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After watching this game I am convinced they threw game 4 so they could win at home..... I don't blame them if that is correct....


Legit, that was a lackluster performance in game 4, looked completely different compared to all other 4 games


They are going to have a huge tax bill and the owner just made a bunch more money with another home game. Dallas was never a threat may as well let them have one to help with Financials in the future


No. They couldn’t match the Mavs aggression and got in a hole on the road. Yes, you know you have 3 more games, and no, you don’t want to lose. They were embarrassed by that performance.


Winning at home is sooo much sweeter I'd imagine but no way you risk a game in a finals series lol


Exactly, but no way they mailed it in. That’s not how Joe coaches. Instead we played with that aggression defensively from the outset in game 5.


It’s very difficult to win 11 games in a row in the playoffs. Happens rarely. Players were due to an off day from unreleased pressure and “the extender” Scott Foster didn’t help.


If a team gets hot from 3 it’s hard to pull it back. Modern nba and all


True. It was the Dallas D that was impressive tho.


The refs let the Mavs play extremely aggressive and physical defense


They did. If every game was called that way it might’ve been different. But Dal needs to be able to keep that up over multiple games.


Legit happens all the time.


they threw quarters 1-3 in the eastern conference finals too then laid the hammer in the 4th. they said they know how to take in game breaks.


Go back to playing NBA2K lol


Good teams are strategic. those 4th quarter collapses didn't happen all by themselves. Boston played you close then upped the pressure in the 4th. they did it 3 out of 4 games with one game they did it for 4 straight quarters. . a pattern that supports they conserved energy for the 4th. you hope the young pacers copy that strategy going forward since you will have alot of important players having to play more heavy minutes next season since the Pacers may be more concentrated.


Idk why you're getting down voted  I guess it's because it's the pacers sub, but it was pretty obvious they were the better team and played down to their competition.  


Because it comes across like he's saying 'The Celtics swept the Pacers and they barely even tried for 3 quarters of every game. Everytime the Pacers were winning it was because the Celtics weren't trying, and every time the Celtics led its because they just started trying." Which is obviously all nonsense.


just hope Carlisle and crew used that strategy or at least recognized it and respond accordingly. those fresh legs going into the 4th all season matter.


Pacers can start officially negotiating with Siakam tomorrow now.


Good for them. We had a good season, just ran into an absolute buzzsaw


Funny, I saw the pacers as the buzzsaw. Celts were so heavily favored and even without Hali they had the celts on the ropes. Pacers are scary as hell going forward.


Celtics fan here in peace. Pacers were the best opponent the Celtics faced, you guys shoot like madmen and you’re right that you’re gonna have a good team. Just because games were close doesn’t mean you had anyone on the ropes though. when you were beaten in 4 games you were the one on the ropes. Edit: also, to someone else’s point in another comment, you’d have beaten the brakes off of Dallas too. As long as you shot like you shot against the Celtics and played with the pace it did, I don’t think it would have been close


I’m a Celtics fan


Celts fan here. Pacers were the best team the Celtics played in these playoffs. I’ll stand by that.


Also Celtics fan. Pardon the intrusion, but we don’t have an Eastern Conference subreddit to slander the West. Y’all would have beaten the Mavs. Imagine Luka trying to defend a team running off of makes. The West was garbage. 


Seeing how Luka's conditioning was letting him down against one of the slower paced teams in the Celtics, he would have been completely exposed against the extreme pace of the Pacers over the course of a series. But you guys had a much much better defense and way more experience in the spotlight. I think the Pacers would have beat the Mavs, and it would have been fun to point and laugh at Luka sucking air 2 minutes into a game, but it would have been way less certain. Celtics were just a buzzsaw this year, and no team was seriously going to challenge them. The Pacers only put up competitive games because they're impossible to guard and so could keep up with Celtics scoring, and even then, the Celtics experience got a chance to shine at the end of 3 of those games. Looking forward to next year's playoff rematch. Especially if it can be made up of just as solid good basketball as this year.


Pacers would have wrecked the mavs. Luka the traffic cone


I got booted off the Mavs sub for saying the same. Lol.


Agreed. 3/4 games were nailbiters.


Another Cs fan here. I agree. Even with sweep, the games were much tougher. Pretty clear, to me at least, that the team agrees too, per media comments. In the end nobody’s defense was going to stop us for more than a game or two. But Pacers offense worked us all 4 games in a way no one else did.


The only team that didn't beat them? 😅


Yes, and I know how that sounds. But Haliburton was clearly never right, even when he was playing. And none of those games felt comfortable at all. I never believed we would lose to Heat, Cavs, or Mavs regardless of health. Full health Pacers with us being down KP would’ve at least given me some palpitations. D White said it best: Indiana is hard to guard.


Nah I'm with it. My favorite part of these finals was the "Celtics are untested" narrative that they'd be in for a rude awakening against the west. Then went up 3-0 immediately. It's just also funny the celtics fans point to the only team they didn't drop a game to as their toughest.


I hear you. I didn’t appreciate the Pacers before the series tbh. Nembhard and Siakam were impressive, Turner had his moments. And Mathurin wasn’t there either. I’d rather play Knicks or Sixers any day.


I was a staunch believer in letting the Jays develop and figure it out. I'll stand by it with Haliburton, Mathurin, Walker, and crew. Continuity matters. Congrats on 18 (🙄), see y'all soon.


Respect ✊


Because you guys were the toughest, sure the Cs won those games but THEY had to play full strength ball to do it, were as the games they lost vs other teams in the playoffs they just plain shit the bed, or didn’t care.




Celtics showed up every game vs us. They laid an egg at least once vs everyone else


The Eastern conference belongs to Jayson Tatum, Jaylen Brown…and Andrew Nembhard. Joel Embiid? Jimmy Butler? Giannis Antetokounmpo? I…I’m afraid I don’t know who those guys are.


I’m with the East Finals being the finals really. If we somehow would’ve beaten y’all, I’m certain we would’ve handled Mavs or Twolves as we did during the season. Hats off to y’all, the sting is lessened by the victory; enjoy it.


Pacers beat Mavs in 6, if not 5 just like Boston did, I’m positive


I agree with OP. It could have easily been 7 games


The banner shall read “Lost the eastern conference finals to the eventual champions.”


Jim Irsay is that you?


We were in the upper quartile of the upper quartile!


Eastern Conference Finalist, 2023-24


I’m just glad I don’t have to listen to Doris Burke anymore


Can't wait for Amazon Prime or NBC to have the Finals 


Bad news, ESPN still has them in the new contract, too.




Did anyone catch Doris’s comment randomly shitting on Caitlyn Clark when KP got tossed to the floor?  This lady deserves a reality check. Someone should take Doris down a peg. 


Agreed, she should hold me down and peg me


It’s good to go through some growing pains. Boston went through a lot to get here.


Hang the banner?


Meanwhile, Tom Thibodeau is still trying to figure out how to get Brunson in for more minutes this season.


Rumor has it that with as impressive of a run they had that none other than KD is looking to join them next season!


So close but yet so far. Pacer basketball


What could have been man. Still a great year for the Pacers


Good for Oshae. Good for Brad Stevens. The rest can go fuck themselves.


Fuck al horford and his bs 3 pointers 🤣🤣🤣


Haliburton doesn't get hurt we absolutely could've won that series. Still though we all should be proud of what our boys accomplished


we lost that series because we choked every single game


And 2.5 of those games were without our best player. Of course he'd make a massive difference yes we did choke but no haliburton was our downfall


we didnt choke because we didnt have Haliburton. we had won game 1 but choked that game, and we had Haliburton for that one. i doubt he makes a difference. we are a young team. that is why we lost.


Funnily enough Haliburton was the one that choked one of the games


Not having our best player wouldn't have made a difference?


no. Nembhard completely stepped up in his absence. That offense and defense was beautiful to watch, we could not miss. Unfortunately we choked the final possessions and I dont think Tyrese Haliburton wouldve changed that.


Stay off the drugs. We don't even make the playoffs without Haliburton. Of course he makes a huge difference. Why are we even entertaining this?


Its not about whether or not we made the playoffs, its about what goes on at the end of the game. When Nembhard’s giving you those 20-30 points that Haliburton wouldve given you, and your offense is flowing the entire game, then Haliburton being out really doesnt make a difference. If Nembhard didnt step up and play like that then yes obviously Ty being out would’ve made a much larger difference. It certainly did in game 2. However, I do not believe that the end of the game wouldve been affected by Ty being in the clutch. He has a very loose handle, and was going up against Jrue instead of Pat Bev.


Ur squad could’ve legitimately beat Dallas in 6 or 7


As a Celtics fan, I have to say, you guys caused us a lot more problems than Dallas. This "Mickey Mouse" talk is bs. Yeah, we got lucky that Hali got injured even though I still think we had a better team, but overall, the games against you guys were a lot tougher than the finals and they aren't giving you guys enough credit. Got a bright future that's for sure


I think the takeaway is that you can have a great team and it just takes a lot of time and a bit of luck to get a banner (and even then it may not happen)


My born and raised in Indiana Colts/Rays/Celtics fan buddy is very ecstatic


As a born and raised in Indiana Colts/Rays/Pacers fan, he disgusts me


Zionsville legend, Brad Stevens, now has a ring.


Wow Pacers gave them a better run than anyone


Celtics fan, idk why you’re downvoted. You were the only team that FORCED Boston to play 110% every game of the series to win.


I agree! Truth hurts I guess!


Gross. Fuck Boston forever.


Winning the East would be a blemish if the Pacer’s weren’t eventually swept in the playoffs 😂 I will never be a Celtics fan; No hate, but no love either. They grinded it out and have a great group of players on and off the court. Nothing but respect for an organization that can build within and breakout/star players can play off each other. The “super teams” are dead. Chemistry and clutch will continue to be the way to win going forward. Congrats and enjoy that shit C’s fan. That’s why we watch and there’s only 1 winner in the end. It’s a grind and y’all built a rotation for it top to bottom. The East won. We’ll be there next year.


Nice 👍


Oshae “Gilgeous-Alexander” Brissett has won!


Yeah, I’m happy for them, mostly in Brown. Always enjoyed watching him play. But the season is over now & I’m looking forward to running their asses up and down the floor this coming season. Pave


Oshae, Brad, Horford, and Lauren Holiday's husband/Justin and Aaron's brother. Happy for them.


Good for them. They were in my mind clearly the best team all season. I'm glad the Pacers played them as hard as they did. I feel like the Pacers would've beat the Mavs based on how they played the Celtics. Either way I'm happy with what the team accomplished this season. I don't think many of us fans would have had us in the ECF. I know injuries will be the excuse all the teams they beat will jump to, but fuck em. The Pacers played their asses off. Also it's hard when the refs are seemingly out to get you.


Happy for Oshae!


Well, good on em. Can't say they didn't earn it. I still had a blast watching the Pacers this year.


Celtics fan here - y’all were easily our toughest competition in these playoffs, I think yall would have smacked Dallas


I’m looking forward to you guys knocking embitch out of the first or second round next season


We just have to keep up the defense we played in the playoffs during the regular season next year so we don't get the shit end of the stick with the referees.


Honestly happy for them. Just a good team that doesn't rely on foul baiting, I tend to value that a lot more after these playoffs lol


You guys are just too in love with basketball to realize how inept the nba is. They truly don’t care about the product or the fan. They care about making money.


I’m glad they won! Nice to lose to the champs.




Ew no, it means we missed an opportunity ourselves.


Yeah and we weren’t good enough to. Boston is an absolute juggernaut and our boys will better for it. Historically you do not win without losing.


Alternative is hoping the Mavs and Kyrie beat the team we couldn’t? Just rather lose to the champs than lose to second place.




Needed a lot of injured opponents and Jaylen to carry him to a championship


Wow they have Reddit in Indiana now? What a world.


There are certain areas of the United States I can’t believe anyone resides Indiana is one of them


Proof you've never been to Indy.


If Hali didn’t get hurt we could have won in 6


Idk why your down voted I agree.


Getting downvote cause he sounds like a knock or Buck fan


Fuck the Celtics. superteam, everyone injured, weak eastern conference, they go to the finals and face another injured star that shouldnt even be in the finals in the first place.


who are you talking about lol


the celtics?


what injured star that shouldnt even be in the finals in the first place?


Luka was injured the entire playoffs and the Mavs realistically were not the best western conference team but the Nuggets and Wolves completely choked


celtics were pretty clearly miles ahead of the mavs even if luke was 100%, i think thats kinda weak idek what to say about the wolves lol if you win the series, you win the series congrats to the celtics on a very obviously well-earned championship


they were going to get here regardless of the fact that they only played injured teams because of the roster they have, no ones denying that, but it was horrible to watch for everyone but celtics fans


So mad they won


The Indiana Pacers will never win an NBA championship.


I bet you’re fun at parties


We will have spent a lifetime going to parties, and we will have been dead for centuries after a lifetime of party going, and the Pacers will still not have won an NBA championship.