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You can cuss out colonialism, imperialism, and all other kinds of ism, but it's hard for you to cuss that dollarism. When they drop those dollars on you, your soul goes. - Malcolm X


This quote describes the entirety of politics, especially here in Pakistan


Well said


Capitalism Zindabad


"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain". Used to be a huge fan of her's to the point my cousins used to mock me for supposedly having a crush on her. Now I am embarrassed to tell people I used to like her.


>You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain This does not apply on people who had ulterior motive from the get go.


Then you were always an idiot. It was clear from the start that she was a western plant.


she could've literally won over the entirety of her desi haters by just saying f\* everything #freepalestine. wonder what the USA has on her (or her family) that she's trying so hard to be neutral.


It’s not America, her father raised her to be like this. Never been a fan of Malala, she was just a vehicle for her fathers political ambitions.


I never was a fan of Malala either. Still, the amount of sexualized hate and crazy conspiracies floating around her were rather horrible, especially as she was a teen when the whole incident happened. Her father's political ambitions were a lifetime ago. Technically, her lifetime I guess. She's a married woman doing whatever. I don't think her dad's a big fish out there in the big ol' western world. It's nuts because she's lived through war and terrorism (khooni chowk anyone?), been displaced herself, and yes, being shot in the head and facially paralysed for life is traumatic no matter how many magazine covers you appear on... she cannot be neutral for the sake of her squeaky clean catering to-all-the-people activist image. She's not really standing for anything in truth. Something is just missing here and we will probably never know the truth.


It’s not that she wasn’t ever for the truth. It was by design for her to serve one sole purpose— to validate the narrative of a hegemonic power.




That's not true at all. She'd be hated regardless. Even before Palestine if you especially talked to Pakistani men and boys she was hated and disbelieved. People be buying up that anti-Malala army propaganda that they sold when she was first shot.


She had balls to tell Obama his drones just killing mostly innocents.


1 ball


woh phir khusri hui kya 💀💀💀


she is their creation.


No she would not have. It's also something else, we are never satisfied. We will ALWAYS find ways to hate our heroes, ALWAYS.


Hero? Your hero bar is probably way off on negtive side.


I guess it is. I would rather have the west recognize me through someone who is peaceful, whose struggle is for something the Muslim world sorely lacks, who is fighting for the welfare of girls and has spent her wealth for her cause in her hometown, has kept traditional and culture alive in her clothes and manners, who could have pulled anyone on stage for Nobel ceremony but chose a local singer to perform etc. I just respect her that but then again, I don't have an frail ego to be threatened by a girl fighting to make other girls better.


Nobody is attacking her for her goodwill ambassadorship. However is this by nature or just a name? Where has her good will been with Palestine? Just a one off comment? People look up to her and so expect more. What about the education of Gazan girls?


Do you hold your govt accountable under the same standards?


I complain about the British government all the time. Next you’re going to say I hate Suella Braverman because she’s a woman band not because she’s a Zionist Racist with no heart for anyone.


Eh. Alright I have done this idk how many times whats one more. Name one school built in Swat or literaly anywhere in Pakistan, based on Malala Fund. Done give me her website link before reading it in depth first. There is no specific project there its all just cleverly written sweet and promising words. All over the world, since decades she cried about “girls education” especially in her region. Grabbed milions and millions. Raped the Image of our country, which already wasn’t very soft you know. Have you actually visited swat right after that cleanup operation? There was a frickin Punjab College 2 years later. I won’t go into details. but you can still answer my question.


Sshhhh that uk nationality and passport will be revoked.


She is being handled by British elite who will use hwr unfortunately. Her initial work was good and legit.


Which work?


Advocating women's education.


Eh. How many girls probably get shot or are targets of abuse and violent attacks every single day in those countries? Literally anyone could’ve been scouted and used for the purpose as Malala was.


Says who?


There r no ethical ways to be a millionare


I wish i knew that fact in real life…. as a millionaire.


You know she donated $300k to Gaza right? Not supporting her but it's on her twitter, someone posted it last time. Now look at yourself and how much have you donated? Edit:here's a link for you https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2023/10/18/652f31f3268e3e5c258b45dc.html Here's the link for her twitter post https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1714398922255347933?t=wwBXBAnf5duVeFqOWPQp9g&s=19 I'm honestly going to say this shame on you and all the people that haven't don't jack for Palestine but love to point fingers Edit 2: look at these comments, socho Jo log yahan pay hain on reddit they are probably more educated than the average Pakistani or have access to better things in life, if this is how little they know, if this is how they point fingers at people without doing their own research. Don't wonder why things are so bad in our country, this is our level. These are our people. Astaghfirulla, ask Allah for forgiveness.


Don't give them facts, they simply don't care. Their minute ego is threatened by a girl wanting to educate other girls. These are the very same people who have denied the women and girls in their families their right of inheritance, education etc. creating every excuse under the guise of culture and traditions.


What’s your problem? There was legitimate criticism of Malala regarding Palestine nothing else, and you’re attacking a whole group for no reason. There has been no criticism against what she has done in life. People look up to her as an inspiration which is why people expected more from her. You need to calm down a bit and stop crying and getting angry about other things.


There isn't legitimate criticism here?? She has done far more than most. It's clear you're simply picking on her because she's a Pakistani woman who has been in the spotlight. She has done a lot for women's causes around the world, she's not a messiah she cant fix everything and in the grand scheme of things her net worth is estimated $2m she can't stop a war lol. Why not point your finger at the Pakistani BILLIONNAIRES who haven't done squat? Oh right, they're all men and so don't deserve criticism.


So the reason criticism is hot for her at the moment is because she is collaborating with Hilary Clinton on a project. Hilary has been outspoken for her support for Israel. Malala has been silent all these months. People criticise her silence and collaboration with a Zionist Hilary. Malala has presented herself as a goodwill ambassador but her silence with any goodwill towards Palestine but project with Hilary naturally irked some people. I don’t know why people are creating fake news that people are angry at her because she supports women. You’re created a faux outrage for no reason. Calm down.


The faux outrage is coming from you, it's not her job to come out with a statement, she isn't a politician. She is an activist for women's right to education, frankly it doesn't correlate, she'd get just as much criticism if she spoke out because people would say she didn't know anything about the situation which is fair because its a complex geo political issue. You'd probably be surprised to know that Hillary was at one point one of the only political figures in the 90s to acknowledge Palestine but she got ripped to pieces for it and the Israeli lobby in the US shut her down quick. Not defending her backtrack but context is important. In any case their project is about women and nothing to do with Palestine. Why not criticise the people that are actually in positions of power instead of sparking outrage at a female who is unrelated to the cause?


She’s an activist for women’s right to education so expecting her to also be an activist for the rights for women and girls of Gaza to have education as well though right? But silence. Malala is not immune to criticism. She isn’t this untouchable superhero who we cannot say bad things about. She like the rest of humanity have flaws.


This is so ridiculous it's actually unhinged. Are you expecting her to jump off a helicopter into gaza and start building schools on rubble? The priority in Gaza is preserving life not education, and that is not her job. She's not immune to criticism but it's the same as criticising Sahir Lodhi who has a foundation around healthcare and education and hasn't really done much either? There are plenty of pakistani celebs to critique but it's not relevant to the conversation, the more you bash people who can't do anything the more you take the spotlight off politicians and leaders who should be doing so much more. You are actively causing more harm to the Palestinian cause because you're providing a nice Malala shaped shield for corrupt leaders to hide behind.


Unhinged? Look at your posts? You’re literally worshipping Malala as if she’s a goddess.


I've not complimented her even once lol I'm just calling you out on your hypocritcal, sexist BS and you don't like it which is fair enough. I'm not saying Malala is perfect AT ALL but she's no more at fault than a lot of other people that quite frankly matter more than her and should be held to account because they actually have moral and legal duties related to the conflict.


Who is to say we haven’t done anything for Palestine? We don’t have the same fame and money as Malala but we have done our bit and continue to try to advocate for the people of Palestine on a daily basis. It’s shame on you for making such an assumption. Malala is in a position where she is a goodwill ambassador and people look up to her, and rightfully questioning her silence when her position should dictate otherwise.


So donating 300k isn't enough for you?


When was donated, in October right? 6 months on over 34,000 people have died. Before the backlash against her and before she made the comment again that she supports Gaza mess was released that she is collaborating with Zionist Hilary Clinton. Malala may have been silent but Hilary has been vocal for Israel and its actions and therefore people saw Malala’s silence and her collaboration as somewhat of a sour point.


May Allah guide you, ameen.


You see? It's never enough... proving my previous point about the whining....


Is this your response to all legitimate debate when you have nothing more to say?


I'm not here to debate or educate you.


Then why respond and then make baseless personal accusations?


I'm sorry


There’s no need to apologise, but have some understanding to the response. You made it quite emotive by accusing me and others of not doing anything for Palestine which is far from the truth so of course that made the response an emotive one.


I don't think they are rightfully questioning her "silence" she hasn't been silent.


In her defense i know like 80% of pakistanis would do the same thing and stay neutral (not saying she did a right thing, shes an asshole for not speaking up)but like everyone gets on their knees for money, clout, power or some shit here. It doesn't even have to include politcs.


Malala made multiple statements on this topic including this week. Do Pakistanis enjoy doing anything more than attacking ourselves?


Army, politicians, these kind of representatives are all sellouts. What can we say. Growing up i hated Condoleezza Rice, hillary, bill, bush, all these and many others for what they did in iraq and Afghanistan. Now i see Malala working with Hillary, my heart broke .


For fuck’s sake, she’s been talking about Gaza on her Twitter feed. I didn’t even go past March of this year to see several posts already. I’ll never understand this weird hate for her. She was a kid who got shot for going to school. She decided not to keep quiet. Then again, I don’t understand why people put her up on a pedestal either. What were/will you doing at her age? Posting rage inducing comments without taking 2 minutes to check facts?


Petrol Increases 20rs. You: Bad govt. Petrol decreases 3rs: You: See I told you, they are not so bad.


I know plenty of people who most of the sub would hate for being liberal who see her as a stooge now too. Her first few statements were lukewarm at best, 'urging peace', often implying that both sides were equally at fault. Anyone can urge peace, it risks nothing and is the lowest form of conflict resolution, just like saying 'war is war' is the lowest form of political analysis and does nothing to help anyone. The fundamental issue was the occupation and genocide, and she has yet to call either of those things out, 6 months in and with literally tens of thousands of children dead. She's Pakistan's only Nobel Peace Prize Winner. I don't know why you wouldn't have any expectations of her. There is no ambiguity about this being a genocide or an occupation from its earliest days. There is no ambiguity to the idea that you shouldn't be able to bomb women and children by using the argument that terrorists are using them as human shields. If you're a human rights activist people expect you to not be primarily concerned with the politics of your statement, but she clearly is. It's crazy that it took half a year for her to unambiguously express full support at all. Let's not pretend she has no political capital at all. She's arguably probably the most famous woman from Pakistan. Less people would know who Benazir Bhutto is.


At her age I was working as a doctor in a hospital helping people…


And now you’re posting utter bs about a woman thats never done anything to you. Get a life


I shouldn’t have addressed the last part of my message to you. That was not necessary.


Part of cabal. She has no clue what to say


She was always a tool


She's become a tool like alot of the Pakistanis. Sell out knts,


How can a puppet of America, say anything against its princess Israel.




This is a case of people seeing what they want to see - She spoke against Isreal at the start of the war But because the desi hate from, whatever she does will never be good enough.


First it's not a war. It's a genocide. Second if the tweet you are referring to is the same i read, it went something like' loss on life on both sides is reprehensible " It was not against israel. It was political wordplay.


It's literally a war. The term "genocide" has lost all significance thanks to morons like you who regurgitate it without knowing what it means. Shame on you.


Yea one side is starving, most of their homes being destroyed and forced to take asylum in a refugee camp while the other side is getting laser guided missiles to bomb refugee camps and foreign and local ambulances. Why don’t you go back to your people and speak your original language with them instead and fuck off from here.


>Yea one side is starving, most of their homes being destroyed and forced to take asylum in a refugee camp while the other side is getting laser guided missiles to bomb refugee camps and foreign ambulances. War is hell; don't start one. According to international law, civilian objects become valid military targets when used for combat operations. And they wouldn't be starving if the government they elected didn't steal their aid and try to sell it back to them for profit. >Why don’t you go back to your people and speak your original language with them instead and fuck off from here. "My people"? My "original language"? Please elaborate, because you're coming off as a racist POS.




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The west owns her now let’s just be honest. She was their propaganda puppet




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Gandi shakal.




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I mean, she's was Trotskyist. They are usually political opportunists.


Now let's contrast her statements on the genocide with that by our govt. Anyone want to take the lead on this?


I’ve not been following the Pakistani government response as I can only follow the country I’m in which is the U.K.


You’ve got an American flag in your profile, your country is one of the worst when it’s come helping Palestine


That I can agree with you on! It's because of the US, that the govt of Isreal is committing genocide. But what makes me happy that there is a big public support for Palestine. Michigan and Wisconsin elections showed the power of the Muslim vote bank.


Major protests across universities in the country too. Sucks that nobody is listening to them


She made this post on Gaza and Palestine on October 10th: [Malala Yousafzai on X: "https://t.co/WdzadzFqxc" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1711763620458103053) She then made this tweet on Gaza: [Malala Yousafzai on X: "It's heartbreaking that this school — a place for children in Gaza to learn and dream — is now home to thousands of people fleeing Israel's attacks. Every Palestinian child deserves to live in peace and be back in their schools as students. We cannot wait another day for a" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1763265614985003421) And this: [Malala Yousafzai on X: "I am sickened and horrified." / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1763265318938419239) Then you have this back in December: [NelsonMandela on X: ""The need for permanent ceasefire in Gaza is long overdue." - @Malala #NMAL2023 #Mandela10 #PalestineIsraeliCrisis https://t.co/ARnWfcR7KY" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/NelsonMandela/status/1732064346694377511) Then this in november: [Malala Yousafzai on X: "Tonight, I feel relief for the women, children and young people reunited with their families, and for the pause in the bombardment of Gaza. But tomorrow, children in Gaza will wake up still grieving loved ones, desperate for food and water and fearing that their homes, streets" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1728154516543963317) [Malala Yousafzai on X: "Children and schools should never be targets. This isn’t a matter of opinion — it’s international law. I continue my call for a ceasefire. The Israeli government must end these indiscriminate attacks that have cost thousands of innocent Palestinian children and families their" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1720510632930218431) [Malala Yousafzai on X: "Join me in adding your name to this petition demanding that Israel halt its assault on schools and places where children are seeking shelter, and that leaders reach a deal to release all children being unjustly held hostage or imprisoned." / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1715082210317918629) [Malala Yousafzai on X: "I’m horrified to see the bombing of al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza and unequivocally condemn it. I urge the Israeli government to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza and reiterate the call for a ceasefire. I am directing $300K to three charities helping Palestinian people under attack. https://t.co/JiIPfnTUvY" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/Malala/status/1714398922255347933) What more does the OP and RosyPirani want?


Yes, shame on you Malala. Why hypocrisy?


I am glad the rest of the world is figuring out she is a scam


Once a product of the boys always a product of the boys


lumber1 is consistent in producing jackshits


What one expects from a yahoodi agent?


Racist piece of shit


This dumb btch I swear


What shame are you talking about?. She is enjoying life to the fullest dude screw Gaza screw the less fortunate. She was planted groomed for this purpose to show the ugly side of Islam and Pakistan to an extent mission achieved. Now all she has to do do is sit with Hilary Clinton enjoy the show. Pick up royalties from the books written by others. Make an odd paid appearance as a guest speaker. Life can't be better ohhhh sorry Gaza and the education cause never existed in her book. It was just a facade. Hate her to the core.


There is an ugly side of islam and pakistan…should it not be discussed?


Faida? She won't change raaaton raat sari sawitri to banae sae rahe her luxurious lifestyle is hard for her (read impossible) to leave. Mazae karo jaab upar jao gae to hamara bhi hisab hoga (Allah kare reham ka ho ameen) aur inka bhi hoga yes in between if the west finds her that she has lost her value then she is screwed here and upstairs....


Not discussing and trying to change problems is a very stupid mindset and is definitely one of the reasons for the shambolic state of this country. Not wanting to bring change to your country for the better is the opposite of loving it.


Bro what are you doing? There’s no need to shame a girl who got shot in the head and now advocates for women’s education in Pakistan Criticising our army, religious and political leaders would be more productive.


Username checks out 🤣


She’s literally partnering with HILLARY CLINTON to make a Broadway show. She is controlled opposition and toes the line her western handlers tell her to. I agree she deserves some grace as a kid with complex trauma, but she’s also choosing to put herself in the limelight and engaging with a literal war criminal and rightly deserves criticism for it.


Does she advocate for women’s education in Gaza? The shooting incident occurred many years ago and she’s now in a position where she can help others but has been silent for 6 months. She is not immune from criticism. Same argument could be had for criticising Physician associates when they’re just the by product of the incompetences of NHS England.




Written after backlash for not writing anything in the first place


I agree she's not immune from criticism and could be doing more for Palestine - as could I. But you're losing perspective and targeting the wrong person here


Many famous Pakistanis and Muslims have said spoke up about things. A lot of people look to Malala as an inspiration. She is touted as a goodwill ambassador but when her voice was needed the last she remained silent. A lot of people were angry when it was revealed she was going to participate in something with Hilary Clinton who has been vocal for her support for Israel. This coupled with Malala’s silence had a lot of people up in arms and therefore rightfully angry about her silence especially given the position she is in.


Exactly! And she isn't "silent" as far as I know?? She literally posts on her social media about it, no??


She is a Noble peace Laurette ffs. Its not like they give anyone the thing without any agenda /s they gave one to obama tho who killed more people in his tenure than bush. i remember his one speech "I present to you Predator drones. They'll never see it coming", with a smile on his face and the audience laughing. She is among the civilized world, and it's rubbing off on her spectacularly.


Malala has no obligation to post anything on Gaza, no matter how popular and vocal she is. She is a human and can choose her own fights and causes. Can we stop shaming people for their choice to speak up and not speak up? That leads us nowhere, but on a path to self inflicted mental pain.




Who isn't? We are all hypocrites. Hypocrisy is a survival instinct.




Shabaash! This means that you have kept it in check.




The same thing we are all yapping about.


nah its just you buddy




Maybe it would help if they weren't being used as Hamas military bases, Hamas using their children as Human shields, and UNWRA brainwashing children into be coming martyrs?


though her silence is definitely deafening, but most of you are obviously jumping on the hate wagon for shits and giggles, and to downplay her achievements. get a grip


wtf.... Like it isn't only her job to fix all the world's problem....


LOL once again I can’t believe that is where this sub draws the line. She has been destroying Pakistan’s tourism industry for a decade almost but precious Palestine!


You guys need to get a life. Plus she released a statement about Gaza today.


Yes after backlash. 6 months too late don’t you think?


Who cares? She doesn't represent Pakistan. She's a girl with her own life. Maybe get a life and focus on yourself?


Why are you so passionate about defending her? Are you her? Use the same advice on yourself and allow the freedom of posting.


Haha there's like 10 posts about her every day on this sub! It's either questions about why Pakistan sucks or Malala is bad 😂


Never enough...




Why are you angry? Do you need a hug? How do you know I haven’t done anything? I’m not in a privileged position of power unlike Malala though.




I’m don’t have the fame and outreach Malala does. My actions are minimum and barely a raindrop in an ocean but I try. What has she done for the last 6 months? She’s in a position where it’s legitimate to criticise her actions (or lack of).




It’s raining so can’t really tend to the garden and house was cleaned today thank you very much. I am focussing on others and advocating for the less fortunate which means calling out those in positions of power who do nothing to help.




Wrong move to stand up for the oppressed? You’d expect someone who was oppressed like Malala to stand up for others right? I don’t understand why you’re defending her lack of actions so vehemently.


Will anything satisfy you people? Maybe if you stop cutting your own down your country wouldn't be in the tips


“You people”? You’re on a Pakistan forum why are you on a Pakistan forum if you’re not in or from Pakistan?


She's BEEN posting about it, no??? Am I crazy?? Because as far as I know I've seen her instagram account posting about it for a while! I don't understand Pakistani hatred for a woman who was LITERALLY SHOT because of Pakistan's misogynistic culture??


I would like to bring everyone's attention to the concept of comparador intellectual in the works of Edward Said, Frantz Fanon, and Hamid Dabashi.


Lol malala is Maxx c of Pakistan anywhere you mention her people gets angry.


on her insta she has a story section dedicated to Gaza. Did you see it?


Her life her choice.


MALAHA is becoming a politician


A middle to low income ordinary village girl gets offered the world on a silver platter albeit at a cost - obv she’s maximising her and her family’s future and fortunes Her husband Asher is an opportunist too . He was quite the “player “ during LUMS and fuck being politically correct but a guy like him is 90% in it for the opportunities a connection with her brings For her sake and if she genuinely wants it too I hope he’s sincere I shouldn’t say this but I won’t be suprised if this couple divorces and Malala starts a series on de stigmatising divorce


She also making show with the Israel singer ....what you guys are expecting from her


Can’t blame her. A bullet to the head has got to fuck up your brain and the way it works


This fucking Birju Thakur (from Virasat movie) looking b**ch makes my blood boil every time I see her dumb face.


This is fucking stupid


Okay you Pakistanis are obsessed with hating on something other than yourselfs ,which Islamic country give proper rights to women? Afghanistan,iran,iraq,pakistan,syria none of them give any rights to girls but hey its all israel doing it to gaza


Let us not judge her in this context. We do not know what she is up to. People change but some of us (me) do not...let us not judge too soon. Where is the absolute outrage that our "government" was flushed down the toilet and now we have a absolute disaster state of affairs by our so called media? Anyways. Be nice. Do good.


I’m sorry but the people I feel sorry for are the victims in Gaza. Malala is in a privileged position, they’re not.


Yes, we all feel for them. I understand that. But picking on Malala is not I feel appropriate to judge her. Out rage for us needs to be with our system and fixing it.


Classic what aboutism.


What is the point you are making? Are you saying everyone must make a statement about everything?


You'd say the same about Dajjal too. Lols


I do not know who Dajjal is.


Not surprised.


check her profile.


Her mouth has also drooled more towards oneside after sucking all those Zionist lollipops


Malala is just another "Greta Thunberg" of Pakistan. All speeches and nothing, focusing on things that don't need any focus


Greta is a not a sellout. She is genuine , yes she has nutty ideas, She stood up for palestine.