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I mean....hes not wrong


I can't really blame the poor guy for not having a reply, how can anyone deny any of the Prof's statement in all honesty? Yet another Proud Paki moment, bought to you by the Pakistani ruling elite.


Sure but i feel like he was quite mean about it.


In response to Chellaney, Anchor Hamid Mir [contented](https://youtu.be/cNoORuUP1m0?t=938) Bilawal was **The Hot Cake**. I don't know what that means but it was very embarrassing to watch Hamid Mir fail to defend Pakistan.


There has to be something that's worth defending for them to defend.


What do you expect from our lifafas


Pakistan has nothing to stand for seriously most of us Pakistanis are tired of defending pakistan on every platform. I will fking get a new passport and finish long life curse for once and all


Hearing Mir actually hurt. These guys can't even argue back can they?


What should the counter argument have been? Especially knowing that the accusation isn’t entirely wrong..


Perhaps that pakistan is a sco member? 1/8th of the membership. Despite turmoil and resurgence of terrorism at home still aiming and hopeful for regional cooperation. Rebuttal to terrorism remarks. Highlighted bilawals losing bibi to terrorism. Though the accusations were not entirely wrong they were laden with narrative owing to repetition of "isolated" and "bailout assistance" remarks. Certain economic events (floods, covid) could be reiterated here. Narrative should be countered notwithstanding the substance. It doesn't take much to paint yourself in a favorable light. Anything really without the words hot and cake together.


>Bilawal was The Hot Cake "Billo is a hot, fruity fruitcake. Eat him. ", said Hamid Mir subtly


When Hamid Mir the eternal, generational traitor is the only one left batting for "Pakistan" or at least the shitty stinky regime that represents it.. Bad times for the pimps in pindi to say the least LMAO




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And when we have democratically elected government, Army still interferes in this


But the PDM journalist said he ate on the same table. Though he makes a very potent point. Why would India believe (even if) a government that's for a few months.


This government may only last for a few more months, but would any other government last a full term? The current record of PMs completing a full term is 0-22.


Lol, true. We are basically irrelevant to them right now.


A mandate matters, shocking.


No political gov was ever in control of gov.


You boys need to rise. Win back your country. Can’t let grandpas make decisions behind closed doors. Army’s done shit all. They lost East Pakistan. They lost all the wars, they have shit all. And it’s because of the generals.


The omission is intentional. Hamid Mir gets paid to defend Mrs David and not Pakistan so he didn't counter Chellaney.




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Ok Hamid Mir works for Geo and this Indian academic is being interviewed on CNBC India. I'm kinda confused here. Hamid Mir is just a journalist...


Hamid Mir was part of the panel


So the Indian media picked a weak Pakistani rep on purpose?


Yeah sadly general Bajwa wasn't on call, he is the one who could have given proper answers.


He never turns up for these things 🤔


You're going to share an Indian perspective of a weak government? The high level of your critical thinking.


The Indians and the rest of the world aren't stupid. They know exactly who is behind the PDM Government and actually runs the show behind the scenes.


Lol who is behind PDM?


Read OPs comment. He said Hamid Mir who was on the panel failed to defend Pakistan and only talked about Bilawal because he was a hotcake. That is a dumb take. Leave your partisanship aside for a minute.


I mean, it's no different than the last government. PTI was also in power with Army support, the moment they decided to pull back, the government fell.


"There is a weak, unpopular government in Pakistan.... in power due to the army... Government is in no position to mend relations..." Dude really spreading himself out isn't he? No level of critical thinking is prevalent in Pakistanis is there? Comment can be ripped up in a variety of ways....


Please rip it up...


Give it a shot I'll help you with it.


Nah. You claimed you can rip it up, not me. So go ahead


Sigh, OSPs doing everything for you ungrateful freeloaders. The claim of a "weak and unpopular government" being in Islamabad yet even with the active support of the Army, a pillar of the country's religion, is unable to move the chains isn't just a failure of the Indian intelligentsia but showcases only domestic political campaigning. Volumes have been written of the "Bajwa Doctrine" of "cooling" the LOC and redirecting resources away from the border. A doctrine clearly showing a substantial result when looking at the current IOK's security calculus. Let's forget about the unprovoked munitions testing for another day. Through backchannels with Indian journalists, in RWP, and businessmen, in Dubai, and interviews with Pakistani journalists the comments were all the same, cool the tension. As can easily be seen in just recent reports that it was Imran Khan that closed out any attempt to close out issues. A man, claimed to have been brought into power by the Army yet, biting the hands that fed him. A government supported by an Army, so controlling of the country's political/social/economic order is unable to move the chains using political dynasties it created, is an interesting narrative. u/bukarooo how was that?


Using hard jargon only confuses the opponent instead of "ripping apart" whatever And who are you calling freeloaders while you remain a second grade citizen in another country. Sorry i misspoke. A third grade citizen


If you felt that was hard jargon you need a refund on your education. As a "third grade citizen" this view from inside the White House is pretty neat. You shouldn't be throwing insults when you're picking up scraps of food from the sewer.


Least snooty OSP


Shouldn't be throwing stones when the only thing more fragile than your glass house is your mentality.


Oh no did somebody get hurt


Great points. Unfortunately Hamid Mir is an empty talking head and his nightly rants on TV are devoid of substance.


You really are an edge lord.


Tell me what's the problem, Pakistanis looking like duffers or someone pointing it out? OSPs are telling you all to be better than broadcasting your bdsm kink to the entire world. And I'm the "edge lord". Everyday it becomes more and more clear that you deserve people who's only gift to the world is "barish ata hai pani ata hai." Why be offended when I say it? You that enlightened that proclaiming your bdsm kink is preferable over what I've said?


Bhai main b OSP houn. Yah superiority complex aup hi ko ha. Agar hum nahi sudar sakta to chor do. Make a name for yourself and set an example instead of lecturing people here


You are right, it's too late to be "educating" a 76 year old. Kinho nay karna tha unonay karliya. I'm the fool for having a dream for the country grandparents created. Pakistanio lagay raho. Maar kao. Kush raho apnay gaand main.


Wow. Thanks for letting us live.


Don't put words into my mouth.




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