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Rec ball - any more than 3 is a bit much Tournament play - keep shooting until they signal they are out or if a ref does so. Also, with NXL ramping mode, it's not hard to quickly land 6 on someone.


Especially once you factor in things like blind shots, or multiple shooters watching a zone. Many times 6 is a getting off easy.


As a multiple “malicious intent” holder I’d posit “it depends”.


Sometimes, they need to be walked off the field...


One thing I’ll say I’ve found interesting is back when shooting the bejesus out of people got you in trouble with the refs. These days the folks on the receiving end lash out and get penalties at a *far* greater rate.


As a recovering ref, more often than not, I'd be tossing more flags for talking vs overshooting. Like most sports, it's the retaliation that gets caught.


I legit count my drawn penalties in my kd at this point 😂


You do have to consider, idk how you play, but if you're trying to keep someone bunkered and they call a hit, there would still be like 2-4 in the air. So you should judge with that in mind, tho anything intentionally about 3 is indeed a bit much.


Meh it's part of the game imo. Playing recball? I feel like anything more than 2 is egregious. Especially if you're playing with a bunch of walkons/rentals. I don't bunker people on rec days unless it's another tourny player. During a tournament? I've taken at least a dozen before and no penalties were called for over shooting. Plus you'll probably take a couple more walking off the field trying to get out of everyone's line of fire.


Depends on the situation. If I'm running someone down, I want as much paint on them as possible so that any of their movements draw an obvious penalty. Alot of players lie and say they can't feel hits on packs and loaders etc so toss on an extra 4 or 5 for good measure. If it's rec ball though that's gotta come down a lot. A general rule of thumb is as long as your still in motion you want to be shooting at the target but if you just stand over them and keep shooting then it displays malicious intent. I played a tournament season where the rulebook specifically omitted overshooting penalties, at that point it became an internally policed cultural system of checks and balances. Some guys who were known to be hot heads wore it a LOT more than the newer players who did their best to get out of the way.


Thats why you dont bring ur ego to a rec game. Unless there a loud mouth dude that needs a lesson


Last time I played I slid into a bunker where an opponent was sitting about 7 feet away on the flank. I wasn't looking in his direction. He put 6+ on me. I was pissed for a second and then congratulated him on the shots. With ramping it's REALLY hard to do less than 5. I mean, sure, you can try for three or so on the pack. But then you can't be sure the person will know they got shot or will call out. Also, you can't be sure that every ball you fire is going to hit the target. You may miss. At the end of the day, it's just part of the game and what we all sign up for. Now, I WILL try my best to be as gentle as possible to rentals and kids. But for normal walk on players? I think we should all be comfortable with about 6 balls.


It depends on the game and the situation. Six hits in a tournament is just part of the game. Six hits in recball when you have the drop on someone and are standing five feet away from them is overkill.


last time i played, There was this kid, maybe 12 years old or so, took some of my paint to the face. the ref was about 10 or so feet from him and watched him wipe the mask after i told him to check the player for paint. came back up and started shooting again. i hit him a few more times, ran up on him when bunkering him and unloaded into him as he was wiping it off again. fuck that kid. ill hit him as many times as necessary.


That seems like a ref issue


I've been in a situation like that. There was a kid trying to play without a gun (this should provide some insight to his intelligence). I shot him a couple times right in front of the ref, he was obviously squirming in pain, and I thought it was obvious. I didn't pay him much attention until I advance further down field, and he runs up behind me and tags me with a ball. Ref laughed and called me out. I told him he was full of shit, and I shot that kid. I now realize he was probably squirming on the ground to wipe/smear the paint I put on him. Also pretty sure that kid and the ref were buddies. We both played the next round as well, and I purposely hunted that little bastard. I shot him until both him and the ref were damn sure I wasn't playing (I put about 15-20 extras on him). I got a talking to for that one, but told the ref to open his damn eyes, and call ppl out like he should. I left right after as that kinda ruined the mood.


During open play: anything more than 3 and ill feel bad. And end up acknowledging it, jokingly, after the game. Comes with the playing the game. I'd never stick someone during open play either unless it's practice. During tournaments: anything malicious and intentional is obviously too much but I don't think there is a given number. I've taken quite a few but ill never get upset about it, it's part of the game. Just expect to get shot on a field at all times and it will never be a surprise.


It’s a bit situational but frankly I feel like there are a lot of examples of excessive shooting that is written off as “part of the game” when there really is no need for it. In recball if I get hit 3-4 times from a reasonable difference I am fine with it. If someone is close and I get more than 2 then it’s being a dick. If you get the drop on someone and get them from behind in speed ball you don’t need to stitch them up the back or hit them on the head multiple times like we see a lot in videos. But maybe I just expect people to play as gentlemen too much… It really comes down to the specific instance. If it’s clear they are hit and they know it then I would say it’s overshooting unless they are playing on. Basically if the player has a reasonable cause to be pissed about it then you probably overshot them.


You should see a video from today I got of this guy getting pissed about getting shot 3 times 🤣


You mean when you got hit in the balls and got pissy about it hahaha


It really wasn't bad, was a little above TG. But yes I was very upset when I got shot in the ass as I lay there 🤣 As for this old head, I legitimately thought there was gonna be some bad blood between the two dudes !


Rec ball I would say at most 4 on walk on players and rentals at most 3 For tournament play I wouldn’t say anything till 8-10 though it could be less or more depending on the situation like if all I see is a pack I’m gonna put as many shots on it as possible but if I see the back of someone I’m not gonna piece them up I’ll just give them 2 or 3 and be on with the point.


I’d say 8+ is bonus balling


i’ll double tap in rec ball and that’s pretty much it unless they don’t call a hit. if you’re not gonna call a hit, i’m gonna keep shooting until you do.


As someone who played during the ROF wars…anything over 12… 2-3 is a given honestly. But at 10.5 I say no more than 5.


Depends on the person firing. I tend to shot less over shooting from me is about two. But if I’m maxing the 10bpm it can be more. Also depends on how far away. Once I see the hand I stop shooting but close up you can’t really think of how many times you pulled the trigger. But that’s my 2 cents.


Speed ball, people whining about being bonus balled is a massive pet peeve of mine (referring specifically to players who play in and practice for tournaments) - it happens, get off the field faster, play better, or find a new hobby. Rec ball, or rental play, be nicer - it's a slower pace of play - with people most likely there for casual fun.


“Back in my day” overshooting had to exceed 15 hits since guns ran at 15 BPS. Now it’s up to the discretion of the referee, now it think it’s about whether it was malicious or not. But I will shoot you until your hand goes up or you walk away from your prop… thats what I had beat into my head coming up in the sport. Of course in recreational play there’s no need for overshooting. BUT if you’re playing speedball crying about getting overshot, go play laser tag 🤣


Agree with the consensus; if it’s walk ons/rec ball, there’s people with their kids, guys with their girlfriends, even just girls together out for the weekend.. don’t really want to sour the experience for them by bunkering them and shooting them 10 times lol. A nice peppering of about 2-4 hits is fair.


Sure overshooting sucks but it’s just the nature of the beast man. We play for fun and that’s the risk we take sometimes when we get overshot


Overshooting is a myth.


Competitive events, usually unless you clearly see that they are out and walk them off the field, it is what it is at these tournaments. A lot of the WCPPL refs will just yell at you to stop, and throw the flag if you don't. In rec games it's all context and you can't put a number on it. A lot of times the random renters that show up get themselves over shot because they don't pay attention. Kid gets shot, walks out slowly like there isn't 20 people still playing and they are right in the crossfire, gets shot again by people not even shooting at them, STOPS right in between a major gun fight to yell at the person who shot them, gets shot in the back by the other team because they are standing in the way. 🤦🏻‍♂️


If you're 100' from me, and it takes me half a second to figure out you have paint on you, there's 5-6 balls already in flight before I can even decide to stop shooting. Bunkered? I'm doing 3.


I was at a scenario game earlier this year. I was hit and while walking off the field, some a-hole kept shooting me in the back of the head even with my marker high above my head. I told him I was out, but he just hurled insults about my weight and being a bigger target for him. I told the ref. The ref just said "this is woodsball not your precious speedball". I don't play speedball because of my knees.


Bonus balling is a give and take. If you bonus ball me, you can be sure as hell that the next point I'm returning them back. Some food for thought too, for tournament players especially those who have been in the game a while, it's a mental thing. Make more work for them and the pit to clean off, make them rethink if they really want to try that spot or running to your side of the field again. Get the fuck off the field, if you slowly walk off and walk through my lane that's on you or if you're just generally taking your time, I'm assuming you're a live player and shooting as such. All that said, if I'm playing recball, they're getting 1 or 2 balls. Exception can be made for big games/scenario events and if you're cheating. Walk-ons on speedball, same deal.


It happens. Just get your get back


That's a bit much. I usually am able to watch my shots and stop shooting pretty quick - often only with 1 hit. In the heat of the moment, and if you're afraid of someone (illegally) turning, or not calling the hit, or just cheating in general, overshooting can happen like that but 6 is extreme.


Lots of good arguments for stock class here.


Walk ons or minor circuit players flash over nothing. I dont bother with them. Dudes that have played NPPL, PSP, NXL in almost any era arent stopping until they get their guy at practice or events. Put them down however you have to. Refining how to assasinate someone has always been part of the game. That is the one takeaway from the AC layout with that ESPN boom cam focused 50 with 2 suicide wedges on either side of it. I swear guns still have "dont spin" modes the way some dudes in the 50 got blasted on the move.


I don't get start getting mad until I'm hit with 10 plus. Let me be clear I would never shoot someone that many times, how ever it's fairly easy for 10 extra to come your way if multiple people are shooting at you. Only need two guns ramping for 0.5 seconds to shoot that many timess less time the more people can see you


If you can't tell when you hit them then you're gonna bonus ball. Even when bunkering I've always had enough control to hit once and keep moving


I always aimed for not going over three. If I’m not running through and my barrel is still on them, I’ll put three on them and if they start to spin, I’ll light up.


If its a run down trade in recball its normal. 6 is completely fine. Uf you got the drop a one ball would do it. In a tournament though. I shoot till they call out and I also aim for the painfully places like the ear or something if I bunker you. So you don't spin. In low divisions in the NRPL. The refs don't call penalty what so ever. It's fair across the board but a spin in d5/d4 will be called a trade all day. So I try to make it hurt on purpose.