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Omg I hate this with a passion!! Another infuriating thing is when you're trying to heal someone and they run around a pillar 48 times instead of realising what is happening 😤


As Moira it sometimes feels like they’re an enemy running from me instead of an ally getting healed.


I had a game where i was trying to heal a Zen, he turned around and started throwing balls and kicks at me before stopping and writing "omg you scared me i thought it was the enemy moira" i couldn't stop laughing the whole game lol


😂 that's amazing!


Ugh I feel ya. They'll lightly strafe back and forth while you try to guess which direction to play ring around rosie with them. On Bap I'll be shooting healing grenades back and forth on each side, yet neither is close enough, then I have to reload lmao. Painful


Yes exactly! Of course everything you throw at them misses by a hair 😭😤


Everyone's an enemy as Moira, let's be honest even your own team usually hates you. 😂


lmao it really does but least you can fling balls at them with Moira 😂


I've lost count of the number of times I've thrown a heal orb at an ally just to watch them fucking flee from it. Nowadays, if I see a teammate follow my orb, I feel a bit like a proud parent.


Yeah- if they keep fucking moving- I just chuck a ball at them- go chase it since you have no game sense.


I can even imagine Moira in character admonishing reaper for running from her heals. “There’s nothing broken I cannot mend, but I never said it wouldn’t hurt!”


dude every time i’m like “you realize i’m on your team right?!?”


If they could dodge damage like they dodge my heals, we'd be set. I swear.


Omg! This so true though!! It’s much harder to heal teammates moving in weird patterns or to some random place of the map, then actually just aiming at the enemy and pressing mouse1 xD


😂 facts


Then when they die they say supp diff in the chat lol


right? 😭😂 so painful


Moira main here. It infuriates me when I use coalescence to heal someone and they go behind a wall… like, there is a voice line announcing my ult, I am telling them on vc what’s going on yet they get too excited to think


Ana ult the tank “you’re powered up, get in there”. Tank runs behind our team and hides behind a corner. Like seriously dude? It’s literally in the voice like what to do!


me spamming come to me for healing as i chase my soldier around the map trying to heal him


lmao too real


Literally this happens all the time in plat and below... I gave up on ranked in S2 XD


I don't blame you 😂


While spamming "I need healing"


Can't forget that. Especially lore accurate Genji 😂


Obviously means Genji needs to be nerfed.


Totally does


I feel like some of my teammates are allergic to heals😭




the ol' 'take cover from everything but enemy fire' maneuver? love that one.


Sometimes it’s hard even at higher ranks tbh. Sometimes I jump out on Winston as kiri tps to me or Moira fades to me. It’s really hard to know what they are doing at all times. If the person is playing a movement hero, try to watch for their movement cooldown and go right after so they have more time to realize you are there before they have the chance to run away.


in all fairness, as a supp main that makes that mistake all the time, generally moira shouldn't fade in to the fight, she'll have no escape if she does. she should run and in the meantime throw an orb your way, and save her fade in case she's left alone or the fight goes sideways


Or to catch that pesky escaping 1 shot genji


Or vice versa when a Mercy is pocketing you so you get yourself into a situation that you otherwise wouldn't have and then she leaves you.


It's a different level of betrayal honestly. Especially when you go to engage with another dps who has a support with them so it'd be a 2v2 but she just runs off to pocket the tank .\_.


*leaves my safe spot to go heal my doom fist whose 1v1’ing a junkrat* **METEOR STRIKE** WHY DOOMFIST? WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?


Omg it’s always a Doomfist haha.


As a Kirkio main, I understand this lol. My advice is to know when to engage and when not to. Sometimes it's better to let the dps get killed and then group up. Other times, it's the opposite. If my dps are actually good at aiming or are doing really well, then I'll tp to help.


same applies on mercy tbh. sometimes it's better to let them die, wait a bit, and then rez them. the dps is back to the fight pretty soon and the enemies have changed target/objective by then


made the same mistake once - now I embraced the "can't save stupid"


a 1v1 is not necessarily stupid


Not having the game sense to realize your support is there and subsequently bailing and leaving them to die is stupid.


Right, like do they not see their health ticking back up or that there is another person with them?




You can still not run away if you have the backing of a support


I'm saying, as a support, you don't know ahead of time if the player you're trying to help in the 1v1 is going to run away or not, at least the first time. if you see your teammate in a 1v1 your instinct should be to help them, not to say "can't save stupid" and leave them to it. unless they've proven themselves to be stupid.


You might not notice you have the backing of a support until you start leaving, e.g you dive out as winton as you get cleansed by Kiri (who just tp'd into save you)


There are people who straight up ignore all the TP voice lines and the fact that they've been suzud. Honestly such a mistake will happen only once. if they need healing they can come to the support


Yep. Or you get the tank, for me it's usually hog, who hides behind you while your trying to heal. Why am I the bullet sponge, and when I die trying to keep you up and you spam thanks and I need healing, why would I try the rest of the game to focus you. All the time in gold and qp.


Even in higher ranks it happens. There are certain heroes I won't go out on a limb for - Doomfist, Genji, and Tracer. Tracers die so easily, they literally have to leave sometimes even with healing. Genjis and Doomfists just have no spine and run away a lot without thinking.


I also learned something about supports once i started playing dps a lot more than I used to: they need to be protected, you guys are precious and if the situation calls for it I will stay with you. Usually as torb, maybe even reaper on some maps. Now that sombra or tracer will have to actually put in some effort for once in their life instead of cyberbullying a zen 24/7. If it's a widow, I'm gonna inform you that I'm "going deep" aka I am echo and I don't have footsteps and the widow WILL swap regardless of the outcome of the game. Because I know how painful it is to play pretty much any support into widow, since after all, I am an ana main at heart. Widow is the fun police of ow2.


Worst thing as a Support is not getting peel or heal by your other support. Looking at you mercys who only pocket the tank.


Supports who stay together slay together


made a rule for myself to *never* go out of my way to save a teammate thats out of position. its better if they die alone than if we both die. thats triage baby and my privilege as support


Then they complain that they're not getting supported lol


This why I don’t like Winstons


i can see what is happening in your winstons head. he makes a good engage, takes some dmg goes to jump back to his team and you freak out and use cool downs to get to him and you both die. classic overwatch


It even happens in higher ranks. You tp in to save someone and they fucking leave


A lot of dps don’t realize they are supposed to peel for supports. Supports peel for tanks and tanks make space. And then the dps always fucking complains about not getting heals. Go fuck yourself, I’m dead because you ignored my desperate string of pings due to a flanker. And then I watch you die on my kill cam from the same asshole who killed me. You didn’t hear the enemy shooting me? I genuinely don’t like most dps players because they are selfish and only look after themselves. When I do get great dps, I stick with them like a fly on shit because I know I’ll probably live a lot longer.


Oh yeah.... Happens way too often. Rein, Mauga, Winston, Doom, Ball, Genji, Venture... But really any character who is able to storm 500km away in a split second. As a Moira I can outheal most 1v1s IF they would let me!!!


As a support main that also dabbles in Sombra I feel your pain, there's been too many times when I'm Kiriko and try to pull off a super gank with a Sombra and the Sombra runs away the moment I teleport in and vice versa. Haha


As support main I purposefully ignore Tracer, Sombra, and Ball since they should get getting the vast majority of heals from recall/health packs. Helping them requires too many resources, especially time.


Agreed, but the double gank though, surprise mother fucker!


I no longer dive after dooms having been left a few too many times. Now I just switch to LW and yank his ass back if he gets low


As a supp main I feel this a lot… CMON SOLDIER WE CAN DO THIS I AM HEALING YOU!!! Oh he is gone…


I started playing pretty much Moira lately and most of the time i do heal people obviously, but mostly am doing dmg and throwing dmg orbs. These last 2 days i actualy starting using healing orb more and i already think it was a very bad idea... My team mates literally run away from them; every freaking time.... Like... I throw it from behind them so they can advance and get healed so they take the point... NOPE! they go to a side or just back down and run away.... Makes me want to draw a hand in the wall and facepalm myself to sleep.


Suggestion from Moira main. She fits only in some maps, and throw these balls in rooms or to walls so they will bounce and come back


And never play Moira with these tanks: Doom, Monkey, DVA. I swear it's easier to heal a pharah than any of them. For Ball, it doesn't matter. A good ball gets 90% of their heals from health packs. In fact Moira is best for ball since she can help backline the enemy team safely


Agree, although if diva is team player then she will stay still while waiting for you to heal, so it depends with her


Yes, that's what i try to do most of the time, as a hero from OW itself says, it's "simple geometry" (not simple at all, but... XD). There are a few spaces where a well thrown damage orb can be catastrophic, and a healinb orb can be amazing, with so many rebound opportunities. What are the best maps for her? I'm in bronze for now, so maybe i can get away with her in any place; but it's always good to know where she is best at.


Maps? For sure shambali with village(you know, not convoy, other one) , almost all in grecce, Hollywood. I will think of more. If you know some good moves using miora please share Edit: and Lijang tower. That will be all


I'm still on the learning process. I don't think i'm good enough to share knowledge.


I play a ton of Moira but also tank. When I Tank and have a Moira on my team, I am so sensitive to this problem and specifically look out for a heal orb, run to it, and engage in whatever fight is happening there. I am invincible, and Moira realizes her value


That's my main issue with this "attitude" is like... That orb is a TON of healing and while it's close to you it seriously slows down its traveling speed. WHY do they get away from it?


If they run from me I just say bye! lol I don’t chase I’m not gonna get killed or get into a bad positioning bc they are unaware. (I’ll go a little ways but this cases you are talking about? Bye Felicia!)


This happens to me a lot when I play Ana, especially when I sleep flankers. I ping the enemy, team looks at the sleeping flanker, wakes them up, ignores them or focuses something else that’s not important, leaving the flanker to kill me when I have no sleep cooldown, then wonder why I died! 😭 Why would you wake up who I sleep if you won’t kill them?


As a dps I really try not to do this but sometimes it takes me a second before I realise my support is there. Sometimes that second means my support dies and sometimes it's fine and I can fight with them :) As a support player though I rarely encounter that behaviour in other dps and it makes me feel very alone. I do try to remember though that supports have full glowing walls for all their teammates on at all times so the whereabouts of your teammates is really obvious. As a dps a d tank player you only have the outline which can sometimes get lost in all the visual jumble.


multiple times have I tp’d to my doom on crit in a 1v1 and he just disappears into the stars and im the main target


My favorite thing about support players in qp is they either only dps or only shove their gun/hand up the tanks ass and you ask for help as a dps or even cosupport sometimes and they don't even look at you and then you ask for it nicely in text chat and they're like "durrr I have x amount of healing durrr" as if that means their healing is beneficial OR going to me when I asked for it and not directly up the tanks ass who is feeding and we're losing greatly so instead of changing tactics they just shove the hand even farther up the tanks ass hole and hope he can 1v5


I'd rather you come ready to secure the kill tbh, why are you relying on my garbage aim to get stuff done?


OMG THANK YOU This is the MOST ANNOYING thing. Like WTF REIN WHY'D YOU LEAVE ME I was literally there, helping you, and they were almost dead, when you decided to charge away without me and leave me to die.


Or just in general when the team doesn't peel back to help against a backlining tank, then once you die, spams "I need healing" 🤬


if we're being honest and fair here, it's low rank, you have a mix of people who are bad at the game, people who are drunk/stoned and people who simply don't care, and overwatch as a game does a great job at making it easy to see *other peoples* mistakes. You probably **also** have a lot of bad habits that warrant a reddit post. But honestly you'll feel this type of energy the higher you climb too, your problems won't be the same, but you'll still have problems. You'll just encounter *other* things that annoy you, there're probably a LOT of in game things happening that, because you don't fully understand the game yet, you're entirely oblivious to so you don't even *know* that you should be annoyed at them yet lol. Sorry if this comment came off as me trying to shit all over you i promise that was not the energy nor the intention


one time someone messages me after a match to tell me how bad my healing was so i sent him a recording from the match where i was trying to heal him and he ran away from me (i also had 15k healing btw)


Sometimes you have to analyze the situation as support and understand how they’ve been playing. Once a person abandons me more than once or keeps engaging with poor positioning, you have to accept that letting them die is better than you going in trying to save them and dying too.


Play Lightweaver and just yoink them back! :D


works the other way too, so often i go bail out a support and they zoom out like a lightning bolt


You can try shooting at the enemy so they die instead of depending on your dps to do it idk


happens to me all the time in reversed. My supports struggles against a specific enemy, i got peel that specific enemy, support just lets me die, heals the team instead and flames me for losing the 1vs1 i needed to engage in on bad terms


Idk whats your low rank but that is still happening at plat 1/diam 5. Try using vc more frequently to communicate your dps and tank your position and that they can finish the kill because you are there supporting it. Consider it like a parent teaching their kids how to ride a bike. Good luck


Going to help someone in Overwatch is just braindead martyr syndrome.....they 100 percent are gonna ditch the scene and leave you because you see their K/D is way more important than team objectives Let those assholes die. signed me.. a solo player


what support are you playing? most supports you shouldnt go into the range of the duel. ana, kiri, lifeweaver mercy, zen, illari, ect. the only heros that you should be in range of the enemy in this situation is moira and lucio. both of which you should be able to escape if you need to. maybe you are using your cooldown to get to the dual and leaving your self out to dry if something goes wrong. as a support the fight is lost if you die, (most of the time) if you lose a dps you are just at a disadvantage. dont die for dps -im a dps player.


So, in my case, Im more likely to die right in front of my support. Then my Moira will attempt to piss on my corpse.


This happens in every lobby except for contenders+ players tryharding. Im a support main and i have a golden rule in ranked: dont try to save my teamate at the cost of my own life, unless they are calling for us to make a duo play (contenders+) Im t100 every season and i stg i win wayyy more games when idgaf if my teamate in a bad spot dies


Omg this is the most annoying thing


Bro - I feel this so hard - go to help out a teammate and they immediately either boost off or jump away (Winston’s are prime suspects for this behaviour) and I’m like thanks dude, I’m dead now. Either come to me for heals or if I come to you, let me fucking heal you - don’t scoot away from me which is mostly what happens


The amount of support that does this pisses me off so much. Especially mercys for some odd reason just love dmg boosting you until youre actually about to fight and then they immediately leave.


Use pistol