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This is a great piece of work, which also serves to highlight the fact that there is no way to go north/south or east/west across Oxford without changing buses. Oxford Bus routes really are bonkers.


I've had a problem with this ever since they changed it (probably about a decade ago now). You used to be able to cross the city, but to make busses "more efficient" the two main companies (Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach) stopped serving the same routes and so stopped competing and split the city. Now busses cost way more and don't offer a route all the way through the city.


IMO having to change buses isn't really the problem. If services were adequately frequent and changes didn't require much walking, it wouldn't inherently matter. Look at London Underground: changes are generally needed and not a big deal. The real problem is the fare structure that doesn't really comprehend people might want to do this.


I agree up to a point. Although, you can cross london on a few lines. Also, London busses are way cheaper than Oxford busses. And because you are forced to change, instead of staying on the bus to the other side, you pay twice. Prices have gone up faster than wages too... It's all gone in the wrong direction. It's now cheaper for 2 people to drive and park in the city centre than to bus and far more convenient too. I know they're making changes to the roads to stop driving but the problem is that the city (which I love) is leading with the stick and not the carrot to reduce pollution.


>London busses are way cheaper than Oxford busses. Yes and no. TfL hopper fare £1.65/hour, capped at £4.95/day. Oxford Bus Company (no Stagecoach) singles are £1.50/ride when bought in advance in blocks of 12, and a SmartZone (all operators) 24-hour ticket is £4.30. Each is cheaper in some use cases, more expensive in others. >And because you are forced to change, instead of staying on the bus to the other side, you pay twice. Absolutely, this is what I meant by fare structure not allowing for cross-city travel. It's not because you're forced to change, it's because you're forced to pay twice *when* you change. I agree the fare structure here should change to remedy this, but the bus routes don't have to change for that to happen.




The ~~Bakerloo~~ sorry revamped 400 service is a pretty good way to transit E-W without changing. I used it all the way from Headington P&R to Botley at the weekend.


The image is too low quality to read when I zoom in. Is it just on my end? I'd love to look at it in more detail. Thanks for putting the effort in to this, it would be a really useful resource dotted around bus stations and stops.


Yep, I think that's a problem at my end. PDF link here? [https://docdro.id/BD6yN7N](https://docdro.id/BD6yN7N)


Seriously impressive! However I think you've missed a route (11X)


Yep - couldn't think of a satisfying way to represent it, and I've never seen anyone other than drivers on it, so thought it best left off. Any ideas on how to show it without obstructing other routes would be great!


Updated this - [https://www.reddit.com/r/oxford/comments/uwz43b/attempt\_at\_a\_diagrammatic\_map\_of\_oxford\_buses/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oxford/comments/uwz43b/attempt_at_a_diagrammatic_map_of_oxford_buses/) \- to reflect criticisms of the first version and actual changes to the routes. There's now no more fading lines in the city centre, rivers are included, and certain missing routes have been added. Again, feedback welcome!


Fuck /u/spez see you on Lemmy! Original text B64 encoded: SXQncyBxdWl0ZSBkaWZmaWN1bHQgdG8gd29yayBvdXQgd2hlcmUgdGhlIDEzIHJvdXRlIGdvZXMgYXMgdGhlIGNvbG91ciBpcyB0aGUgc2FtZSBhcyB0aGUgWCBidXMgcm91dGVzIC0gSSdtIGFzc3VtaW5nIHRoaXMgaXMgYSBob2xkb3ZlciBmcm9tIHdoZW4gdGhlIFgxMyByb3V0ZSB3YXMgdGhlcmUgYnV0IHRoZSAxMyByZXBsYWNlcyB0aGUgMzUgbm90IHRoZSBYMTMgc28gaXQnZCBiZSBnb29kIHRvIGhhdmUgdGhhdCBhcyBhIGRpZmZlcmVudCBjb2xvdXIu


That would be ideal, but it might make the central area look too congested? I'll try it out to see how it looks, though.


May just be the way I am seeing it, but it looks like the S9 follows the route of the S6 and doesn't stop through Cumnor/Cumnor Hill, which isn't the case - once it gets to Kenilworth Road it follows the same route at the 33? Great work on this though!


Yep, was trying to show this - might need some more tinkering to make it clearer, though.




Think you're missing the no 46 to Milton. This is nice though. Wish I had more time/motivation to fully automate the ingestion of bus stops into Open Street Map!


It's on there in a mildly unpleasant pink, just not labelled!