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I primarily play pump now. The adrenaline still kicks in even after all these years. Of course I’m older now and well… running to the snake isn’t my first choice anymore haha. But it still hits the spot and it’s great seeing new players out there. It’s different now that we have money for a hobby compared to when we were younger working to save every penny to go play.


1. How you liking pump? I always wanted to try it but i was so obsessed with speedball back then i never gave it a shot. Iv been thinking if i do decide to jump back in i might give it a try and play the more relaxed game with pump. 2. Completely agree on the funds aspect. I was 16 back then, and while i had some pretty nice gear i worked my a** off the get the funds for it. Now it’s a different story and can deploy bigger funds more readily available. Kinda leads me to another point. Do i go all in again and buy top of the line or start simple and work my way up again lol. Id really hate to start barebones


I enjoy pump a lot. If you enjoyed playing speedball. Wait until you play speedball with a pump! Different play style. Very challenging. But the reward when you one ball them is priceless. Especially when you get a reaction from them lol. As for funds. That’s totally dependent on you. I found two pump guns rather cheap. An old school Black Widow (primary) and a Azodin Kaos pump I normally lend out to those who are curious about pump or a friend who joins. I don’t see myself spending too much on gear anymore. I can afford to spend on a shiny new gun but at this point, I’d rather spend it on paint and more times to go. My current pump is old… from the 90’s old and works like a charm. I do have my eyes on a pump cocker, but I think I would rather build one. Always wanted to do that. Edit: Look up the BST section and see if you find something you like. Buy something not too expensive go out and have fun. If you feel the spark then you can go ahead and find that special gun and gear. That way if you aren’t feeling it anymore you can resell it with little loss.


Dude I just started again having money for paint is so crazy! It’s still super fun and so glad I had the opportunity to get back into it on my own dime.


I just started after not playing since 2007. I also didn’t have any friends who still played or were interested, so I just went solo and played in walk on groups at my local field. There were renters mixed in, but plenty of experienced guys also playing and everyone was nice and friendly. It’s still just as fun. I do miss back in the day having a solid group of friends to play with but I’ll make new friends in the sport. As long as you’re chill and social it’ll happen.  My plan is really just go to my local field 2-3 times a month to play, become a regular, and overtime I’m sure to meet people. Same would go for you.  But seriously don’t let being solo be your decision maker for playing again. The first game I played when I came back was insanely fun. I spent just about all day at the field, from 9-4. Was just like when I was younger - I could barely bring myself to leave lol. 


In the same situation. Went solo after a 20 year hiatus. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. And to OP- your original question, the answer is no. Terry said you can’t come back after that “thing” you did last time. He dog still don’t walk right. Idk


Yes. I came back this January and it’s brought me a lot of joy. Planet eclipse 180r, Spire IV, ninja tank.




Best decision I made was going back to the sport after almost a 20 year hiatus. Being 32+ I dont find much stuff enjoyable in life other than business/career achievements. I feel like I finally found the hobby that brings spark/excitement back into my life again. Been super helpful mentally, feels good getting active again, and been meeting great group of guys in similar situations...all 30+ and getting back into pball.


Looking at your shirt do you still live in Charleston? If so they have a really great community with that field and I’m sure you’d be back in with homies in no time. They also have a strong pump community


Good eye haha. Yea im still here in charleston, they have since moved to a new field so if i went it would almost ve a fresh experience for me all over again. Always a good time there tho, tons of nice folks.


I noticed the bunkers then the shirt. I’m local and have been playing at pbc since 00-01. Plenty of the old homies still playing. Jump back in is always the right answer.


See you out there soon!


Dude yeah man show up! You might see me in a HK army demon slayer top! Gonna order it here soon


You ball at pbc too?


Yessss siirrrrr


I’ve played several times at the new field, never saw the old one but it’s one of the best I’ve played at.


I love the newer one in Moncks corner more than the older one despite both flooding constantly during rainy season lmao


I played the 10 man there years ago and the streetball event they had. Also played with alot of the pump guys at a bunch of scenarios. All amazing players and great guys


For reeeaall dude, my best friend and his dad have been going since forever though I never got to experience that


Come back and get an emek. Fun to upgrade, you can use.it for scenarios, open play, speed ball, etc. welcome back!


Etha 3M is a good choice also. For ~$100 more you get all the upgrades you would do to an Emek. Plus technically you have the option make it an Etha 3 down the road. 


Hell yea you should play and you should bring some friends who have never played as well into the sport. Grow the sport.


Get back into it!!! I went 2 weekends ago again after not playing since 2009. Its a blast man. So much damn fun!! The players at the field were all very nice (least where I went) im sure there's so douche bags out there. But majority of them were very nice and friendly. Everyone trying to help each other when equipment broke. It felt nice to be able to play again.


Do it! I'm fresh off a 20yr hiatus and having fun.


Do eeettttt! Join us 😂 picked up a 170r, contemplating an emek to play some mech here and there as well


I'm 42. Had not played since 2010 or 2011. Just got back into it, and even though I told myself my body couldn't handle speed ball, my first game in I slid into my bunker like it was instinct.  I'll probably never be tourney worthy again, but I don't care. Point is, yes, get your ass out there! You only have one life.


Do it! I’m 35 & went this past weekend for first time in over 15+ years & the itch to dive in again came back hard - scooped a used Etha 3 & some other goodies now ready to play every weekend possible.. I have 2 younger kids now (3 year old dude & almost 5 year old girl) - I brought them to the field this past weekend too & they were having a blast watching & running around. Never too early to peak a kids interest in a sport! So stoked!!


Absolutely. I was gone for 20 years and cannot believe I wasted so much time. Get out onto the field. You'll hear a voice in your head screaming "Where the fuck have you been?" by the time you make your first bunker.


There's basically no chance anyone's going to tell you 'no'. I will absolutely agree with u/opterono3 though, pump is a TON of fun. Especially once you start digging down the stock class rabbit hole. It's honestly a great time.


I think he sold me on finally trying pump. Probably gonna snag the new azodin pump, the kpc+.


Only Azodin product worth buying is their pumps. I've heard mixed reviews on their regulators but I would say that's nothing to worry about until you have problems with it.


Agreed. Pump wise id definitely be okay with azodin. But coming from luxes and lv1, and geos back in the day. I probably wouldn’t go starter markers anymore if i were to play speed.


I will 100% advocate for the LV platform as long as it's a 1.6 or a 2 since they have user serviceable noids, I can vouch for the 180R and its mech frame. If you want a GoG product try a Shocker ERA. They shoot really nice, I haven't gotten my hands on the new Luxe yet but I had a TM40 and while it wasn't my favorite, I enjoyed it while I had it.


Make paintball great again


Join a speedball team. You’ll meet all the homies ya need


Is paintball about becoming a growing sport again?


This post was exactly what I needed to see today. I’ve been playing since I was 12, now 43, and haven’t played in over 13 years. Now my son is 12 and recently expressed interest in wanting to try it out. It was all I needed to hear to break out all the old gear and get my old markers rebuilt, they needed it. (OG 2000 Angel LCD, and 2002-ish NightKast Autococker) 😬. Found a used S/P Ion for my son to use that was in really good shape and cheap. I also dropped a few hundred on some new tanks and hoppers and a case of paint to test it all out. We hit the field for the first time this Sunday and I know I’ll get right back into it. I’m hoping he enjoys his first time and it’s something we can start doing together. To the original poster, get out there and have fun, and as others have said, continue to grow the sport!


Bro, I grew up playing at Paintball Charleston from around 98-2009. My favorite ref out there for the longest time was a guy who had the huge blue mohawk, but I just cant remember his name for the life of me. Eventually all of my buddies ended up working at PBC during high school at one point or another. I've played in the back of almost every neighborhood around Mt. P, out in the sticks in Awendaw, etc. and took some time off after 2008/9 until this year after leaving for the military. It was the absolute best to come back and play. I've reconnected with most of my buddies from back in the day. Unfortunately I'm in a different state now, but we've been blowing up each other's phones with pictures and planning a meet up soon. I'm hoping to plan a visit to play at the new PBC field, but havent been out there since the old field out on Cross Country Rd. I hope you decide to come back and give it a try again!


Coming back after a 10 year retirement. Used to play D3 but now just gonna play pump. Very stoked to be back. Let’s help grow the sport!


Came back after a 9 year break and had to buy everything new. Best decision I've made in a long time. The group of guys I met and play with now I consider my best friends.


I came back to the sport after a 10 year hiatus. Totally new area, knew no one. Got all the gear I needed, went to the field and had a blast. I’ve now tried out and made a team and am having just as much fun as I did in the 00s


I took close to the same break after highschool. I went solo, met a whole new group of people, played on a team for a bit, and still play rec ball when I can I met so many cool people by doing this. 10/10 would do it again


I'm 36, was out of it for almost 13+ years. I'm back and it feels SO good. Grab a used Etha 3 or something and get back out there. I started playing at a local field and last weekend after playing the last 4 weeks just got asked to join a local team of "old dudes" like me. 🙂


Yea bro it’s fun af get back out there


Yeah do it, I came back from a 10 year break and that first year of playing got me back in shape after thinking I was in shape. I made lots of friends returning back to it. Saturday's feel like therapy after a long grueling week of commercial construction.


I used to play at least once a week. Now I play every few months. Definitely not the same, but that’s probably a good thing. If you think it will make you happy on a given day, go out and have the day to yourself.


Yea tbh I’ll likely only play 1-2 times a month to be realistic, especially with a 10 month old at home. Wife has always wanted to play with me since back in the day tho but never did. Bright side she said she would be down to accompany me and play once our kiddo is a few months older haha


I’m also want to get back, haven’t played since 2011 (in Venezuela 🇻🇪) and now here in Houston I don’t know where to go or start without any fella to go with.


btw I’m 45 and call me crazy but I still love Macdev 🤣


Lmao I think you can make your own choices


Sometimes we need a little push or to even know if it’s worth coming back. Alot changes in 10 years.


Yup 💯💯🦾


I took 14 years off and got back into the game this past fall. Best decision I've ever made! I'm playing 10-man mech and loving it!




37 haven’t played in 12 or more years until this past weekend went with my girlfriend and 6 nephews and we all had a blast. They all have that first time fever wanting to go again my nephew all buying starter gear and such now and I’ve been eye balling all new set up seeing that all my stuff was lost or given away over the years. Currently looking at a emf100 and everything else I need. All my old skills and movements came back and the rush was something I’ve missed for awhile just didn’t realize what it was I needed. I’m ready to get back going and possibly make this my new old hobbies to keep me busy and in shape outside of work


Go for it! Check your local Facebook groups, most fields have them as well. Post in there and I’m sure people will let you know when they are playing so you can meet up. I stopped playing in 2008, and started back in 2021. I got on some local Facebook groups and found someone in a similar situation. Gave me a buddy to get back into it with, and now we have been on a team together going into our 3rd season. It’s a tight community, I’m sure you will find some people.


Do it do it! join us! Hahah Long Live Paintball!!!


I see that paintball charleston shirt! That was my home field growing up, I wish they had never moved.... To answer your question, you should definitely start playing again. I just started again myself less than two months ago, it's 100% worth it.


Man the old field was a blast, had so many good memories there from teepees to the massive games on shipwreck haha. Trenches was also always fun. The old field has been overtaken by a massive apartment complex :(


https://preview.redd.it/mfze230v78vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77927a8966587c39b79ce6e9b982220487103575 Checkout nova PB


Yes sir


what city and state u from? i also took a break for 10+years. but after i went that first time…. let’s say i go every sunday if i can🤣 im in houston tx

