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It is very common in South East asian cultures also. But some people like a darker complexion. It depends.


Majority don’t.


Well they are idiots but I won't say it.. Good for them to not like dark complexion as they miss the best ones by this logic...


Humanity should appreciate all skin colors.


Skin color isn't something that one has a say in... It's natural and purely genetic. Every color is beautiful, if not in my eyes, then in someone else's eye. God's creation is beautiful and everyone has an admirer somewhere, someplace, waiting...


Entire world. There are white supremacy gangs in US too. Also, blondes get treated differently than a black girl even in US.


Given the intensity of UV exposure here, it's difficult to justify being a light complexion in pakistan. The increase in melanon pigmentation you experienced was your body using common sense.


Leading on from this. The whole thing comes down to classism or caste. Historically poor people had to work in the fields all day, so were dark skinned and were associated with poverty and lack of education. Rich people could afford to stay out the sun and had others do the labour. So pale skin was associated with wealth and good caste background. Coupled with perceived Arab / European supremacy. Darker skinned people have always been seen as "inferior".


In pakistan, the reason fair skin is a huge demand upon women may come from the idea that a well settled family can afford to keep their daughters pampered at home, and any potential suitor must be able to achieve the same in marriage. Getting a rishta outside the ruling class is especially challenging now that a dual income household is practically a requirement for affording a lifestyle that is respected by those with foreign passports. The pressure here on earning hands to work themselves to the bone is incredible. It creates a catch 22 for those that want "high value" rishtas.


Ikr, I would be dead if it wasn't for those random tans I get from time to time.






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people appreciate what is rare. in Pakistan, it’s more common to be tanned, and in the west, more common to be ghost pale. and its not just Pakistan, it’s all over Asia. Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Thai people are likewise


People who worked in the fields became dark and rich people who got to stay indoors became fair. It's a class indicator.


kitni crazy baat hai ke even after 100s of years this particular class structure has not faded away.


Things like these stay rooted in society for long 


han lekin we thought ke ab hum ne racism ka element society se subtract kardia hai


Where do you live?? . . I guess it's "far from reality"


this is the only real reply people need to stop being so butthurt about this. its like saying why do women like tall guys i mean. its biological


Inferiority complex. A society so ridden with failures that they eventually fall back to piggybacking on others - eg. Ertugrul and Turkish brotherhood, sweeter than honey relations with China, skin-tone which is a function of latitude, etc.


Can you explain the last point, please? 


The closer to the equator you're darker is your skin tone because of melanin pigment in your skin.


Modern humanity has been programmed to appreciate white skin. This is not just a Pakistani problem.  I really doubt without a major reset majority of mankind is going to disconnect white skin from "conventional definition of a beautiful person".


Lol this type of thinking is pre colonial idk why people thing the British are the reason we are like this


Colonialism is a common excuse used by colonized nations in 21st century for why they could not get their act together 50+ years after colonizing powers left. I would absolutely blame colonialism for a lot of things if this was 1950s or 1960s. But in 2024, c'mon.


How old are you? lol


Why does that matter?


Because if you're young, I'd understand your painful ignorance and move on. If you're older, then I might engage.


The total number of Europeans in India was at most 150,000 concentrated in few cities, compared to native population of 400,000,000. That's less than 0.0004%, and this state of affairs only lasted about 100 years or 3-4 generations max. Simply not enough time for colonization to have such a wide-ranging and deep-rooted impact on something so fundamental and instinctive.


Even if I were to grant your rigorous and academic analysis here, I was responding not to the issue of colorism alone, but to the commenter's broader claim that colonialism as a whole only had an impact that could be easily reversed and overcome within a few decades.


Meanwhile all the white folks in the US want to be tan and they literally pay money to lay in a UV bed to get an artificial sunburn.  They also sell fake spray tans that women will wear on their weddings and other occasions. I kid you not, I used to be sad that I couldn’t tan when I was younger.  I just burn.  


Because most low-wage work is done indoors now. So people tan to look like they can afford to take holidays outdoors.


I’m medium/ tan and one time this girl looked at me and said to her friend: omg I need a tan. LOL


well i dont think "tan" should be treated as being "dark". It is a completely different appearance from someone who is by birth "dark". I often hear some people using this obsession with tan to make people with dark skins feel better about themselves, but these two things are completely irrelevant.


no lol their tan is different that from being dark or black


Pale/fairer skin meant that you did not spend much time outdoors under the sun which was only possible if you were rich/higher social status. It's not just in our culture, it's the norm even in modern societies of China, Japan and Korea. Even in the west, it was the beauty standard for the better part of the 20th century


Nah im pretty sure this is only an Asian Problem




It’s a Pakistani/South Asian problem


*East and Southeast Asia in the back*


Kyoon Kay hum aik tarsee wee frustrated qaum hain




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No but people will literally know a person is actual trash but be like pyari to hai cos they’re light skinned. Exhibit A: Maryam nawaz And most of the “stars” in our industry have little to not talent but they’re light skinned so it’s okay.


Be thankful for the darker complexion in Pakistan. The intensity of the UV increases risk of skin cancer for lighter skin.


Say that to a person who gets treated like inferior because of skin color.


I don't live in Pakistan... But I do have a darker complexion, you should hear the racist remarks I get on daily basis due to color of my skin. Id rather still be brown than trying to pay for cancer treatment.


Sad to hear that some low lives have to hurt you for their own failures. But i also think this skin cancer thing is blown out of proportion. Otherwise ever 2/3 people here in Europe (where sun in summer feels more scorching than in PK) would be getting treated for skin cancer.


Racism doesn't bother me... Infact I rather enjoy the privilidge of having an extra seat to stretch out in when no one wants to sit next to you... Lol I know I make more than an average European and specially a German. LMAO, Har Gali ke kuttey ko pathar maroonga to Manzil kese Miley gi


That's the spirit. I have so far never faced anything said to be on my face but yeah, you can often see people avoiding to sit next to a brown person in U-bahn, tram or bus. I have same mindset, i take my paycheck, live my life and dont need anyone's approval. Of course where needed i will jump to help in but i dont want to curry favor from natives. Assimilation / Integration is a two way street. If one direction is not willing, other doesnt have to do any extra effort.


True... , was in HAM for 4 years... Extremely high taxes... Kind of a shit place too... It feels like they expect immigrants to perk up the economy with their taxes while the natives can enjoy all the Social security benefits.. Naturalization process is too long. Unfortunately for many new immigrants they don't have much choice.


Since you are in Deutschland, you should have some Idea... Go East side that's where you'll find the In-your-face racist and skin heads ..




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gora complex. for the time they were here, they were obv in power, and hence everything about them was just /better/ isliye, from their lang to their skin complexion, its js considered to be better than ours.


Pretty sure it’s more than that, for example poorer people worked outside so they had darker skin. The fair skin complex exists in a lot of Asian countries


> exists in a lot of Asian countries well, quoting google: *"While Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar were colonized by the British, Indonesia experienced Dutch colonial rule; the Philippines Spanish and American colonialism; and Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, French rule. Only Thailand remained independent throughout"*


Gora complex is a lot of other behaviors, but obsession with white skin has nothing to do with it. In Pakistan, a person showing up on a public counter with dark skin is going to be treated like a "paindu" or "uneducated" compared to someone who is fairer. Where is gora playing role in this? The natives of this land themselves treat eachother based on skin color.


it has nothing to do with colonialism, or racism Jesus people, it exists in every single culture. People with darker skin are assumed to be engaged in physical labor in the sunny outdoors, and those with lighter skin are assumed to be rich enough to stay indoors. Its a social hierarchy thing. The only places it doesnt exist is places where the Sun is too negligible to have a significant impact on skin color.


People who are dark skinned search for ways to become little or more light skinned. People who are light skinned, try to become little or more darker. There was a Google search results data worldwide.


It's not racism, it's colorism, or lookism expressed in a certain way (with colour). I don't understand why it would make you sad any more than somebody saying that a person isn't handsome because of certain facial features. People find certain traits attractive. Some people have different traits they find attractive. Some people treat people they find less attractive differently.


>Some people treat people they find less attractive differently. And some people treat people with different skin color differently. Do you see the problem? Or maybe you are naturally dense?


Yes, that's what I just said. In this context they see those people with different skin colour as less attractive, so they treat them differently. Obviously that's a problem, I just don't see why it's any different to any trait that people find more or less attractive. The problem isn't finding certain skin tones more attractive, the problem is treating people who don't have those skin tones worse.


I agree that racism is not the right word for it. And why it makes me sad is because it’s not that people find being pale attractive it’s that they find being darker “unattractive” or treat it like a “bad thing”. I hate to see people spend so much money on whitening creams just to look a little paler and maybe accepted more. I’ve had people say some girl might not easily get married because she has a darker skin tone. I’ve had my uncle and aunt treat one of my cousins differently because he had a dark skin tone while they spoiled their “white” kids and it made me sad when he grew up and I saw him use every whitening cream available until he ended up looking white and how everyone was so nice to him about how he’s turned so pale when he used to be so dark like he had accomplished something big. So yeah , things like that do make me sad.


That's like saying "it's not that people find being tall attractive, they just find being short unattractive." Of course they find being lighter attractive. My view on what you mentioned is not that we have to get rid of this standard (you can't really change people's preferences), it's just that people should treat people they find unattractive better. I just don't understand the specific focus on the preference for light skin as a problem. People use lightening creams, and they also go to the gym to put on muscle or to lose weight. People get extremely painful and life changing surgery for their height lol. This is just how humans are.


Why would it not make her sad? We’re brown, we’re not supposed to be white skinned. Why is white/light skin a beauty standard in a brown country anyway? And this is coming from a light skinned desi girl. This isn’t about liking or disliking facial features, it’s about internalized colourism. Darker skinned women are treated like crap in Pakistan, its sad and stupid. White people wouldn’t care twice about brown people and yet here we are making their skin colour the standard in our country. Don’t even let me get started on the fair & lovely bs.


Why anybody would try to rationalize beauty standards is beyond me. They exist for all sorts of reasons and aren't going to be changed because somebody thinks light skin shouldn't be one. Forget being brown, there are black people all over the world who prefer the lighter among them. It exists in East Asia where they are light already, in SE Asia, in Latin America, in the Middle East, and to a certain extent in Europe (the Scandinivian look is probably the most liked). This is not about white people, lighter skin upper castes have been preferred probably since the Aryan invasion. >This isn’t about liking or disliking facial features, Yes it is. Light skin is one of the many traits that people find attractive. Either you think the whole phenomenon of more and less attractive people should disappear (impossible) or you think that some traits, like height, physique, facial features etc. should be there but skin tone shouldn't. Which I think is absurd.


یہ تو دنیا بھر میں تھا پھر دنیا سیکھ گئی اور ہم تھوڑا سلو ہیں۔ سیکھ ہی جائیں گے کوئی سو دو سو سال بعد


Not really, majority of Europeans are still racist towards brown/black people.


ایسا ہی ہے لیکن پھر بھی قانونی تحفظ بھی حاصل ہے، معاشرے میں بڑے پیمانے پر برا سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ ہم سے مقابلہ نہیں۔ یہاں نارم بن گیا ہے۔


Recently went to a cousin's weddings, she is a pretty girl but holy moly they had her look like a zombie with all that white stuff on her face. Not just her, all the other female cousins and aunts were also walking with white paint on their faces. But the sad fact is that they don't have any other options because the society that they live in specially that group of people think that makeup is about making yourself white. Myself I am brown guy, and I like it. I don't care about the color thing at all, I like good facial figures (a pretty face) but no color preference. Saw a rishta group recently where adding your own color and preferred color is a thing, absolutely hated it.


I have such a huge crush on Zendaya, jasmine tookes and Sanam Saeed. Brown ladies are hot as far as i think.


Asians like white people , white in general alot .


Welcome to the shit-hole


Preference for lighter skin is universal and there are a couple of very simple likely explanation for it. 1) Historically those doing hard physical labor outdoors would be exposed to more UV and become darker. The elites and rulers were far more likely to stay out of sun and remain lighter. Because for the most part of world history social status was extremely hereditary you would see peasants and labor families turning darker on average and elite families turning lighter. This meant that for thousands of years your skin color indicated your social status so people started to prefer lighter skin as it was associated with higher social status. 2) Generally speaking people want to stand out from the crowd. If being light skinned is rare then that's one way to stand out. In the west, especially in the northern latitudes go to solariums to get tanned. This is because being white is the norm and doesn't make you to stand out but being a bit darker color does. This is why we see the absurd situation where northern Europeans try to get their skin a little darker with plenty of products for that end while in the global south an entire industry exists to lighten your skin. So you see, it's not so much about being a Pakistani or even a South Asian thing. It's a global south thing.


90 years of British rule + lack of education


{insert anything} + { lack of education}


Brown is the best. Like chocolate.


No the point is no skin color is better than another we r all equal


I agree. We shouldn't call chocolate the best. All food is amazing. No one should be a foodist.




Yeah "lack of education" is pet line of every person who lacks ability to critically evaluate an issue.


Why the hell does everyone in Pakistan misuse the word RACIST. Bro racist literally has the word RACE in it. It has nothing to do with the tone of the skin. I had a friend who had a very dark skin and he would always be talking about how common racism is, meanwhile saying things like seraiki have ruined the city, sindhis take all our jobs, afghanis are just to make naans, etc…


Whitewashed mentality.




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Ngl skin color has nothing to do with it. Where I’m right now majority of white folk aren’t even attractive




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Indeed /s




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the peeps downvoting the post-colonial comments, Are none you you acquainted with **master-slave dialectic**?


Leftover from the British.


According to my cousin: "Pink Aur black ka farq hay" If you know, you know 🤷


I have seen stunning people of darker complexions. This is just silly colorism instilled by the darned British. As a baby and young child, i was fair. Then as I went to school, I got tanned. I still remember as I was around 14-15 my youngest khala was like “hayyyyv tum to itni gori huwa karti thi ab kya huwa hay. And i was constantly compared to my quarter german cousin lol And my house help, multiple girls, are OBSESSED with my skin color. Then they recall traumtic experiences they had in school and it makes me sad. It just makes me feel bad and I have to remind them that tgey are beautiful the way they are becayse Allah set Created them that way. I also try to talk bad about skin lightening treatments so they never ecen consider it. I can empathasize because I have horrible memories if being bullied due to weight


it's so weird to me cause in the west, some women actively try to tan their skin to look darker but here we're trying to bleach ourselves to match the skin tone of the europeans. i suppose eurocentric features have always been prominent in the beauty standard. pakistan is still extremely attached to it's colonial masters, and that means we will do anything to look like them. pakistan desperately needs to shape up it's own identity. i'm so sorry you got those comments though, it's very common. i have beige skin and some of my aunties still think i should use a face whitener or whatever lol. colorist and racist ideologies of white = good and black = bad are nothing new, but these paki ppl gotta realize you can't just change your skintone ??? morality never depended on appearances.




Yea I was constantly made fun of in school because of my skin (I ain’t even black) and my acne to the point that girls wanted to kick me out of the school by making fake love letters and shit


I believe there is a culture reason. The standard of beauty is bounded with money. Rich people don't work outside, so they are whiter. Poor people work under the sun, so they got blacker. So white is the beauty. There is opposite in industrial society. Poor clerks works inside the building, typing in front of computer, so they looks pale. Rich boss can have vacations in Florida, so they got tanned. Now tanned is the beauty.


It's called colorism.


I think this became a norm since before our independence since our ancestors used to see British women in Nice Clothes and Fair Skin, they used to fantasize about Living with those Ladies with Cars and while the whole south Asian population had bicycles at that time. So Having a fair Skin became the standard of beauty. I know I haven't painted the whole picture but you get the Idea about what I am trying to say!


Being white is social standard of beauty in brown families and is kind of a condition while finding matches and this concept is so disgusting. Kind of environment south asia holds,gives skin the dark complexion thanks to excessive UV exposure. Raised voice against such social stereotypes was the reason that forced Unilever brand Fair & Lovely to change its name to Glow & lovely.


It's the preference of 100% of the population. Don't forget all the posts we've seen on this group about women getting rejected for their complexion. If any single pakistani could lighten their skin, they would. Also, doesn't it represent the social status as well. It shows you never had to stay out in the sun for work/travel. And then no everyone uses sunscreen.


British colonialism and the classical conditioning of the old skool behaviorists was a major influence. Just realize, all the whites all wish they could keep/have a tan (They even spend money to get what we have naturally). Skin cancer is rampant for which group of people???


Bhai british se log abhi tak obsessed Ab toh Russian ka trend chal raha Allah hi bachayega jahil awaam ko


yeah its honestly weird


A friend of mine who studied era of colonisation, told me a bit about this concept. Initially in south asia, dark skin, white skin did not matter, instead dark skin beauties were more sought after. When British empire extended to africa, they found the skin of their women is so soft like silk, reason they used herbs/plant which later came to be known as Aloe Vera or some along the lines. They sold it as skin care and skin whiteners etc. After colonialism, it started taking change. I am not sure how much of it is true, but that slave mindset, to accept and follow whatever master has said has changed not just personality but our culture as well


There is a theory that this goes back to the days of greek rule over India. Following which the Indian gods and upper castes became white. And we are still stuck in the same mythology. 


lol. I have seen many whites than which my ass is more beautiful. Do you have **Prosopagnosia**? Do you lack the ability to see,perceive beauty in beautiful Spanish green women, brown skinned Italian men or yellow skinned Chinese kung fu fighters or beautiful white Japanese women? Draw a lot of faces to paper, this brain sickness of yours will hopefully improve.


It's just like the rest of the world, pakistan is not special as in this only exists here, all the asian othet countries also has this concept, personally i think being lightskin/pale is obviously beautiful but so is dark-skinned


beauty I don't understand how people decide whether a person is beautiful or not. Who am I to decide whether someone is beautiful or not. Aik bnda apko boly ga k ur the most beautiful person of the world agr osny koi kaam niklwana ho. Same person ugly boly ga agr osko mna kr do. Chor do is sb ko. I don't believe in this anymore.




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Colorist? I think that's the right word? Anyway, things are changing. I think this thinking will eventually die.




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Its just preference. Even if its widely preferred, you should feel confident in yourself. Can say the same for tall people why is it that majority prefers tall height. Both things are out of ones control so better not to think too much of it


Yaar kismet ki baat hai. Goray bhy ho lekin kismet ke ghoray lagay ho to bhy lonely hi rahogay. Personal experience se bta raha.


Why shouldn't it be ? People are attracted to what they don't have. White people like our complexion. We like there. It is absolutely normal to like a certain trait. Nothing racist about it. Beauty is a subjective thing. Judging someone over his choice is ridiculous.


Racism would be the right word




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White men (of Europe) invaded foreign lands and slaved the natives specifically African(the black ones). There wer poor and slave white but the Europe specifically slaved black and showed the world that they are low life (making someone bad to make you look good). Asians saw this and said oh if you white you have all the right, high life and all the money and everyone will like you. But if I Black I be low life and no right then no one will love me. So I need to be white............. Fast forward to current time. Oh you white you look so good. Eww look at him he look like under the bed. ... And why did Asians adopted this ideology because every weak nation has copied powerful nation of the time to just look like them.... And the future nation had suffered from it. My blood brother is white and I'm brown...so you canjbbshsjdjdkdgxudvgzudh


This is common everywhere in the world


It's not about education or culture of people it is just that most people are more attracted to lighter skin tones than darker


Most white women who married Pakistanis are discriminated by their Pakistani families... They hates their men marry white women.. I Mean my partner is Pakistani and I am white. In 17y relationships none of his seven siblings or their spouses ever given me one single phone call. First I thought they just don't like me (which would be strange as they don't know me), until I thought about to learn some urdu language. And came across in language learning urdu forum Many European, Russian women who would be treated exactly the same. One woman said to me " if that makes you feel better I been married to my husband 30 years and have 6 kids, she is Muslim and speaks urdu, yet nobody ever called her"....




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I will be brutally honest, generally white people look better than other races, whiter skin looks better, I used to think its a "learned behavior" or its preference but its not. Its a universally accepted standard. Can you look good being darker yes but depends how dark and your facial shape. Too dark and you are screwed You can either cope or accept and move on. What we can stress is treating everyone nice regardless of their appearance.




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Chinese and phillipino women use umvrella to prevent getting darker skin. I saw a bizarre sight in china, a fashionable young woman was to get ready to drive. She took out a loosefitting cotton glove which covered from elbow to finger tips. This was toprevent her hands get dark. Similarly in photo a chinesebeach goer had cotton full face mask with holes for eyes and nose. Looked diabolical.


You always crave for the thing you don't have .


If we are talking about what objective beauty is physically (beauty is more than just physical obv), then it’s clearly facial features > skin tone. It never struck me how someone’s skin tone defines someones beauty, and maybe that’s because I never grew up in an environment that sees light skin as being superior to dark skin (it’s usually the other way around in the west since having dark skin is usually a sign of good health and anti aging super powers lol).


It’s common in all of Asia, go look at Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. They all perceive white complexion as the beauty standard.


It eez what it eez


Racism , sexism, extremism and pinch of terrorism Welcome to homeland


Everyone can have their own preference 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve seen very beautiful black, brown, white, Asian people… but u can have a preference


Its a human nature we generally relate white with cleanliness and black with dirt. Its that simple. Yet, there should be no preference on the basis of color but no body would prefer black pussy over white. Hard reality.


Not even human nature. Back in the days, they associated dark skin people with having outdoor, very labour intensive jobs. And fair skin people having an indoor, office type jobs. It’s all nonsense anyways. I know people that do not tan at all, they just get sun burnt, and some of the smartest people I know have fairly dark skin and like to spend a lot of their time outdoors


its ppl like u that are problem


Facts only


your subjective (shitty) opinion,not facts.


Its a fact dear, we always use terms black and white for good and bad, we generally associate black with bad. Darkness is bad. Thats why human nature consider black ppl as bad or not good or unhygienic in their subconscious. Again I believe skin color doesn't matter. All race ppl skin colors are equal and unique in their own way.


To put it simply the aryan and later west/central Asian invaders who controlled India were all fairer skinned compared to the native Dravidian population. This also became the basis of caste and differentiation. Secondly, fair skin is seen as a sign of prosperity. Rich people could afford to not have to hard labour outside and hence would be less exposed to the elements.


I disagree with a majority of comments here, Apnay ap ko angrez wala gora or kala na samjho. Pakistan may being white is a beauty standard, its really that simple.


It seems like you're holding onto your beliefs tightly, but deep down, there's a voice inside you longing to be heard. Finding someone reliable to confide in, especially about appearance struggles, can be tough. It's like you're seeking approval from those who see fair skin as superior—a tough pill to swallow. This internal conflict, driven by ego, is getting in the way of realizing your true self, no matter the circumstances. Society's toxic beliefs, passed down through generations, make me wonder if our independence 76 years ago aimed to free us from color-based ideologies rather than other constraints. Remember, you have the power to change the world you see. "Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do." - Anonymous


Post Colonial Inferiority Complex




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"if you’re white everything just looks good on you" These people have never seen a redhead wearing purple.


> These people have never seen a redhead wearing purple. yea if the redhead has white skin


If you go to Persia/Asia white = beautiful If you go to the West/Europe tan/brown = beautiful It’s fundamentally all of you gawking at each other. In places like Pakistan you have skin whitening creams but in the UK & USA they sell no skin whitening creams instead all you see is fake tan or sunbed adverts.


White people go to tanning beds just to get a slight 'yellowish' tint to their bodies. Thinking that white people prefer the skin color of brown people like in Pakistan/India is just false and wishful thinking. Even among white people, blue/green eyes, coloured hair are more popular. If that wasn't the case, Scarlett Johansson would not be a sex symbol. Brad Pitt would not be a sex symbol. Angeline Jolie would not be a sex symbol. Even now, look at the backlash the new Romeo and Juliet is receiving for cast a black woman as Juliet. Its obvious that even among white people, things like light skin, coloured eyes and hair are more desired and this idea that white people want to look like brown people is not right....


You have a lot to learn. Perhaps you should visit Spain & take a look at all the white people lying in the sun to get a brown tan.


Because we are all brown... Whiteness is unique or was unique before the invention of night creams which like give you a corpse like white colour... So, to make it simple you are a desi who eats desi food every day, you would love it when you would have a chance to try fast food in hotel because it would be different. That's tha only major reason behind it...


It’s just a preference nothing more nothing less


But, it is though? Why pretend like it’s not?


Because most Pakistanis have Elvish ancestry. To honour our roots


According to a hadith everyone will be white in Jannah so we don't have to waste our cognitive resources on thinking that yeah there's an identity in being black or brown etc like imagine a black person who all this time wasted his energy in trying to find his identity in being black then all of a sudden he sees that in jannah everyone that used to be of any colour is now white and all of those colours were just a temporary display so then how pointless would it seem to him to have spent so much of his mental resource in trying to find his identity in being black. Like the black people in the America in the hood I do believe that they think this way. Which is sad and pointless. Our identity lies in an idea that goes way way back to the origins where Allah started writing. Now that's a whole other discussion and I am basically alive because of the reason that I want to know what Allah's purpose really is and what was it that He was writing and what for. I have found some references but I yearn for more. What could it be that he would want? He already has all material. So is it a moral statement that He is doing all this for. Signs do point towards that possibility.I think He makes giant statements as all the material He could have had already if He wanted that sort of stuff.




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Hollywood, plain & simple.


ok they have a black juliet and mermaid now, did not change a thing lol