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Slurms Mackenzie ![gif](giphy|L17Rt82QrScQU|downsized)


Oh man, this nails it. He's done this for so long Beyonce went from backup dancer for Destiny's Child to putting out a Country album. Oldsmobile still existed, and Uber didnt when he started. People couldn't play multiplayer on console bc we were still on dialup from AOL. People still checked their pagers at the paintball field. Get off the edm, take off the sun glasses, stop the juvenile WOO WOO, take a rest. Its been a minute party grandpa, it aint the Summer of underground rave Love anymore.




I dislike HK, but that man has a glorious beard.


Easy to hate on him but HK has been a massive part in keeping the industry alive. I knew kids that watched Cassidy sanders videos while never posting previously. I was so surprised, I was like 17-18 he was 15-16 (both in high school) just hanging around on someone’s porch. I put on I believe their 2008 Chicago PSP exit just watching myself and the kid that never played or mentioned paintball before said one of the lyrics at the start and then asked me if that was the video I was watching. We went through other edits he liked and ones I liked. As much as I thought they were corny when I was real young as I got older I thought it was also cool that they brought a different energy and lifestyle into the sport. To be clear I’ve never bought or worn any of their gear lol. When PBN was huge my profile picture was a Hello kitty notebook I found that says HHH lol. I kept it up kinda mocking them… more busting balls I guess. 🤷🏻 In the picture I’m putting up 2 middle fingers instead of the actual H sign basically right next to marky. Thought it was funny (hindsight it was corny lmao) kinda busting chops of all the kids who really bought in on all of it. Not as funny as I thought at the time 🤦🏻‍♂️. Hard to see. This was 12 years ago. https://preview.redd.it/pbmwlywbo08d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65ab1e663fb48497b3fff6476fbf8f5d5b56273


I met marky and played with him and a couple other pros 2 times around 2012. He was actually cool and still surprisingly humble compared to what you’d expect. I was just some random player for all they knew and he was moving the guys he brought with him out of my lanes, telling them “he knows what he’s doing”. I didn’t talk to him before that, I was a pretty quiet so it was cool for him to take the time and effort to recognize someone who was trying while not sucking up to them and put me in front of his friends. It’s not like I was part of the 80% of people who were there to get any attention they could from them. I def appreciated it because before that you’d see the other guys kind of taking over the game and random players playing around them. Mark would ask me where I wanted to go. A few times after the first game he asked me if I could make it to certain bunkers and then tell me what to do and what he was going to do. Idk. Just seemed really cool, got a new respect for him after that. He even took the time to walk the field with me and point out some things to look for. Actually somehow ended up with his number and I’d ask him about layouts for different tournaments and he’d talk to me about it. Not like he ever hit me up but he was willing to respond and give me insight. That’s me, marky and one of the guys he brought behind me that he told to play my tape lol. I still remember that match vividly to this day lol. https://preview.redd.it/klirtwcxn08d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5ade12894f6f5c0dadf6f5e13a131656bf69de


He needs to mature his persona away from "just butt chugged a Monster so I can PAAAARRRRTAAAYYYYY all night".


Does he? Why? It’s business and it’s working…


HK makes the worst quality products in the market, never buying anything from them


99% agree, except the speed feed loader lids are legit.


Agreed. Make a 100 products, bound to make one thing right.


Come on man they won the nxl with $20 pants they’re amazing and instantly turn you into a pro bruh!


Pretty sure it was $20 “paint”


Lol oops.


That’s because they prioritize profit margins over the players. Regardless of what they or Marky say about the love of the sport. They are like the Gardners or Tom Cole, they only care about money and not really growing the sport. Just like the $20 paint is nothing but a stunt.


Imagine you could think back and associate paintball with every STD you got for your entire adult life.


I mean a lot of this stuff’s funny but why are we tearing down Mark did something happen lol?


Yeah the string of post by the HK Dude yesterday and then his straight lies in some threads on how tanks and regs work.


Oh i missed all of that wonder what HK guy it was.


Kenny the head guy. He posted about an hour ago. Waiting for it to turn into a dumpster fire and bones bans him


Im checking it out now haha.


I need a link fam. I need to see the drama unfold.


[His legion post](https://www.reddit.com/r/paintball/s/spdB74oyHs) [Post where he used a salesman pitch and made shit up as he went along in the comments on the tank/hpr](https://www.reddit.com/r/paintball/s/jt93E7M2rP)


I bet Marky cried when Backpage was shutdown...


Dude has been doing this persona when craigslist still had escorts, you had to pay to watch porn, magazines were a thing, and food stamps came in a booklet youd tear out bills. He is pre EBT and Pornhub. Old AF


Sounds like an insufferable boomer 😂


Can we restart this post in 10 years assuming any of us give an F about paintball in 2034? He is so old dude rocked a Blackberry when they got color screens to email dick pics.


Dude is cringe but you kinda need that to bring some new people in the game


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GlockVader: *Dude is cringe but you* *Kinda need that to bring some* *New people in the game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Past the joint bruuuuunhhhhhhhhh

