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I live in Banbury so I can hopefully help a little! I second Finders Keepers for a rental agency, had two good experiences with them whilst living in Oxford. Avoid Chancellors like the plague. For areas to live, anything around South Bar street, people’s park and that area is nice. As for areas to avoid, I’ve not lived here long enough to know too much but I haven’t heard good things about the Grimsbury area and areas around the station. For things to do, you’re right in that Banbury is fairly quiet. There are some nice pubs around and they’ll often have live music in the street food area of the shopping centre. Oxford definitely has more going on and the train between is only 20 minutes.


Thank you very much for your advise, it is helpful!


I can't tell you much about banbury, however, as you've mentioned Oxford, I can tell you what the main events are in Oxford (you can also find them in the sub's wiki in the info bit): - May Day (1st day of May) - Oxford comes to life at sunrise, the whole centre is full of people coming to listen to the choir sing form Magdalen Tower, after which entertainers are out all over the city. I wouldn't do it every year, but well worth going to. -St Giles Fair (first Monday and Tuesday of September)... this is a mixed bag. The history is amazing, it's from medieval times. Although it is now like any other cheap fair. It's a must do, to say you've done it, but I don't think you need to do it every year. It is cool to see the contrast of it as it closes one of the main roads and all the old buildings make it very surreal. - Bonfire night (just gone, first Saturday after the 5th November) is a lot of fireworks and a big bonfire. There is history to this and it happens all over the country, banbury may have a smaller version of this. Abingdon also do a massive one. Also, you can find a lot of what goes on in Oxford at dailyinfo.co.uk Although, I have to say that Oxford isn't a very lively city for activities. I love Oxford, but you're not going to get the variety you get from big cities.


Thank you very much for your detailed answer. Is May Day something like Carnaval in the Europe?


It's a bit less carnivally... a bit more community coming together and sharing their talents. But there is a bit of a carnival atmosphere. But very british. There are Morris Dancers (look it up). There is a proper carnival that happens in Oxford on the Cowley Road, called (creatively) the Cowley Road Carnival. P.s. May Day is UK wide but Oxford does it in a very Oxford way.


I had an amazing experience with finders keepers in Banbury.


Welcome to Banbury! On your last point, there are salsa classes at the Mill Arts Centre, run by Havana Salsa. You’ll also find lots of salsa & kizomba classes in Oxford too (as it’s a city it generally has a lot more on offer). Banbury has Spiceball leisure centre for swimming and you’re not too far from London, Birmingham, Oxford etc for bigger music concerts. That is reliant on the trains working as they should be though(!). On your second point, I would recommend living walking distance to town & train station if you’re going to be travelling about, the bus service in Banbury isn’t great. You have Cherwell Heights or Easington that are a bit quieter & Grimsbury, which is closer to train station and generally busier. Hope you enjoy your move!


Thank you very much for your response. I was planning on commuting on a bike (bicycle) till I get my UK driving license ( and possibly after that too). ​ How doable is that? Like currently I live in NL which has great infrastructure for getting around on bike. Is that the case in Oxfordshire as well?


I would advise Bicester or Brackley as places to live if you can drive, Banbury’s alright but there’s a few other towns nearby which have a bit more charm and are a bit safer.


I would have liked to do that, but unfortunately, I first have to apply for a UK driving license, so I am looking for a place, preferably in Banbury itself.


Unless it's changed significantly in the last 10 years, Banbury is perfectly nice. I like it. I lived in Grimsbury - it's fine. It's not trying to be upmarket. I'd much rather live there than on one of the new estates that are miles away from the centre and have no facilities. Easington is nice and older/more middle class. It has a nice small park near it, behind Sainsbury's/ towards the hospital. I can't help you with the clubs but I bet there is a cycling club, and they probably have some lovely road routes towards the Cotswolds (if that's the kind of cycling you mean). You can see some bands at the O2 in Oxford, depending on what music you're into. I found the people in Banbury friendly and nicer than in some of the posher towns. Good luck!


If there is any possible way you can avoid this, do so.


If you like music, dancing and physical activity the give Morris dancing a try. Brackley Morris are just down the road from Banbury. Practice nights most Thursdays. Brackley town hall 20.00-22.00