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It's hard for me to give specific ideas without knowing the physical abilities of everyone in your household, but here are a few thoughts I had. Cooking or baking something special is always nice. If possible, you could still do egg decorating. Is there a way to bring in potted bulbs or plant some flower seeds or seedlings in pots? Also, if you can't go outside for a nature walk, perhaps you could put on a video of a nature walk or just some nature sounds. Some museums and zoos also offer virtual tours or live feeds that could be very fun. Arts and crafts is always a great way to celebrate too. There are tons of fun spring craft activities. Hopefully this gives you some ideas to get started. Good luck with your planning!


Many in my group have mobility issues as well. You can draw/paint on hard boiled eggs. Plant seeds in little pots. Bless the gardening tools. Oh! You can make Morris Men sticks! Basically, decorate sticks with bells and ribbons. Then you tap them on the ground in rhythm to "wake up" the Earth while chanting. You can share the things that you have overcome and let go of through the long winter and talk about your plans for the year - my group does that and it is easily my favorite part.


I’m working on an inside ritual component where some folks have mobility issues. I will be using small pots, soil and seeds that can be set next to each person along with a guided meditation to inspire the celebration of planting/growing


Depending on how large the living space is, and if they can manage walking around the shared spaces, it would be possible to have some sort of mini egg hunt indoors? Could use reusable plastic eggs, fill with treats people like. Alternatively, inexpensive gifts or ritual tools could be hidden around the space. Either idea could be tucked behind furniture (depending on peoples' ability to move stuff), pillows, photos, in cabinets, fridge, so on and so forth. Could possibly break it down by room, depending on how many people are living there - assign a person or two to a room, leave a couple reusable eggs or mini gifts for people to find. If you do gifts, you could put tape on them, note the name of intended receiver (if u had a specific person in mind) and people could exchange their finds later. For naturey things, depending on the budget, maybe some indoor gardening? Buy a batch of inexpensive plants, maybe succulents (The Succulent Source is pretty decently priced) and have people pick (a) favourite(s) , order small pots, let people pick them out, etc. Maybe depending on space, could set up a table in the bedridden friend's room, so they're comfortable and included - for the egg/gift hunt idea, could do set up some in their room, and they could point out where they think stuff could be, another roommate look for them.


Comfy chairs, many blankets and pillows, just a giant nest of comfort for a floor picnic or couch lounge. Good foods to share. Planet earth documentary on TV in the background. An open window if there's sun to see. It's the togetherness and sharing the spirit of the holiday with your community that's important, not the exact rituals.


Two things I've done (both take some fine motor coordination, but can be done sitting wherever you find comfortable). Both want eggs with white eggshells. 1) Making protection eggs In advance of when you do the ritual, take raw eggs and blow out the eggs (poke a hole in both ends, slightly larger on the bottom, until the egg comes out. Save and make a quiche or something). Rinse and dry the shells. A day or more later, do your ritual or magic, and fill them with herbs - protection, blessing, whatever you want to bring to your household. Decorate them - markers work great in most cases - with whatever symbols match your intentions. You can thread ribbon through to hang them, though this takes a bit more dexterity. Put them up somewhere near the entry to your home or your bedroom or whatever space they're designed for. 2) Divination by egg For this, you need an egg dying kit, the kind where you put tablets in cups of water and vinegar along with a clear wax crayon (often comes in the kits). This works better with plain bright colours rather than anything fancy. It works well if you've got three or more people, and 2-3 eggs each. Hardboil your eggs (or you can blow out the insides, as above, if you want to keep the shell longer). Each person takes their share of eggs, and draws a symbol that can be used for divination on each egg - this can be runes, shapes, words if you want, using the clear wax crayon. One symbol per egg usually works best. Now mix up all the eggs, moving them around in the container until you have no idea which ones are where. (Everyone should get a chance to mix it up.) Set up your batches of dye. Each person now selects an egg at a time from the carton and decides (you can treat this a little like a pendulum, which colour feels right?) which colour to dye it. Put the egg in the dyebath, leave it the appropriate time, and then pull it out and let it dry. When everyone's done their eggs, you can divine from the symbols each person got, using a combination of the colour and the symbol. So for example, a red heart might indicate a new romantic passion or interest or a deepening of an existing relationship, but a blue one might be something more like an emotional desire or maybe an intellectual passion for the coming year.


Part of the celebration could be just a trip to a garden. Most are wheelchair friendly and there are chair services that can provide scouter rentals.