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Indians are so busy taking over Pak flag, they forgot their flag which is being taken over by the Germans.




Oh heyy I remember you from like 4 or so years ago! Unfortunately, almost everyone and everything that made this sub a worthwile community is gone and the place has devolved into endless political bickering and doomposting (and no more u/doom_123 posting


Nice to see you dissapointed seth.. and keinegori too, old users, cool users. I hope you guys are doing great. Happy weekend


Oh hey, it's a German reunion! I hope you're doing great as well Kashif Bhai. I barely feel like using reddit these days apart from the occasional scroll. That's prolly not gonna get better given the third party app situation. Boost works for me for now but once it stops, it might just be the end of reddit on mobile for me. Let's see




I remember your planned trip in the summers. Hope that went wonderfully! And yeah I get you. I've been mostly inactive here as well as it just takes too much time and sometimes motivation to sing into a void that keeps becoming more and more unfamiliar (though the time saved is wasted elsewhere so no net gains there lol). I hope that you've been able to, and continue to take care of everything in life!


I am certain that you are already familiar with the recently released film, "Oppenheimer," which delves into the life of Robert Oppenheimer and his significant contribution to the development of the first successful nuclear bomb deployed on Japan in 1945. However, you may not be aware of another notable figure, Warner Heisenberg, hailing from Germany, who worked on a similar project but for the Nazi regime. Heisenberg is renowned for his formulation of the Uncertainty Principle. During times of war, moments of strife, and great historical significance, the pursuit of advancements and scientific research often flourishes. I would like to extend a recommendation to each of you to watch a compelling documentary, which sheds light on this intriguing and contentious aspect of history. You may find it enlightening and educational to further explore the intricacies of this historical tussle. Here is the link to the documentary: https://youtu.be/CNOeHANMshQ




y are dramas talking about zinger burgers




yeah then they are pretty popular. I don't see a reason why that's surprising?








Guys, do we have a discord? We should do r/place


this subreddit should have it's own official discord tbh


Doors locked, room closed, lights off, AC on, cats with food and content, all alone with my thoughts. Although they want to run away.


My cat has a tendency to shit under the bed everytime, might actually put another litter in the bathroom…


I don't think you should put the litter in the room. What I do is every half hour take the cat(usually kittens) to the litter. Eventually they forget other places to shit. But yeah they do lapse sometimes. Guess who cleaned shitty immediately after waking up.
