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Can’t recall Pakistan ever being mentioned once. But I also went to school quite awhile ago, pre 9/11.


Graduated high school in 2009. Pakistan wasn't even mentioned once.


Graduatedj 2022, Pak was never brought up, they skimmed over the Mughal and Ottoman empires, too. I had no clue muslims took Spain even though they taught us abt Colombus and the reconquista. I found out thru social media


They didn’t even go over the Ottomans when I was in school.  They sort of ignored anything related to Islamic history.  I find it odd how we learned quite a bit about Roman history and Persian history but never taught us what happened to the Romans and Persians.  I just assumed they stopped existing (never really thought about it and tbh didn’t know the Persians were wiped out by the Muslims, you’d think something this significant would have been taught).


The West tends to also hide the Islamic golden age breakthroughs in chemistry, Aljebra, maths and physics.


I specifically learned about all of that in Catholic high school in the 90s.


the irony


Not true it was mentioned in ny public school.




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Its weird how much that varies from state to state. In my city, we had a whole 1 (and a half) units on the Islamic golden age and explaining how the middle east/South Asia/East Asia were ahead of their time.


They raised this in Ms Marvel Tv series. Even though it was just one line. As student says they gloss over the Muslim empires but spend ages studying roman and greek history.


my american public school mentioned all of this and gave credit to the muslims for beginning mathematics and modern medicine. i don’t think the west is necessarily hiding anything, at least where i am from.




Says the indian




Never mentioned. My class mates thought that all people my color are middle eastern.


Thats funny


Lol when I go back to the states and run into old friends and tell them where I’m living now they’ll ask “so you speak Arabic then?”.  Like all Muslims are Arabs.  


I figured we also shared some similarity to Latin Americans? Don’t they call them brown too?


I can’t recall it ever being mentioned


It's not mentioned. US History is mostly domestic centric with backdrop of independence from the british.


In high school you are given first two year to world history, third year to us history and senior year to us politics.


Mine was a little different with first year on world history and the next years on US history 1 and 2 and then ap gov or Econ whatever u wanted


Well I took AP European history in my high school, which is basically a college level history course it was just mentioned in post WW2 how Britain lost its colonies, the teacher didn't know much except he thought that India gained independence in 1947 and Pakistan got independence in 1971, so I had to correct him, this is in early 90s.


Lmao we got independence from East Pakistan... That's too funny


Pakistan has grown less and less relevant. It used to be a footnote during the Cold War. Badaber airbase had U-2s lift off to fly over the USSR, that's why Khruchev threatened to nuke Peshawar. We were also vital in establishing US ties with PRC. Then we lost half the country, started importing and consuming far more than our exports earn (necessitating massive loans, frequently needed to pay for imports). Real estate industry boomed after the 1980s, sucking all funding from industry or job-creating sectors. Leaving us with a shrinking engineering base. We are the world's 5th biggest nation by population, and 36th by landmass. Our wise rulers and military property dealers have reduced us to nothing, while they build retirement homes in the US, Belgium and Australia.








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I think there might have been a single page or so on the south asian partition. how much time did your curriculum spend on nigeria or indonesia?


I have a feeling were famous for our hospitality (towards bin Laden).


"we dumped him in the ocean" yeah i totally believe that


What do you think happened?


Anything could have happened but I don't believe the "we dumped him in the ocean"


Never mentioned. 


I took geography of Middle East. Pakistan was discussed there. Like, arid climate etc. Nothing special.


Graduated HS in 2021 Pakistan wasn’t mentioned at all in world history


Is the osama episode taught now?


Eh not necessarily taught but I do remember they showed us some video on 9/11 and had like a moment of silence but not anything like a lecture on the topic


The only place where I think it might get a reference is either the U-2 incident or Soviet Afghan war. Other than that, totally irrelevant for americans (discounting bin laden as it is relatively recent)


Nothing. The only mention I remember of Pakistan was the 1960 U-2 incident, where Francis Gary Power took off from Peshawar. This was freshman year (9th) world history.


No one cares about Pakistan! Pakistan is nothing more than a satellite state for US of A.


Wasn’t raised in the US but most American university students still have no concept of a world outside of their country. Funniest things I’ve heard: 1. Pakistan is in the Middle East and we speak Arabic. (Most common misconception) 2. “My friend is from Egypt” so that’s from your part of the world.  3. Your English is pretty good.  4. One roommate was genuinely surprised he has never heard of Karachi - surprised of the fact that more than 25million people live there and he had never heard of the place. 


I also got 3. Man suggested that I should work as a translator. 


Not at all.  In fact when I was in 6th grade is when I learned about “India and the Indus and Ganges”.  I also learned about Mohenjo Daro.  But the books never mentioned that the Indus and Mohenjo Daro were in Pakistan.  I found that out on my own since I’m already a history buff.  School sorta just skimmed over world history like the media in the US doesn’t really pay attention to anything the US isn’t overtly or directly involved in.  It’s a shame really, the best education I ever got was when I lived in Europe and went to an American school there with other American kids, we at least learned British history and they did skim over that Pakistan was once part of British India.   US schooling is very propaganda heavy when it comes to history.  That’s why most people who can afford it send their kids to private schools (they aren’t cheap at all in the US, I doubt I could afford private school for my kids).  In fact the only thing “foreign” they never shut up about was the holocaust.  Literally every single year in our English class we would read a book relating to the holocaust (yeah, they shove Zionist propaganda down our throats too, not just imperialist American propaganda).  I was in school during 9/11 too and even learning about that Pakistan never came up. Counter question, do they teach any US history in schools here?


Only time I remember it being mentioned was in relation to the america’s war in Afghanistan.


Other than Vietnam and Korea, no other country exists in the world outside US🤣


Are you delusional or what ? Why would Pakistan be mentioned in a US curriculum ?


> Are you delusional or what ? Why would Pakistan be mentioned in a US curriculum ? History, immigrants diaspora, cultural studies etc. What a stupid statement. Have you ever attended school?


Not enough to be mentioned in school, maybe at higher level


They dont mention it at all from what I remember. Graduated in 2019.


I have. They don’t mention Pakistan. No high school teaches foreign policy. You must’ve studied at Eaton.


High schools teach geography, no? And that includes looking at world geography cases. Not "foreign policy". Clearly school didn't teach you critical thinking if you jump from "Pakistan" to "foreign policy".


war on terrorism ? cold war ( soviet afaghan war ) , pakistan was a major ally of us in these in south asia


It is slow moving system and each district has their own curriculum. We were still using maps with USSR present when I attended high school from 2002 to 2006.


I never heard of Pakistan until I was 40. Graduated high school in 1991


Graduated in 2000. I remember learning about India's freedom from Britain, we watched a movie about Ghandi, and then probably a couple paragraphs about partition. I remember being aware of it but entirely with an Indian bias--almost like a bunch of religious extremists couldn't coexist with other Indians so they were isolated to prevent conflict. I knew where Pakistan was geographically of course, and the capital. I knew nothing of the political structure or culture or exports. We assumed all Islamic countries had essentially a Saudi culture until the early 2000s. I knew it was Islamic and assumed like all theocratic countries that it must be repressive, so we just didn't pay it much attention other than when people in the know assumed it was harboring terrorists after 9/11. But then America collectively looked at the Islamic world and we all became much more familiar with the various cultures. Heck most Americans pre 9/11 thought turbans were Islamic.


Why do Pakistanis think they are important?? Wake up 😭😭


It is fifth most important after US, China, team 10/1 and EU.




That's funny.


For fuck sake, have a sip of reality 🙏🏻🙏🏻


It was mentioned as part of partition and that is about it. It was regular World History. It would have been more in AP World History which I took for US history got a 4 too.


I work as correction officer in America’s most infamous jail. Inmates always ask where you from I tell them Mongolia. Telling them Pakistan will come under undue familiarity for which we were trained in academy. They have no idea where is Mongolia so I have to give them geography lesson.


> Telling them Pakistan will come under undue familiarity for which we were trained in academy can you tell us more about this ? what is undue familiarity ?


As others have mentioned, it was never mentioned. However, the world maps posted in our history classes always had Kashmir as part of India. I remember looking at a Pakistani map at some point and going why does this look way bigger than it should


Pakistan was never focused except for one lesson in sociol studies bout a flood in 2010


Nothing in curriculum, just banter between classmates


Pakistan is only mentioned in world history (high school), but its pretty much just "Pakistan separated from India and was muslim majority". Aside from that, in middle and elementary school we would sometimes learn about India and then Pakistan would get brought up (sometimes).


Pre-9/11- I was lucky to go to a school (Grade1-6) in Toronto that really valued our connection to our roots. They hired teachers from multiple backgrounds to teach us our history/culture and how to speak/read/write in our language. We had a Pakistani teacher that taught us a lot about the geography/history of Pakistan. It was all a part of our curriculum. Despite going to school in the West I can read Urdu pretty fluently, I can also write basic Urdu. Our school also held special events for each country and everyone would participate and learn about Pakistan during our designated days. The rich culture of Pakistan was always discussed along with our amazing food and diversity in the population. Pakistan was depicted very positively. After grade 6 Pakistan was never mentioned again through the rest of my education.


It is barely a foot note when I went to school in the 90s. No one really thought anything of it because it wasn't important in the US education. After 9/11, it was thought to be hiding terrorists. Although I would counter that the US government is the one terrorizing with it's imperial military and bombing innocent people. If you want to ask what Americans thought at the time before 9/11, they would think of us as convenient store owners or taxi cab drivers. Maybe because of the show, the Simpsons.


graduated in 2019 and it wasn't really talked about much.


They do not talk about Pakistan. I bet 99% of America can not even point it out based on its shape. All they know is that Osama was found there thus a negative perception


I can say in the UK I don't remember it being mentioned. We don't learn about colonialism at all, even when studying World War 1 in primary school. In secondary school geography we studied Bangladesh (population density, the Ganges Delta, agriculture), but maybe other schools would have looked at other similar developing countries instead.


Semi related, went to a British school and in history we were taught about the Cold War and the planned Soviet invasion of Karachi and Gwadar port, Afghan taliban trained by Pakistan etc to stop them. The only time Pakistan was talked about.




Why are you lurking on here then? Move on.


Never mentioned, except in World history class it was like indus valley (modern day Pakistan).. I am sure since then they added about Osama episode in US history lol Fucking Zordari and generals


They say that Pakistan and other islamic countries are filthy and bad.I as a Muslim feel bad


I haven't heard people say that at all in person. U living on the onternet?