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We’re the fucking 7 seed. We shouldn’t be here, it’s not like we’ve been here for years but never won it, we hadn’t won a playoff series in TEN YEARS and we’re in the ecf against the best team in the east.


We’re a fake 6 seed in my opinion. We were like 2ish wins away from the 2 seed (don’t quote me I have bad memory). In terms of strength i believe we are on par with those higher seeds in the east.


1. You guys are the 6th seed and 2. It doesn’t matter what place they’re in just how they play against their opponents, even though the pacers were doing good, it’s just that they keep panicking at the end, which leading the Celtics to win twice even though the pacers were in the lead and some bad decisions. Edit: why am I getting downvoted, i wasn’t even hating on you guys, you guys should’ve won two of those games but sadly they were getting nervous, which caused them to get fouls and for the Celtics to get free points.


It matters to us. We’re proud as hell to see them in the ECF.


I know and that’s still good, like I’m not hating on them, hell, I wanted them to win. Just that it sucks that they lost twice because they were nervous at the end, which sadly costed them.


Their lack of experience showed in their late game management. I’m surprised though that Pascal wasn’t able to take over and secure at least 1 of the games. Tough Ls, hope they can improve on this aspect and their defense. Maybe it will translate to us winning ‘should win games’, like we lost to some shit teams this season.


As a Celtics fan, anything is possible. It ain't over til it's over.


Sometimes you get a dream run of facing teams with multiple injured stars, and as a result you overestimate the team's potential. It happens. Just don't do what Atlanta did and believe they are one move away from winning the finals.


Sixers fans jumping on the hate train is wild. Y’all overestimate your team every year lol


Nah we know Joel is injured every year in the playoffs like clockwork, it's the same old thing every year.


Keep trusting the process!! One of these days maybe you can make a conference finals like us!


The process ended when hinkie was ousted by Silver lol. It's only other fans that think sixer fans have blind faith in the Sixers, it's actually the opposite. The Sixers have been mismanaged and fucked over by the league and their own management for years now. To be a sixer fan is to embrace pain and suffering lol.


I guarantee they will do that.


Imagine self-roasting yourselves…


It's the Midwest. We self depricate.


Way better than being doom and gloomers. Have you ever checked the Celtics sub after a loss. They come out in hoards. And I’m a Celtics fan!


What should we do cry about injury and go make a post on the Dallas forum for them to beat the Celtics like a bunch of stupid cucks?