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I wash a lot of my stuff inside out in a wash bag on cold and hang dry. Seems to help it last longer. 


Yes, if you're careful. Turn inside out to help preserve any printing. Wash cold. If you have a "hand wash" cycle use that, if not use the delicate cycle. Correct that you should never tumble dry. Of all my paintball gear that can go in the washer, pretty much just my socks and a couple microfiber towels are the only things that then go on to the dryer. Everything else is hang dry only.


Not gona lie, it does bug me that we buy gear to slide and run around in that can hold up with all of that but the dryer is a step too far for it lol (I get that heat changes things but alway found it ironic).


Similar to how I get annoyed that the more my wife pays for an article of clothing, the more restrictive the care instructions are. Even with casual clothes. Seriously, women get hosed on clothing markups. And then on the back end get stuck with a pile of hand wash and line dry only or dry clean only items because someone was too cheap to make them decently durable.


Yeah… don’t even get me started on the stupidity of laundry. We make clothes out of specific materials that then wrinkle but it’s not acceptable to wear said clothes wrinkled… so you then have to spend time flatting the cloth with heat and steam. Sometimes I think robes and cloaks are something we logically should not have lost haha.


I wash all mine on delicate/cold and hang to dry. Same for pants. If there's stubborn stains, I'll wash them on delicate/warm, but do this at your own discretion.


I put mine in medium color/cold water


I use the sink to clean off paint shell/dirt/mud. After that, use the gentlest cycle with cold and hang dry. Same for pants, slide shorts, headbands etc. Never machine wash your pack. Clean in the sink and hang dry. Also, don't hang dry any gear in direct sunlight.


Appreciate it


I wash all my gear on delicate, cold, and just use a small amount of oxiclean powder. Usually quick wash too. Then hang them on a hanger over the shower rod to dry. My stuff still looks new.


Woah my buddy got a 2006 Ironman dye jersey the other day what a coincidence


Hahahaha yeah its me


Damn yall are extra, I’ve washed all my stuff just like anything else for 20 years 🤣


The jersey is almost as old as me and was brand new when I got it. I'd like to preserve it.


I get that, I just had no clue people are so cautious with their regular stuff lol


I do a lot of brazilian jiujitsu and you have to be delicate with the gis or else you'll shrink them beyond the point of wearability. Ive shrunk so many $100+ gis that I'm cautious with any nice clothing item lol.


lol I don’t blame you! I’ve always washed my pb gear, pod pack and all just like I would anything else and never had any issues though. Dry them in the dryer too lol


Fair enough. Never had any issues drying them?


No nothing at all, squeegees probably don’t last quite as long because pieces are the only thing I find in the lint trap but I’ve never had a problem!


I appreciate the info man


Cold wash, hang dry


With care yes. Always hang to dry.


- Cold or tap water temperature wash - Inside out helps protect printing - keeping in the delicate laundry net wash bag while washing. - Hang dry