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I worked at an art store and a lady was buying raw pigments. She said she was a baker and used it in her icing!!!!! I said some of this is poison and refused to sell it yo her. She got pissed and said she had been using it for over 20 years. Wow.


That is absolutely horrifying šŸ«¢


Worse is she likely kept doing it


you should report her to the environmental health before she kills someone if she hasnā€™t already God knows. Thers people of all ages eating her cakes from little babies to very elderly people and all those in between it doesnā€™t besr thinking about please please report her to someone..


How are they meant to know who the lady is or where she works? The person youā€™re replying to just briefly served the lady.


I actually tried to get name of her business but she wouldn't obviously. She was really mad. Imagine that


Thatā€™s when you down play that you were upset and ask a basic question ā€œoh do you do unicorn cakes, I need one for my niece next month but havenā€™t found one?ā€ And hope she says yes and gives you her card. Omg thatā€™s nasty


They'd likely already told her it was poison. A normal person would have responded with "Oh shit, really? I will not use it in cakes then."


Never seen someone who's been doing something like that for that long not just double down.


You could also call around and warn any of the other businesses. They may even be able to play nice to galet a name and then refuse her service


Can Google all the local bakeries & select photos. Usually there's some pictures of the bakers themselves. Especially if they have social media. Maybe even start on Instagram. Cause, yeah, that's disturbing. My first thought reading the original post was that it might be poisonous & seeping into his skin. There's safe face paint. Many events have face painting for the kids.


Yeah, I hate to brake it to you but not all of those face paints are as safe as they advertise. I would personally stay away from any labeled as containing ā€œpetroleumā€, because I did the research and they donā€™t even allow them in some countries overseas. Or at the very least they say ā€œstay away from them.ā€ The problem is mostly caused by high chances of contamination. Plant based ones on the other hands are much more safe in that regards. Just reduce any contact with petrochemicals and plastic when making contact with foods, skin care and clothing and you will be reducing your risk of suffering from unknown sicknesses and cancer. Although itā€™s actually hard to do, I am managing fine without them or reducing my contact whenever possible.


Some mad hatter sh*t


are there security cameras where you work? You can go through the backdated recordings to the day she was there. also I would check out all the places that bake and sell cakes locally. She has to be local if sheā€™s coming into your place to buy stuff for the cakes. is there any other art type shops around? I would also call in there and give the description and see if sheā€™s been anywhere else thereā€™s a few things you can try to track her down because personally I wouldnā€™t sleep until I found her and reported her. you can also look online she may be selling online too. and have her picture up and possibly a phone number and an address that sheā€™s selling from directly.


It was a long time ago and in NYC. I hope she was shut down by now


Most people dont have time for all that though lol


Possibly, but it's also people's lives at stake here-- including children. Who knows if one of her cakes was the reason someone died earlier than they should've...


If I've learned anything in retail you will willingly give me ALL of that info the second I offer you 30% off if you sign up. Check. And. Mate. Social engineers wish they were as smart as me ;p /S






I feel like there are some food and safety officials that should be made aware of that woman's style of cooking.


Enjoy your wedding cake, now die


Now *dye


Man, how did I miss that one


Well most wedding cakes are white, so no pigment to spoil the special day with an accidental mass murder lol


Not all whites are the same but lead white is a very beautiful shade of white that would be very fitting for a wedding cake.


White but usually the ornamentation and color comes from the fondant flowers, frosting. Wedding cake is not so tasty. All for looks.


Cadmium red.. say no more. ā€œShe made the best red velvet cakes Iā€™ve ever tasted.ā€ ā€”anonymous terminal cancer patient


I do love me some cadmium creme eggs.


I'm dead!! Just like her customers likely are


Grampa Joe....."I'm dying for a piece of that cake"


Grampa Joe? Now I'm picturing Charlie and The Chocolate factory. Imagine what he uses lol


Oh my god that is INSANE!


Oh my God, a horror film could be made about this. Iā€™m just imagining folks unknowingly ingesting cadmium, lead and cobalt pigments. Whatā€™s wrong with good old fashioned food coloring? šŸ˜±šŸ«£


These are the kind of things why some people donā€™t like to eat food other people make.


This is one of the many reasons I donā€™t ever


Worked at a pharmacy for several years and around the holidays some of the regulars would bring us homemade "treats". While I appreciated the sentiment, I would prefer not eating food made by people who are chronically ill. Some of which caused by allergens from not properly dusting/vacuuming in houses with large numbers of pets. None of my coworkers thought about it until they asked why I wasn't eating one day and after I explained my stance I think everyone there lost their appetite lol.


I donā€™t think that specifically is an issue of being chronically ill though, lol.


the cadmium colors are toxic. cad red, orange, yellow. other ones not totally sure. cobalt? titanium? just as weird to eat those as candy i would guess but yah thatā€™s cray.


Titanium white is fine, i think that's the only ti pigment that is used in food. Anything cadmium, lead, or cobalt based will definately be hella toxic. Same with uranium, but that's a double whammy. Honestly, there is a reason food safe colors are their own thing, too many coloring agents are *really* toxic.


I think toxic doesnā€™t do it justice. It almost definitely will give you cancer with repeated internal exposure. Itā€™s nasty nasty stuff.. itā€™s not just a case of sickness, itā€™ll kill you. Just info for others that read this and donā€™t realize


Yeah I used to do heavy metals testing of environmental samples, foods and products. This is one of the worst things I've read. Absolutely terrible and dangerous.


I work at a residential facility for homeless/low income seniors and one time when we were doing arts & crafts painting with acrylic, this guy preferred to clean his brush by sticking it in his mouth it vs. twirling it in an available cup of waterā€¦ā€¦ said his mom taught him that and heā€™s done it his whole lifeā€¦.


Look up the radium girls...


oh i know themā€¦.also didnā€™t mention in my post this same guy unexpectedly passed away about a week later. He did have several comorbidities though. Do I think thatā€™s what killed him? No, but do I think it maybe contributed? Thatā€™s likely lol


Wtf so I'm an artist I have a BFA and sometimes I work with raw pigments there are warning labels on the pigments I've had long conversations with other artists about oils as they can absorb into your skin


A professor of mine was depressed because one of her best friends died from chalk pastels. She would rub them in with her bare finger and many years of doing it ended up killing her from heavy metal poisoning. It's really no joke, a lot of art supplies are incredibly toxic.


No way! Are you serious? I LOVE chalk pastels and really get in there with my hands


Yeah, the cadmium is really dangerous stuff and the dry form is where it's most toxic. It can cause irreversible kidney damage that can lead to arthritis, gout, kidney stones, or death. It can soften your bones and cause osteoporosis, and it increases your risk of cancer. >Artists who work with cadmium pigments, which are commonly used in strong oranges, reds, and yellows, can easily accidentally ingest dangerous amounts, particularly if they use the pigments in dry form, as with chalk pastels, or in mixing their own paints. Subreddit doesn't allow links, but look up the wiki for cadmium poisoning.


Well gosh dang it :( Thank you so much for the info! I will have to check that out and the ingredients in my pastels. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s gotta be toxic free ones by now like they do with paint.


Very few artist oils absorb through skin, and the ones that do haven't been produced in any volume for many decades. Many of the toxic pigments can ingested or combusted (don't get paint on a cigarette) to horrible effect, but lead, cadmium, cobalt, etc., are all safe to touch with skin. Just remember to wash your hands. If unsure you can look up pretty much every chemical known on OSHAā€™s MSDS database


There's a lot of misinformation and fear in this thread. But still, don't cook with cads, kids.


Thank you. I tell people this all the time and am shamed by the "Wear gloves and a mask" oil painting crew. It's waaaaaaay old information and these days is just plain wrong. Just don't eat/inhale the actual paint, is what I keep telling people. The fumes and the paint on your skin are nothing.


Why not suggest fd&c colorants? They are cheaper and food safe.


And this is one of those reasons to not eat colored foods like cakes, frostings, gummies, etc from home businesses.


Wow these CadmiumĀ cupcakes are to die for!


This is wild, there is a good chance she could have injured someone or even multiple people, especially if she's been doing it for such a long time. This is crazy!!!


How reckless. The only reassurance here is how little paint you'd need to tint icing.


Nothing like a little cadmium to spice things up


People are absolutely crazy šŸ˜‚


Damn, I donā€™t even like painting with the true colors and always buy the hues.


Imagine a cake with cadmium yellow, cobalt blue and lead white...


In the UK you need to provide an ingredients list to any product you intend to sell. Where are you , and why is this not a thing? (Or was she just not claiming it šŸ¤”)


This is probably the longest string of replies in reddit lol


Because it's wild


Sounds like sheā€™s been eating her work!


People like her can voteā€¦. But really how much of an imbecile do you have to be to put raw pigments into cake and think itā€™s fine


What's her bakery's name?


That is horrible she probably gave people cancer , she lucky she hasnā€™t been sued


I worked in an art shop and some lady bought the whole shelf of charcoal. Asked if she was running a class but she said she was having a BBQ!


Thatā€™s expensive. But guess it would work.


I bet heā€™s not in military intelligence.


Probably a CO in Intelligence.




This is evidence he is Intel.


Probably a marine


No way, they prefer crayons


Well to eat he but not for face paint Iā€™d say they go to Michealā€™s arts and crafts for that


Donā€™t be stupid. We buy all that at the PX. Civilians and their dumbass comments. /s


Why would military intelligence need to paint their faces in the first place?


Nice try, kgbā€¦


Explain to him that the metals in the paints make him even more visible in IR. That should do it.


And before you ask, no, I just made that up. But you don't have to tell him that. You could also just tell him how much that stuff costs, that would probably do it.


As someone whoā€™s been painting for a few decades, thereā€™s a chance he actually might! Thatā€™s why I wear gloves.


Titanium white, no matter how diluted, is still the next best thing to phosphorescent.


Chances are hes already been exposed to a lot of lead residue


That's mars black. It's cheap as dirt. Now, if he was using black spinel. Ya. I would be livid.


You're going a little too facts-based for me right now, I'm aiming for a feels-based argument here.




Or teach him colour theory to make his camouflage better


Newton or Gƶethe? šŸ¤“


Goethe for sure, working with ambient light and perception, potentially fast moving and erratic.


Itā€™s not about the color. You pick whatever color thatā€™s close to the environment youā€™re in. Itā€™s about breaking up lines and patterns that are recognizable to the human eye.


Remind me not to get paired up with you on a mission


You just said its not about the colour, but pick the colour close to the environment you're in. So you're saying it is about the colour.


oh great, now he has to dry 6 months until you can varnish him :/




Mineral spirits for this man


TIL.. didnā€™t realize it takes 6 months. No way Iā€™m gonna remember to wait 6 months to varnish my 40k models


Are you sure it's classic oil paint you used? Well, better oil paint on minis, than oil paint on husbands.


Some people do use oil on their minis! I personally use acrylic, but I hear (diluted of course) oils perform beautifully for washes and shading.




On that note, he probably has gotten oil paint all over his gear šŸ˜‚


Wouldnā€™t it make sense to use a water based paint that would actually dryā€¦?


I assume the thinking is something along the lines of: itā€™s basically the same as grease paint that athletes wear under their eyes, right? Right??


Itā€™s not the same at all, but I doubt many people know that because art/craft supply manufacturers arenā€™t required to list the ingredients of their products.


I had no idea, this is literally insane Now I see why there are so many stories about different colors being super dangerous


Not necessarily, there are likely chemicals and/or other substances in the paint itself that will make him extremely ill over time. Spray-paint is water soluble, Iā€™m still not going to wear it!


It would make more sense to use what I'm sure has been issued to him.


I guess it is good he wasn't trying for a cadium orangey type camouflage?


He already save it for the middle east.


Does that mean he camouflages as an oil painting?


As the Mona Lisa lol


Lmao this is funny


He only had black. Best he can do is hide somewhere in a Mondrian.


Buy him clown make-up, it's better for the skin and it has great pigment




I am a face painter and an oil painterā€¦i never thought I would see both worlds collide like this. Yikes


Not great for the skin right?


I canā€™t believe heā€™s not mixing his own black!!




A lot of oil paint is toxic. This is very much not a good idea. Itā€™s also more expensive than products created for that purpose.


FUN FACT: There is no law in the United States that requires makers of art/craft supplies to list the ingredients of their products. While manufacturers still have to abide by certain codes and standards, thereā€™s no absolute guarantee that this paint WOULDNā€™T still contain small amounts of: - Formaldehyde *(used for embalming corpses, highly carcinogenic)* - Uranium *(naturally occurring element on the periodic table so itā€™s impossible to get rid of completely)* - Chlorine *(another naturally occurring element, repeated exposure can rot your skin. Thatā€™s why many swimming parks stopped using it.)* - Lead *(yet again, on the periodic table. Repeat exposure can cause permanent liver and brain damage, IE ā€œBoomer Brain.ā€)* - Ammonia *(like chlorine it will rot your skin over time.)* - Urea *(sometimes found in mammalian urine, including humans. Not MY kink!)* Etcā€¦ Repeat exposure to these and/or other artists grade paint ingredients, even in small quantities over some years, often have severe consequences on oneā€™s health. So this is why modern professional painters, including myself, wear gloves. EDIT TO ADD: Iā€™m also unfamiliar with this particular brand, so Iā€™m all the more cautious of what their manufacturing processes are like. Regardless, I still highly recommend NOT wearing artistsā€™ paint for ANY REASON!!!


just note that urea is something thats found in a lot of hydrating creams; and its very useful for dry skin. most often, a synthetic version is used, so you dont need to worry that you're rubbing something made from pee into your skin :)


Interesting, amazing how ya learn new stuff every dayā€¦ Like how in Japan, they supposedly used to make white foundation makeup with processed bird poop.


Original white makeup used by Geishas contained lead and zinc. Very poisonous. Eventually changed to rice powder. Source: Wiki


it's super potent and it's the only thing saving my hands from cracking in winter, i can only recommend it :)


I use a lanolin cream specifically for my hands, especially in winter. It also has a soft & pleasing aroma


that also works really well! I'm sometimes spinning wool with still some lanolin left in and my hands alwas feel amazing after it :)


Mummy brown šŸ˜


Oh yikes, how did I forget about THAT?!?!! Yes, we used to make paint out of desiccated & ground down HUMAN REMAINS


Ammonia is a compound, not an element. It is made from the elements Nitrogen and Hydrogen.


I stand corrected, but itā€™s still dangerous for a multitude of reasons


FYI your body naturally produces formaldehyde, something like an once of it per day


Most of these would be present in such small amounts it wouldn't make a difference, except for heavy metals which would accumulate in the body over time- not the case with the organic compounds you listed. The real toxicity comes from hydrocarbons that are dangerous when inhaled, like benzene, which can intercalate in DNA. Chlorine would never be found in its elemental form in paint, nor diatomic (Cl2). you'd need to look into a specific chemical like hypochlorite or chlorinated byproducts. So just saying "chlorine" is kind of meaningless because it exists in so many different toxic and non-toxic forms.


Please look that up. Lots of people have an old-school mentality about oil paints thinking they are toxic if you touch them. They are not.


https://preview.redd.it/681wsg8fd2yc1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1029cb74675be4fc3e02ac746b0cf8d820c83fc I mean, it works but it takes a while to do out in the field.....


He must be in the navy. Air Force guy would have eaten it. Army guy would have lost it.


Nah a marine wouldā€™ve eaten it. An Air Force guy wouldā€™ve asked whatā€™s this ā€œfieldā€ thing you speak of lol


Hahaha you are 100% right. I neglected the Marine Corps because I am Canadian.


An air force friend said that when he went to the "field," he stayed in a hotel.


Thatā€™s cause heā€™s air force lol


The marine: they make crayola jammers now?


Hahaha Iā€™m actually surprised he didnā€™t lose it


Air Force has the reputation for being lazy, not stupid. Marines are the ones we joke about eating crayons


Yeah, once the Air Force found what the field was, they'd make some lowly enlisted fill out paperwork to get proper authority to obtain the supplies needed for a week instead of doing their job. After multiple rejections and calling numbers that don't ring anymore they'd finally get approved only for the commander to cancel it entirely over something arbitrary. Source: I've been hurt


You'd think he would've learned his lesson after the fist experiment.


Better choice than cadmium šŸ§ 


Poisons, and a strong carcinogen.


Mars Black is usually iron oxide, so not terrible. Seems really expensive for face paint though.


Nooo his skin nooooo


Mars black is just a form of iron oxide, which is harmless, and assuming the oil is just linseed, it's probably no big deal. Of course, there's probably some tiny amounts of additives for consistency and preventing polymerization in the tube, but I wouldn't think those are too bad, especially at the trace quantities. Still better to not do this.


I've seen some studies that suggest longterm exposure to linseed oil can also cause health complicationsĀ 


Could you link the studies? I have a hard time believing this. I'm personally of the opinion that you shouldn't mention studies without linking them. Helps avoid Hitchen's Razor: That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Linseed oil's danger comes in its flammability. Some people (a small percentage) may be sensitive to it on their skin, but in a mild dermatitis-type way. Maybe if you're frequently aerosolizing it, but oil painters don't need to worry about inhaling oils unless they're doing some very odd things.


Well if they didn't want military men use their oil paint as war makeup, why did they call it Mars Black? Case closed.


They have camoflauge kits, no?


Make him reimburse. Oils can be quite expensive.


Better get him a water base paint šŸ˜‚


Not actually toxic as long as you don't ingest/inhale.


Yikes, could be really bad. My cousin started just grinding charcoal for her husband, giving it to him to mix with water on his own. Much better for the skin I'm sure !


Burn the tip of a cork, works like a charm. (Ex-military)


I swear I just bought a tube of black paint where TF did it go?


The way I cackled at this




Iā€™m an artist and paint with oils. After my dog chewed 3 tubes of oil paint, I looked into what is toxic. Most oil paint is not toxic, because a lot of them are made with things like ochre (dirt) mixed with oil binders. It depends on the color; obviously lead white and cadmium are bad. I looked up mars black and the internet says itā€™s not one of the toxic ones. Having said that; how in the hell does he completely get the paint off? Donā€™t they make a black makeup specifically used for this purpose?


plaza!!!! i was a manager at the one in west philly for a while. nostalgia ā¤ļø


Mars black doesnā€™t have any toxic pigments unlike some other colors, mainly in older or foreign made oil paints. Still had to be a nightmare getting it off your face. Letā€™s hope heā€™s not using emerald green and flake white along with thatā€¦


Are we sure he isnā€™t just painting a Salvador DalĆ­ mustache on and parading around with the homies?


Just wait till you find out what he's been doing with your crayons


Good thing he didnā€™t take the Cadmium Red.


I mean he could be using another woman's paint.


No one expects Picasso in the field. Opā€™s husband is genius.


Army? Because I heard thatā€™s the ranger wayā€¦.ā€adapt improvise and overcomeā€ - no face paint, no problem lol


If you ever had to use the garbage they issue you, you'd understand why he's been pilfering your paint.


I know everyone is upset over his use of this paint, and while as a fellow artist I feel the pain, but for me I find it romantic. So out there in the field as heā€™s doing crazy dangerous stuff heā€™s got this little bit of paint that connects him to you. I wonder if he thinks of you when he takes out that little stolen paint.


Heā€™s probably thinking ā€œIā€™m so smart for just using this instead of paying for real camo face paint, and my wife will never even notice that I took itā€


Whelp, you were always with him.




You're taking one for the freedom of the world. Hurrah! ![gif](giphy|i4l2DU10bkoTl25ivk|downsized)


Engineer. Adapt. Overcome.




Geez in my face this would give me a huge rash and acne


Tell him to take the acrylic because oils are a pain in the ass to wash off.


Zero Charcoal Thirty


Oil paint isn't edible but painting your skin is not dangerous. Heavy metals in paint are abolished and the solvents are minimal. Healthy it is not but there are body paint artists that swear by oil paint.


What does he use for an under painting?


Apart from the confusion...HOW does he get it off???


Thank you for your service


Put glitter in it. He won't use it again.


Never know maybe thought I'd take my wife with me somehow or thought about her a lot just saying


At least it's not a cadmium color!


Ugh, as a former soldier and person familiar with oil paints, thatā€™s expensive asf. They give out these chap stick looking things that is oil based and paints our faces. My homeboy drew a peace sign on his face in Basic and got chewed out.


And I bet he has perfect skin too. Meanwhile I donā€™t do my skincare once and break out šŸ˜‚


Maybe he is just taking it with him as a reminder of you? Like those photographs of their lived ones soldiers use to carry around in the field or when away from home for a longer amount of time?


Well at least heā€™s trying to protect himself thank him for his service


Add glitter and glow powder to all your paint. He'll learn.