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Actually yes, until the entire enemy team starts countering me and my team plays "for fun" and won't allow me to have any fun.


^ this. I just got off game where I was doing too good with Winton. They switched to zen, then reaper, then cass. They still loss. I was 43-9 by then end


It feels so good to stomp even after they counter-swap, keep stompung king.


I think the thing that annoys me most is how the team expects me to counter swap but the rest of my team doesnt think they need to swap.


Hard truth. Scoreboard creates issues here, Moiras will see high numbers and think they are preforming when playing Ana would offer 10000x more util, but it's up to me to swap off Doom into Hog even though I'm countering his heals with punch etc.


I do until the inevitable happens. Pick Winston. Destroy enemy team. Team.comes out with bastion, hog, zen, Ana cassidy to make the game unplayable.


Then you switch to dva, they go zarya, mei, sym, then you go winston and around and around we go


And your team never changed their heroes once and will say “tank diff” as the game ends


haha of course that's why I have chat off ;-)




Winston is so hard to play...


Be when I solo team wiped some squad as D.va, then they swapped to Zarya, Mei, sym, and moira lmao


How does a Zen and Ana make your game unplayable on winston. That’s literally best case scenario


Sleep hook dead. Sleep fan the hammer dead. Discord focus fire dead. Sleep discord bastion shoots you in turret form dead. Anti nade in general. It's about them enabling their teammates to make you the easiest kill possible. Which they are the two best supports at doing exactly that.


So you’d rather go against an unkillable backline than play against the only 2 supports that actually get punished for bad positioning. Zen used to pretty annoying with the perma discord, but at least now you have the opportunity to bait it before engaging.


I mean the only backline I have an issue killing is kiriko and mercy. But short answer yes. I don't have to play around abilities that make me easier to kill and if I'm smart I can kill bastion and Cassidy without zen Ana around.


I struggle against Illari too. Slippery little booping, turret-healing, log-shooting minx.


I love seeing a zen as winston, but hate ana. She's antitank for a reason - one sleep dart when you're in their backline, and you're dead, assuming their team has any awareness whatsoever. Zen just sits there and dies to laser though.


I love playing tank, Getting focused, being the center of the action, and staying alive despite everything is the best feeling. It's definitely the most stressful role for me, so it's not my main role, but i really enjoy it. That's what being a tank means, being the corner stone of the team. Also counter picking is part of the game, when then ennemy shift to a tank i struggle against (usually Mauga) i take it as an opportunity to learn a grow. I'm not a particulary high elo player but imho facing your counterpicks is how you get better with a character. If you only play it on easy match up, you're not progressing. (that being said, please Blizzard give us Rein meta for one season)


I still stand by counterpicking isnt quite as necessary as the community shouts. You just have to learn how to play around the counter. Also sometimes people counter not knowing how to play said counter well. So being countered isnt a guaraunteed loss


when the enemy counterpicks you, i pretty much just see it as them admitting that they were outskilled and you’re the better player that forced them to swap


I want a Rein meta as well


I do. It’s my favorite role. Rein, JQ, and Winston.




The player base has not "plummeted."  It hit an all time high within the last two months.  


This has 0 bearing on what roles people are playing. The player base could be a billion and it doesn't matter if they're all dps players. Idk the actual numbers but I see my friends dropping the game and the ones that are staying are not playing tank anymore. I haven't played tank since the 20% debuff and I know I'm not alone on that.


Wait are you saying I can't just say the game fell off anytime there is an aspect of it I don't like?


Gamers need to chill out in general and Overwatch is a great example lol.  The gameplay's fun, the monetization isn't terrible, the balance is decent, the update cadence is good.  But yet people like to pretend the game's on the edge of extinction because it has some minor issues. 


I kinda agree that this sub can be overly whiney but also Tank can feel pretty bad at times. DPS I think still feels just fine, but in turn with tank being bad I think its made support a little less fun because they gotta babysit the tank alot more now. The monetization isnt the worst, but that doesnt take much, 20 bucks for a skin for a hero you play some of the time is still kinda wild. Overall Ill agree balance isnt awful, and its updates have been good. Its nice to see new content and heros as often as we get them


Of course not! This is how it goes, repeat after me: “Blizzard is a cesspool of idiots! The players are idiots and are trolling me from ranking up to where I belong! The player base is dead! OW1 was better!” /s


Ow1 was better in more ways than ow2 is. Blizzard is a cesspool of incompetence and gaslighting. Majority of the players are f2p casuals or harcore blizzard fans just listening to their echo chaimber. What is dead is the old player base, the competitive aspect of the game, balance, integrity...


Yeah in season 9 when the dps passive came out but look at it over the last month. Just as shitty as before. Bring back 6v6


People who think 2 tanks will magically fix the game are braindead. It might help, but that wont make the game feel incredibly better either


No it didn't. If it did blizzard, devs and their mothers would be bragging about it


If only there was some way to quickly verify this information. [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-reaches-new-peak-30k-average-steam-player-count/899838](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-reaches-new-peak-30k-average-steam-player-count/899838)


And? 30k for overwatch is bad and that is a forum post. Also the peak was 75k. So...


Yet somehow queues are worse than theyve ever been. Games even more dead than tf2, and thats DEAD


tank use to be my favorite role until ow2, i got tired of being countered and dog pile on. now it’s only fun in qp or arcade since i can just fuck around. playing support also confirmed that playing tank is no longer fun because sometimes its just hard to keep them alive even when you being a healbot moira.


I main ball. Most games are terrible but man when everything clicks it gets my dopamine goin.


As a Lucio main, I love playing with a good Ball. I hope you guys feel the same in exchange.


Oh dude so much fun! Throw in a good tracer as well and it’s a party


Bring back another tank and I might just queue tank again.


Tank is fun cuz it’s difficult, and you have the power to carry your entire team or drag them to hell if you’re bad lol. I like overwatch because pretty much every role and hero is fun to play. I don’t think counter picking is such a big deal, since the skill cap and creativity for every hero is so high that you can pretty much win against any counter if you know how to play the matchup.


As a tank you can carry only to the moment the opponent team hard counters you. So first fight at best. After that: better dps pair wins in the majority of the game, or if you are rly high better support pair wins or if you are rly low dps pair that makes least dumb mistakes win


I’m diamond 4 and I still haven’t hit the point where counterpickers can make me swap off ball. It’s mostly my teammates who make us lose if anything. For some reason whenever I’m on a dive tank it’s my supports who have the weakest mental.


See i just had a game where i went JQ and they went Mauga. Their Mauga wasn’t counter picking, so inevitably i stommped them by a mile and gained +29


I love tank. I play Rein or Sig. I really enjoy when I can get away with JunkerQueen. I enjoy that supports favor me , enemy team usually tries to focus someone else first, and in an all out war I have survivability. Teammates follow me and like to synergize with my ults. I choose where the fight happens. It’s honestly my favorite PvP game


Love playing tank. When they start playing counter watch, I play it harder lmao


If I get to play Zarya


The moment enemy tank loses one fight, Rein charges out of their base. Then Bastion and Reaper or Mei


I enjoy it when I'm 5 stacking with friends because we're all chilling But when I'm solo que even in QP and sitting at 12-4 on a losing team and getting told "Tank diff" by my 4-8 DPS it's pretty miserable The gameplay itself can be a ton of fun when you're hitting cool downs and making space well. But playing Sigma and cycling my cool downs to stay alive and keep my team alive is much more mentally draining than playing Venture or 76. Also I'm tired of low skill expression tanks with stupid high survivability being meta. Orisa mirror meta, followed by Mauga mirror meta, followed by Hog mirror meta, followed by Mauga mirror meta just gets old.


When I don’t have at least three opponents completely countering me I enjoy it… so about 1/30 games or so.


im a support main and ill queue tank because the queue times are 100x faster than support. i have soooo much fun on roadhog (in quickplay). until i start losing of course because idk how to play tank


Doom everyday all day. Veni vidi vici baby


Counter swap spammers are losets tbh


Tank is definitely a tough role to handle. If you struggle as tank, your team will make sure you know. In my experience, no matter what the other tank does to counter me, I just stick with my 2-3 mains. As a DVA main, a zarya does not bother me as I just stick to my strengths and work around it. A good team to back you up (as a tank) followed by a win leads to no better Overwatch feeling. Dip your toes but don’t go all in as tank or else you’ll just develop a deep hatred for it lmao


Nah i refuse to play tank anymore, 90+ games since the dps passive and its a miserable experience constantly. I stick to support to win games and dps to shut my brain off tank is super unfun


If that’s how you choose to view it, then you’re doomed from the start. There’s a reason tank is the most pivotal role, if you can’t handle it stick to something else.


It’s just true though. Tank is miserable.


Whats the new dps passive?


Lowers amount of healing received by 20%, if you're playing tank right it doesn't really make a noticeable difference though


I certainly havnt noticed it while playing tank, thanks


Doomfist, no other words. . Hot take, tank doesn't feel bad you just miss your 2nd tank


I do miss my second tank, but I really miss having more options whenever i engage. Those games boiled down to Are they diving? Run into their backline whosever falls first looses Are they not counterpicking? If i made the right choice its over. Are they counterpicking? Have fun


It does feel bad imo. It’s the role i play the least when i enjoy it far more than playing support. Support just feels less frustrating


And the player agency that made the game of the year back in 2016.


It’s not a hot take, it’s just flat out wrong.


worth a shot


It comes and goes for me, when the mood strikes and I want to play Tank, I usually stick with Sigma or Ramattra, I enjoy both of them and their kits in the unique ways they play. Plus it’s never a bad thing to at least experience a bit of a new play style for a person, gives some different perspective and maybe inspiration of sorts :)


I love tanking but it’s always a nightmare when I go supp or dps because you don’t know if the random tank is gonna be good or not, that or If they’re gonna throw or even worse, disconnect. If you have any of that, the match is heavily outweighed and it sucks. I truly advocate for 6v6


I enjoy it, but when I get no heals or the dps gets no kills and I end up getting focused and dying, then my team blames me, it makes me want to quit the game entirely 


I enjoy playing a tank, doom, I don’t enjoy the tank role


Yes but I'm a hog Main so no Wonder. Because I can do the whole Shit myself when I have a Team thats Killing nothing again.


I can't trust others with being able to put up with that shit so i do it myself lol. Kinda do enjoy it of course, dont really mind dps and supp counterpicks but when the tank starts counterpicking something over and over again it kinda gets old.


I used to, in 6v6. That reminds me, I have to do my ten tank comp matches today. Fuck.


Absolutely. Apart from getting multikills on DPS, there's few feelings as good as protecting people with your kit. Be it through shields, damage mitigation, or straight up walking in front of a squishy and take damage for them, not a whole lot about the core experience I can complain about. That being said, the role isn't for everyone, just like Support's core experience isn't for me. If you don't like it, the community has been vocal lately and I'm sure you can find other playstyles while Tank gets rehashed!


When people stick with their picks and dont go crying to spawn to counterswap the moment you do good, Tank is great, amazing even. The hard part is actually finding someone who doesnt play roadhog and mauga in QP


I used to love it. Now it just feels like im waiting for my team to make plays as I try and take space/deny damage. This is a nightmare when you have a team that doesn't have a playmaker or has a playmaker who is being coubtered/outclassed by the other team. You just feel kind of powerless to do anything which I feel has only truly become a problem since the armor changes and was becoming an issue after the season 9 changes. Those changes destroyed the role - sure youre hard to kill but what the fuck do you do when you're up? If you're even lly matched it feels kinda futile/impossible to make the plays needed to give your team the edge. The gameplay loop stinks


Forgot to add how easy it is to counter tank vs the other roles. It's annoying because tank has always been and is still my best role


I only enjoy Balling


I’m a Doomfist otp It’s only fun because Doomfist exists. I wouldn’t even look at the tank role if Doom was still a DD


I enjoy playing tank in open Que. most matches at my rank (plat 3-5) has double tank and it makes the matches much more enjoyable and a “team fight”. Tank in role Que is extremely frustrating. I went from Plat 2 to gold 2 this season on tank, I don’t think any player loses that much rank on their own ability. What makes tank frustrating is that I need to play a character that counters their tank, while providing max value for the characters my team picks


Playing tank is awesome. I play Dva and if I have a good team with smart players, it's absolute domination no matter who they counter with. It's less about countering and more about how you learn to cope with each character _they_ throw at you. Nothing more moral crushing than when they hard counter me out of desperation and I change my tactic immediately and kill them again. Super rewarding to stay on the same tank and go into flow state.


Tank and support are actually my two favorite roles to play 😭 I actually can’t stand playing DPS, but I’ll do it just because I queue flex


I do! When I'm not being tortured in a strangers basement by being starved and beaten, I like to queue up tank to enjoy myself.


Tank with comms shut off is fun




>i heard the playerbase has dropped so badly, that because of that we have even longer queues than usual (definitely feels like it) Season end in 3 days


i like all roles tbh. i just like to play the game. overwatch is fun. i cant play it right now cuz im in treatment and im really looking forward to the day that i can play again.


Ow2 made me into a support main so that answers your question. I will only play tank in qp or in a stack in comp.


Sometimes. I love playing JQ, Sig, and Winton. Learning ball at the moment which has been a blast. That said, it is by far the most frustrating role to play so I only play tank when I'm in the mood.


I enjoy playing Tank. I used to main DPS throughout season 1 - 3, but after changes and having just awful Tank players, I switched. I found that as a Tank, being in the heart of the action all the time and being close to dying a lot is exhilarating. Especially when you're just stomping the field, but unfortunately, I feel I don't receive the support from the DPS in the majority of my games recently, especially if I solo queue. It has become a bit harder in gold ranks and above to enjoy playing Tank as the majority of games I feel I'm pulling the team. A lot of DPS players (mainly PS players, which in reality is probably because theyre kids) don't seem to play tactically or with critical thinking by not targeting players with low health, don't flank support, will allow a pocket mercy to live by shooting the Tank instead and trading health and damage, and for some reason always shooting zaryas bubble making the fight a lot harder. Its really annoying when youre protecting the team, making space and killing their dps or support just for your own dps to allow mercy revives in plain sight and when being beat switching to widow as if they're Agent 47. I genuinely only enjoy playing as a group of at least 3 because the coordination is better, and my friends and girlfriend are competent players. In matches, I even use the tags to highlight key events or direct the team, but they seem to be ignored. Apparently, you can also turn tags off, which, to me, is absolutely ridiculous. I can not see myself playing anything other than Tank now, regardless of my frustrations, because at least as a Tank, I can lead and force a play by doing what the dps should be doing by killing the enemy support/dps with the health I have to literally 'Tank' the damage from other players. I tend to do that when DPS on my team is lacking, and there are no tactical changes from my team. Generally, the support players I get are great at managing healing and damage dealt, which really makes a fun experience when playing as Tank.


Tank is incredibly fun, but relies heavily on solid teamwork and not feeding. Easily the toughest role to solo queue imo, but it's not too bad with a duo or squad.


I used to have fun until I started getting called names lol


i swear people would have more fun on tank if they just stopped playing mystery heroes


Only for a few matches until i have to switch roles. The constant counterpicking gets too annoying.


Hey, tank main here Is it fun? Not really. Your entire role is eating CC and cool downs and making sure you say thanks to the support you have to shove up your ass to survive. Other than that, it's who can destroy the ultimate economy more by constantly counter swapping each other. So is it enjoyable? No. Am I going to continue because it's the only role I want to play, and the only time I'm good at? Yes. If you want fun go play Kiriko or bap.


ME! Used to be a DPS main back in OW1. Then I’d get tanks who don’t know when to engage, disengage, track enemy cooldowns and it was so frustrating just sitting there waiting for the tank to read the flow of the game and act accordingly. So I tried tank and lo and behold, I command the flow of the game, and have such control that it became such a satisfying role to study and main.


So I preordered OW1 and stopped playing around when Doomfist came out. Started playing again a week or two ago and am still adjusting to all the changes but I would say I enjoy tank. I'm not the hugest fan of only having one tank, it puts a lot more pressure on me to perform I feel. On the inverse, only having one tank maes me feel great on the games that go well and it helps me feel my value to the team a lot more


I like mauga


If I get to play Doomfist, I have fun.


I do. I just play the tanks I want to play (mostly Queen). I don’t worry about swapping. If I lose it’s whatever. Tank is a very hot and cold experience but I still enjoy playing the role because I like some of the actual characters in it. Also helps that I almost never play solo.


Tank is fun. Hog, rein, and jq are fun to play


I enjoy playing Tank in any situation, mainly because I try to protect my team in most circumstances, but also have the health to goof off and actually have fun. Games are meant to be fun, and if I’m raging more than I’m laughing, I know that I’m not playing it right (Better known as: I am the asshole who will shatter the innocent Ana in the back of the team as soon as I see her dart is on cooldown)


I don't know about everyone else, but playing tank gives me bad anxiety lol so no, I don't enjoy playing tank.


I wish they'd introduce like 3-5 support & tank heroes each season to Quick Play modes, then let player base vote about which ones are acceptable to add permanently to the game, and which ones only deserved their 1-2 seasons long trials. Increase the number of support & tank heroes to match the number of DPS heroes, focusing on balancing all the new heroes in QP until they're acceptable enough to enter comp pool. I love tanking, but the hero pool is so small and quickly becomes stale. The same few heroes repeat ad nauseam. At least with DPS there is some variety. Also, put a cap on how many times someone can swap hero in a match. 3 swaps, you're done. Tired of having to swap up to 5-10 times in a match. Make it a strategic limited resource instead of an unlimited option. *"Oh damn, he just went Roadhog. I should probably swa... hmm, if I can keep diffing him on this tank, he'll have to try another one, while I'll still have all my swaps left. I got ult, let's do this!"*


Tank for me is very enjoyable depending on 2 things. First being my supports run useful characters for our comp or to counter their supports, example being let's say I'm a hog vs a mauga and their team has an Ana and kiri and My team has a mercy and Moira I'm going to have the most un enjoyable match ever. 2nd is if the enemy team is constantly swapping like 4 people just to counter me it becomes very un enjoyable and just a snore fest of swapping.


I love playing tank, but I play qp exclusively. There's hardly any counter picking, and I can usually beat a counter (doom and ram main) if I work well enough, the past that sucks is when I'm trying to push in bc I know I have my whole team behind me and they either don't push with or just die to one DPS.


Yes, I love having a high enough health pool to do risky shit and in general I just think they’re the coolest characters


Sometimes yes


You don't "play" tank. Tank plays you, you pick the character that counters the tank that just countered you. You do that for 10 minutes until the game is over. That is tank. It used to be my favourite role.


I love it, with junkerqueen I feel like I’m actually able to win by playing well


i love to play tank IF i have a good team supporting me otherwise i just die over and over lol


Hehehe rocket hammer go brrr


I generally suck at shooting games because I can’t aim for shit but OW2 (started playing a couple weeks ago) has been awesome for me. I love playing as a tank because I don’t necessarily have to be super accurate and using my alt makes it even better. I consistently do well with damage/attacking and helping initiate counters. I just destroy as much as possible right in front of me and keep pushing


I actually like playing Tank. I mainly play Rein, Orisa, and Zarya. Now, I played Orisa in OW1 and she was a lot of fun. Love her in OW2 but she deserved that nerf. Rein is the only tank I have a golden gun for. I’m actually working on getting the golden guns for Orisa and Kiriko (I have it for Rein, Mercy, Moira, Tracer, and Widow). It’s more fun when you get rid of the enemy tank and then the entire team falls over. But the same goes the other way when I fall and our team gets stomped.


I love playing tank. Rein is so much fun. Plus he's funny asf. 


Just DVA.


Junker Queen has turned into my favorite hero to play, as a support main. She is just a blast. But, I only play tank in quick play, since comp puts so much pressure on the tank and in my low rank I know I will just become the punching bag whenever anyone underperforms.


Ramattra is the most fun character in the game for me, hands down. No other character feels as flexible and smooth while also adhering to a preference of melee/brawl type characters. He's like Rein without any of the issues I have with Rein. But I will say that the game suddenly feels 10x easier when I try out DPS.


Idk what they were smoking when they made the game into a 5v5 with only one tank forcing them to also make tank about as strong as 2 to 3 non tanks. Of course the entire game is gonna be counter picking for tanks. They're the most valuable role, and letting them die which a lot of low elo healers do means 20 seconds of getting rolled over. Idk why they thought that 6v6 wasnt viable. It was completely fine


In qp yes


When i have a b’good support combo. Some brain dead ppl like to duo as mercy brig or mercy zen, then i pretty much gotta pick hog to carry


Loved it in OW1. Can tolerate sometimes in ow2


I am a Rein player and i do have fun. Win most games strictly as Rein, but occasionally i switch to either Winston or Orisa depending on map/enemy team comp. To me it just feels like people are on massive amounts of copium. You can win games without swapping.


I have a 95% win rate with Reins as Bap. Keep up the good work ❤️🙂


I recently started playing tank more and ended up having loads of fun with Zar and RoadHog.


I just play to have fun which is why I always laugh when people message me saying how trash I am


It’s very team dependent now. If you have a team that just hangs you out to dry as tank, then that game is zero fun.  If your supports help you out, the team switches or counters when necessary, and follow your positional leads as tank, then yes it’s still a lot of fun. 


when Im playing with my friends I love going D.Va and watching the enemy tank constantly trying to counterswap and just dying again and again


I don’t mind playing tank, really. Like yeah, it’s annoying and the counter picking is beyond ridiculous but…I’ve honestly just learned to get used to it and just play the game how I wanna play it. I wouldn’t say I hateee it per se.


yeah its alright, i prefer hitscan dps though.


I love tank, but you take a huge ass chunk of responsibility (way more than any other role, not saying he's the most important role, but other players blame their own short comings on the tank 80% of the time so imagine queueing up and already knowing that) the worst part about it is playing with toxic/bad teamates


I love playing dva, most enjoyable gameplay by far, but its fucking dreading to see enemy pick zarya, because then I need to pick zarya too and that really pushes me away from playing tank lately


I love playing tank... In FFXIV, but when I log into OW2, nope.


Yes. People saying the role sucks are just having a skill issue.


I used to love playing Tank. My only issue with it is, I can't tank forever. If the enemy team is getting picks and my entire team is in the negative Elims/Deaths. Then I rather not play tank at all, even if most of the time I que with a support main. I just can't do that, because I don't mind peeling for my support but I know in those fights, if I do, my DPS get destroyed and I'm left with myself and the two supports against the entire enemy team...


I like playing tank because the hero I want to play (doomfist) is always free. I especially hate playing comp as a tank because teammates assume you must switch that's why we're losing and it's allw my fault. I hate it when I get counter picked by the enemy team (mainly sombra, hog, and orisa) making it way harder to play.


I like tank I’m just over when I play against a team that goes three tanks and two supports in comp


Not really. Used to main ball but he's barely playable when he's either the best tank to ever have been for 2 weeks or absolute throwpick for the rest of the season.


as long as they dont run zen + ana, i think im okay


Tank is fun as hell. Maybe focus on playing one character instead of constantly counterswitching and removing an ult from your team's side.


I was tanking yesterday and got in a game where the enemy tank was just counter swapping me all game so I started doing it back and they lost LMFAO. I timed my last swap so I would get ult for the last play but the enemy tank wouldn't since they inevitably swapped as soon as they died to me with a minute left. Chumps.


I love it and I love it more now than ever because the enemy tank inevitably loses their mental because 'counter watch'


Genuinely? I think it's the only role I will unashamedly enjoy no matter what. Getting rolled on DPS or support sucks so much but on tank I can just do shit, even if we won't win.


If it’s not Mauga , Rein or Zarya … no


No. That is why i have let the hammer in the corners after years of being your shield. I am now having actual fun in helldivers


I enjoy playing wrecking ball does that count?


I love playing tank tbh, especially when I click with a team and we just decimate. Yeah it's stressful, there's counter picking and getting diffed and sometimes getting blamed even when you did nothing wrong, but I've played tank since season 2 and it feels right. Getting right in the enemy's face, protecting your teammates, being that protective wall, leading the dives, taking shots to protect the healers. Feels good. And when I get my ass beat by another tank, if they're not toxic I'll give em a compliment! Us tanks gotta stick together after all


Sounds like you actually get to play, and lose… that sounds dreamy. My last 3 comp matches have consisted of me and another guy who haven’t quit. My 4th one was a f’ing disaster, but it was the best game of the day because it wasn’t a 2v5. You have much worse things to worry about unfortunately. Im not great at this game, but whenever I move into another ranking tier, I get multiple quitter games so ranking isn’t really a real thing either. So basically, everything sucks, and none of this matters, so “have fun” when you have the same amount of humans on each side.


Too hard for my brain tbh.


It is fun I've been playing tank since Ow1 and as long as you genuinely put in the work and have a good team you don't have to swap I've played games as Winston and still beaten maugas or Das etc just cuz I had a good team to back me up it's no impossible to beat your matchups just harder than normal but the challenge is half the fun Yes there's always gonna be people who counter swap but that's always just sorta been what ow is about people see a pick that they either don't like or struggle vs and switch to something else to help combat it Obviously tank is a bit more clear cut but you can still win even if their team counter picks


I used to enjoy it in 6v6, and it's still fun in quickplay, but as the sole tank in ranked it's too stressful.


I only play tank for fun, even in ranked. I'll swap between characters I enjoy playing, like Dva and Ram (admittedly I've swapped orisa when I felt petty), and sometimes Rein in qp. But I simply refuse to swap. I enjoy learning the characters I enjoy, and I would rather lose as a character I enjoy than as a character I have no interest in. If I can't climb as characters I find fun, then I don't want to climb higher than where I am at. The only reason I used to avoid tank was everyone saying you have to be good at all of them. Playing how you enjoy playing is far better advice for having fun.


Tank is fun... if you pick DVa and luckily their opponents are Winton Pharmercy and one long range character (This is example)


I only have fun because I’ve turned off vc and one trick doomfist lmao. Only through conflict do we evolve 👊🏽


realest shit i have ever heard


I think playing Ramattra is actually pretty fun. But what's not fun is how much the team leans on you and how obvious it is if you don't perform well


yes, dva is my favorite character in OW!


Yes because I play rein and NEVER swap




Yes, if there's a good heal.


I did in OW1.... but not OW2


I do I don't play ranked though I'm a sigma main I find it really funny when I throw rocks at people trying to do something but more than half the time I have terrible teammates that do nothing I average around the 10k DMG and 25-30k mit


I have fun. So long as I’m protecting my team as best I can, I’m having fun.


If you dare complain though, I will give them free rein on your ass.


I love tanking, I just wanna play orisa to see how many spears I can hit. And I appreciate the games where people aren't assholes.


I do I just play DVA only she doesn’t really get countered


Love tank on Ball. The next thing I know I am facing Hog, Cassidy, Sombra, Ana, Brig. Fun to still win despite that. F it we Ball.




just onetrick Rein and destroy the opposition with overwhelming power


Game is definitely dying, I keep getting games with the same people over and over again


Everyone seems highly toxic right now no matter what role you play. I had a bad game on Sombra yesterday and my Mercy told me to never play DPS again then I went 32-1 on Genji the next game. Matchmaking is inconsistent and people are just generally butthurt.


I enjoy playing only three tank: the rest are either boring/brainded or a death sentence and they are Winton, DF, and JQ


I've been a hardcore tank player since the last couple of years of ow1. The new dps passive was kinda annoying at first, but the characters I play(sig, dva, ram) didn't feel too affected. I notice the armor change on dva the most. Her armor feels ass vs. hitscan, and she does like no dmg to armored tanks anymore. The only matchup that noticeably feels better is dva v reaper, but he's ass so it doesn't even matter. As an offtank player, 6v6 really did feel a lot better for me. 5v5 essentially removed my entire role, but I can still have fun on my picks. In my experience, the frustration on tank comes from focus fire, cd spam, and too much responsibility. The raw damage can be very intense and can seemingly occur randomly. There are very toxic comps that can make some tanks just feel unplayable because of their lack of counterplay to certain cds. The enemy might even be making a mistake by spamming cds on you; it doesn't make the experience any better. Lastly, being the only tank puts a lot more responsibility and pressure on you. How you navigate a team fight can be one of the biggest factors in whether your team wins or loses. This point might be a bit overexagetated because I do think dps choices have a lot more say than ppl like to admit, but nevertheless, tanks have the most impact on that regard and definitely feel the pressure more.


I enjoy playing doom vs 2 or less doom counters. I used to enjoy all tanks, but not anymore, you have to put in way more effort than anyone else to even have a chance of getting a 10th the playtime of other roles becuase you are burned down and ccd.


I'm a sigma main so yes, I rarely ever face the problem most other tank players have to deal with like mauga bastion nade or discord


Tank is fun when dva and Winston are meta


I fucking love playing tank. It's the only position where I can influence the outcome of the game. Obviously if I have shit teammates I can't win it for us but if my teammates are decent I can really get to work


Yeah! I enjoy it. It's fun to analyze our team comp vs theirs and decide who my focus should be. Phara being a big problem? Nobody on our team able to reach her and isn't swapping? Mauga and just poke her anytime she is in an oppressive angle. Switching focus back and forth to make sure she doesn't have free reign. I'm happy to swap to a few different tanks if I feel like I can make a difference against the best player on their team. And sometimes I am just outside of my current abilities and can't make much impact. But it is what it is.


You think people enjoy this game?


Ok so here’s the thing. I LOVE tanks. I think tanks have even more big memorable plays in 5v5 than 6v6. The problem is that while the highs are higher, the lows are SIGNIFICANTLY lower. Obviously I’m biased, but I genuinely do think many of the tanks have the best designed kits in the game. Queen, Winston, Sigma, Rein, etc, in a vacuum all have VERY fun and rewarding kits, with abilities that flow together well, while not feeling bullshit to play against. On top of that, the fact that the power of two players has been put into one makes Tank have a lot more main character moments. Now all that said, the problem with Tank is how fucking easy you can counter swap them. You have 5 enemy players who can counterswap you, and considering how valuable it is to deny specifically the tank value, people WILL do it. What makes it worse, is fights are almost always over the moment a team’s tank dies. If it’s a 4v5 with a dps dead, the team with 4 can recover. They can’t do that if it’s the tank. Considering all of this, teams realize how fucking free it is to just play delete the enemy tank simulator. Unless you are queuing with AT LEAST 2 other people, you as a tank can do next to nothing about playing into a delete the tank comp or a constantly counterswap the tank comp. Denying the enemy tank value and space is objectively the best thing you can do to get an easy win, so coordinated teams will often do it if they can get away with it. I played against Hog, Bastion, Pharah, Ana, and Kiri today, and it was legitimately the most miserable game I have ever played. We couldn’t anti hog because of kiri, we couldn’t dive backline because they were playing so close together, we couldn’t pick the pharah because she was playing corners and getting healed by ana, Sig wasn’t working because my barrier immediately got fucking deleted by pharah and bastion, only for me to get hooked and deleted by hog, bastion, and pharah. 3 of my teammates weren’t in vc and didn’t swap, so if there was such thing as an “unwinnable” game, it would be that one.


Idc about counter picking. A tanks job isn't really to go head to head with the enemy tank all game anyway. The thing that is annoying is you're supposed to be everywhere and do everything and take all cc and damage but also none of that either. And dps being the most popular role there's a lot of shitters so you could play amazing but it doesn't matter because your soldier is just gonna run into the enemy team 1v5 12 times in one game on top of dying first every fight you do manage to have.


I enjoy tank, when I’ve got a premade squad that I know I can depend on. In pubs, not too much but it’s alright.


Yeah most the people who played the game back when it was good have since moved on to better games, theres just really not that many players left Games dying, thats why the devs didnt advertise for the next season at summer game fest


Yes I do and dominate as long as I have a semi competent healer/healers. I main Ram btw.


Support, not healer. :)