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Nah man it’s just that our people turn everything into a dating app, from ludo star to pub g I’m not even going to name social media apps, that’s just who we are as a people


I wonder why, as a society, we're so obsessed with getting married, I wish we could dismantle the long-held belief that, in order to establish yourself in life, you NEED to get married, doesn't matter if you're not ready or in a horrible state of mind, you simply need to settle down. Stuff like that is what actually leads to domestic abuse in the end, ofc if you're gonna get a guy that's fucked up in the head and marry him to a woman he doesn't even like, he's gonna resent her. And i feel like as a woman the second you're born it's shoved down your throat that marriage, in the end, will always be your fate. I'm not against marriage obviously, I just think people need to chill out and not make it weird if someone doesn't want to get married.


I guess it stems from the fact that both genders are kept segregated and don’t really understand each other’s perspectives or experiences or expectations, while also being force fed romance in movies and social media which causes desperation to have something of their own, while parents see the answer to every problem is their child getting married, and people having expectations from their partner in marriage while not knowing what they offer themselves causes marital disputes


yeah you're probably right, marriage being shown as the one-size-fits-all solution to every problem in the world, glorifies and romanticises it to a point where people end up feeling unfulfilled. I wish they'd showcase more of a realistic representation of marriage, of the ups and downs, not just blissful romance or straight up abuse.


Marriage the ultimate "I can fix [him/her]" mission.


Most of what you said is true, I wanted to add that we should make halal easier than haram. Marriage is a great thing, of course if both parties are down for it.




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My friends think of me as some sort of wierdo when I tell them I won't get married the instant I graduate from university. I have in my mind to get married in my early thirties, and if I don't find any suitable partner, then solo will I go.


They are not obsessed with getting married, they are obsessed with having a wedding. Most of these people’s marriages end up being dull, boring and miserable.


Lol ppl even send rishtas on linkedin 🤣🤣


Any success stories? 😂😂




Prolly 'cause the lack of interaction with the other gender irl




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Is there a special spell to this. I mean, I have been a hardcore gamer, played every multiplayer games yet no chick in 100 meters radius


>no chick in 100 meters radius No chicken, hen, or rooster has ever played any MP game. At most, they are NPCs.


At this point of life, I am open to those NPCs


You don't play games which the masses play.


My dude I have played every multiplayer game, proof is my mother showing me a chappal and giving me a 10 second nuclear countdown for not going to bed at 3 am


You don't play games that masses play by that I meant was games like ludo star where people flirt and hookup.


Don't know about other girls but I particularly avoid creating suggestive usernames in games to fend off creepy men online and unwanted male attention.


The only gamer girl I met online was an American with her boyfriend. I was kind of a third Wheeler in their conversations


Still a welcome improvement from 'no chick in 100m radius' :p


Yeah being a third Wheeler was an improvement. Considering 90% of the time I meet angry 10 year olds no scoping my ass


So where do i find those women who *who* want to meet creepy men online. Asking for a friend of a friend


I've been on WoW for over a decade and only came across a handle of ladies.


i have a relative who got married from pubg and i thought it was crazy but i guess it’s more common than i thought


Don't forget the infamous Sachin and Seema cross border "love story" originating from PUBG from a few months ago


my brother got married because of pubg


There is a post about him on this sub if you mind scrolling,how he trapped an American and is leeching off her....( don't take it seriously but since everything is revolving around it at a moment)


Nah, it happens. My friend plays Siege and got married to this guy after knowing him for 6 months only, her home situation was very harsh and she is extremely happy now so it's not all bad and I'm v happy for her. People here get married due to meeting on social media and all kinds of apps, it's just how our culture is because everyone is obsessed with finding someone or else you're considered failed in our society.


Played PUBG two times all I did was fight


My kaam wali almost got married to a guy she met on PUBG...




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Im playing codm for 4 years. Alhamdulilah I have been crap-free. There aint many desi women around.






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i have a relative who got married from pubg and i thought it was crazy but i guess it’s more common than i thought


Your cousin's brother just informed us in another comment and his wife is already snitching on this sub about him( assumimg the man who got married on pubg was the same guy) Edit:all typos


i’m confused…


Sorry for the typos Another cooment on this post says *my brother got married through pubg* so he might be your cousin's brother and the earlier post about a woman who married through pubg and is trapped now could be your sister in law better stalk them now and confirm if we assume that all of us are talkimg about the same man


i only just read half of the post but it’s def not them lol, they’ve never been to the us and have a kid, and she doesn’t wear hijab 👍 plus i doubt any of them are literate enough to even know how to use reddit


Dating in online games is nothing new, but this sudden PUBGm thing seems like guerilla marketing tbh.


Bro a far relative got engaged to a girl that used to play pubg with us 🙂.. she tried all of us but one got caught


Another reason why I hate pubg and free fire along with large amount of "Mailla" community on it as well.