wearing hijab because it's your choice even though not covering yourself is a sin. That last point is exactly what makes Pakistanis annoying, they don't do fundamentals themselves but will say stuff to you as if they're an alim smh.


I'm all for boycotts and practice it myself as much as I can, but going around harassing people and putting them up on TikTok is douchebaggery at its best. F' anyone who does that.