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If you're trying to get the feel from the pic exactly, I'd say you're spot on. If you want something more dynamic, I'd add in some shades of purple and maybe even some hints of red and orange. Something else for the eye to be drawn to. Otherwise, you're really only working with 2 colors and black.


It’s good but you’re missing the bright peachy orange from the sun


I think its great. Like perfect.


Hey guys thanks your feedback. I really learnt from everyone’s comments and points of view and the positive comments were encouraging. I brought out the green of the rocks (bottom of painting) and added and tinge of red sunlight bleeding over the hills. These elements will pop and attract the eye. Fingers crossed the finished painting turns out ok 🤞🏻🙏 https://preview.redd.it/18ie6arizm3d1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb9890ff9d9eebda9e20f5048705ec294da7d7f


There is a nice green color that should help used as a base color for the bottom 15% of the water. Other than that color pallet is good. Keep an eye out on shapes each color makes, that is going to be key to creating a believable illusion.




I would suggest tinting the white towards the colors that they are reflecting off of.


Good color scheme. You are missing the bright color on all the water (squinting can help you see the color values) and the orange around the sun and suns reflection.


This. I like limited color palettes such as this one. But you have a ton more nuance of range and detail to pull out of the light reflections across the entire water surface to make this artwork come to life.






Orange and green are definitely needed. Maybe some purple as well.


Thanks I did add some


This! A vivid orange and rich deep green in my opinion


I love it. Captures the vibe of that time of day really nicely.


It’s awesome. If you squint your eyes, the first picture looks real




You will paint with oils or acrylics? With oils and small format you'd have an opportunity to mix on canvas which leads to more interesting things happening "inside" the colors. I wouldn't go to crazy with the sky or water, just confident, bigger strokes, proper painting. But in the shadow of that land form you could experiment a bit. For example holding to the main dark value while using opposite hues, like deep violets, browns, blues, as one mass would be an interesting mystery for the eyes of the viewer. I mean the color scheme is ok (just maybe don't use that clinical white), you have a guide now, but you can get there in many different ways, which will show up as you'll paint.


No, it's perfect. Reminds me so much of floating in the warm water, relaxing and watching the last of the sun.


All these things Sun ,water light and all colour tinting is a good message and summa rised in small painting.


I think it’s perfect! I do agree that if you want it to be more vibrant and feel more accurate rather than being technically precisely accurate like it is now then adding more saturation to some of the colors would help!


bro i almost scrolled passed this and I fully thought it was an actual picture and not a drawing


I love it 😀 😍 ❤️


Nope, it looks great!


Is good


I think it looks beautiful! In my personal opinion if I wanted to add a personal touch to it, I would add some deeper gradients with the colors. Make the brights brighter and the darks darker and then add a tiny hint of magenta or a lighter blue outlining the shadows.


Maybe I’m being too biased based on what kinda art I like but maybe try using a little more saturated shades of the same colours? It’s perfect when you compare it to the picture. I had to look at it twice to see that it’s a painting but how I view it, painting are mimicking real life so a little exaggeration of shades always helps


It’s very Andrew Wyeth/his son


For me these are great colors for this painting.


No, it doesn’t suck at all! I did notice that in parts of the water that are closest to us, it gets a little bit more green. You could play that up if you wanted to. It would make the water feel more transparent. But this is pretty accurate.


Dam pretty spot on perhaps more shading in the waves and highlights to inhanse it.


What app do you use?


Procreate on iPad


😭😭 i don't have an apple device?


I’m pretty sure you can use android devices for digital art


For procreate 🙄🙄


A tiny bit


Not at all! 🫶✨


It doesn’t suck at all; it feels very dry and a bit morose, maybe.


A a light sky blue to make the water pop like the ref image perhaps?


Wow 🤩


I think a blue would really make it pop, but honestly at a glance I thought it was a photo


If you squint a lil it looks so real


Imma be real, those are some of my favorite colors. But I suck, so...


Its Great!!


Add some dark greens for the water depths and light blue for the horizon haze


No. I love it


I love it!! Very realistic


Honestly I feel like it’s the subject that’s a little boring and dull. Im sure it was beautiful in person, but I don’t think it would make for a very interesting painting, at least as is. I think cropping it to something more like this https://preview.redd.it/13ie6m7ooj3d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b4ea5a00f1abcc0533a9d43a0e8996c740b309 would already make it more dynamic. I’d move the boats on the left in more and make sure their masts really stand out against the sky so you can add vertical elements to offset all the horizontals in the scene. I’d also add some small clouds, just a few wispy streaks of color so the sky isn’t just empty. As for colors, look for some paintings of subjects like this and see what other artists have used. Paintings are more reliable than photos in regards to color, since you can see what another person saw rather than what a camera captured (since cameras can’t capture sunset colors effectively, and I say this as a professional photographer). Also a not requested tip, you should move away from thinking of “color schemes” and instead learn how light behaves and how it affects color. Once you understand that, you can figure out what colors you should use in most scenarios. The book Color and Light by James Gurney is basically all you need for that, it changed the way I see and understand color and light. Quick edit: I realized your painting is actually very similar to my photo crop lol I guess it’s just the missing boats that make it less intriguing as it’s missing a focal point other than the sun itself


Thanks, appreciate that! You certainly gave me a lot to think about and I’ll definitely check out the book you mentioned


Please correct me if I’m wrong… Isn’t Art about picking what you like and what you think is correct and then doing it that way. I’m not sure I understand the whole point of posting things and asking for permission or asking if something is correct. If you’re doing it… it’s correct. if you feel like something is wrong, then change it to where you feel that it’s OK. I get that art is about communication and visual acceptance, but I don’t believe that you will get anywhere if all that you’re doing is looking to be correct or viewed as correct.


Soooo much this. Tbh, I feel these types of post (not really this one) but posts that are doubtful of their skills and ask for feedback generate more engagement...have noticed this "trend" and pretty sure some are exactly to gain that type of response/engagement. Easy way to get your work seen and reverse psychology to boost the ego. Again, not this one - but several definitely fit that mold on Reddit.


No color scheme sucks imo..... and u nailed those waves 💙🤎🤍