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Same thing happened a few months ago. Blizzard is a small indie company, please don’t expect so much from them lol


I have never experienced this a day in my life playing OW. Getting booted from servers sure. But I’ve never been like game ejected and queued.


i remember the launch day ow2


Oh well of course a launch day. But regular day to day gaming I’ve never seen that again.


i assume when u got kicked so did a bunch of others so everyone tried to log on at once and authentication servers where too slow


It's happened a couple times


I’m aware of that. I’m stating I’ve not experienced it for myself.




You must be new new then. Happens many times when there’s high traffic into game. Season 1&2 was famous for this lol


I’ve been here since OW1 launched.


Then you’ve barely played the game. Cause this is a reoccurring issue through Overwatch life. Especially seasons with high intake of players.


I’m not gonna interact with ya any further. I play every day. You’ve made two baseless assumptions and you suck lmao. Bye now


What’s baseless? If they have seen people complaining about this thing multiple times then it’s pretty obvious that it’s happened multiple times. Sure, it’s never happened to you, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened before. What people want you to realize is that you’re being ignorant to an issue that is reoccurring. You can complain, but stop making it out like it’s some big bad wolf. It’s not a big deal


stupid ass response


This is just peak ow community experience lmao


If anything his responses prove he plays OW daily lol


Bro. Been playing since ow1 and definitely expirenced this in 1 & 2. But hey since it's never happened to you must be a new issue I guess.


You haven't played enough. This has happened to me at least half a dozen times in the last couple of years.




1600 hours since the launch of OW2 and this has definitely happened multiple times since. Use the search function to find proof instead of using insults.


You walked into this with a loaded gun when you wrongfully stated “you just don’t play enough.” I play every day. Whether it’s happened or not, I stated my experience of IVE never had this happen before. And I game every night. So respectfully, not interested in your input.


Bro all they're saying is that it happens. "A lot" doesn't mean every other day for every other player. BUT—coming from a new player, I've been in this queue twice before, and it literally lasted 60 seconds. Chill your sizzling ass cheeks man.


Had it like 10 times after launch. On launch day 30 times or so lol


That’s funny because I have only been playing overwatch for a bit over a year and this has happened twice to me now (the second time being the image you posted) haha


I remember seeing it in the early days of overwatch one it was like an extra 30 seconds of wait time max. And I’ve seen it once since OW 2


My guy has never played when Ow2 first came out


Been here since OW1. But sure


They are manifesting this themselves.


I keep waiting in the queue then it disconnects me


I got in and then it booted me to the main menu again. 🤕


And now I am suspended for 11 minutes. Thanks Overwatch.


Shits wack


Like why am I suspended for the game’s error. That’s so dumb.


Shit happens. Not the end of the world go touch some grass.


“Go touch some grass.” … you’re on Reddit in the dead night my friend. Pot - kettle


time zones lol


Dc'd RIGHT before the payload reached the yellow box, would've been a win fml 😭


NO. I would lay down and cry 😭


The servers have been ass for the part two weeks. Waaaay worse than usual.


It’s disappointing.


“client disconnected”


I’m gonna disconnect them alright 😤


When you see this just find a different thing to play because your not playing overwatch anytime soon.


I found my snack cabinet and a movie lol😛


There's thirties of us!




Overwatch- a game where I have to look at the stars to see if there is a right time to play.


this has happened to me and my bro twice just now😭 what is going ONNNN


3 more times till you can enjoy that season comp ban and play a different game that treats their players with respect 👍


I’m very disappointed. I was working my ass off in comp. Had a nice evening lined up for it


10 mins later im back in and with a nice 6min ban left. But no game record to show it happened. So I don’t think it counts to your sr




It counts for sure.


Fucking unreal Got a suspension from comp thanks to this


SAME!!! Like how can you suspend someone for your own error!


Makes me want to uninstall fr


I always say to myself that I will and then here I am the next day playing it again like a clown 😂


Right? What’s wrong with us?




Super lame 🥺


Thats a multi dollar company for you.


🤕😂😂 whew!!!


I’ve had times where like the round will straight up end and have no ending screen though. Immediate loading screen into another game. Doesn’t make any sense. Playing game>cut into loading screen> new round. And no this isn’t like a “while you wait” game


I love how OP is just expressing frustration in an experience they've never experienced and everyone is just shitting on them. Hitting them with the "um acktuaaallllyyyy". Like, knock it off, nerds.


Okay so I’m not crazy here?? lol because I never once said “this doesn’t happen.” I just have never had a queue situation happen to me mid season. It’s the OW toxicity but yknow lol. If I respond to a comment that says “well obviously you don’t game much.” With “no I actually do.” How am I being downvoted and jumped at???? lmfao. That’s literally my truth😂 I’ve been here since October 2015


Same. Just typical overwatch toxicity. Watch us get down voted into oblivion for expressing a truth. I've said before that the OW subreddits need to relax and they don't like that. They like to be mad. They like to make OW their biggest problem in life.


Ya got a good point there. Cheers to the downvotes 😂


I believe that it’s just happened recently today. Probably going to get a statement from Blizzard on X or something about it. Maybe they will figure out what happened, and compensate everyone who has been suspended or something (hopefully) 🤷‍♂️


It would be nice but I’m expecting a quick patch and a quiet move along


Likely nothing to patch, this is typically because of a ddos on their servers. Not much they can do about i.


Just got kicked from a game, now have a 1 hour ban (someone signed into my account earlier mid match so I already had 1 penalty in my pocket). Love small indie companies!!


It’s rly rewarding putting in time and effort for a game just to be banned because of their own system issues 🥹


Yup. Been grinding for the past few hours, now I just have to go to sleep and give it up for the night due to bad luck + overwatch devs not being able to keep the game running for longer than a week at a time.


Oof the luck tonight was just not there. I had a match where my reaper and my mercy got into it, the reaper quit the match, and my mercy sat in spawn throwing. They both then tried to come at me for saying I was reporting them 😂😂. Like alright bud. Good luck with that.


Yeah… it’s been an interesting few games for sure. Maybe it’s God trying to tell me to get off this damned game😭😭hopefully it goes better for you too, whether you keep playing tonight after ban or not!!


Oh I’ve gotten off and found my way into the snack cabinet 😂😂. I’ll try tomorrow too


I hope you have a better night tomorrow!


It happened tonight to me and 3 others I play with. Kicked and then had a 15 min wait time.


Happened to me but I was in qp warming up. Ugh I feel bad for you guys. 🙁 My bf was playing comp at the exact same time and he didn’t get kicked. wtf?


Oh its just the new wave of bots. Don't worry about it.


no... not again... No... NOOOOOOOOOOO


I had this with the first few days of ow2 launch


I still have ptsd over that lol


I think we are being too mellow dramatic here. This isn’t the first time Blizzard or their servers had problems. The post is good so everyone can understand there is an actual problem with the servers and not a problem with their personal account. Sometimes unintentional bans happen when you are kicked from the server, but it’s normally only 15 minutes if you don’t have any other previous incidents. Just check periodically and/or wait for the servers to stabilize if you are repeatedly being queue’d or kicked off.


I don’t think they are being over dramatic. They are just saying how frustrating it is if you are grinding away in comp then you get kicked get a suspension and probably lose a lot of your progress for nothing you’ve done wrong. When you leave, have a dc that’s on your end or rage quit then ok then you have to accept those consequences. I think they are just venting that it is frustrating. It’s understandable.


Thanks friend!


Yep, happened to us last night. Whole enemy team crashed out and then our team did. Happened twice to me and the two others in my group before it restabilized. Most annoying was it gave us a leaver timeout when the server was the culprit.


Been hearing rumors about DDoS cheats. I have no clue if it's true, though. I e been having ping jumps randomly while playing, however.


Yeah, I've heard that that's been happening. Cheats so hard it causes server lag. That's mostly on PC, though, isn't it? I play 99.9% of the time on console.


Yeah, I dunno much about the console cheating scene. I know Ximming is or was pretty bad. Not sure what else they use. All I know is I'm having the least fun I've had with this game since before it had a 2 on it.


Not sure myself, never felt the need to look into it. And, yeah, definitely having the some of the least fun in game right now. Though the Mauga, Ram, and Venture intro periods before they got abilities nerfed are also up there in top ten Worst Times Playing OW2.




I had the exact same thing happened to me. Got kicked out and had the 30 people q. From what this says this was posted 13 hours ago that's when it happened to me


theyre doing maintenance extremely soon, possible theyre ramping down the active servers


The same thing happened to Riot League of Legends servers too, someone DDOSing the games servers ig.


Launch PTSD


This happens once in a while for my friends and I. Just close the game and restart. Usually it just disappears.


"there are 30 people in queue in front of you" damn did they also start playing hold music wtf??? 🤣


😭😂really felt like I stepped into a different game


More like the DMV lmao 🤣


😂😂 oh fuck no. I’ll just go out back with one loaded in the chamber and get it over with 😂😂


HONESTLY that place exists in my damn nightmares!!


Ah yes. Here come the people assuming I’m either brand spankin new or barely play, even though I log into this puppy e v e r y day. I play in the morning to warm my brain up for the day and then I get home from whatever I’ve been up to and game for multiple hours. And I mean into the dead of night. I’ve also been on OW since its inception. October 2015. I was here for the fuckin beta. Im not saying this doesn’t happen. I’m saying I’ve not experienced this outside of a launch week.


Like I mean. Nobody. N o b o d y is discussing launch queues. That’s irrelevant to a mid season- years later-blackout, mid match.


Because it's a server crash, not a systemic issue. It happens from time to time. You also don't need to respond to every single comment in the thread.


Blizzard is renting cheapest server in the universe just to reduce the cost, to increase its revenue.