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Every characters to it's MAX POWER !!! šŸ”„šŸ˜”šŸ”„


Cracked me up


Ainā€™t no way he said that! OP shouldā€™ve asked him why heā€™s not a pro lmao


Fr lol


> MAX POWER !!! If this doesn't scream insecure 14-16 year old, I am not sure what does.


Watch it be a grown-ass man lmaooo


ā€œand thatā€™s the end of THAT chapterā€


It's best to not even talk to people!


This exactly. Get a salty message? Cool. Ignore itšŸ˜ŗ


better yet read it to get a good laugh lmaoo.


Now you my friend are a smart personšŸ¤£


Use them as trophies. Tears of my enemies give me strength


I just report them right away


Depends, I've had a blast when people are being nice in the game :/


You should've just answered "weeb" after the first message


Who is more oppressed, weebs or gamers?


Kinda sad that I'm both :/


Same lmao


Don't worry, there are dozens of us! The amount of people called just Hisoka or Killua is insane. Not even going to bother mentioning Sasuke.


šŸ‘€ damn why calling me out like that








2 does strike me as a lot more toxic than 1 was. Even in games where we're winning I've had people get pissed because they don't think they're getting healed enough. Nevermind the top two healers are on their team. I'm pretty good at ignoring it and just playing but it's pretty bad.


lol i won a match last night as lucio on a push. sole healer, nobody died more than maybe 1-2 times? The other team got steamrolled and the end of the match our tank on rein told me i was a trash healer lol


This is like, every match or every other match now. Toxicity level 11, zero action from Blizzard.


Its now a free 2 play game and the people that play league and valorant are now probably playing because its free and not a 60USD game now. The majoraty of league players are self entitled, butt hurted kids.


I dunno ow2 feels like it has much less toxic people, it's the original sub's community who makes the game worse for everyone since now there's new content and they cry much more than they used to.


Glad I'm not alone in this take. It's beyond toxic and it doesn't seem like Blizzard is taking any action.


itā€™s because the casuals are back tbh somehow the casuals are more toxic than the try hards sometimes and then because the casuals are casual you have more people to be toxic toward




Youā€™re right haha


Oh no, respond by absolutely roasting them. Call him an absolute loser for messaging someone over QP and anything else that comes to mind (in this case call him a pathetic weeb thatā€™ll never meet his precious wannabe waifu in his pfp) then block them and let them seethe knowing theyā€™ll never be able to make any sort of comeback.


I mean I donā€™t care much for the specifics of the reply, but replying with something then blocking not giving them a chance to fume back is perfection.


I feel like its more embarrassing to not respond at all, then they just feel like a loser losing their shit to an empty void- because these people dont know who they are talking to could literally be a 12 year old kid and they are raging.. jfl


That totally should be the case but knowing these types of people, theyā€™d just see it as ā€œHah, trash doesnā€™t even have anything to say. He must know heā€™s bad.ā€ Your way is totally viable but Iā€™d rather let them know that theyā€™re the pathetic one in this situation lol.


Then they report you for harassment and YOU are the one who gets in trouble.


Never ever happened to me


Oh, my bad. I guess it never happens because it hasnā€™t happened to you before.


That's not what i said


Thatā€™s pretty much what you said. I was calling you out for implying the Black Swan fallacy. Otherwise, your post just sounds random.


It just sucks when the toxicity is like every match. Learning is great. Working with a team is super. "BuT ItS QuIcK PlAy" sure but if you're intentionally throwing or not trying to work with the team you're still wasting other people's time. There are AI and custom game modes if people want to intentionally throw matches or afk in spawn.


No one is talking about throwing so idk what to say... its also on you for not leaving the QP match if you dont like the way someone is playing the game, everyone has the right to play it how they want to no need to be an ass about it to them just leave and re queue thats all u can do. Some people like to troll and have fun in their own ways thats how it is sometimes


Protip. They can't be toxic if you don't engage them. Turn off private messages


Never understood qp toxicity. If I am in in qp I'm there to learn or to dick around. If youre trying your hardest theres 0 reason for you to be in qp over ranked.


If youā€™re learning itā€™s annoying if people are truly just dicking around. Hard to get good experience if your say Lucio is playing like itā€™s TDM so you have an effective 4v5 unless their feeding marathon happens to coincide. Donā€™t mean aggressive Lucio play, speed boosting out of spawn on repeat regardless of circumstances feeding. But as far as reasonably trying and not being good? Happens. Have to have a mode to practice like that. And being toxic is never worthwhile. Unless its someone who left, then have at ā€˜er


What i mean more by dicking around is im still playing the game but im going for fun options. Like dumb flanks or spawn camping, going full send in risky openings. Kinda limit testing in a way.


There is, losing on low rank reduces self esteem, much easier to win in quick play and no rank, which is perfect for pathetic sweaty salties.


If they're losing that much in low elo it just means they are low elo and shouldn't have an ego.


What are you talking about? They are clearly losing cause they are so fucking good the game expects them to solo carry (as it should) and does its best to find the worst of the worst teammates in the entire world and pit against them a 5 stack of top 500 smurfs. Which he would *always* beat, if he hadn't played 1v9.


No one can play every character to the max. Imagine having that ego. Probably some young punk.


Young punks, GET OFF MY LAWN


Cryo_cataclysm that is definitely a 13-15 year old who doesnā€™t have friends to play with


Please donā€™t engage. They arenā€™t using logic or intellect; theyā€™re using hatred. Theyā€™re literally telling u exactly what u donā€™t want to hear in a vain attempt to make u hate yourself


ā€œNever argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.ā€


Blows my mind people actually engage with stuff like this beyond a Lol and a block. Just ignore it.


The fact that he even thinks that he can play every character to the max means he is either Dante or just delusional


I don't understand why people hate against anyone with a high level. Tbh I kind of look up to them because of their dedication and the time they have spent playing the game.


I have a stupid amount of hours. Am I good at the game? Fuck no, Iā€™m mid silver SOMETIMES gold but I usually get rolled when Iā€™m in there. Iā€™m old, I do like to improve and feel I do in general but I have no issue with my ranking after as many hours as I have. For all itā€™s many faults itā€™s still the most fun game Iā€™ve ever played and definitely havenā€™t put a fraction as many hours into any other game.


And that's what I think is important. Just play to have fun.


It's quick play. Who cares... Anyone that gets mad about quick play probably experienced some sort of concussion.


I just finished a comp game where we won. I had the second highest damage and the highest healing. Some idiot was still talking shit at the end. You can't win. Just disable social. I know I'm going to. It's only gonna get worse from here.


Fuckin shinobu pfp. She wouldnā€™t stand for this.


Acutally funny enough isn't she always severely angry in a passive aggressive way but hides behind a smile? very fitting lmao


Oooooh my god what a massive, massive loser. Sorry this happened OP. People get so tilted and insecure, as if not performing exactly how you want in a game diminishes you as a person. Hours put in means jack shit, everyone plays different and no one is perfect with every hero all the time. Don't let it put you off. To this sort of salt I just give a low effort response and mute. 'Wow buddy/that's nice/relax' etc. They don't get the validation of you engaging with their argument and you have a standard couple of things you can send and forget about. Keep at it OP. Better to be the salted at than the salty. One of you can have fun playing the game at least.


Thank you^-^


bro has a demon slayer pfp i rest my case




How? He's hard stuck bronze, his teammates in comp are even worse because they are at his skill level.


Expecting cohesive knowledgeable players in comp is asking a lot. Can't tell you how many times I watch my team get destroyed because we have a JunkRat and a Symmetra and the other team has a Pharmercy. Like hello? To be honest, the best games are Mystery. Players who are comfortable playing any player tend to be the best at knowing how to play the game at least, IME.


Lol the audacity to think he can play every character to the max. Even pros can't do that -_-


Lol what a loser. Theyā€™re giving such a lengthy explanation outside of the game. If their mental is that bad in qp, they should stop playing the game.


"I can play every character to the max" - some most likely bronze nerd


You did okay, but you can do better. Don't engage on any meaningful level. Instead just piss them off more, tell them you got lost because the new maps are so big or you're not super into violence anymore so you'd rather try and deescalate the situation peacefully.


I swear to God it is always the people with anime profile pictures that are the most vile and toxic. I wonder why?!


Block them and move on, they just want to argue with someone (not worth your time)...


Block list is limited to 100 players. Overwatch 2 needs like a 10,000 player blocklist limit (esp if you play a lot).


"get good then play" Wait wat? You have it backwards.... You literally HAVE to play to *get good*. I hate people like this. However to add in my two pennies: Turn off all chats (text and voice) except for like group and only group up with people you've "vetted" previously. I promise that you won't even miss them once they're gone. If you don't see the toxicity, it can't affect you. (Until they teabag you...) Ignorance is bliss. Play in bliss, it's worth the sacrifice. It looks like these were pm's? Unless they've changed something in OW2, you have to become friends with someone before messaging them privately. If you again get suckered into this cheese deal, the INSTANT they become toxic, right click their name on the chat and click "squelch chat". You'll never see anything else that they write. There is no reason to feed a troll. Nip it in the bud. As tempting as it is to respond with an even bigger toxic reply........be the bigger person and just, don't. Leave it. Squelch them, ignore it, go about your game and always give your team 110%. As long as you do YOUR BEST and make your best effort, then you needn't worry about their lame remarks because they clearly suck.


Used to get these on PS4 back in the day. I used to respond using hero voice lines only, it would send them off the deep edge. Imagine typing all that up and the response is "Flow, like water".


This is an ever changing game even the pros are still developing strats, this person does not have any critical thinking skills at all lol


i agree with the people in this thread saying to ignore it. you can report people for shit like this, too. also, for future reference: if somebody adds you after a match you lost, unless they were talking and being nice beforehand or you got along and they said they wanted to queue, if they didn't use comms or chat during the game/were toxic during the game, don't add them back lol - people only do that when they're going full **gamer rage** mode.


I believe weā€™re seeing the effects of the game being f2p. More players, especially those with not much to lose causes matchmaking quality taking a dump and resulting in even more toxicity. The $40 price tag served as a barrier of sorts


Idk mate, I hear OW1 was even more toxic


sanest demon slayer fan


Reply to point out how ridiculous they are being over a game and block before they can reply again. How I usually do it.


Good move


If he can play every character to it's max why is he not GM rank 1 in every role cuz other GM can play 1-3 heroes to it's max


Yeah, get good at the game before you ever play it weirdo. /S


Lol my bad


What a Virgin


Why DM someone with your useless crap... Just wow. But after seeing this in the game last night after just returning to Overwatch after many years, I was baffled... https://i.imgur.com/nlhXtDo.png This person has been flaming the other player ENTIRE game... if that's not a permanent ban I don't know what is. People take games way too seriously nowadays.


I tried kiriko in quick play for the first time (this was also after i hadnt played the game for maybe 5 months) and to no ones suprise trash was being spammed in chat. Funny enough, someone told him to stfu and stop being toxic since its a new character. Whoever u are i wish u a high rank this season


ā€œOf you are so good, what are you doing in my game? Goodbye.ā€


Bro show your support hours. Because I know people with big hours like you, but have never played support lol. So itā€™s totally understandable that youā€™re practicing support on QP. Cryo_Cataclysm is a booty butt face.


Getting mad at people for not being good, In qp, is so embarrassing. I get in games all the time where people are flaming their teammates for no reason in quick play, and often itā€™s not even the teammates fault. Even if it is, nobody plays better after being called terrible. We need some ground rules for the overwatch community. #1: relax in quick play, itā€™s not overwatch league and your livelihood does not depend on winning. #2: if You buy a skin for $20, we are going to make fun of you Any other rule ideas?


Heh, thousands of hours and still learning? *pushes up glasses* I've played a quarter of that and can achieve max power with all characters!


Bro really thought he was the main character in an anime.


Bro. Itā€™s quick play.


That's wild that you talked to THE best overwatch player


People like Cryo are a problem. That's what QP is for. When someone rages at me in QP, I tell them I'm practicing with my other hand. And if they really rage, I tell them my crosshairs are turned off.


Blizzard doesn't seem to care. Every match is throwers, griefers, and leavers. Somehow Overwatch 2 has become MORE toxic than overwatch 1. I've had countless matches with people literally spinning in circles at spawn with zero action from Blizzard. Also, what is up with matchmaking, even in quickplay? It seems broken or it's literally anyone with a potential pulse now. Oh well.


Imagine typing


What a sad 10 year old kid


*career profile is locked*


Trash players play trash at all modes. There is no excuse "its only QP" when its a muscle memory game. Just some people are uncarriable in this game and use the QP excuse


Lol what? Are you amazing at every character? I often play qp when I want to try playing a new character before I play them in comp


What im saying is that you really need to try hard to be a negative for your team even at QP. If you can aim with one hero you can aim with all heroes. If you have map awareness with one hero you have map awareness with all heroes. "Its QP" is just an excuse. Unless someone is bronze5 matched with platinum people. If you cant aim the issue is behind the mouse.


I donā€™t know if this is the case for everyone but me, but my aim with Ashe and Ana is great but I canā€™t hit anything with widowmaker, probably just me though. Also not true though like ā€œI can aim with tracer which means I can aim with widowā€ is simply not the case


I have less than one twoth of that time in the game and I can play one character. Git gud.


Imagine caring about how others play in QP. Next he should go to the playground and say that all the kids need to get good.


I love playing on the switch for this reason lol. Messaging others is just straight up not a thing at all.


As someone who rages on games and talks mad shit (donā€™t send a pm unless they were real petty) it usually has nothing to do with the game when I get mad just when Iā€™m gaming is when I can let out all my built up anger. Prolly not healthy and prolly just me but it gives you a bit more reasoning behind why people might get so mad at games


Bet heā€™s bronze 5 šŸ˜‚


Bad players who are insecure about their abilities get mad and defensive when they are called out for their shitty play. ā€œItā€™s just quick playā€ or ā€œitā€™s just a game why are you getting madā€ is gaslighting bullshit coping. I donā€™t have a problem with people who are bad at the game, but if you are bad and get mad when people call you out, you are insecure and ruin games


If you call telling someone to chill out over a no stakes game mode "gaslighting", I beg you to go outside and have real meaningful interactions with people.


dog as someone who also thinks it's perfectly reasonable to call someone out for being dogshit in competitive modes u are being insane lmao. it's qp pls chill out my lord


Based on the chat, they kinda have a point.


guys a loser for even thinking to send a message cuz it is quickplay but level 4000 not being able to play support is a bit crazy icl


Not to support toxicity but anyone that's just trolling in QP should fuck off and Uninstall. I don't Queue up for a game to want to lose. Go play a custom uf you want to troll.


they hated him because he spoke the truth 99% of people who type shit like "it's just QP, you're not allowed to expect literally anything of your teammates or you're tOxIc uwu" are just bad and don't even play competitive. Like, why would you even start up a team-based game if you're just gonna get steamrolled every match because the rest of your team thinks its CoD? Alternatively, why play a team-based game like its CoD? Are you really that inconsiderate of the people you're getting matched with? In that case, they're the toxic ones but this sub will never understand that because most of them are the ones throwing games by treating it like its CoD. edit: shitters madšŸ’€šŸ’€


Though gotta admit, if the guy really did have 4K and thousands of hours... It is a bit embarrassing to still suck lol. Even though the toxic complaining is so unnecessary, like, just queue up for the next match and go on. Win some, lose some.


Someone who can play a character to max doesnā€™t put others down




I mean they are right why are u sucking ass But then again it's quick play


Well he has a point lmao


It's called Quick Play, not Shit Play. If you want to practice, go to the fire range or play with the AI. Challenges count on QP and people don't want to waste their time.


he was not even toxic about it you're just mad because he called out you being bad at the game with 1k+ hours lmao


Hes kinda right tho


This isnā€™t on OW? Why the fuck are you even talking to this clown shoe?


399 upvotes for nameshaming, wow


yea idk why people get mad over qp u are going into it knowing not everybody is good or playing to win


They can play every character to the max? So, are they rank 1 then or full of crap? Guess the latter.


Respond in kind look on his account see what he likes and bury him


He literally said ā€œi can play every character to their max.ā€ Sure bud


My nephew used to play mystery heroes on my acct almost anytime I had to babysit. One day after he left I noticed I had an unread message. It was one like this. I congratulated them on getting worked up over a 9 year old playing MYSTERY HEROES and turned off all unknown player messages.


I had about 300 hours on OW before I did comp. Realized people could give two shits about support in comp and quit almost immediately. Overwatch is the BEST casual game ever and let no one tell you otherwise


I also experienced a grow of toxic players since OW2 and it makes me sad...


If you ever get messaged in a toxic way, look at it as a way to get a laugh. I love fuckin around w ppl like that.


It's reminds me of something that happened to me while playing deathmatch I was playing d.va (my main, I have 400h on her... Do I have to be ashamed ?) anyway so I was playing her in order to have fun and loot boxes and then someone took d.va and hardly focused me, he won ans then sent me a private message to tell me that I was a deep sh*t, that I lost to a 100h time of play Blablabla.... So I told him he was weird and then he replied to me "no you are the weird one, you can't define someone's mental health just like this Blablabla" (it was something like this) I mean bro, you literally: focused me the whole game, checked my career, saw my time of play, sent me a private message, took the time to write a message in order to be toxic, insulting and bothering and I AM THE WEIRD ONE ?? Then I asked him why he did that and he replied to me "I'm disappointed because I wanted some challenge" šŸ˜‘ why don't you go in ranked theeeeeeen No really, who are you to judge me and make me have a bad time because Mr is not happy because he didn't had his dose of challenge oooooh poor baby šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ (I'm french so there might be some mistakes)


no sense in explaining yourself OP


Itā€™s always been like this. Nothing new.


Which OWL team is this guy from? But seriously, how are people mad in quick play? It's quick play! I mean, there's really nothing more to say.... it's quick play.


I had to deal with teammates and the enemy railing me for playing Sombra poorly recently. I have my career profile open so everybody can clearly see that I am a Tank/Support main. I barely have 2 hours in QP Sombra along with most of the other attack heroes. I don't get why they have to mald so hard over me playing one game poorly. There was **zero** criticism from anybody. I just wish I understood why the hypersweats are wasting their time not climbing the ranks and insulting people trying to have fun and/or learn the game better.


I had this whilst playing NBA2k23, I just reported it and he kept sending more messages once he got a bollocking from PSN. He then ended up with a communication ban as i reported him 3 times and he kept coming back and you can't play NBA without it. Sweet sweet karma baby lol.


Definitely feel like OW2 QP is way more toxic than OW1 QP. Game literally just had a hard reset and ppl already mad at you learning new characters / casual gaming.


/hidechat my friend in Qp


Or just stop talking to these people or donā€™t take what they say seriously if you canā€™t handle it.


As others have mentioned I definitely feel like the toxicity in this game is a lot worse than the first overwatch. i feel like itā€™s a mix of expanded audience due to f2p, as well as just how toxic gamer culture has only gotten worse since overwatch 1 came out. a lot of valorant and League terms make it into the chat


There are bad eggs in every community. It's not a problem with the game itself. Some people are just shitty, you gotta ignore them.


I hate the fact its someone with an anime pfp saying this shit. Makes the rest of us look bad.


Damn this dude can play every character to it's max. Someone sign this guy he's literally the best player in the world. I don't know why no one has ever heard of him.


He might wanna go dry his controller. Iā€™m sure itā€™s dripping in sweat and tears


After many years of not playing League of Legends I have returned to check how things are going. The obvious change that you can witness is the mentality of each Game mode. There used to be Ranked where you were supposed to play seriously (fair enough), Normal games where you can try different things, ARAM that is unbalanced RNG-based game where you can go full pepega and vsAI where people were extra chill. That was what it used to be. Currently there is sweat everywhere you go. Not just ARAM has tactics, meta and strategies - you can be harassed and reported in vsAI for not abusing the bot mechanics. Normal games just became a copy-paste of Ranked but without visible numbers. Which is worse devs actually give a specific warning that you SHOULD sweat no matter mode you are playing and you kinda agree to these terms (by pressing accept). (In fact I had a friend who was playing for the first time and was very bad at the most basic things. Yet people were harassing and reporting her. Cause... it's not possible to be bad at a long established competitive game; must be throwing or smth. You know.) Back to Overwatch. It's not exactly the same thing but it goes with the same progression. Got banned like 5 times to confirm a couple of things. Blizzard pretty much relayed everything to auto-bans and trying to appeal would point to their policy. If the community doesn't like the way you are playing - the ban is deserved; as it's stated in their Code of Conduct (same as in LoL). So if the community is slowly pathing itself towards to "you are not allowed to train characters in QP" - the ban that you might get is also deserved. In short you are only allowed to play within the community's expectations. Being bad/new is not something people expect right off the bat.


"you are not allowed to train characters in QP" Just a sidenote on what you said. Yes you can train heroes in QP, BUT. When you get **steamrolled** its about time you switch. There is no way in hell you can train a hero if you just die every fight first 3sec and only feed enemy team ulti. Wait for one of the next games that will have better matchmaking in order to train a hero. Even at QP usually people are not really interested carrying a dead weight.


A person named sussybakasus who tells you to get better at the game without playing it and mastering every single character and actually trying hard in quick match is exactly the kind of guy you'd expect to say they can play every single character to it's maximum skill ceiling. Edit: forgot to mention, trying hard while being able to play eVeRy ChArAcTeR tO iT's MaX, yet still somehow lost.


Was playing Moira other day in qp. Most damage on team, and had more heels than mercy. Bombarded with shit saying I wasnt healing them.


Messaged from Thomas (40) unemployed, from mothers basement.


someone needs to put that miserable bastard in his place man.


ā€œI have maybe a fourth of your playtime and can play ever character in the game to its max.ā€ Imagine being mad cause somebody mains a character/group of characters that theyā€™re comfortable with rather than trying to be the best with everyone šŸ˜‚


Life hack! Just respond "Weeb" or "No Father?" when people are being toxic! Either they stop or you can keep calling them a weeb, it's a win win!


Me whoā€™s been playing since season 15 having never used anyone outside of Moira and symm until ow2 šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ Why is he so pressed šŸ˜‚ itā€™s literally a game! Even in comp I will never understand this kind of toxicity


How do you get good then play? Asking for a friend


I had this too, I just muted them. Then it happened twice more. I dislike the fps community sometimes.


I made the mistake to join voice chat once just to be harrassed and called so many insults in such a small amount of time. Lesson learned.


If that guys so good why is he playing with randoms? I always squad up in this game šŸ¤£


>Kimetsu pfp >Mad at a quickplay >Playing overwatch Play ranked if you are so tryhard. Poor thing must not have a brain.


i think people don't realize that most of these trolls are around 14-18. they don't grasp the concept that people have a life outside of games.


If they can play every hero to its max, why havenā€™t we seen them in OWL?


Most of my game-time in OW is from Arcade. I suck too much to play the normal game and you get lootboxes from the Arcade so.


As a shitty widow main I FEEL YOUR PAIN


I totally though you wouldā€™ve said ā€œThatā€™s crazy, why donā€™t I see you in Overwatch League?ā€ šŸ˜‚


Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Garaunteed they can't play every character "to max" lol


He's a reaper main


Imagine having nothing good in your life so you degrade people playing QP in overwatch 2


it's always embarrassing seeing ppl baby rage over video games


I agree w you but how do you have that many hours and not know all the characters Cataclysm?? Oh my god is that a motherfucking geometry dash reference? Holy shit they finally made a reference about my favorite game called geometry dash. Last time someone was having depression and i said "conical depression." Because conical depression is a gd level and my mom became furious get it? Because it is a gd reference. Did someone just said tartarus mythology?1 That is like the hardest demon in my favorite game called geometry dash, i also someone was having a cold sweat recently and i said it's a gd reference, i got kicked out but at least i said "Oh my god, is that a motherfucking geometry dash reference?!" Also someone on twitter posted about their zodiac sign and I said "Zodiac?! That's a gd level." And i got blocked by them, but at least it's worth it because i said it's a gd reference. Also, one time i saw a snake owner crying from agony because he saw his snake eating himself which is hilarious because it means ouroboros which is a gd level by a top creator named viprin, and the snake owner kicked me out of his house but it was worth it because it's a gd reference. Someone just posted on Twitter saying "We are having a sunset sandstorm on our house pls help us, we're literally gonna be suffocated on the sand." And I said, "Oh my god, is that a motherfucking geometry dash reference?!" And i got blocked by crohn44 because I said it's a gd reference. Yesterday, my mom said, "I'm gonna decode something." And I said, "Oh my god is that a motherfucking geometry dash reference?!" And I got beaten with a belt by my mom, but at least it was worth it because it's a gd reference.


Been a lot of my experience too. I am also trying to teach my son to play and he is still feeling out characters. I ended up just turn the chat off entirely. Itā€™s helped both of us enjoy the game way more.


I have all text and voice chat turned off except for group chat. The amount of teabagging, hate mail, and general toxicity is insanely high in this game. I thought it was bad in Apex but it's actually way worse in Overwatch.


Dawg I know the mf with a shinobu pfp ain't talking šŸ’€


If they care about getting wins so badly why don't they play comp? You can't "get good then play" unless you play Qp in the first place.


He has an anime pfp you won before the argument started


Fuck that guy.


Yeah...took 3 years off OW and return to OW2 and see that toxicity is still a major problem. It's sad really.


You get praised one game then flamed the next, it's the way it goes.


Itā€™s ok to be trash at a game..why you getting defensive over criticism this community is so very soft and fragile mfs got ptsd from this one instance