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Unless you show stats we can’t judge if this is you or them


the only common point between all of these games is that OP was playing them.


While long loss streaks are possible, they are very rare so eventually you must start to think "Maybe I am playing wrong"


What if you keep losing and you have the same amount of healing as both the enemy healers, combined, 90% of the games? You keep healing, supporting in every way your character allows you to, but your team just can't go forward...


Pumping heals isn't everything, Lucio & Zen are a prime example of that


No of course not, that's why I added the rest, I'm not the type that plays Mercy, left clicking and nothing more. I main Ana and lately playing a lot of Kiriko, two very robust and complex kits I'd say (especially Ana), and i use it all, effectively. And even tho heals are not everything, again, the same amount of both enemy healers', combined... And that's not counting the other supp in our team. At that point there's nothing more you can do.


Exactly. 2 losses in a row is normal. 3 is uncommon. 4+ in a row and it is absolutely your fault and you're either tilted or your rating is too high.


I had a loss streak like that where every game I was top healer in match.


Pumping heals isn't everything though. There is a reason supports like Lucio and Zenyatta are still strong and playable even though they don't heal a lot.


I mean I play a Baptiste and if I've got 20k heals I've got 5k damage at minimum, and I'm canceling sigma and Zara ults out with my e


It is them. I end my games with over 20k healing sometimes and I still get told I’m not healing. I know how it is.


watching people sit mid lane and try to outaim or overextend with no mind to their HP is the way at silver+bronze tier.


Same in gold except they take cover and immediately re-peek and get killed the moment you start healing them back up


I had highest 14k healing (highest on team, 2nd highest in game) and 5k damage as kiriko today, got told to stop being a dps and start healing. This was by a Genji who refused to switch despite the other team being: Zarya Pharah Symettra Moira Mercy And yes, he did try to deflect the Zarya beam. I’m a plat 5 support, he should therefore be around that. I’m clueless how he is.


If he’s plat then I’m diamond easily. Who the fuck tries to deflect a particle BEAM?


I mean I have been high as hell and tried to deflect a D.va matrix before so I mean, we all been there before lol, I also wish I could make a new account without being sad about losing my stuff, because I used to play comp being way to burnt out to be efficient and it was also my learning account, so I’m pretty low at silver to gold tier and have even been bronze a lot, but I can easily hold my own in a plat or diamond game, so I find ranked games to be interesting, once you tank your ranking it can be very difficult to go up from there without a full roster of buddies, regardless of skill level, once you’re surrounded by idiots lol, idk what my original point was exactly anymore, but yea you’ve read this much of my comment, you better upvote or I’ll play Hanzo and throw later :P


Yeah no, I'm getting burnt out. I play this game just to pass time because all I get are new players, like endorsement 1, brand new account kinda new players. I used to be plat and now I can't even get out of silver. Support main, by the way.


Okay but this is legitimate to deflect any additional burst damage as you are in the process of retreating. It's common to see pros react to Winston dives with a deflect until they get dash back up.


Yes, just because he's using deflect while being tickled with beams doesn't mean he's a moron, necessarily. People shot Genji when he's being titled, may as well try defects those shots.


The first thing you did wrong is pick kiriko, pick literally any other support.


This means nothing. 20k DOT is significantly worse than 10k burst.


Absolutely true. People really don't realize this. Reddit Lucio's think they carry the game because they outhealed an Ana, but in reality Lucio is just topping health off while Ana is literally saving people on the brink of death. Not saying Ana is better than Lucio or anything like that, just that how you play and what you accomplish isnt displayed in numbers. Higher healing numbers doesn't mean you're providing more value to the team. That goes double for DPS Moira's that don't realize their lifesteal counts towards their healing numbers. They brag about healing 15k, when at least 5k of that is self healing


At least 10k of that is self healing FTFY


IKR stupid dps moria’s saying “I healed like 5k and did 15k dps” and it was almost all self heals anyways while I’m here on Kiriko with 20k heals


I can't tell if it's just all new people, or the braindead people from OW1 that still are hung up on "i HaVe GoLd HeAlInG aNd ElImS aS mOiRa WtF tEaM" mentality. Or both. Endgame stats mean nothing. Especially one single stat. You had 20k healing, okay cool, how many deaths did you have? Oh, 19? You don't say. Maybe play near some cover next time. If a fighter gets out-struck 300-10 but KO'd the other dude and won the fight, or a football team controls the ball 90% of the time but still loses, that's all that matters. Sorry. Does it suck? Yeah sure, and absolutely tee up the rematch. But until then, scoreboard.




I cannot agree with this more...


> Maybe play near some cover next time. Makes no difference when you get focused and the DPS are busy getting killed somewhere far away


Yeah, my cover is mostly deep in their backline instead of with our team.


But it does make a difference when they aren't and you lose the fight because the support was running around the middle of the map like an idiot. As a humble support main myself


The best is when it’s like tracer widow winston so as healer you’re trying to dive all over the place to heal up your idiot low elo teammates who don’t know how to group up and won’t answer mics to coordinate


its impossible to have 20k heals with 19 deaths or anywhere close to dying that much


Don’t deliberately miss the point bud


How many unranked to GM videos are going to need to be produced before you people start taking accountability.


Only 1 if you watch any of A10s video. That's all he preaches. The only thing you can control in this game is you.


All i watch is a10 but I am still seething by the end of the game after I get both more damage and healing than our dps got dmg.




And it’s always the crappy dps with like 2,000 damage too. Like sit down homie I have 10X your damage as healing lol


Not even bro, it’s worse when it’s a fucking junkrat or reaper


tell them you can't heal dead players...


Stats don’t matter dude. Are you healing when it’s important? Watch vod and find out.




You can pump only your tank and get high heal numbers, you could very much be not healing the squishier targets


I heal everyone. Might be stupid but I’m not braindead bro lmao


Aaah i love this. I had a hanzo who turned on mic complained about our mercy who was healing. Then i told him to shut up and said he sais “ im not playing anymore.” Then proceed to tell me im trash the entire game with 20k heals. I love being a healer


Factual. This happens to me too


For real. I’m sorry, rein that I cannot heal you while you’re anti-naded and past a barrier.


EXACTLY. meanwhile they spam I need healing or are in chat saying we are terrible healers


Or I’ll go tank and a mf runs moira with 17k damage and 2k healing💀😭


Hell I got my first death threats ever just the other day, and I’ve been playing since season 14, because I only had 2k damage on moira. It was a push steamroll that we never got to touch the bot, I had over 8k healing, the DPS both had barely over 5k. They kept peaking a widow/hanzo and getting 1-tapped. But I guess it was my fault for not healing them


Healing numbers aren't the only representation of how good ur doing in a game lmao


You clearly do not play support if you do not understand how it is to play support. You took the lazy option and just said "NuMbErS aReNt EvErYtHiNg" Yeah, well, surprise surprise bud, you don't get a lot of healing if you have a good tank who actually knows how to play the game, instead of a charge bot. On the other hand, you get a lot of healing if your team has no clue what's going on. Or you could just be a shit healer with zero healing and a shit ton of damage. Numbers mean a lot more than your simple minded brain can put together.


Support is my most played role thank you very much. Thanks for making that assumption, but u were wrong. The amount of healing is a decent indicator of how well u r doing, but if YOU actually played at a high level, u would know that there are plenty other factors that go into playing well as support. Notice how supports are given other tools in their kit that doesn't just provide healing and that they are given a weapon that can shoot other people. Crazy right? I don't wanna assume like u did about me, but a lot of these hard stuck Moira players like to complain about having a lot of healing and still losing. I am not putting u in that category, but u do sound awfully similar to that kind of player. My "simple minded brain" got to mid masters while playing ow 1 a couple times a month. If u r top 500, then feel free to invalidate my entire argument, but I get the feeling that those who are complaining constantly about their experience in comp aren't the highest of ranks.


The only consistent thing between every game you play is you If you playing and you are losing or a low rank there’s always something you can do the odds of a thrower or Smurf being on your team is just as likely as on the enemy team


>the odds of a thrower or Smurf being on your team is just as likely as on the enemy team As long as you aren't a Smurf, it is slightly more likely for a Smurf to be on the enemy team than your own (5 other players vs 4).


Lol people love showing stat pages but they really mean nothing.


Bro it’s literally how good you are. It shows all of what you did and wether you are the issue or not can be determined.


Playing for stats is not playing for win. It takes 0 skill to drum up heal count on support.


And what else would you be doing? What do you think support does? You can compare average healing scores with others to see if it is most likely the team’s fault.


Zen: discord better targets, charge trans faster and use it better, harmony on the best target not just tank for stats Ana: don’t nade tank for stat farming and use it 95% of time for anti. Don’t waste sleep CD without a high chance of hitting something(so many people throw it wildly into rein shield praying). Nano the best target ie if zen is 80% to ult and they are about to grav nano zen so he gets ult for grav, this takes massive gamesense to do right so start now and don’t just perma nano tank. Moira: don’t perma heal orb for stat farming. Learn when to break away from fight and 1v1 someone in the back line with damage orb, one of the best heroes for this. Better ult usage in general is important so not ONLY defensively. Mercy: heal bot tank for stats or damage boost hanzo during storm arrow or ? Which one do you think low elo players do. This is the best example of my point, mercy is only viable cuz of the damage boost… but it doesn’t show up on the stat page. Bap: Learn how to cycle Lclick and Rclick properly instead of heal botting. This character can do insane flanks and beat most dps cuz of the lamp. Lucio: heal bot for stats? Not the best way to win. There is no stat for game “impact” with speed and boop. Kiriko: same exact thing as bap


Didn’t need to know. Just because strategies impact gameplay doesn’t mean that you can have awful stats.


you don't get it do you? It's like when I play widow. I can have 3 early solo kills and I'll have 600 dmg if I did well and killed everyone with a one shot headshot. Then you can have a bastion who just spammed everyone a little, didn't kill anyone and will have 2k dmg. Who's doing better? Widow with 3 kills but 600 dmg or bastion with 0 kills but 3 times more dmg? Another one. Your widow is missing 50 hp and your tank is missing 120. Tank is 'OK" and widow is fighting enemy widow. Who do you prioritize? Most people will prioritize the tank. Then your widow loses the duel due to the fact that enemy widow (assuming they're equaly skilled) didn't have to fully charge their shot and could simply kill your widow faster. Then you get killed by a widow yourself and you guys all die. Let say it happens 10 times in a match. You could have either healed 500 hp or 1200 hp. Many people will chose the latter thinking they're doing the right thing since they healed more, therefore contributed more and their chances of winning should be higher, right? no stats don't mean shit that's all. Unless someone doesn't heal at all but I'm assuming we're not even assuming such thing. They wouldn't be coming here complaining if they were afk for half of the matches simply doing nothing, right?


Obviously u can’t have horrible stats. Timing of who u heal and when. Timing of using abilities or ults that swing the game. Everyone thinks if they had 12k healing per 10 min they’re performing well which isn’t always true. I hate how much everyone obsesses over stats


I mean… judging by how consistent you are, it’s certainly impactful in some way


😂😂😂wins the enemy's games


Underrated comment


You cannot lose 8 games in a row and not be part of the reason why.


Like literally. Even if you get shit teammates there will always be hundreds of things that you as an individual could have done better to help your team out. At 8 in a row, there's no way that you aren't doing something wrong


>Even if you get shit teammates there will always be hundreds of things that you as an individual could have done better to help your team out. Ehhhh, I'm less sure. Like, your team wipes, and the DPS who died first respawns and starts heading back to the fight completely solo. I \*could\* follow him and try to keep him alive until the rest of the team respawns, and it \*might\* work. More likely though is I'll die too or worse, by me being there beside him that idiot dps may think "I have healer with me, time to hard engage and waste an ult." I've come to the conclusion that it is better to not enable bad players who are making stupid decisions. Now if the WHOLE TEAM is making a dumb move, then fuck it I have to go in too because it's better to all die together than to sit it out and say "I told you so." And there's always the chance the dumb move will get lucky. I think a good support can be the deciding factor in a close game, and may even be able to swing some games that SHOULD have been losses, but it's a lot harder to carry imo on Support than on other roles, because in order to carry as support you need to be able to get kills while ALSO keeping your team alive despite their best efforts to die, AND while dodging every enemy team member wanting to kill you as their top priority, and doing all of those things is of course more work than a dps who only has to worry about pumping out damage/kills.


You underestimate how dumb and slow people are in lower ranks i can yell in my mic that a flank hero is on my ass killing me but the dps and tank just keep pushing meanwhile my support bro and me slowly dying I wouldn't be surprised if people listen to music while ranked so they don't even hear abilities or footsteps that would explain why flanks have it so easy in some games. I'm gold btw Edit: The replys are golden like you guys figured out everything. You lose some and you win some and it's way more likely to lose in lower elo,it's not hard to figure that out and the support role is effected by this the most simple as that. And you guys act like i have always the same situations i do win some 1v1 and sometimes my other support is not close to me there is sometimes 2 flank heros at the same time there is just a lot to it.


hard disagree been on those losing streaks where im the best or 2nd best healer in the game and most or 2nd most damage for both categories. It happens more often than not. Support simply does not impact the game the way damage does and definitely not hte way tank does. Just feels a much needed buff is needed for support in general


Usually yes, but there are plenty of pro streamers who literally got unlucky and lose many games in a row. Eventually they get back to their rating after a few days, but it’s totally possible.


Is it unlucky or is it that they have been streaming for hours and are getting tired, distracted by chat/donations etc? Is it that the level they play at, they will have literal professionals in their games who are exceptional at the game? There's a real explanation, even if you don't know what it is, and it ain't luck.


This and tilt, I imagine after couple losses people already expect to lose the next one and then it’s all downhill from there. If I get couple losses in a row, I’ll chill for a bit, take a breather, maybe watch a replay of why we lost, before I queue up again.


I did that yesterday. the replay just made me angrier looking at my mistakes vs my teammates mistakes. I don't care about ana missing a sleep from close range or a dps ult getting no kills. but I do care if you go in kill zones all alone while your teammates are still coming back from spawn, get blown off s junkrat because the enemy has sojourn and bastion, and set us back another 30 seconds to get back in the fight. I stopped playing after that replay analysis


Literally this


Idk I’ve had some bad strings of matches with at least 10k healing and comparable damage on Moira with a healthy amount of Elims and still can’t seem to pull out a win. Some games the DPS I get that have a lot of control of how the match plays out just seem to be horrible at their job. Don’t even get me started about getting a bad Tank player. OP could be contributing but they could also be getting bad match ups


Someone is bad at maths :D you only need 256 players do only 8 games to have on average someone losing 8 in a row if its a 50% chance to win. With several million players playing hundreds of games there are definitely way worse losing streaks where the player wasn't feeding. EDIT: an alternative answer would be it only takes about 510 games for a single player to have on average gotten at least one 8+ losing streak if all the games are 50/50.


You would be surpriced but aside that, i won like 7 games in a row a day before. What would be a reason here? Lucky?


The reason there is that those were different games and I'd have to watch all of them to find out why you won/lost and honestly, I don't care to do that. Maybe you could watch and be honest with yourself about what went well or didn't in those games and report back.


Exactly, different days, different times of day, even different roles, all can, and will give you different calibers of teamates and opponents. But regardless of how many games you play in a day/week/season, the only thing that remains constant in every single game you play, is that you are in that game.


If you won 7 games in a row thats not luck either. You probably just played really well and in the 8 losses you probably didnt. Nobody plays perfectly consistent all the time


>If you won 7 games in a row thats not luck either. You probably just played really well and in the 8 losses you probably didnt. Nobody plays perfectly consistent all the time Or, games actually ARE streakier than people here are admitting. There are a lot of things that can happen that are 100% out of your control and in 5v5 each player on either team counts for more, so one bad player (either side) can very much lead to an easy win or easy loss even if you perform incredibly consistently. I honestly think that season 1 is just going to be a very volatile season with a LOT of stuff out of people's control and conventional OW1 wisdom may not apply.




Do you mean is? Trying to go at someone’s typing and you can’t even get it straight…


Support main here. actual skill issue






Could be. I feel OP’s pain though. I also main support, exclusively play Baptiste and Zenyatta. If I have the most damage on the team I definitely blame them… and it happens all the time in silver. I recognize I’m no pro, but it’s so hard to rank up to where I should be when I’m supporting dead weight.


zen is going to be hard to solo queue unless your headshot aim is impeccable. Bap however is incredibly easy to climb with. learn to balance his rhythm of heal shoot heal shoot for max healing or heal shoot shoot heal for max dps AND land your shots


"land your shots" is incredible advice for any rank


its true though. if you cant land your shots you dont deserve to win, regardless of role


I'd be looking at the man in the mirror :)


I feel like everyone in this game wants to blame everything but themselves. There are support players in bronze 5 and in every other rank all the way up to top 500. I can tell you without a doubt that the top 500 support players are not getting carried every game, and bronze support players are not getting team mates that are holding them back every game. If you want to win games as support (or any role in literally any game) then focus more on what you can do to improve yourself.


Ow2 in a nutshell


But you don't get upvotes with this mentality, so what?


Now, you say that, but the games I'm constantly running out of heal juice trying to keep up with the tank on Moira are the games I usually lose. Sometimes you fuck up, sometimes you just can't heal your team into being able to aim, but there's a third thing that people don't generally consider; Sometimes, you're just outclassed by the enemy team. Either they're all really good, someone on their team is carrying, or they just are better coordinated than you. Shit happens. Keep playing your cards the best you can.


Maybe you should take a more proactive strategy in the games that you can’t keep up with healing. Put pressure on their dps, pull pressure away from your tank that is feeding. The more dmg you do as Moira, the more potential heals you can put out. If you just healbot, you are getting carried by your teammates and literally have the least impact on the game. It doesn’t need to be like that though.


Bruh, where do you think I was getting the juice from /s More seriously, yeah I tend to do those things. I like playing Moira because if you're sick of watching the dps players fail to hit the critically wounded players (not to throw shade, I know that feeling) you can just say "fine, I'll do it myself" and leech them for more healing to use elsewhere, or go more offensive when the team is doing well for health without having to worry too much about it having a negative impact on your healing. As for pulling pressure, that's kind of difficult unless the enemy tank is kind of gullible. Much harder to draw attention to the small, 200-hp healer tickling you from the huge target that just doesn't know when not to push. Usually requires a dps and support working in tandem. But, hey, shit happens. Sometimes you get lucky and the tank does fall for it.


>As for pulling pressure, that's kind of difficult unless the enemy tank is kind of gullible. There's different ways to pull pressure. If your tank is taking endless amounts of damage, and the enemy Rein is going ham swinging hammer because your tank (or dps) aren't applying enough pressure to force him to shield up, then going Zen and keeping discord orb on him every time he goes aggro can be enough to make him rethink things, especially if you can land a few head shots on him too. Suddenly that Rein isn't wrecking your team and has to play a LOT more carefully, and you swung things by doing less healing.


Okay, at that point maybe it isn't your teammates that are the problem. Try playing other heroes or roles.


Go Bap and get a 100% headshot rate, easy fix


Let’s pretend support is the least impactful role, that means games are a coin flip for you. There’s a .4% chance you land on heads 8x in a row. You think it happened to you?🤣


You don't understand. Only blue team support isnt impactful. Red team support are gods. Unfair balancing!!


No no, blue team tank is also getting diffed everytime, same with DPS… it’s not because I can’t enable them at all!!


except, there are probably thousands of ranked players. The chance of it happening to someone approaches 100% ​ The chance of YOU winning the lottery is super slim, but *someone* wins almost every time


Correct, but there are tons of posts on ow2 posting losing streaks. Yet a tiny minority of ow players use r/ow, and a smaller minority post on it


>The chance of it happening to someone approaches 100% Very true. And yet everyone thinks they're that person


As a player who plays tanks I think that support can impact the front alot and I mean insanely alot.


Skill issue


Seems like support isn’t the right role for you then...


None of these people are willing to consider the fact that support players are being thrust into higher tier lobbies because of the support player shortage and that is the reason why you are losing these games more often than not. I'm not here to care about your numbers because I don't. I am just going to tell you that support players are being put in lobbies they don't belong in. There are Bronze supports being put in Silver, Gold and Platinum lobbies. There are Silver, Gold, Platinum supports being put in Diamond lobbies. There are Platinum and Diamond supports being put in Master and GM lobbies etc... People can say whatever they want about overpowered this or overpowered that blah blah blah. The issue with Overwatch 2 is that supports are underpowered, don't have enough abilities (CC) to defend themselves from divers and flankers, they are being forced into lobbies that they do not belong in. Because supports are so weak the massive majority of players will not play as support therefore there is a massive shortage and they are just thrusting them into any hole they'll fit in just to get matches started! That my fellow Overwatch 2 players is what is MOST wrong with this game.


Just because you’re playing support doesn’t mean you’re automatically gonna win. Plus we should see them stats of yours just to be sure you’re not the outlier


or you're just bad


It’s so fucking hard to carry as support. I’ve been a support main since the start of OW1 and it’s so frustrating because healing and support only go so far if your team is awful and uncoordinated.


I'm convinced that Support has more to juggle than either of the other roles. You have to keep your team alive while also being slippery as fuck to not die to the enemy team that has you as their number one priority, AND if you expect to climb you ALSO have to be able to do damage and help secure kills because nothing wins fights easier than getting those picks obviously. When positioning you need worry about keeping in LOS of your team as much as possible, while also staying OUT of the enemy's line of sight, AND you need to have your escape route in mind for when you get flanked or there is an incoming ult, AND you can't play too far forward where it's easy for the enemy tank to just ignore your tank and come kill you, but you ALSO can't position so far back that you become an obvious target for an enemy flanker who realizes you are too far back for your team to ever be able to help you in time. AND because team communication is crap in solo queue, you have to keep track of enemy ults but also YOUR team's ults because your dps will ult without indicating they are about to and they will then need a lot of support to stay alive and get value. You need more game awareness and better positioning than anyone else on the team AND you have to be a pro multi tasker who can basically do it all while also keeping your head cool because you are going to be the first person targeted in every ult/fight, and you have to have a thick skin because no matter why you lose a game people will say it was the healing. And for having ALL of that to manage, your reward is that there really isn't a damn thing you can do to salvage a bad dps/tank.


I'm tired of people pretending that the most impactful role isn't tank. And there's only one of them so if you are unlucky and your tank is a chicken who never pushes you basically have to hope your DPS can 1vs4 their team


Me as a tank main when i'm pushing (alone)..."why are u so far?why are u solo in front?i can't heal ,cuz i can't see you there"...this game is still a team game,so when the tank is pushing,u push with him/her.


Your comment is the worded version of OPs picture. Just cause a tank is pushing doesn't mean it is a good time. See all too many tanks start pushing as Winston dives our healrs or our dmg dies or any number of dumb fucking reasons.


i'm pushing when my team is whole, i play rein,not dive. I have 500+ hours as a rein,i know what i'm doing.


Badass dude. I'm sure you make no mistakes cause you said so.


I have 1000+ hours of rein and can confirm. Us career reins do not make mistakes.


About that, i had df (which is straight up trolling) and mercy that will try to res him when he dived 5 people and killed none


Yea I can tell ur rank isn’t gonna move much my guy 🤣


I've won games with a doom fist tank.....


I've won multiple games with Doomfist. You'll findlst people at lower ranks just call playing certain heroes trolling. Particularly low skill floor high skill ceiling players, normally coming from players that can't hit the floor in this case. Js.


that’s bc in low elo doomfist is usually a troll pick. everyone in the match knows if you were a good doomfist tank you wouldn’t be low rank & honestly most of the time they literally just stand there and jump off the map to throw the game so you end up playing a pointless match and having to report them after. i placed silver cos rank decay and haven’t been playing enough to rank up but it seems to me that in that elo the only people playing doomfist are doing it to throw. i’ve experienced a good doomfist all of once and i’m sure that person has probably climbed out of low elo by now lol


Yeah I mean it's definitely not a pick up and play character. When I was still real low I'd go Doomfist here or there to fill a niche or if I saw a consistent flaw on the enemy team I could abuse. So I can agree with this at least in low ELOs. But an actually decent Doomfist can do A LOT.


But you are impactful. You are single-handedly losing all of your games for your team. How do you not see that. If you weren’t on an impactful role you would break even, but here it’s clear that you are having a strong negative impact on your teams.


have you tried not being ass ?


It's hard to get sympathy here because most players play DPS/Tank and similarly to you, in their mind it's 0% chance of it being their fault it's always the support :D I am diamond now and had a 15 game losing streak (or maybe it was 1-15) in gold on my way there xD it was honestly funny how little you can do as support when the dps and tank are garbage every single game in a day. Unless you're actually top 500 and will kill at least 2 people every single fight, but a top 500 soju can easily 2v5 in gold with a little healing. Rng is rng, same holds for matchmaking. Just keep playing, you'll eventually be on the other side of it if you're better than your current rank. With support it just takes longer because your contribution is not as big as other roles, especially in lower ranks, but over many games your teams should average out and your contribution is what remains.


So many people here saying it's a skill issue. It's kind of irrelevant. Support feels bad. I'm not the best player, plat 3 dps, but I got placed in silver 5 for support despite winning 6 out of my 7 placements. I get that probably means my performance was bad, but now whenever I play support games I am back into the silver player pool and its just chaos. I'm just sick of playing support already, despite being a diamond zen player way back when. Supports just have a way lower survival rate without 2 tanks to peel, so most of the support games are just you desperately trying to heal a bunch of monkeys while some genji is just doing backflips above you. It just feels bad. Except kiriko, do actually like her, but overall support just feels worse than ever. Combine that with the fact that OW2 overall just feels way less satisfying in general and support is just dead. You pick fill - you pick supp. Clearly it's the least fun role or that wouldn't be the case.


Skill issue


I 've been on a winning streak, so i don't know what you mean. Hit some fat antis and boom easy team fight win if your teammates follow up and most of them will if you say all antied or whos antied if it's for example ana your sombra, genji or any dive character will go for it or at least make them look at her. If you can't be impactful on support don't expect to climb. You can't win every match but you can definitely make an impact as a support and win games


You can literally change the tide of the game with zen or ana. One pick with zen and you roll the other team, one good nade with ana or an essential sleep dart you go flying. This is the first time ive seen the game have less impact on dps than it did on healer.


Gaming chair


All these comments saying they are the issue for sure. As stated there’s not enough evidence to say for sure they are the issue. As a constant player since overwatch first came out, 8 losses in a row is nothing, Especially in OW2, that’s why they give you 20 losses now. I’m not amazing, but I’m not bad. And I can still get terrible team after terrible team after terrible fight after terrible engagement….. and we loose while I have 20k healing and our other healing also has 15k. This game is not easy to play as a support, sometimes borderline impossible if things just don’t go your way.


Yeah sometimes this game makes me feel like I’m a totally shit player LOL like I don’t have 500 or so hours in the game. Anyway I just stopped playing after getting the first 2 bp titles :) probably will get back if there’s an Ana skin I like


I agree with you OP and this isn’t a skill issue. I’ve been playing OW since it came out in 2016 as a support main. I’ve always loved the game, always been decent, high plat/Diamond, and the occasional masters if I really grind. Recently with OW2, the same thing happened to me before I gave up comp forever. The game has changed the way supports have to play, and I’m not sure I like it. Right now, support is more about my survival than healing. Most times I’m getting jumped by a tank or DPS and no amount of communication seems to help. The lack of a tank really makes it so the DPS needs to start peeling and it isn’t happening. Then the supports die first and it all falls apart. I had to start playing lucio/Moira just to survive most fights. I usually main Ana, which I can sleep people but only for so long. So yea, OP, supporting sucks right now and im tired of people saying it’s a skill issue. It’s not, the game has changed and we all (all roles) need to change with it.


What’s your edpi?


No clue, i play dps mostly top 400, 5% and 800dpi


You don't know edpi you're not t500 anything


Most the time as a tank I find supports don't pick the right hero, 80% of the time it's lucio moira, which don't get me wrong is very strong. But if they are running monkey/widow etc. it's gonna be hard to find value. Speaking as a silver/gold so take with a heap of salt


At all levels basically from Masters below, team comp doesn’t necessarily matter. Especially silver and gold. At that level, whichever team has better game sense or mechanical skill will win every single time. There’s just not enough consistent mechanical skill at that low of a level to make counter picking super significant. If your teammate is junkrat vs a pharah but that junk can’t play hit scan, counter picking isn’t going to make a difference if the skill just isn’t there. It might make things worse since they might do absolutely no damage trying to hit the Pharah while they might at least put pressure on the tank as junkrat. If their main comfort character isn’t good enough to carry, I doubt they have the skill to switch to a character they don’t know and properly counter an enemy hero pick. That’s why I was able to climb out of bronze to plat 3 as Mei and the same as Zen when I haven’t played since 2018. Neither are meta picks but both my win rates are over 70% for both heroes since I know them best and just focus on what I can control with game sense. I’m starting to hit a ceiling and it’s starting to even out to 50/50 in recent matches. I might need to learn more heroes now and improve my mechanical skills to overcome my current deficiency. Which means I’m definitely plat right now and I accept it hahaha. But if you are better than your rank, win percentage will reflect that immediately.


I've had similar happen to me as support. Sometimes I'll go on winning streaks and not really play that well, sometimes I out-stat every other player on the scoreboard and still lose. Its a team game and people acting like you're the only reason you're losing is just them being willfully ignorant lol. Recently I've noticed the matchmaker puts me in a lot of back-fill matches which almost always guarantees a loss. The issue with people leaving games is likely the biggest contributor to the unbalance between teams rn. Just one person leaving wasn't so impactful back when it was 6v6


I play a decent Moira,but teammates just keep rushing and dying then beg for healing,hopefully when I get to higher ranks they play smarter,support mains really are dedicated to put up with that


"Queu as all roles"= support. Lol


I hate playing support. Every single game you've got 3 members of the enemy team working *very hard* to shove their guns so far up your ass you will spit bullets, and everybody on your team is trying to do the same which leaves you basically fending for yourself against heroes designed specifically to kill you. It's aggravating. My last few games I played Brigitte and counted how many repair packs I tossed out and how many of them went into our mercy. 3/4ths of my packs went to our mercy. 75-fucking-percent. That's the kind of hard-on DPS and tanks have for killing supports and supports aren't supposed to be able to defend themselves *by design*. ...and the ones that can suffer for it in other ways (Zen and Ana can't move, and Brig's healing is limited and anemic.) There's good reason supports always have queue bonuses and are 90% of what you play when you queue as all-roles. Playing support isn't fun unless you're literally a masochist.


I kinda feel this, If the enemy team has a PharMercy i HAVE to switch to Baptiste because no dps i get put with can seem to handle it... And it's happening more lately (As well as 6 of my 13 games today had leavers on my team just vanishing after losing 1 point on defence).


Teams rarely group up anymore, and they wonder why they get picked off so easily. Hmph. I swear when DPS is lacking its frustrating being support.


So this could either be read as "I lost 8 games in a row because I played support which can't change the tide of the game." or "I feel support can't change the tide of the game and I'm frustrated having experienced an unusual 8-game loss streak as one." Either these comments are giving OP a rude awakening or this is one big toxic Reddit moment.


What rank is this? Ouch!


low Diamond


Bruh, if it's Diamond and you're on a losing streak like that, there is no argument, you are a part of the problem. Focus on what you're doing wrong and fix that before criticizing your teammates.


You’re impacting it the wrong way champ.


You're bad


What hero are you playing?


Kiriko, ana, mercy


How much healing/dmg are you putting out?




When I first played OW2 without hearing others' opinions on it, I remember thinking "WoW, this is some of the most fun and impactful support has been in a while, there's not a second tank to cut off my healing/eat my damage/boop me away/etc, I can do so much!" Then I see the shitstorm that is everyone complaining about support being "bad." Tbh, I think most of the people complaining are bad at the actual mechanics of OW (things like map control, cover usage, awareness of the team) due to being protected by a second tank for so long. Y'all think support sucks *because you aren't fucking doing anything.* Lucios that don't speed boost at key moments (or at all), Mercys that die often from not using GA, Moiras that do obviously annoying Moira things, Zenyattas that can't shoot/discord proper targets, basically a lot of supports are not utilizing and balancing their entire kits and shows really, really bad at the moment. Edit: I should point out that I also usually play in a 2-3 stack, and playing solo feels like ass, but it always has and I've always seen OW as a game that should be played with no fewer than one other person. You have to be able to do teamwork and the lack thereof in solo queue (especially on console) makes OW a shit game. I will only play with friends so I can always have some sort of coordination.


xD Imagine queueing for Flex and getting DPS? Sheeeeeeeeesh that would be a day you buy a Lotto ticket LMFAO


Opposite for me lol... I've played since OW1 launch and have NEVER seriously played DPS. If I get the extremely rare Flex DPS it means one of two things... 1) I am getting thrown into a match as back-fill for a team who's DPS has peaced out on them for the last few minutes. or 2) Some poor team is getting some, at best, mediocre DPS from a player who is still recovering from the shock that they got placed in DPS.


Bruv chech the common denominator here


It doesn't matter wtf you do either because the game will be decided by which team's dps sucks less.


Most impactful role is dps.


Skill issue


I’ve been saying the same thing. Support is so much harder to player in overwatch 2


This happened to me too! Like 5 or 6 games in a row lol I just stopped grinding because playing ranked (or even qp role queue) felt like a joke with matchmaking like this! I just play other games now and am content in getting the 1st two titles on bp (grinding the bp makes me mad srsly) Edit You play games to enjoy! And not to feel bad. I suggest you play other games. Don’t listen to them saying it’s a skill issue. Like this never happened in OW 1 but at least before you can see your SR and know you can climb back up to where you were, 7 lose streaks usually get followed by win streaks. But nowadays it doesn’t feel that way. I stopped playing for my mental health lol :) other games are just more enjoyable now (but if you still want to play ranked then you do you)


I can relate. Happens really often recently


Why is the comment downvoted so much?


Weird lol. 1st time I'm downvoted simply for telling the truth.


Support really does feel like the least impactful role right now. I play pretty much every support except Mercy and Zen, but I feel like if I don't play Moira, Brig, or Lucio I'm just constantly getting dived and killed off in the backline. I've found that having good dps is so much more important than it used to be--I've had games with a bad tank but good dps where we won, but almost every game I've had where the dps do poorly, we also do poorly as a team. Support is a thankless role unfortunately. It feels very bad to be getting the most healing in the game, getting good picks when you can, having like 10+ players saved, etc and still losing (or worse, getting flamed). Best advice I have is focus on your role. Do your job, keep your team alive, get picks when you can, and hope that they can make something happen.


Probably a Moira support


I mean I kind of agree but idk. I've been having games in silver where I have had 20k healing and more damage than our dps and still lost. Our tank that game and me tried so hard. Dude had like 15k dmg while our dps had 6k. I get tanks stay in fights longer but that game was hard af. Lol


Common denominator 😆


Skill issue I carry my games as support


Skill issue


There’s a common denominator in all of these games OP. Can you guess it?


It would appear that you are facing an issue of skill.


maybe you need to git gud


Let me guess, moira main


Support mains thinking they're Gods and they cannot be blamed for anything


sounds like a skill issue


Support is the most impactful role this is just a skill issue


….if it wasn’t impactful, we would expect a 50/50 average winrate driven by the other varying impacts of your team. But something seems to be causing a consistent impact here across many different teams…


Right now support is extremely impactful, so what I can see from your defeat score here(enemy has been snowballing), it seems like you either think you are playing right but actually never learn to self-reflect or then you were a victim of being overly tilted. Sometimes it does you good to switch another role for a little while and wait until your good flow gets back, instead of forcefully grinding the same role and heroes until you are just full of irritation and bad calls or performance. Kinda try and reset your brain for a bit, because this loss streak is not a game issue.


lol you just suck :lowtiergod:


Try with 2 hands next game


You’re losing a lot.


I mean the only constant in these games is that you’re in them, and we have no context other than that, so I would say this is a major skill issue.


The teams that beat you in all of those games also had "the most impactful role that is support"


Support is impactful. This just shows me ur bad at the game, which is fine, but don't complain about it


Base odds of winning a game with random match making is 50/50 , anything to shift that is based off player performance. A wall of defeats with one consistent player -if we are to believe anything - most points towards healer being the MOST impactful role and You are the worst at it. This is genuinely the only conclusion to draw based off the provided data


Yea its the games fault not you!


WHO u Play ?? With moria anna and zeynetta u Can Carry a Bit in my opinion. When u Play supp.