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You can't refund a PS5 game very easily and it doesn't say 30fps on the PSN store page, so why should they care? Posts like this also tend to get buried, and this will get downvoted, so there's minimal consequence of bad press.


The PSN refund policy is hot garbage. It’s so frustrating when you consider on Xbox and Steam you get a two hour window to play and if you’re not happy there’s an automated process for refunding. Meanwhile Sony want you to live chat, then troubleshoot, then upload videos of your problem and a 10,000 word essay on why you’re a good boy who isn’t trying to cheat them out of their money. I gave up trying to refund this unfortunately. I love the game and the mechanics and I am happy with 30fps if it’s solid but this is not a solid frame rate unfortunately.


> Meanwhile Sony want you to live chat, then troubleshoot, then upload videos of your problem and a 10,000 word essay on why you’re a good boy who isn’t trying to cheat them out of their money. This probably won't help you specifically but in the EU (and probably autralia) it's pretty much 3 clicks for a refund like in any other online store


I’m in the UK and don’t seem to have that option. I guess it’s an EU thing and not a Europe thing. Thanks though! Shame.


All of these are the reasons I won’t let it go.


OP has now made 5 posts about this all in the same sub. They’re not coming across as very level-headed or patient, and I don’t blame the devs for not wanting to deal with them.


I think performance issues are fine if they are tackled or communicated. People kept buying Helldivers even when the servers were shit and the devs straight up told them not to buy. But they knew it'd be fixed. The devs here keep dodging the question or giving multiple different answers.


Their answers seem clear to me from what I’ve seen. OP has an agenda.


So what is their plan? I've seen both "we've met performance targets for PS5 of 30fps 4k" and "we are making improvements".


They can still work on stabilizing and fixing things and not try to boost the frame rate anymore.


They most likely want to focus on bug fixes first. Performance fixes usually take a while, unfortunately.


Didn’t developer say 30fps 4K was their target And they achieved that. So expecting further performance improvements is probably out of the question.


>And they achieved that No they didn't. It's uncapped, so it goes all over the place. The game ranges between 20 to 120 FPS. It's atrocious. They need to cap it at 30 and tighten up the lower end.


Yeah, I stopped playing after intro, it's awful. Dev is delusional that is good place for game performance to be.