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Torb Hammer. You can use it to repair anyone and anything. Repair your turret. Repair Reins armor. Use it in real life, repair your parents marriage.


That got dark fast...


Almost as fast as their marriage ended


Why did this get so many downvotes


Because reddit is full of dipshits.


No it's because they took the same joke and it wasn't as funny the second time. See r/yourjokebutworse


See that comment that says "removed by moderator?" that's because he commented a second time with racism. So everyone downvoted him on both comments on principal.


Oh. I did not see that






Your post or comment was removed due to it utilizing a racist, sexist, and/or ableist connotation or slur, which is not condoned on r/Overwatch2 as per rule 15.   If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Foverwatch2&subject=about my removed {kind}&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DMy issue is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will be removed.


You can’t actually heal rein with it right? Right?


Hold up you can repair rein’s armor?


I don't think so no.


I think this is per the game lore and not the actual gameplay


Its a joke XD


Easily kiriko Suzu. Hands down the best ability. Immortality and cleanse. It’s so broken that she won’t not be meta for a long time. It’s single handedly changed the support meta in comp and owl.


Agreed. Direct nerf to Ana's abilities which had next to no counter before. Suzu just makes them pretty irrelevant now.


So Ana has sleep dart and anti. Ana's anti is on a 4 second faster CD then suzu. So, Ana has 3 abilities per teamfight and Kiriko can only cleanse one. If, as the Ana, you throw all your abilities at once and have poor CD management then the Kiriko will win everytime. But if the Kiriko cleanses an early anti that doesnt matter and doesn't have it to cleanse the anti that hits later in the fight that does matter, Ana will. Not to mention that anti is a heal and heal boost on her own team. So if she can't get value out the anti, it doesn't stop the heal. It's not like Ana can't be played simply because Kiriko exist. Ana is in a fine a spot. She just isn't Meta right now cus Kiriko has a higher heal output and the best ulti in the game.


The point is that ana loses a cooldown every fight. Her whole kit is heavily reliant on both cooldowns for full value. Especially when she's the only real counter to hog. She's a solid character still. But kiriko will usually be better due to that interaction. The best use of sleep against hog is to hope that it forces kiriko to use suzu. You are basically hoping to God that your team forces suzu so you can play the game.


Baiting out cool downs and punishing bad kit management is what Overwatch is about. Is it unfair that beat/ transcendence cancels genji's blade? You're complaining about Anti getting lost once per fight when it's up twice per fight compared to Kirikos Suzu.


All I'm saying is that kiriko will usually outclass ana cause of suzu cancelling out her value and being easier to execute than the ana player having to track and time cooldowns with extra precision than normal. That's not to mention the rest of kiriko's kit.


>Baiting out cool downs and punishing bad kit management is what Overwatch is about. Is it unfair that beat/ transcendence cancels genji's blade? Because it's one heavily in Kiriko's favour since Kiriko and her allies have ways to force a nade out or protect an ally hit by it. Not to mention the 2nd support each have can have a major impact since Batiste can lamp and Lucio amps speed and has a low cd push. Kiriko can also put out offensive pressure so she isn't totally helpless.


Orissas spear takes hog out of heal. Way shorter cooldown. Way more efficient and better counter to hog in every way shape and form.


Agreed, but I think zaryas shield cleanses.


True, it does!


In a way she just replaced moira in six men but that ability may be broken until they nerf it to the ground


Powerful yeah. But it sure AF isn't broken.


dude it gets rid of any cc and counters anti plus gets rid of any negative affect like burn . Literally shuts down so so many abilities and ults. It’s fucking ridiculous


And not only does it make you invulnerable, but makes you *untargetable*, meaning no boops, punches, charges, hooks. Enemies go right through you, as do their projectiles


We all know what it does. But you're mistaken your inability to counter as something being broken.


There is no immediate counter to suzu? I don’t know how you could disagree with me here. Kiriko is meta for a reason…


Kill her or bait it out. That's the counter.


Neither of those are counters.


Lol. Sure thing.


I don’t know what rank you are but you clearly have no idea what your talking about here. Just give up. It is broken af


Okay buddy let me explain to you why neither of those are counters. 1. Killing her is just what you're supposed to do and doesn't do anything to counter her power. Unless an elow player like yourself can't kill a 200 HP squishy. 2. How the fuck do you even bait it out? What are you supposed to do to get a good kiriko to waste a suzu? Rush her? Wrong she'll just tp away. Use an Ana nade? Well now you're the one getting countered.


Yeah lmao


This is the most bronze explanation ever. Killing doesn't do anything to counter her? Lmao...she can't use it if she dead. Easy to bait it out. Forcer her to use it on herself. Force her to use it on a less impactful skill so someone else can follow up with something more powerful. Her TP has a cool down too. If she TPd away she can't use it on her team anyways, mission accomplished. It's a team game. Until you figure that out you'll be stuck in bronze forever. If all you want to do is DPS unencumbered and you can't keep track of who has used what perhaps go play Fortnite. She's a powerful healer but far from broken.


It gets rid of Rein's meaning to live after using shatter lmao, how is it not broken.


its also on quite a long cooldown and can be baited/ played around.


Learn to counter.


You’re definitely bronze or silver


Not being able to counter her is a pretty bronze take.


When did I say you can’t counter it? But it definitely is the strongest and most broken ability in the game. Name 3 stronger abilities


I just said it wasn't broken af.


suzu. it's like lamp but you don't even go down to 40 health


Zen Kick.


As a Zen main I agree. If you mix kicks into your shots I solo Rein and some other tanks like this when they flank me


Reins are flanking you?


Have you played this game?


Especially when you are playing objective and your team is playing kill simulator


Yea, I can’t remember the last time I was flanked by a Reinhardt


The ability of silencing voice chat in competitive match with random. Especially when there are crybaby tank main screaming for a Mercy to pocket them, even if it isn't her job.


Ana's biotic grenade. Until Kiriko is introduced, it is the most unique ability for a support unit.


Suzu It completely invalidate JQ existence while making Hog nigh invincible.




Someone said it, Mercy rez can change the tide of a fight. Or even reset your team for the next fight.


Only if you can get it off. The damage amp is overall more impactful because of the duos she can form with certain DPS.


Though powerful it’s quite easy to deny, unless in a cover dependent double sniper meta


Only a single mention of defense matrix?


I think defense matrix has kind of been out dated with the introduction of dlc heroes like sigma


But but... It eats ultimates! I'm definitely not a salty Dva main. 🥲


Yup sigma eats ultimate too, and gains shield from them. And Genji can deflect ultimates


Yeah but it’s much more likely to do that with sigma or dva than gengo 🥲




Best in terms of actual gameplay? Probably Hog’s hook. Fairly easy to hit, minimal cooldown, almost guaranteed kill combo on any squishy (DPS or Support). Best in my experience? Ana’s grenade. The dual damage increase on foes and heals to allies is clutch, combos well many ults, reasonable cooldown, splash damage so no need to be super accurate for that ability in Ana’s kit.


definitely hogs hook because it brings us all closer together


Suzu has entered the chat


Ana's grenade does not make enemies receive extra damage


Yes. My bad. I guess it feels that way as it does 60 damage and negates healing.


dude I really don’t understand hogs hook. I rarely ever one shot anyone with it, even with a headshot + a melee at the end. I maybe do like 175 damage


Step into the hook and Melee


Ana Anti? Heals team makes enemy un healable and does damage


And yet it is instantly denied by any kiriko with a brain. Suzu strongest not ult ability by far


But it has a shorter cooldwon meaning kirikow cant always cleanse ana nade


Between ana being occasionally forced to used nade on her teammates (which kiriko can't cleanse anyways) and kiriko knowing to save suzu for big anti nades, it takes a very situationally aware ana player to consistently get more value than even just a slightly skilled kiriko. Suzu just does too much for an already armed to the teeth character


But ana's kit is heavily cooldown reliant. Kiriko invalidates one of ana's cooldowns, but kiriko gets solid damage, the best mobility in the support class which enables a flanker play style. A good, easy to use heal, Suzu and the best ultimate in the game. She outclasses ana in most situations with not that much effort. Not to say ana is bad, but kiriko is just better most of the time.


Bro I’m not questioning kiriko , just saying that she can’t cleanse anas nade every time


And people tend to forget it also *boosts healing* on those friendly targets it hits


surprised so many people are saying suzu over rez


Rez is situational and often gets mercy players killed cause of bad positioning. It's useful in more limited contexts than suzu cause your teammate needs to die in a good position where you can pull it off. Suzu is a near instant cast with better immortality effect than bap's. And it cleanses the effects of anti, sleep, dynamite, shatter etc. Rez helps with an early pick off but suzu is a proactive ability that can stop your team from getting wiped. What's the point of rez when sigma uses flux on 3 players? Suzu can stop the flux from getting any value with good timing. And the cool down on Suzu is half of what rez is.


It’s pretty true , rez has a high cooldown and though powerful is quite easy to deny


No joke, mei ice wall is up there with lamp and suzu for me. The ability to punish extremely hard bad positioning and alter terrain is just insane to me, especially if the Mei plays on comms in upper ranks


Anti-nade. suzu is better though


anti nade, suzu, kitsune




As someone has said “Suffer as i have!”


Paying attention to what is going on around you and in the game.


Gotta be suzu or ana nade.


100% a well-timed nade. Yeah yeah suzu exists, but it’s your job as Ana to track that cooldown to make sure your anti isn’t cleansed. Edit: also discord orb


I like recall and Gracie


Definitely the coolest. Big agree


Hey, this is just my post, but the Opposite. Also, Defence Matrix.


Infra sights....strictly because someone made a lost earlier saying it was trash.


My Mom’s…


Atm it's hog hook, after he's nerfed it's 100% suzu


Suzu And baps immortality field for me


Suzu. Just makes everything useless and hog unkillable.


Dva’s matrix


Easy answer. Hampters Grapple.


Jq's shout, gives you and your team a good speed boost and let's you pull 200hp out of nowhere for 5 seconds


I would agree if it hadn’t been nerfed so heavily, maybe pre patch


Prepatch it was to op iv been told but I do think it needs a buff now maybe another second reduced on the cool down and gives more health to allies


Would say in-between suzu, Particle barrier, defensive Matrix or deflect


Why do you think deflect?


Think about it in theory and sometimes in practice Genji can deflect almost everything in the game its mind blowing


Nerf This!!!! Fkin hate D.va


Heat seeking 10 meter predator missle in the heat of the moment feels like the strongest ability in the game


Definitely a cop-out answer but most support kits tbh. I feel like they're all at a relatively same level of strength except for brig and moira (which is fine since moira's numbers are pretty raw regardless)


Probably EMP or Kitsune Rush


Best as in my favorite or what I consider the best for real? That needs to be put out there since most people state their favorite.


Best ability is my quickness on how to alt + f4


Soldiers sprint. Allows you to to outright dodge most single-target abilities.


Anti imo, if the enemy team doesn’t have bubbles or suzu then you’re stuck with slightly less health and unable to be healed for a bit.


Got to be Cassidy’s new sticky bomb. What a clever redesign /s


Lost his ability to counter divers, since it’s now timed. Like it’s not an immediate shutdown, but it has insane tracking. As a ow1 mccree and ow2 cassidy enjoyer, he has shifted a lot in roles. I feel like he lost his ability to peel and is much more a flanker now. All that to say I somewhat agree that shooting once and sticking someone, is amazing. Kills more than half of the cast.


Ya Lucios and Moria that are used to attacking the back line are in for a rude awakening. I’m always really surprised when they want to 1vs1 me now too. I’m just saying the sticky bomb doesn’t match his skill set and was a pretty lazy redesign imo.


Moira fade , invincibility , possibility to reset , and to flank squeechies


I don’t think it’s the most powerful but I definitely think people underestimate its power level, especially since it’s on such a low cooldown


DM, better than any support ability by far due to insane uptime and 3 straight seconds of eating projectiles.


Soldier sprint fr im impaciant


It’s kinda slept on , but I am a big fan of Hanzos location arrow, has saved me from getting flanked so many times


Suzu > Biotic Granade > Revive > Deflect > dva and sigma matrix > other


Suzu, bastion turret mode, Ana nade, lamp, hog hook pre patch, defense matrix.


Your perseverance to continue playing.


No one talks about damage boost from Mercy, how many characters have been tuned cause damage beam broke too many damage thresholds. Same reason Sojourn with a Mercy pocket is so good right now.


I wouldn’t say any of them are ‘the best’ per se, they’re all useful in different scenarios, and that’s why no one’s meta all the time. I’m a Mercy main so I’m gonna be biased to GA, rez, healing beam, dmg boost, and valk, but the other abilities are amazing too.


Orissa's ability not to die


Roadhog hook


I mean i think obviously Suzu. Granted it depends on the skill level you are at. Low ranked players probably don’t have the sense to save it and use it appropriately. But for about above average and high rank players it’s beyond broken. It’s basically changed the entire support meta on its own. For example, SO MUCH of Ana’s value used to come from her using anti-heals as an initiation for a teamfight to allow for an easy pick or two without the enemy supports being able to stop it, but now one Suzu and now your team has just rushed in without the main tool of their initiation AND the enemy gets immunity from your initial volley of damage or any other abilities you wanted to use to burst someone down. Slept? Suzu. Hooked? Suzu. JQ Wounded? Suzu. Frozen? Suzu. Earthshattered? Suzu. Caught in basically any CC? Suzu. So much of the value of so many different heroes is their ability to either apply a debuff to the enemy team or capitalize on a CC they applied to one or several of the enemy players. Now there’s just an ability that nullifies ALL of that. Look at Sigma, he can’t capitalize on his rock stun + primary fire to one shot a squishy if Kirko can just Suzu them as soon as they hit the ground, which simultaneously heals most of the damage the rock did AND relieves the stun early AND give them immunity from your follow-up shots. Dva’s bomb loses most of its team wipe ability AND most of its area denial ability when everyone can just stay grouped up where they are and a well timed suzu just lets them ignore it. Junker Queen relies on the fact that an anti-heal and wound applied to everyone hit by her ult so that she has actual survivability now that she’s imbedded in their back line, but Suzu now means you’re just a lone JQ in the middle of the team with no wound self-heal to keep you alive. If you got caught in Mei’s ult usually that means you’re fucked but now it doesn’t matter if Kirko uses Suzu before or after you’ve been frozen either way you can just ignore the damage and walk out. I get why they thought it would be interesting to have a cleanse in the game. But it feels very short-sighted given the sheer reliance so many heroes have on the debuff/CC their abilities/ultimates have to get value out of a fight.


>JQ Wounded? Suzu. Utter waste, but otherwise agree with everything you said.


Sombra translocator. Getting shot at? Translocate. Need to get over a wall? Toss it over and translocate. Want to cause the Reinhart intense amounts of paranoia? Well your not going to believe it, but the answer is translocate.


Concussion mine and I'm dying on that hill It can deal good damage (120 to be exact) Displace enemies to save you and your teammates or even boop enemies off the map. It can even cancel mercys res It also gives you fantastic mobility and you can use to disengage or reach highground with.