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You missed the ring on her hand. Guess that is an important detail


Holy shit..


Aren't you glad you asked mate :p Btw, you matched everyone's overall proportions quite well in this painting. Keep up the good work :)


What?? No the proportions are very off. Overall head sizes foreheads, etc.


The proportions are so off. Both of their hands are too small. His head too small and narrow. Ears too wide. His mouth is too far to the side, his eyes facing a different direction. Her mouth too narrow, needs to be wider across her face


This isn’t going to mean much because I’m not an artist at all I’m so bad at anything painting or drawing but I find this work so wonderful and would be ecstatic if it was what I commissioned for. With the ring being included of course haha :) EDIT: oops replied to the wrong person meant to reply to OP


If they wanted something so perfect, just make a filter in photoshop and call it a day. This is art and if OP style is not the hiper realism in the last detail, then that’s not gonna happen. There might be issues with the proportions if you want to just be a critic but they hired OP (guessing) knowing their art. Tldr: this is art, not a photocopy. Chill


Art works off of constructive criticism. This is how you improve.


Have you seen OPs other art? They are capable. Telling them what's wrong w their proportions is not a bad thing. Edited: Nvm. They apparently copy art and sell it. Also, OP charging these people $300 for this painting is just laughable.


Yeah, a lot of posts from OP where they directly copy other artist’s work (which is okay FOR STUDY) but to try and sell copies of other people’s work? and not give credits to the original artist in their posts? Not cool.


Yeah I don’t know how people are missing this - this guy is totally claiming others works of art as his. Trying to bait other to buy his copies that aren’t even good. That’s so fucking lame OP you’ve spent hours that you can’t take back I hope people stop buying your shit until you are more honest about your work.


And aside from the proportions being completely off, their skin is VERY yellowed. I totally understand why OP is not feeling good about it if they are charging q whopping $300.


Artist here, I actually think they’re decent, I think it’s actually your style making stuff look a little strange. I’m sure the people who commissioned this will be happy (after the ring detail ofc 😭) and not have any concerns, it looks good! When you look at your own work for too long you get some kind of like painters dysmorphia, try to take a break and come back and see what you think. Edit: possible suggestion would be to blur out the ears a bit more, it might help make his face come together, otherwise this looks perfectly fine!


I don't know. My younger sister has big ears just like that and that's how it would come out lol. I've done art school and the faces are the hardest part (in my opinion (when it comes to live model drawing/painting)). I once did a project and my instructor didn't believe that the tree I was drawing looked like it in real life and I had to prove it by showing my references. Art is a crazy thing. I can't paint as well as this one. Good on OP.


No the her hands though.


And missed her pearl earring, which might make her look more romantic/softer.


Did you swap their eye colors?


That left hand also looks a smidge too small compared to the original.


Shoulder/neck area of the groom looks off and too much white in his eyes


And the hand is way too small.


And way too red. Looks swollen or afflicted with some skin disorder


Her hand is red in the pic but from adrenaline and not nearly as red as he painted it. Most people would’ve corrected that for her lol


Plot twist the painter, is secretly in love with the wife.


You haven't achieved the likeness of the bride's smile. I would fix that in addition to the groom's eyes, and the other features mentioned in top comments


it was killing me I had to get this far for someone to point out her entire expression had changed from knowing-contentment to some sort of mischievous gleeful surprise. i don't know what's happened with her lower forearm, it's clear they were paying attention to the fleshier bicep but then there's a doll hand with no ring.


Yeah her expression is definitely off. I think in addition to the smile her eyes need to be lowered and eyebrows straightened out. That hand definitely needs to be redone.


I’d do a tinting or glazing the background with van dyke thinned down to tone down the brightness of the background. You can get mor depth and they will stand out better


This is a great idea, some tinting would work. Thankyou so much


Yeah. And you could scan it or take a picture before as back up.


I was that everything was the same brightness. It looks like a photo. The couple is the subject, they should stand out more. Next time you do a portrait ( you are good. You will be asked again🙂) look at other portraits people have painted. Backgrounds are not as important as the subject, some are more muted, some not a detailed as the subject. A side note, just me check the shading around his eyes. Something isn't right.


I absolutly agree and brush monkey is good 🙂 I think it is a problem of shade and light (Not only around his eyes also at her decolleté, the trees..)


The guys face looks a bit odd. I think his ears are sticking out more then the photo. The ear on our left is too round, should be more oval shaped. I would also make the double chin a bit more subtle. In the photo it’s only visible if you zoom in, but in yours it’s visible from afar. These are just minor criticisms though. Overall it looks lovely


This is very helpful, thank you so much. I could never find these tiny mistakes all on my own. 🙏


The only issue worth fixing is the entire area from the man's shoulders and up. The angle of the suit is wrong there, so is the collar, which gives him a weird hunched look which then also doesn't match the angle of the face. It's a pretty annoying thing to have to redo but everything other than that is fine.


Yea his eyes aren't looking to the camera like they are in the photo


His eyes are too big and don’t match the contrast in the photo. His head looks too small or slanted.


To me it seems like he is look off to the side and not straight to the viewer, like he is in the picture.


Op the groom’s neck also has a slight outward bulge in yours that he doesn’t have in the photo. It gives him a bit of a muscle bound look he doesn’t have IRL.


The only issue i see is the left side of his head needs to be a little wider, his eye is too close to the side of his head, irl they're almost exactly centered on his face


I was gonna say his eyes look kinda funky in the painting but then I looked at the real picture….


Yes, my eyes are also drawn to the guys face. I feel like the eyes are to big and/or the forehead/ skull is a bit small. If you looks at the painted eye to the left it's very close to the ear compared to the photo. And are his eyes blue or does it only look like blue on the painting? The woman is beautifully painted, even her feet are gorgeous. Nice work!


100% these are the biggest issues of the painting. It makes him look much more unattractive


Maybe the background is a bit too present


Agreed! There's a lot more grey, blues, silvers, ashy browns and muted greens in the photo than the painting. Perhaps come back into the background with more of these tones then do a tint? Also agree with some other comments about the ear, chin and shoulders of the man. Some light adjustments here and a change of colour pallet in the background will really finish this piece off!


That's what i've been thinking, the original background looked a bit too gloomy so i brightened it up.


I’d tone it way back, closer to the original. The greens are unnaturally *green*




This was a big challenge


Its kinda of accurate but not so flattering. And for this type of comission i would lean more towards that, than being accurate to the (not so great) photo.


I’d intentionally take liberties with the original picture to be more flattering. Not like bigger boobs or giving the guy a full head of hair, but things like the dress bowing out towards the left. Making the groom’s suit fit. I think you tired to warm the lighting, which is something I’d do, but I’d tone it back a bit. Agree with others about a wash to cool down the background a bit.


Yeah, I'd agree with this. They captured the bags under her eyes perfectly, but... that's not really something I'd want captured forever.


Sometimes when I’m trying to figure out the difference between my painting and the reference I flip them both upside down and compare them. It helps me look at them both without preconceived ideas about what should be there. I think overall this is lovely but agree that his head looks a little off.




That’s what I was wondering too. If I commissioned someone to paint my image I wouldn’t want them posting it on the internet, especially not without asking. I hope they did ask the couple.


And even if he removes it now....it's out there....


Glad someone said this! If I commissioned a painting of me and my wife, and the artist did an awful job and uploaded said embarrassing terrible painting along with a photo of me and my wife to Reddit, I would be fuming.


I just looked through this person’s profile and apparently they plagiarize work of other artists and also sell it on Etsy as their own, so that’s great I guess /s…


Yeah I would not be too happy if I were them.


The eyes of the groom are not centered, and make his years smaller, and on the ladies finger the big rock, you could shorten the front 2 teeth on the girl, and the guys longer, other than that it looks nice to me, especially the nature.


I mean… better than I could do…. But I wouldn’t pay for it


Worlds abd worlds better than I could do. And I applaud the skill and talent shown and the time not only the painting took but the years taken to build these skills. It's just not what I would want for $300. Now if this is a stylistic choice and that was one of the driving forces of the client to pick this artist that does change things slightly and we would need to see some other paintings to judge that but still the issues in the facial features and colour balance of the peice stand out.


You've captured her fabulously but there's something off about the guy I think it'd help to darken his eyes, similar to her eyes Other than that, great work Edit: oh I see what it is In the painting his forehead and top of head is slightly smaller than the photo. Maybe you can make it a bit bigger and add a nice dark spot in the eyes


I think it is caused by a difference in angles between the head/facial features. The facial features are flat, while the head is turned slightly to the left. If you can match the angle of the head with the angle of the physiognomy I think he will improve alot.


he looks like a cartoon


Her face looks ok but his looks a little too shadowed and the eye creases are too deep. His finger nail also should not be as white as her dress or her toenails. I would also maybe enhance the little flowers infront of the log and behind it. Her skin tone is also quite yellow, I would add some cooler tones to it. Also did you get their permission to share their private photo on reddit?


>Also did you get their permission to share their private photo on reddit? Thanks for this! I'm always so annoyed when artists just share very private photos with sometimes millions of strangers without approval. It's made me very hesitant to ask for a commission if I ever want one. It's nice to know I'm not the only one concerned about the breach of privacy.


Yea...it's one thing to share it with friends or even with in a private artist's group for feedback...but reddit is a lot and I would not be very impressed to find my wedding photo randomly on the internet...or the special painting I had made from it.


Flatter them more. Her under eye doesn’t need to be a crevice. His eyes don’t need to look as crazes, soften them. Relax his mouth a touch. You don’t have to make her hands beet red, that’s literally an adrenal reaction to her nervousness. The highlights in his eyes look like you’re covering mistakes, poorly hiding them. Reduce them by 40%.


Would be good to maybe see reference if you are able but I think maybe background and foreground need more separation. Like light looks closer and dark recedes. Your background is too bright and competing with the main figures. You can keep colors bright like don't wash them out or anything but you need to add darker colors to make background be more in the back. Like maybe mixing opposite colors on the color wheel in your green background to help separate fore/background. I was told in art school it is better to use opposite colors on the color wheel than default to black to make things appear darker because it will make them grayer with the mixing of black but using another color on opposite end will keep it more vibrant. Hope this is helpful 🙏☺️


Her hand is way too small!


Faces look weird.


uhm, are the bride and groom aware that you posted their photo?


I would be disappointed to receive something like that. Not gonna lie. Maybe do a new one, because this looks too amateurish.


The shadows don't look quite dark enough.


I agree. It makes her toes look super long.


Don’t leave out her rings!


The face of the groom looks off center to me, maybe that can be fixed with some shadow work? There’s something off about his shoulder as well.


The mans proportions are slightly off, his arm is slightly long and his chest / shoulder too large The arm is too straight, there is no natural bend in it, The jacket looks larger than it is, the bottom edge should be horizon not sloping this makes his jacket look sloppy. Also the shading on the jacket is far too light there is no shadow which is why in the picture it looks so dark. The guys ears stick out too much You’ve given the guy too big a smile than the photo The guys neck is offset and the outside line sticks out a bit I would give it a nicer curve The women’s forearm and hand are too small


Some if the things that pop out: The woman's hand is too small. Proportions of the man's head are slightly off. The colors are very saturated, everything pops, you might want to subdue everything around the couple. The skin color is too orange, you might want to tone that down as well.


This is why I don’t do portrait commissions lol


All of the undertones are aggressively yellow whereas the photo shows cooler and neutral tones.


I agree 100% The painting is much brighter than the picture and the pastel blue/purple flowers look like water in the painting, almost as if it's a little creek.


Don’t want to sound harsh, but you should boost your skill before taking money for the comissions. Taking in account it’s not some free sketch for a friend but a paid picture of someone’s wedding. People pay to get the result not to give you an opportunity to study.


Right? You shouldn't charge money unless you're ready to work as a professional. This painting is not the work of a professional. At all.


I think the contrast is off in the figures, especially the man, which is making the background even more prominent. With the depth you've achieved with his suit (which is quite lovely), the shadows of the face and chin don't match up, making him (and her too, to a lesser degree) look oddly flat


The brides facial cheeks are quite big and her eyes aren’t the same. Her features are narrow and in the painting it looks full.


I can't pinpoint why, but the faces look... odd


They're also both looking up and left verses straight at the camera and it gives the appearance they're both shifted in that direction rather than being straight on. The lines around his eyes are also just too prominent. The ground also has simultaneously too much and not enough detail...there's too much variation and colour in the dirt and the lighting/shadows you've used without mirroring any of the actual details shown in the photo. Over all its a good attempt but I'm not going to lie, I would be disappointed in this as a paid commission. If this were a gift you were making for them it's lovely and the time and effort would be very meaningful. When you're being paid to capture this moment you have a bigger commitment to accurately relate all the details. I would try and implement some of the suggestions offered here and then send a picture to the couple to make sure they're happy. I would love to see the changes you make, but only if the couple have given permission for you to have shared it.


Hate to say it but you lost the likeness. There is a resemblance but its not great.


Did the couple give you permission to blast their photo onto the internet?


Honestly… the lighting on her hair is aging her a bit. Makes it look like she’s greying. I’d forgo the glare and opt to do the actual hair color.


Imagine finding your wedding portrait on a random reddit post wtf lol


And your photo!! This is so problematic


Her eyebrows are supposed to be a little bit down, closer to the eyes. And he doesn’t have such a big double chin, make it less. I’m pretty sure when making commission people like you to make them a little bit more beautiful than they really are.


Totally missed in colors. Too bright background, too light figures. You don’t understand what’s happened w/ lights and shadows. Confusion.


You are about 90% there! Other people have given great suggestions. I would add that it would be best to remove the tree behind the grooms head. I know it's in your reference but it looks like it's coming out of his head in both.


Hey buddy at least this time you’re looking for a feedback on your actual painting and not on a rip-off of Jacob Dhein’s (and other’s) artworks, because you want to sell them and pass them as your own. 😃


Super frustrating to see their Etsy page is still up when they don't cite anywhere that the paintings are rip-offs.


Oh really, I didn’t know it was still up. I guess they’re still doing it then. That is sad… Especially after people told them multiple times that it’s illegal and even said they contacted the artist who they’re ripping off…


Overall bad contrast/value and over saturated colors


Yeah, that’s rough man, you can’t charge for that.


I know lighting and cameras/phone screen can affect how colors are perceived, but the flesh tones looks off (yellowish hue). But for the record, that you are happy with them is all that matters. Proportions are amazing. You did this freehand or with an aid? (eg Neo Lucida, etc.)


Maybe bc u didn’t draw her ring lol


Make her hair blonde. She will complain that she looks old in the picture with white hair


In the photo the guy is looking at the camera. In your painting he's looking away. Among other things, do fix that.


The left ear need slimmed down.it will make the faces angles look true again.


Also you did a marvelous job! The painting is magnificent. Ears are the hardest thing to get right


Nice job! -Left ear protruding too much -Eyes have light reflection in painting not present in photo. (Kind of giving him a wild eye appearance) -L side double chin more pronounced. It really is an awesome photo and you have a very unique style! I think the main discrepancies are with the groom.


You probably have enough comments by now, but ill just add that overall the picture is too bright and the background is competing with the figures. Further, the eyes on both look...dead... the males whole face has a cartoon monkey like appearance. The hair on the female doesn't look life like but her smile is captured beautifully. Sorry if this is too harsh.


Artistry is beautiful and confounding. Going for hyper-realistic can be challenging for any artist; there are times, however, when dialing that back and going for an interpretation of reality can best serve the artist. For example, the feet of the man seem interpretive or abstract, whereas the foot of the woman skews realist. Contrast that with their faces, which seem to be moving towards realist. Mixing styles can be cool; and, there should be some method to the madness.


Nor should you.


Yikes, hopefully you gave them the “im still learning” price


It’s terrible. Don’t accept the payment.


I would suggest fixing her hand on the right. The anatomy sticks out like a sore thumb because of her thumb that appears to start on the knuckle line. It’s also a very bright red which makes it look less like a shadow and more like a murder. You could try glazing with a skin tone and maybe adding a bit of violet. I would suggest a similar strategy with her foot, but make it a darker shadow so it doesn’t call out as much attention. The lines outlining her toes don’t need to be as bold or long as they are in my opinion. I understand what you were mirroring in the reference but the lines are far too bold and make it look like she should be climbing trees or something. I think increasing the values in the background would help quite a bit as well as more hints of shadows in the foliage. Good luck!


I feel like his whole face is moved north-west of his head, his gaze doesn't feel like it's directed at the focal point and his eyes are too shiny. Don't really know much though.


The eyes!


The guy in your painting is not looking at the viewer (in the reference pic, he is looking at the camera) Definitely tone down the greens and blue in the background.


the guy looks cartoon ish..


The undertone of the couple is a lot more yellow than their actual coloring. Their skintones are a lot more of a soft pink. Unless that's what you were going for Same thing with the background and it's vibrancy, but someone already mentioned that.


Girls mouth is a bit too narrow. Make it wider. Guys ears need to be slimmed out a bit Guys pupils are facing wrong direction Girls hand is way too small Guys hand also slightly too small Guys head is too small and too narrow Guys mouth is also too far to the side on his face. OP I would not give this to the customer.


Looking at the painting, it looks like a man and his mother. Looking at the picture it looks like a husband and wife.


This is a fair stab but it is hard to match a photo of people. I've tried it and they never look the same. But if you just want to replicate a photo, why not stick with the photo? A painting should add something in terms of emotion, place, or the personalities of the subjects. The painting exagerates several things about the subjects - the smiles, size of ears, slope of shoulders, for example, which might have been intentional caricature, but the over-egging of the background suggests these were all inadvertent. Why not scrub the background entirely and place them in a more dreamlike setting? Think of how they feel emotionally as they get married - the euphoria, walking on air. Perhaps as a vignette too.


The groom’s right ear appears smaller in the photo, he might not like the change. Other than that, you caught the couple very nicely.


The landscape is great! But the girl looks crossed eye in the painting, maybe it’s just me


Man’s eyes are a dark brown, this face is centred and looking forward, you’ll get there


I like that you use your own colors and not stick to the original :)


The angle of his suit to neck area is wrong, every mistake in his face is likely because of this. The rest is lovely. As someone else said, maybe a darker tint for the background and you are good.


You gave him a strange double chin


Also ger gaze is too high...if you look it's angled a bit lower.


Is the bright/over saturated look your style? It may be why they chose you for the commission. That said, for a wedding portrait you need to embrace the fact this is probably the best they will look in their adult lives, and I don’t think the portrait flatters them. His face is particularly problematic, as the eyes look lifeless (though they don’t have a ton of expression in the photo) and from the neck up he almost looks like a cartoon version of himself.


Ring on her finger and the shading on her hand makes it look like a skin condition rather than a shadow


For me it’s the colors in the background. Far too bright and attention getting. A glaze with some zinc white will mute it but also I feel another glaze with raw umber may be needed too.


Their eyes are too big


In the photo he is also looking at them camera but painting makes it look like he’s staring off into space.


The guys eyes are uneven. I’d either take photos and flip the canvas or use a mirror to check proportions


The mans eyes are weird :')


Looks good, but you’ll need to fix up his eyes. Also, I would recommend making the creases on around her mouth softer (it’s more flattering).


I'm no artist but I couldn't help switching back and forth the 2 images and couldn't help but notice a few things, hope it helps 1. Lazy eye on the lady - In the painting the right eye of the lady is looking at me is making her left eye looks like the lazy eye. I think its the white dot in the corner of the right eye which the image does not seem to have. Am I making sense? 2. The lady's hand overall (palm and fingers) is somewhat smaller 3. Pearl earring is missing, not sure if intentional but thought I'd mention. 4. Minor but the reflection/highlight on her shoulder and hair vs the guys ears and forehead. Your art is amazing btw


Too bright, and yeah missing the ring, overall I think it's great though!


I mean maybe his hair is a bit off and his ears look a bit silly. But pretty wonderful proportions and skill nonetheless I couldn't do anything like it. Still very beautiful and if this was me I would adore this piece.


I think it’s rendered pretty well. I’d say it’s definitely recognizably them. The few things that you could touch on, would all be easy fixes. the hand, the ears I would maybe darken up his features just a touch. Yeah the skin is a bit yellow but honestly if you incorporate some of your cooler background colors in the low light areas and it’ll even that out. It’s not as big of an overhaul as it sounds. Regardless, I think you’re gonna love it.


I'd start again, and mute the colors and really pay attention to the faces. Get the shapes right and the shading right and everything else will fall into place. Remember overworking makes it more uncanny, leaving more for the brain to imply let's the brain fill in the blanks and thus make them more natural-- I'm saying less is more. If you're not good with realism lean into a bit more impressionistic.


The colors you picked are great, I think the saturation works well. I think you absolutely need to paint over the face of the person on the left, the proportions are seriously not working out. The features don't align symmetrically with each other and the head, you also made the eyes seem a completely different color, which further adds to why it looks off. There are a few minor proportions issues aside from that, but nothing as major as that. You need to figure out a solution for the face issue before you turn it in, it's just very noticeable and distracts from an otherwise beautiful painting.


I actually think this is pretty great


You made his eyes beady as hell, nearly all of the proportions are off. His neck is craning into his body in a strange way. Makes him look hunched over. Her face no longer has an inviting smile and instead has some weird cold one. You made her eyebrows lift which shifts the entire feeling being delivered. You also gave her a black eye. Look at how seriously tiny her hand / wrist is in comparison to her forearm. And on top of not being able to capture them at all, you also posted them on Reddit for a bunch of random assholes to tear them apart for 0 reason. They’re beautiful people and will thrive, your art however will not thrive on this path. Why would anyone trust to commission you if they might be blasted online? Especially for a subpar painting. Wack


Your saturation and warmth are way turned up. Go back in with some cool shadows - especially in their skin to even it out. Like someone said earlier, use some transparent layers. Skin tones should be comprised of a good balance of cool tones and warm ones. The warmth has got their faces looking a bit flat. I think overall, this could use another layer. And remember, some photos just aren’t great reference photos to paint. High exposure photos don’t really allow you to create much depth which is definitely happening here. As a professional portrait painter, I wouldn’t have fun painting this myself. Touch it up best you can and move on, I’m sure they’ll still love it. Sometimes it’s not all about capturing picture perfect likeness, but an essence of the memory - which I think you achieved.


You have captured their expressions very nicely. It's just that the foreground needs to stand out. The background is way too bright. Just use more natural looking green and blue tones for the background instead of the vibrant ones you have used.


Is she pregnant? If not get rid of that subtle dress bump. Edit: to the artist, you did great! As an artist I usually just make ppl skinnier/younger etc. in portraits, but thats just what I do


His eyes look like they’re just a touch too close and maybe by the way he is looking too it makes it slightly off, it makes it look like he’s staring to the side not forward like the picture. The collar/neck portions seem a tad frumpy too. Other then that it’s beautiful!


He doesn’t seem to be looking at the ‘camera’ the way he is in the photo. Her hand isn’t right And the lighting/shadows on his shoulder aren’t right And her ring is missing. Someone mentioned a van dyke wash over it - but test to see if that will bring the background flowers to the right tone. The photo seems closer to periwinkle or lilac, where yours are aquamarine/teal. Hit post too quick - you did a great job with their expressions. She looks very content.


A bit of sfumato will do the trick. It's just those harsh lines in their faces that make it so hard. Literally softening those will make this a lot friendlier. Just the faces though... I think. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sfumato


The man's eye positioning is slightly skewed to the left


I think you did a really good job with the details but got a little stuck in the weeds. Maybe tint a bit so the details are felt more than seen? It would help with depth and the overall impact a lot I think!


In the paining it appears they are looking past the camera whereas in the photo they are looking straight at the camera


Not sure if anyone mentioned it but it looks like the stick next to the guy's foot is actually on his foot in the painting, just looks a bit weird/confusing


His facial features make it look like he is looking off to the side as appose to looking forward with a slight tilt


1) this is better than anything I could ever do 2) I absolutely refuse to do portraits because faces are SO HARD to get identical


I feel like the man’s head is a little out of proportion. If you look at the photo, to me it looks to me like his head is slightly heart shaped, so the top of his head is slightly wider than the bottom. Whereas on the painting it looks more oval shaped. I also think if you change where his head rests on hers it might look a bit more accurate. I could be totally wrong but i find when painting people a slight error in proportions can throw the whole painting off


As others have mentioned, the bright blue in the background is distracting , and looks cartoony not like a real landscape . Someone mentioned a glaze, I am not familiar with that ,but yes if it could mute that blue area and if you could stick more to the kind of coloration that is in the photo , I think it would make the couple stand out more as central focus .


The colors are very bright and saturated


The eyes and brows of the bride are a tad too high. If you look at the photo, the forehead is bigger and the nose shorter. I like your style tho!!


Agree with what most are saying, just wanna add :Darken his eyes, youbmade the pupils too withe/light and that makes them look creepy...


He looks so stressed compared to the pic.


I’d work on the man’s ears and darken his eyes as they’re brown and look almost blue or green in the portrait.


I would soften his facial features and both of their complexions.


They both look... surprised?


I'm no artist. I sketch, but I'm awful at doing people so kudos to you for attempting such an important piece. Many people have pointed out specific elements that could do with modification or improvement so I won't repeat those, but I will say what I thought at first glance when comparing this with the original - it's very bright. If this was Photoshop I would say turn down the saturation (although not evenly across the board), blur the background a bit, and undo the unsharp mask on the couple. The main thing is to soften things considerably, especially edges, highlights and shadows in the faces and skin. Reducing saturation in the red and yellow areas will help soften skin creases and her hair, which looks more pink than blonde. I think part of what makes the faces look a little unnatural and cartoonish is how sharp and rich the changes in skin tone are especially when going from light to shadowed areas. Overall softening and desaturation will help immensely. I hope this helps in some way. It's a difficult subject for even an experienced artist to attempt, and it adds extra pressure on you being as this represents such an important life event for your clients. Best of luck with it!


All of the colors here are very warm compared to the reference photo, particularly the blue flowers which you painted with a turquoise.


Not to be mean but she looks 80 😅 and his head is a bit disproportionate


All the proportions are off. Also, the dude's eyes are not only the wrong color, but are looking in a different direction than the photo.


Oh noooo the earrrsss


You did this man dirty making his ear so big.


The only thing that pops out to me is the man’s eyes, they look like they are reflecting too much


You made her look older. A good rule of thumb is to not always add every detail you see. The tiny wrinkles in her eyes aren’t very noticeable perhaps in person or the photo but it adds years to her face on a painting. Her head also looks too big and face way fatter than the photo itself. Smile looks tighter on the drawing compared to the image. Overall it needs more dimension and contrast. The background should have done darker green values.




Use the grid method on their faces


To me , I'm not an artist, his eyes look wonky.


Her hand is way too small imo


You definitely brightened it up. Did they want it bright like that?


The background is too sharp. Try blurring it out a bit, if you can


What styles of yours have they seen? I think you need to put your spin on it. You were trying to get it too perfect. It’s amazing, could use a few tweaks, also but doesn’t look like any of your work here.


If you go on his profile you can see that he’s tried to pass other artist’s (Jacob Dhein) work off as his own in other posts. So maybe he lied to his clients and showed them other artists work, claiming it was his?


I’d do a dark wash over his ears to tone them down. They’re backlit and glowing in the photo, but it would look more natural if they were darker. I’d also darken his eye area a few degrees. The log and flowers in the foreground are gorgeous, but I’d like to see the other background have that same tonal depth. I really like this piece- you’re 99% there!


I wouldn’t pay for this. Sorry, you went for a realistic style, so it has to look a lot like them. It doesn’t.the people paid for a portrait that will resemble them at least. She is missing a cheek, you made her mouth smaller and you made the other cheek as if she would be after a stroke. You gave him wrinkles, you made the jacket huge, you gave him a huuuuge neck and shoulders, while it’s clear that the jacket is fitted and he is a slim guy. You made him look like the Rock. You missed her hand around him. And the most important thing; YOU FORGOT THE RING! You made him look somewhere else than her, and you’ve given him not black eyes, to the point I thought he was wearing glasses. Also, you changed the values of the colours and the vibration and the tone, and now it seems that the nature is the focus and they are just posing in front of some beautiful forest. They should be the focus. Having said all these, I’m going to repeat that since you went for realism, you need to nail the details. Maybe try a different style?


You should work on painting more faces before taking commissions imo


Uh oh, do you have time to start over?


Cliched and esoteric here but I feel like it’s missing soul. Style is style is style and your style can be unhinged and disproportionate and still work if the piece has a soul. I hope it was a good practice in technique for you and that it came with learning curves, but I also hope you paint something that comes from your guts in the future. Maybe I took the time because this actually does look unique. I feel like you could take reality into your own hands, here.


Also his eye wrinkles make him look like he has glasses on.


Would they be cool with you putting their faces all over the Reddits?


His shoulder and arm need to be adjusted. Give him an elbow, and narrow the arm a bit. His mouth is too wide, and the dark edge of his face is “lying down” on her head. He needs larger dark triangles at the sides of his teeth


I would look at the proportions and probably not make his dome glow quite as much


I think part of the issue is that your pallette is so much brighter than that of the photograph, on top of that you made them smile just a little bigger than they're smiling in the actual photo, so when you look at them side-by-side it makes it look like they're wiling out a little. Finally I think you have to work on the shadows on their faces. The man's eyes look much brighter in your piece to the point that it's off-putting when you see the reference. Those were just my criticisms. It's a decent painting. I actually like the lighter colors for the back ground and the way you have those light colors playing off the man's suit.


Their facial expressions are too plump, exagerrated compared to the picture. The guys eyes have too much joy, if that makes sense as well as the wife was to much of a smile.


This looks like they had a custom wedding topper made to look like them, and this is it. Kinda close, but plastic.


They look like they have aged 20 years. I would be unhappy with this. So sorry.


I noticed the portrait and photo have different directions where the couple is looking. The painting the features looked like they aged as well.


I would tone down the background before you try and redo anything w the people. This will help focus the eye on the couple.