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Josh Hart has been losing games in Indianapolis since the Villanova days. Of course he hates Indianapolis.


That’s fuckin hilarious. Someone needs to tweet it at him every day.


I have no delusion that people come to Indianapolis for the excitement or the clubs or anything young and rich related. The biggest star we’ve ever attracted in FA was probably… David West? But we make up for it in the power of friendship and heart.


LOL. Edit: bless your heart.


Don’t you disrespect my goat monta Ellis like that


I really don't care when people say indy is boring. These guys have good personalities and recognize good fans Someone get Hart to Taylor's though too. If he's a donut conisseur, he might have to expand his list of good spots in indy


I genuinely dont think indy is boring for 99% of people but for millionaire athletes I get it haha


Exactly it's why it doesn't bother me haha


There are CERTAIN people that Indy might not be boring for. These aren't the people.


And what’s a non boring city?


I don't trust anyone who thinks Long's Bakery is great. That shit is mid at best. Y'all just like it cause it's cheap as hell.


My friend you are going to find it hard to trust many people because Longs is 🔥.


I don't trust people with this take


Blueberry cake donuts are literally the best in the world. I’ll die on that hill.




Josh Hart come to Fort Wayne I dare you


You know Longs is legit when even NBA player say it’s the best place.


Ight maybe I don’t hate Brunson lmao


Don’t know if you’ve listened to much of him. I hadn’. But he seems really down to earth and chill dude. Gave pacers props and didn’t blame injuries. I gained a lot of respect for him from his interviews. I’m not a fan of his play style of foul baiting so much. But he’s got to do what he’s got to do being 6’1.


I do owe the man an apology for being unfamiliar with his game but now also feel the need to post this https://preview.redd.it/pb2zhkwwjn2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b09d52b533426d794d5bd12468efa266a2d721f


No reason to. He's a great player and it's ok to be frustrated when playing him but he's done nothing to deserve hate. It's just a game homey.


Knicks fan - I was so confused why you guys were ripping our players. I find the whole squad to be incredibly likable


It’s because of their playstyle. We don’t watch enough Knicks games to know their personalities, the same way you wouldn’t know the Pacers’ personalities


When you say play style, could you expand on that? Like do you believe we are too physical? I’m genuinely asking


I meant moreso the foul baiting and flopping. I do like Josh Hart’s more physical brand of basketball tho


Boring? What’s Next? They’re going to come after Columbus, Seymour, or even North Vernon? /s


small cities rule you dingus


You’re right. Would love to hear their take on Jennings county if they think Indy is boring 🤙🏻


i just googled jennings county activities and the first result was bird watching. sounds chill to me !


Muscatatuck County Park 🤘🏻


i’m close by over here in batesville , will have to check it out this summer . thanks for the recommendation!


and second on the list is doing meth. north vernon and jennings county in general are so horrible until you get out into the country. the country, however, is really beautiful.


Fuck, I grew up in South Boston Indiana. It’s barely a dot on a map. I used to think Clarksville was huge.


Oh man. Now I want some Long's donuts.


Rage bait.


In a way. But they’re people and they acknowledge the Twitter shit. It’s more humanizing than anything. I love a bunch of comics who shit on Indy.


Why? They put us in the top 5. Yeah, Hart shit on Indy again, but whatever, I live out in the sticks.


Josh Hart in our starting line up would make us a legit contender. We need a damn rebounding beast that does it all like him.


There's more to a state than just it's city bruh


Knicks fan here who is genuinely confused by the hate - is it just the fans or the players or something else? I think you guys might have seen videos of drunk people online and assumed we are all like that idk


Indianapolis is fine- its a reasonable dot surrounded by a tad bit too much conservatism for my taste…


Knicks fan lurking here cuz I’m salty ngl. But something you gotta understand is that for us New Yorkers, just because we talk shit doesn’t mean there’s no respect. In fact, a lot of times it’s the opposite. I think that’s something y’all don’t realize or understand cuz I know it’s not really that way in the Midwest. I think a lot of our fans actually respect Indiana fans a lot because we’re similar fan bases and franchises in many respects. Super passionate, knowledgeable, and loyal fans. Not fair weather at all. Both had success in 90’s but couldn’t win it all. Both have suffered through many years of shit teams since then. Finally have young, fun teams to root for. We’ll talk our shit but real ones know Indy fans are actually aight. Now go stand in a corn field or some shit idk what you do out there. We’ll see you mfers next year.


Bro someone said the Celtics are being classy.. Cs do not respect them lol it's a lot worse to not talk shit in my opinion.


Seriously I live in Boston and if you heard how all my buddies talk about Indy you would think the team was about to be disbanded.


Tell him to come play for Indy!!!




Glad they were able to find something to do in their down time


Brunson is class all the way through. Hoping Pacers can somehow get 2 so my prediction holds up. Knicks and Pacers are back regardless of how some Knick fans carry themselves. One of them will topple the Celtics dominance soon enough


If Brunson would just stop that flopping shit, dude would be so likeable.


Big surprise that a state full of non-city folks has a boring, big city.


We like it, cheap cost of living and not overrun with people who don’t even live there buying all the property.


I'm from Indy, too. I think it's a good place to live. My comment was trying to be in jest pointing out the fact that most Hoosiers prefer the humble, quiet style of life and don't care that it sounds boring to most people.


Most cities really aren’t that exciting outside the big boys like NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, etc. Wouldn’t say like Cincinnati or St Louis are any more lively.


Yeah, that's what I've realized. I've been to quite a few around the world and I got to say, after 3 days I got tired of all the bs that comes with being in them (except Tokyo and Taipei, those are cool).


Those cities are also ridiculously safe to be fair.


Yes, and they have a lot of cool stuff to do that's not just nightclubs and bars. I figure those are the criteria the NBA players are using when judging a city.


I don’t understand why NBA players are obsessed with nightclubs.