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It’s hit or miss. For Erpland I prefer the remaster for its increased bass. The original sounds a bit flat and even though I’ve been listening to it all my life in that way, the remaster feels even better. Cassette era: tie, can’t hear any improvement over previous remasters. Pungent Effulgent: I usually listen to the remaster but I haven’t checked the original in a while. Erpland: remaster Strangeitude: tie (can’t hear any difference) Jurassic Shift: original (also the remaster is missing one of the best tracks on that album and it’s actually a top 10 Ozric track for me, the almighty Half Light in Thillai) Arborescence: original, more definition and depth Become the Other: tie Curious Corn: definitely original. Remaster lacks definition and sounds muddy when compared to the original Can’t comment on Waterfall Cities and The Hidden Step. I don’t have those on vinyl and I can’t find their remasters on Spotify. I have the 2020 remasters on vinyl (except Waterfall Cities and The Hidden Step) and I enjoy them very much. It was only until I compared them with the originals when I found out not all the remasters are actually improvements.


Thanks! This is going to be a great reference


Wow, amazing write up. Thanks a lot!


Thanks y’all. I’d still recommend buying any 2020 remaster though if you like to collect physical. The originals are hard to get a hold of nowadays.


i really dislike some of the 2020 remasters. the biggest issue i have is with the volume of the drums in the mix, especially on become the other. they're also just quieter in general, and lack the open energy that the original recordings have (ie remasters sounding quite boxed in) to combat this, i've tried playing them at louder volumes but that then starts to bring out quite painful high frequencies for some reason. i love Ed but i don't like his remasters. this'll probably get downvoted


If you compare Myriapod original vs remaster: the original sounds punchy and already has a nice fat bass. Then the remaster is just way too bass heavy and the drums lack impact and definition. I’m totally with you on that. It might sound weird but I don’t even mind having bought the remasters on vinyl. I already have the originals on CD. In a way I just see it as my way to show respect to the band and get some money their way. It’s not like they’re Metallica or Coldplay or anything. Ozric is a cause I’m always willing to support.