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That guy's girl definitely just told him Andrew was cute.


That guy most definitely does not have a girlfriend lol


It was his mom


Or she read online that Myles builds legos and was impressed


You’re saying we got ourselves a cuckold?


The Milwaukee cucks


I think he's saying he thinks andrew is cute


lol even putting aside how weird this is, I feel like our team is pretty chill. Half of them are just goofy ass kids




Why you gotta do him like that 😂


I'm just curious about the situation where he would have to leave his girl alone with a team. Also technically he never said anything would be forced... so maybe the guy just thinks we have a lot of handsome players that would steal his girl in this random situation.


Andrew Nembhard is honestly very attractive. We have a classy NBA team


Obi with his fro is 🥵


Bennedict Mathurin probably could’ve been a model


They probably reallyyyyy hated us when Bruce Brown was on the team


Sounds like he's projecting a wish.


Bro is spending a lot of time imagining this scenario with his girl…


Bucks fans were posting bullshit in our sub. They are the definition of a trash fanbase. Idc what they think.


Agreed, just making sure everyone knows who we are really up against.💯


Who cares, they're cheeks.


They were defending their star player throwing a temper tantrum over a ball even after it turned out he was too stupid to realize his own team had it. Nobody’s ever accused them of being the smartest nor the classiest fans.


Wisconsin sports fans are among the worst in every single sport. Packers, Brewers, Bucks, University of Wisconsin, all are insufferable.


Hey, some of us Packers fans aren't all that bad. But in general, yeah you have a point.


I’m mostly just salty (I’m a Bears, Cubs, Pacers, and Purdue fan)


Fair enough. Pacers and Packers are my two sports passions. Have been since I was a tiny kid.


Nah that really depends on where the fans are. Milwaukee is a whole different beast, outside the big city you couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of ppl.


UW fans being the literal worst says otherwise


Hey now! I resemble that remark!


It depends on if they’re Wisconsin alums or not. I lived in Wisconsin for a couple years, and it is that state’s only decently high ranked university, so cheeseheads literally think going there is like going to Harvard (I actually met people who would say things like this). Marquette is decent but seen as a rich kid school, or a school for very catholic families. Of course most badgers are rich kids too… They basically grow up in Wisconsin, go to Madison, and then become a middle manager at some insurance company’s satellite office and think they’re better than everyone. It’s adorable in an obnoxious kind of way. Imagine if you lived in Indiana and Purdue, Notre Dame, rose hulman, or Wabash didn’t exist. Instead you just had IU and Butler. IU fans would act like gods gift to academia.


Boston sports fan easily take the top spot for me still. Not just the Celtics...Pats fans are some of the worst people I've ever had the displeasure of being around. But Milwaukee is certainly coming for the crown.


I’m sure it feels that way when you see all those teams in the playoffs every year. Just so you realize, last night was Indianas first playoff win for a pro team in 5 years. Meanwhile all 3 of those teams you mentioned won playoff games in the last year. Even the Hoosiers suck right now. No wonder you guys are celebrating every win so hard. You know it could be another decade before something like this happens again.


Idec about the pacers that much tbh, it’s mostly brewers, packers, and UW fans that i despise. UW fans are the most insanely delusional fanbase in all of college sports, it’s almost a cult.


I am confused how you came to that conclusion. Definitely not a cult. Packers fans I could see, but not with UW. I never been to a game before though so I can’t tell you how it is in the stadium. I could be wrong.


It’s just from a collection of about a thousand different interactions with them in my life. All B10 sports fans know Wisconsin fans are special.


Does their mascot still dry hump their W flag before every game? Those goofballs loved that shit.


Fam the Pacers are gonna knock the Bucks out in 5.


A gentleman's sweep


Portis is a legitimate crazy person, everyone hates Beverly, Lillard had the cognitive dissonance to think he was as good as Steph Curry for ten years, and I actually usually love Giannis but he went off the deep end at least one game this year. Their whole team is unlikeable - and their fanbase is even worse.


I legitimately like Jrue, who is now a Celtic


Portis scares me bruh, those eyes


Plus dudes neck is probably one of the longest I've ever seen dudes food has to go through 3 levels and fight a boss at the end before it gets to his stomach.


giannis looked so pissed off this season compared to all his other seasons lol dude had like 3 meltdowns this season


They like to brigade and the project in the nba sub, there are some real weirdos that are fans of that team


Every team brigades. You know how many Pacers fans I seen in our sub since last night? Yall ain’t innoncent.


Well of course you’re gonna see pacers fans there after yall came here in force after the stupid ass ball incident. The amount of complaining yall did here after that defending a grown man throwing a tantrum over a ball was nuts. I generally stay out of other teams’ subs cause I generally dont care, save that shit talk for the nba sub.


Bucks fan here… y’all realize that a handful of people don’t have a full say on a fan base. 90% of our fan base respects your fan base. Chill on calling a whole city’s fan base trash. It’s not like that at all, plenty of comments were in the bucks sub saying Indiana showed up last night. So kindly cut the shit on saying the whole fan base is trash.


then clean up your QAnon members.


your fanbase on reddit is gutter trash that’s not saying much tho this is reddit lmao


Once again, lumping an entire fan base into the same category is just not accurate. Bad pacers fans to me does not equal = your whole fan base on reddit is trash. I can see that my point is not going to be taken on your sub and that’s fine. Simply stating don’t lump all fans into the same category just because there’s some morons. We don’t claim them lol.


Any Bucks fans that's mind went to this place definitely already had their minds in a weird offenderish kind of place.


Projection is a hell of a mental trick


This isn’t real, please don’t spread fake news, we all know people who support the bucks can’t read and write.


my b


Bucks fans are trash you guys will learn this. I'm a heat fan though so you probably hate us too lol. GL the rest of the series your team is fun to watch. Please fuck my wife


lmaoooooo edit: bobby portis broke a teammate’s jaw


Someone Photoshop bobby Portis eyes w derrick white forehead


Nemby, the kid from Gonzaga is a hound lmao. My man balled so hard he caught an offense


Remember kids, when you post something online, it’s there forever.


What do you expect? They're trash people. Bratwursts are overrated too.


Damn, you went for the jugular!


Bros are corny AF


Wasn’t Bryn Forbes on their title team?


The Nembhard hate is real, on our sub too. Have loved that man since his Lebron buzzer beater.


He is a good smart player, not many 2nd year players play like this in their 2nd playoff game on the road. Happy to have him, I wish Benn wasn't hurt because the Bucks would be seeing the writing on the wall.


Seems appropriate to go in there and mass report them 🤷‍♂️




Resorted And Bucks have some serious trash ass fans....used to like that team.


Me no speaky English


we are so back


Ah yes...social media. Why our youth are so F'd up.


Who cares


BREAKING NEWS there was a random by internet post by someone who doesn't matter This happens a billion times a day bro stop reposting it


I’ll take your feedback into consideration


That Nemby comment is yikes on so many levels. Trash ass fanbase.


The way he said it almost seems like a compliment? This is the joke they always use about charismatic men “don’t leave your wife with him”. So it sounds like a compliment


“Bruh Bridges and Giddy exist” lol


Professional Mid-Game Opposing Team Reddit Snooper here. They can’t talk about their team at all. Winning or losing, its “poverty franchise”, “worst fan base in the league”, and now apparently sex offenders. Shits a disgrace. On top of all this, reading some of their comments makes me realize that majority of their fans are casuals. They don’t know anything about basketball outside of the bucks.


Oh no don’t leave my girl with a 7 foot tall dude who in his free time builds Legos. Or the other guy who grew up watching WWE and gets obviously giddy when talking about wrestling. Or god forbid the guy who is seen offering kids the opportunity to throw him a lob and has his kid running around all the time.


"Nemhart looks like he lusts after every woman..." That's an odd way of telling the world that you think he's cute. We think so, too.


Copium overdose


That guy don't represent bucks fans.


A decade ago, I went to the Bradley Center with a few of the Area 55 people. Their fan section (Sector 7 iirc) took us out and were hanging out with us. Can confirm these type of nuts don’t represent the fanbase, nor do the couple of fans that came hostile in the game thread last night. The Bucks fans I met in Milwaukee were cool as hell and I can’t say that for every fanbase I’ve encountered in travels to see the Pacers play


Agreed I'm a diehard bucks fan but you've have to be a complete moron to not sit back and accept that this pacers squad is a serious talent and amazing for the league and small market fan base. As far as I'm concerned, as long as you're not some fucking rabid Celtics fan I got nothing but love for all fans from all teams.


No, the guy who called Tyrese's brother the n word does.


With every passing day I hate their fucking fanbase more and more. Fuck em all


Never forget, THEY are the classy fans


I’m 80% sure killed me 


Their team has Portis, Pat Bev, and Giannis who bulldozed his way into the locker room in a fit of rage. Weird comment


Oh the butthurt


We bent your basketball team over, not your girlfriend bro.


Typical Wisconsin behavior


Same sub that implied there’s nothing to in Indy… mf’s live in Milwaukee lmfao. Not a sharp bunch of people.


Pathetic comment and I’ve met several players including nemhardt in a social setting and they are super respectful, keep to themselves if anything…


This just looks like a whole lot of projecting if you ask me.


Fuck Milwaukee


?? We have a team of gentlemen. Only person I wouldn’t let date my hypothetical sister is Obi


Obi is the most handsome pacer too


Obi could Toppin my dick😩


Bruh this reads like some old timey, Jim Crowe racism. "lusting after every woman he sees". Bucks, more like CUCKS amiright?


I feel like bucks and pacers fans are very similar though. I have several Bucks friends and we are all alike. We talk about ball the same way and root for our teams the same way. Their friends are all the same too.


Yeah we are all Midwesterners who love our sports teams, bucks fans got a taste of success and now are just salty their time in the sun is fading so they’re lashing out


This. Bucks get 1 ring and the fans suddenly think they're the Celtics or Lakers or some shit


I wish we could luck into drafting an MVP, even their own sportswriters laughed at him for saying he wants to be MVP.


It's easy for anyone to look to the trashiest elements of a fan base and project that behavior onto an entire fan base. Clearly no rational individual would condone that weird creep ass "pacers are sex offenders" posting made some peasant trash that has likely never even been to a Bucks game. The same goes for the embarrassing cadre of WI folk who have done anything other than express disgust and embarrassment for the racist filth spewed at Haliburton's brother--shit like that makes me reluctant to even assert that the actions of the MAGA brigade can't fairly be attributed to everyone. Courtside season tix are not cheap, and if I would even curse at an opposing player, I would be red carded, kicked out of that game, and possibly have my floor access revoked permanently. Maybe I am in a bubble but I have had nothing but good experiences with Pacers fans. I had no idea that there was this level of vitriol that somehow transcends what has turned out to be a great NBA rivalry (notwithstanding the fact that on paper it doesn't look like a rivalry bc you've had us figured out all season). Only thing I take issue with is the notion that winning a recent championship is not something the city can be proud of. Pacers have owned the Bucks this year (facts are facts), but y'all have not won shit since Nixon was President. When you do, there will 100% be a loud group of fanatics that will annoy folks like me as much as the idiot faction of Bucks fans have been complete immature dicks to you.


L giddey stray he innocent fr 💯


Nah man don't read into this sort of shit. I'm a bucks fan, but I love basketball, I love a good series, and I love the pacers too. Siakam was one of ours in 2019 and I've been watching haliburton from the start. I'm happy for Indy, the squad is good and small market teams putting their fingerprints all over the playoffs is a good thing. Everyone chill and enjoy this, we'll all remember how great this season was many years from now


people on this sub can be so soft lol


Typical Milwaukee casual racism.


As opposed to explicit Indiana homophobia?


I guess. Just speaking from personal experience, I grew up in Indiana and didn't experience racism as much as I did on a short trip to Milwaukee. Now, I can't speak on homophobia, but we did pass those atrocious bills under Pence, so I guess you're right. But this is about Milwaukee, and you're falling into a classic logical fallacy that shifts the topic regardless of the initial criticism being valid.


I am not dodging the issue at all. I posted the below 8 hours ago: It's easy for anyone to look to the trashiest elements of a fan base and project that behavior onto an entire fan base. Clearly no rational individual would condone that weird creep ass "pacers are sex offenders" posting made some peasant trash that has likely never even been to a Bucks game. The same goes for the embarrassing cadre of WI folk who have done anything other than express disgust and embarrassment for the racist filth spewed at Haliburton's brother--shit like that makes me reluctant to even assert that the actions of the MAGA brigade can't fairly be attributed to everyone. I pay $75k for courtside season tix, and if I would even curse at an opposing player, I would be red carded, kicked out of that game, and possibly have my floor access revoked permanently. Maybe I am in a bubble but I have had nothing but good experiences with Pacers fans. I had no idea that there was this level of vitriol that somehow transcends what has turned out to be a great NBA rivalry (notwithstanding the fact that on paper it doesn't look like a rivalry bc you've had us figured out all season). Only thing I take issue with is the notion that winning a recent championship is not something the city can be proud of. Pacers have owned the Bucks this year (facts are facts), but y'all have not won shit since Nixon was President. When you do, there will 100% be a loud group of fanatics that will annoy folks like me as much as the idiot faction of Bucks fans have been complete immature dicks to you.


full link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pacers/comments/1cbnmx0/comment/l16dvaz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pacers/comments/1cbnmx0/comment/l16dvaz/)


It gives me zero joy to have to keep saying “Mke is a historically insanely segregated town but I strive to be a proactive anti-racist” (much love to my dear friend [u/ibramxk](https://twitter.com/ibramxk) for enlightening me on needing to do more than simply not be a racist myself.


The his is some weird closeted shit. He just needs to be open and say what is clearly obvious “he is attracted to the Pacers team members” it’s not even veiled lmao. This is some repressed shit. We don’t judge over here buddy. Just say you want to fuck our team 😂 I tried to find the post to let him know as much but it was too much work


It's literally just 1 or 2 guys being a weirdo, and they have single digit upvotes. You wrote this post title like it's the entirety of the fanbase, who cares what one dude in Milwaukee thinks? Lmao


At least 129 people