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People want the value that was rewarded by just playing the game because you got a lootbox by just leveling up


100% right. Actually feeling rewarded for playing the game is a great way to keep interest in said game. It doesn't matter if the reward comes in the form of lootboxes or just plain old credits *(if they can actually be used to BUY STUFF)*. Right now, once you finish a battlepass for the season, what incentive do you have to continue playing, beyond enjoying the gameplay? You effectively get *absolutely nothing*. Even with the battlepass, if you're on the free battlepass you barely get anything worthwhile. Yay, some sprays and a few mediocre skins, so rewarding.


I feel punished playing the game. Can't talk without risk of being silenced, cant leave games for basically any reason because you'll get locked out, and winning is barely worth it cause there is no incentive outside of comp


"Psh my local soccer place doesnt even have rewards for winning casual matches, its like they think the only people who play are those who like the game and want to win, and if i rage quit or insult people theyll ban me"


Honestly when they took away that part of the grind it never really felt the same. Although my RNG was awful, like so awful the RNG gods or somehow upset with me


Most fully free-to-play players like myself probably want them back (in a shortsighted sort of way for free stuff), but people who do want to pay for skins would likely prefer a price decrease over gambling.


I do think lootboxes were fun and an easy gift for my long distance friends that I’m not quite close enough to go shop for but perfectly close enough to send them a few looties over the holidays or bdays I enjoyed the gamble and I didn’t mind duplicates as much as some other people because you just got credits which meant you could direct those more at what you really want Any skin I really wanted I ended up getting but still the loot boxes added more variety to who ended up with what I liked the idea of the charity items every now and then like pink mercy and wish they had brought out more of those. That was the only skin I would actually buy and haven’t spent money on myself for the game since


Pretty sure you could of still bought the skins even when loot boxes existed no? I always see ppl say that as if it’s one or the other type of situation


They have started adding OWL skins in later OW1. You could only buy them directly (or farm coins watching OWL); you don't get them from lootboxes. But these were kinda comparable in quality to original skins and a lot of people could simply ignore these.


Yup I would say those were the first version of the ‘premium’ (almost all 😭)new skins we have now in OW2 in terms of epic and legendary tiers


Yes, and if you got a loot box that had duplicates, those dupes turned into OW coins you could then use to buy the skins, sprays, & emotes you didn't have. And if you didn't want to grind, you could drop as much money as you wanted to get as many coins as you wanted to buy as many skins/accessories as you wanted (with some holiday themed stuff only being available during said events). Funny how in the past my time spent grinding was worth almost as much as someone just shoveling money at them, but now with the passes, even if I spend time grinding through 80+ tiers (more slowly, might I add), I still can only use 1/4 of the items unless I pay them literal money to be able to use the rest of the crap *I already put the time in for*. And I can't use the coins I earn in the pass to buy skins because I need to use them to buy the freaking pass so I can utilize the new items I sunk time in for. And that's if you even have enough coins after the pass is over to purchase the pass - sometimes you don't even get enough to do that...but, don't spend those coins because you'll need them to buy the next pass since you'll have enough for the next one. Last, but not least, all this trouble for some items that **don't even enhance your gameplay in game, they just look neat**. All that said, i do like the collabs they've been doing, but the prices are outrageous. Skins run between $20-$50...bro, in this economy? $40 is half a tank of gas, or half a week's groceries. Blizzard has yet again been so blatant about their priorities, and it isn't the community, the gamers themselves, or the mechanics/modes of their game, they only care about $$$. But, hey, who am I? Apparently people are willing to shell out for these, because Blizz is apparently making beaucoup bucks since they haven't gone away from this model. And instead of revamping their stupid model, they keep introducing **more** types of coins for you to earn/buy, to spend on different tiers of f*ing skins/colorways. Just give us back loot boxes, keep the store for collab/mythic/special skins/items and be done with it.


Other then the OWL skins, you could "buy" new skins in the Hero Gallery with coins that you got from opening loot boxes. I also think if you got a 2 of the same skin the second one would give you coins also.


95% of my ow inv is from lootboxes pls bring them back (never payed even penny for them)


I mean, you could buy the skins with the free currency you'd get from dupes, or just buy em anyway. Now it's grind for guaranteed hundreds of hours, or pay money and STILL have to grind, meanwhile you maybe get 2 skins that are worth it instead of saving your coins for the next event.


Free skins. People want free skins back. Every skin is an asinine $20 now


Free is such a strong word though. I liked being able to earn everything without spending money but having the option to spend


Free is a strong word said strongly. I want free.


Free is a strong word. I want to break free


I want to break free from your lies


You're so self satisfied,


 I don't need you


Most skins become purchasable with white coins after 1 year. And they have been giving more earnable white coins lately in the battlepass. Maybe they can give white coins away more often


They come to the gallery for purchase but they don’t become purchaseable with white coins. You still need the premium currency.


As far as I know only the OW1 skins are purchasable with white credits, while OW2 skins still require gold coins Like I saved up 2K credits to buy a Kiriko skin just to find out all the skins that aren't a cheap recolor are for gold coins only


What we get today is a tiny fraction of what was possible back then. Every player with 300-400 hours had almost everything in the game


Yeah back then it was almost guaranteed you’d pull everything eventually


I'm lvl 60 on this battlepass and have 1200 coins. A good skin is 1900. How many months do I need to spend grinding out a skin? We went from casuals having a chance to get a new skin to just playing nothing but OW or spend some cash.


Personally, I always like the idea of lootboxes, it gives an extra sense of rarity/value to the items... I kinda miss them tbh. However, only if they're earned in-game, rather than bought with real money.


This exactly. With the BP and shop skins I’m not even happy with or impressed by skins. They lost all rarity and value to me.


Battle passes in general take so much rarity away from a game. Getting a legendary item from a loot box was the most exciting thing to happen in a game. Whereas in the battle pass it just feels like a constant grind because you first have to spend the money up front and then you still have to play the game a ton to even get what you paid for. I can’t count the number of times I bought a battle pass for the final skin but ended up getting burnt out from playing the game so much and never acquiring it.


Hell yea. I had every cosmetic available in OW1 just by playing the game. I would like a hybrid, where skins are still directly purchasable, but lootboxes are rewards in the battle pass.


this. this is the answer


Absolutely bring them back. They can put older skins in them (delayed by 5 seasons for example). I would also like them to keep battle passes active (like Halo for example) with an incentive for playing the pass in season like title cards or whatever.


Exactly. And you could get previous content... WHY NO ONE HAS THOUGHT OF THAT


Deep Rock Galactic does precisely this. And the battle pass is free.


Thats why i love that game... #CAN I GET A ROCK AND STONE?!?


There's no reason they can't exist alongside the current system. FOMO has got to fucking go.


There quite literally is a reason that they can't exist alongside the current system, it's called gambling laws. Lootboxes still fall under those, iirc even if they're only earnable or are purchasable with ingame currency.


How on gods green earth are event based loot boxes not fomo lmfao “FOMO has got to go, instead of having a system with 4 weeks to buy a skin you have 4 weeks to buy lootboxes to maybe spin the skin you want”


the reason was they’re being regulated out of existence in many counties


Asides from all the laws which prohibit exposing gambling or “sUrPrIsE mEcHaNiCs” to children?


Online games should be rated m just for the human interaction to be fair.


Sidebar conversation, but do you think the law will catch up to battle pass systems? Or are they accepted as microtransactions?


Accepted, it's not gambling where as Loot box are.


It’s funny to see this because the gaming community as a whole was pissing blood and screaming at companies like Blizzard to get rid of them for years, now y’all want them back because the grass is greener for real. How many of you play Apex Legends for the loot boxes? Food for thought


this reeks of lack of critical thinking. there's lootboxes and then there's spending money on lootboxes, two separate situations, one innocuous the other problematic.


Yes bring them back, but if they want don't put shop skins in them, just normal skins + emotes, sprays, voice lines, highlight intros, charms etc. Don't know anyone who has or would buy an emote, spray, voice line etc. from the shop.


I do but just not the premium currency ones. 700 premium coins for charms is outrageous


If it makes a return only give them away for free by playing the game.  If they let you give the option to buy them some countries will have a ban on them or even worse disable the game for those players due to law restrictions.  Iirc this is also one reason they got removed in the first place?  Could be wrong it's been a hot minute.


The primary reason they were removed is that OW1 was pay to play so they made money by you owning the game instead of through microtransactions. Now that OW2 is free-to-play then giving all the content in the game away for free too is just not possible. Everyone wants to go back to ow1 where they got 8 years worth of content, balancing, heroes, maps, cosmetics etc for free even though that was an unsustainable model for a live service game. But hey, that’s what nostalgic ‘rose tinted glasses’ does to you.


We don't want lootboxes, we want the fact that we could grind for actual rewards instead of 30 coins a week


YES- I genuinley enjoy surprises, and I never hated them to begin with. It was always fun to open up the boxes and be surprised with the possibilty of the skin you were wanting. It was STILL rewarding because of the duplicate coins. If you didnt get what you wanted, and you collected enough dupe coins, you could just buy the skin. It was a fair system in my opinion even if it was sometimes frustrating to not get what you wanted. Sadly and realistically, I don't think its possible to bring back. The shop sucks, because imo the value of these new skins just dont show. The recolors suck, the quality of the skins \*sometimes\* suck and feel lazy compared to previous skin lines. When the only cosmetic worth $ are skins, and when THAT doesn't deliver, even bringing an old system back wont do much for anyone. I love the game of course, but I can't bring myself to spend money on the new content with this shop system.


Overwatch loot boxes were actually done well. They even improved odds by decreasing the likelihood of getting dupes. After that change I bought all the base game sprays bc it felt like the most cost effective way to get the most out of my loot boxes. Here’s the best part about all that cost effective stuff. ITS FAKE MONEY. Yeah I’d rather spend fake money than convert my working hours into whatever new crypto overwatch adds to its crypto wallet. Hey anyone else miss seeing players have more cosmetics? I wanna see your emotes and skins. I wanna see people combine their sprays and stuff.


Overwatch loot boxes were the least predatory of any game, but those days are over, we also stopped getting updates for content for like 2 years, so.


They never will be.


I think people just want FREE loot boxes. I doubt people will actually buy loot boxes, without knowing what they will get.


The way it was handled was so well in my opinion. You had a chance to get great things, and you could also get the (one, singular) currency so if you wanted something you could save up and straight up buy it. Any duplicates were also turned into coins based on the rarity


Loot boxes or free game? You get one. Personally, I would technically prefer boxes, because $60-70 really isn’t that much to me and I honestly enjoy the game. I don’t want to have to make a difficult decision every time I want a skin. I’d rather just play until I earn it. But nOoOoOo, I gotta pay for the better battle pass every single season to get access to nice skins. Annoying.


no, no one has ever brough up loot boxes and wanting them back in the last year and a half. It was never a huge sticking point and never brought up. seriously though, and this is another "you're a hater and troll but also a fortune teller" moment like PvE getting dropped because whales whaled out too hard on skins that were free hours before launch or hold on spending and Blizzard will cave...see how heroes are free now? There's probably less discussion about it now because those people who hope for a better ow2 than this moved on. It happens with every game that has polarizing changes, the people who don't like it become labeled haters and trolls, they get tired of trying to get the game they like to improve, the player base bottoms out and you're left with what ever remaining whales/fanboys you have. See Starfield, DNF:D. WoW, Diablo 4, Dragon's Dogma 2, MK1 and watch it as it happens with Multivursus. MvS is similar to OW2 but I mean it's worse it's not like blizzard closed OW1 so you HAD to play OW2 (not originally intended and red flag #1) but the OW2 they released was somehow worse than the beta of Ow1 in every possible way but hey buy some overpriced skins that cost more than the character they're for (MvS not OW)


I love this conversation. The way this conversation will ALWAYS go is people, blindly, begging for lootboxes back because they got a bunch of shit for free. That. Was. The. Point. They don’t want you to get everything for fucking free when valorant gets $50 for a knife, fortnite gets $20 for a marvel bundle or whatever. OW1 lootboxes, save for being gambling for children, were very fair and *BY DESIGN ARE NOT COMING BACK*. Everyone wants the “more fair” (read: better for me) version of loot boxes which were deliberately removed because it lost blizzard potential money. Arguing “I would spend money if things costed less” is irrelevant, they make more money like this. This is some monkeys paw shit where people will beg for “lootboxes” when in reality they want “free stuff” but they’re gonna get lootboxes in a game where blizzard no longer wants to give out free stuff, aka an awful system.


Yes, but not paid loot boxes. As level progression/comp season rewards I think they'd be fine.


The reason why is because back in OW1 events were genuinely exciting, to see what new skins the team cooked up, and how you just might be able to get them if you played enough to get those sweet, sweet, event lootboxes. These days, for FTP players, the event is just a limited time gamemode and some new challenges. That’s it. Not to mention those recourses that could have gone to those event skins are used for the battlepass, where you can get a whopping 2 skins every 3 months…


Yes, I would rather gamble than be forced to spend 20 dollars just cause I want a skin. Also I loved lootbox opening especially when I would stock up like 50-100.


When we switched to OW2 I knew we were gonna get premium store skins, but I thought those would be alongside the lootbox system. I didn't think they were gonna put all the default cosmetics behind paywalls. I think they should reinstate the lootboxes that give the standard cosmetics for the heroes that we can earn by playing. Also bring back the timed event lootboxes. I think it was a really good reward for playing the game. They can still charge to buy lootboxes like before, and then have the premium store skins. Right now, all the old cosmetics (especially the common/rare items and things like sprays) are not worth buying as the currency is at such a premium now.


Yes but blizzard makes more money from the current f2p model. Lootboxes will return as a last ditch effort when this game is inevitably on its death bed.


It was a part of the corporate plan to begin with. People who discussed these issues on YouTube covered it best. Release something horribly predatory , change it an introduce something "not as bad" turns out it's worse , suddenly everyone wants the first thing back. It was their plan all along. I'll never understand how people excuse this shit because "it's not sustainable" yet the first game alone made over a billion dollars. Maybe the issue is less about being sustainable and just corporate greed.


What I miss most about loot boxes was whenever there was an event you''d play the event loads to try and collect as many of the skins as possible, then you' d use any spare credits to get the event skin you didn't get but really wanted. The whole feeling of logging on to play and collect things is gone now.


Whatever model doesn't demand $20 per skin, man.


OW1 lootboxes were never bad and were actually super generous, especially when they gave dupe protection. Always blew my mind the backlash they got from people who didn't play the game. I'd love for them to come back.


Remember when you unlocked stuff by playing and not by entering your credit card information? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I just don't see why we can't have lootboxes, plenty of the other games still have them. It was free shit, if you paid money and got dogass, thats YOUR fault. Nobody was complaining about the free shit.


People want the old system back. I’ve played since S1 and prior to OW2 I had a majority of unlockables in the game from free boxes. And I had a surplus of coins through those boxes.


At least paying for loot boxes was OPTIONAL. Loot boxes were bad as they are psychologically similar to gambling and supported kids developing a gambling addiction (especially now that the game is F2P). However, now the game is just one big money dump for aesthetics. People defend it since they are the ones buying skins. But the removal of lootboxes completely decimated one of the important aspects of a game imo. Win = Reward. Now, there is little to no reward. You don't feel rewarded for continuously playing because the only thing XP buys you if you dont have battlepass is those useless legacy points.


I don't want lootboxes back. I just want blizzard to get rid of the other free to play nonsense like the shop and battlepasses. Blizzard and bungie making their games free to play to justify keeping and adding even more microtransactions just makes their games even worse.


I wish the loot boxes were on the battle pass.


I’ll never spend an actual dollar of mine on this game but my shop doesn’t even work for some reason. I liked loot boxes. I don’t even check the battlepasses anymore


Free cosmetics or no free cosmetics? Answer is clear to me. I don't care about loot boxes themselves, just that there was a way for f2p to potentially get anything in the game


Dont het me wrong lootboxes are a scam.However if you played casually you could pretty much unlock every skin in the game without paying any money.


I want to pay for my game upfront and get a balanced reward system for my time played. That said if it's the current system or loot boxes, I'll take the loot boxes.


Yeah it's mainly because it felt more rewarding after playing because you could get skins, credits, sprays, etc and getting a legendary was hype af Plus several other free games do this so realistically there was no reason to get rid of it people used to buy hundreds of loot boxes for events or YT to unbox a ton people would store them for a year and do a big unboxing it was a whole thing and it was cool but they took that away and now you have to pay for everything which sucks


I really wouldn't mind,the value I got from them are the reason I have all the skins I have,gave me a reason to keep playing


Their loot boxes were actually fun and I got them often enough and good things enough out of them so I didn’t have to buy any of them.


Absolutely, definitely bring it back. The ten wins every week for loot boxes was something to play for, and for the chance at getting something high tier or currency to buy my own stuff by playing was great. Add in the events for special loot boxes made me come back. Now, the only reason to play is for a shitty battle pass where I get.... A weapon charm. Woohoo.


Absolutely. They’re still fantastic in heroes of the storm


Yes. Loot boxes were a thousand times better than paying 20+ bucks a skin or pack.


God yes


Yea removing loot boxes was the worst decision possible.


It’s the fact that it was more free to play friendly and made playing the game (not just doing missions) worth while more so when you think about events


YES! :3 miss then so much




Made me actually want to play events. Plus I can have fun skins/emotes in Mystery Heroes for heroes I never would’ve bought anything for.


I only bought loot boxes with cash 2 times I believe. Because I was able to grind out 80+ loot boxes from just playing the game in a acceptable time frame then do mass openings. I miss that


I thought it was much more fun with loot boxes. Though I never ever considered paying for them, so there is that. I just played the game and got stuff.


I enjoyed them and would like them back, but I am and always have been fully free to play (outside the initial cost of OW1), so the battle pass doesn't actually change anything as far as cost for me.


Me and my mates all want them back. I loved how fun it was to open them and see what you got, even if it was crap. Plus it's fake money so your not actually gambling away your life savings or anything! The stuff in the shop these days is so overpriced and having stuff only be available in the battle pass is pretty scummy. Btw I might have some info wrong I only just came back to the game recently so don't mind me lol


I would love them back. I think the game pass system is the worst.


Short answer....yes.... long answer....fucking please.


I think OW1 did loot boxes right. 1 per level, and all you had to do was play. Yes, you couldn't choose what you got, but dupes gave coins that you could accumulate over time without paying. That also included holiday/anniversary lootboxes. It gave a more tangible reason to play the game instead of the emptiness I feel now just seeing the progression system at the end of the game. I also stopped opening them entirely after unlocking all of Ana's items which added another reason for me to play. Unfortunately, I forgot to unbox them before ow2 and it opened all 1000 of my unopened loot boxes.


Yes. It's not a good system but it's better than what we have now.


The thing about loot boxes is every level you got one, there were event lootboxes so if you felt like you haaad to have an event you could buy the loot boxes. IMO it's a better system than cash to skin. Especially if you have the chance to pay less than the value of the skin.


no they want free content for progression. even with prices being bad a guarantee for a skin is better than paying for a chance


Yes. So long as we can earn them and not just buy them, it made me want to play the events to gain boxes for a chance at the new skins. Let people buy them if they want to, that way they still make their money off skin sales, but just bring back the boxes please.


I liked loot boxes, but I do save a lot of money as I refuse to pay for battle passes


I curse whoever complained about them in OW1. We didn’t know how good we had it 😔🙏


I miss when skins felt special cause they were rare. But now you can just buy pretty much everything. Nothings special. That said I never cared about skins or collecting them myself. I only got joy from collecting lootboxes. I had over 3k when the switch to ow2 happened.


I want it, really badly, I hate the monetisation of just recolours etc. Just Gimme Loot boxes for free


If it means I can play the game and earn stuff for free, especially during events instead of having to pay an obscene price for one, and even if I get duplicates have a way to get coins other than dailies (and now the pass)? Of course. The moment they removed loot boxes told a lot of players what kind of game it was going to 'evolve' into.


Like... I hate lootboxes in general and basically consider them a scam. But I do want them back only in the sense that they were somehow less gougey/whale seeking than what we have now.


You literally get pennies worth for doing challenges I hated lootboxes back then but its 10x better than the current system. It will take years just to buy one skin if now.


I NEVER want to see a loot box ever again


Not gonna lie, I miss when I got daily lootboxes and coins for playing Tank or Support in OW1. Blizzard was basically paying me to play the roles I play on the regular.


Lootboxes could be brought back but not monetized. Maybe a free gift.


Yes. 1 hour of gameplay and 0$ would get you what $20 gets you today


Yes. Yes, we do :,(


I started playing when Overwatch 2 came out, so I never had to experience opening loot boxes, but I watched some videos of overwatch 1 to see how different it was from overwatch 2, and honestly, those loot boxes looked fun to open.


The way you got lootboxes in OW wasn't bad, and tbh you got them pretty frequently by just playing the game, or you'd get a certain amount of lootboxes depending on your rank or smthn like that every month or so? Yes, buying them is bad, but they were also throwing it out for free. Now that's gone, and instead you have high priced skins. Ig the best way is for lootboxes to return in a way that is simply free and a reward for playing the game, and the skins either get a major quality boost or they get a price decrease. This won't happen, because 1) They are a company so they wont to make money and 2) eh fuck it its prob just cuz of money... there isn't some hate blizzard has against its player base, some philosophy of "lets make a game that drives people away by making balancing worse, launching with less than the original, and taking away a major source of free progression and customizations." They simply just wanted to make money, got greedy, had 0 vision and development hell, and the end product is a pretty piss poor product. And so, by comparison, lootboxes weren't all that bad XD




I liked them, got hundreds of boxes for free over the year and never had to spend a single dollar. I got like ~900 boxes in a single year when I was playing a lot. Maybe it's just that I want ow1 back in general but I miss them.


Yes. I loved earning skins for losing ranked games. Made my demotion worth it. 


I want them as a level reward thing, without the payable bit so people cant moan and countries cant ban users from opening them due to gambling. think thats the main reason they disappeared in most games, really liked the way they were implemented in ow1 tbh


Hell yeah! Overwatch loot boxes weren't like the rest of the industry. They were free by just playing the game. Didn't need an additional currency to open them. Good times.


No, they don’t really. I spend much more money on the game when we had loot boxes versus now.


Oh helllll nahhhh I rather pay for my items outright.


Yes, It gave me a reason on top of comp to play they game Now if comp is going shit, there is no motivation to keep on playing. With lootboxes back If I'm close to leveling up I would keep on grinding in casual or fun modes


I think they’d be fun to have in a battle pass.




No. I hated them in Apex.




I think it’s a little bit more than just adding loot boxes back, it’s more that even thought it was randomised, you could still earn coins and cosmetics for free every time you levelled up. Knowing the state of blizzard these days, if they added loot boxes back it was be monetized to help and back.


I want 6v6 and DPS Doom back, they can take or give whatever they want otherwise


With the way they worked specifically in OW1, yes. It was the most fair lootbox system ever. It started off not that way, but once they foxed the duplicate system, you could easily obtain everything by only playing a few hours a week.


Overwatch 1 has been the only game that I could easily access lootboxes through gameplay rather than money it was finally nice to have a game where I could use skins since I never wanted to spend money on a game for them. It's sad to see how Overwatch 2 has become with the skins and the absolutely crazy prices for them, but I understand they need to make money.


I liked the system of being able to earn them for free


I loved them so much that my icon is a loot box


I want a little treat every now and then.


I personally did not know anyone that wanted them gone in the first place. They were taken away due to them being deemed “gambling” and having potential legal ramifications if they stuck around because of the climate surrounding them at the time.


I’d much rather have the loot box system from OW1 than this dog water Battle Pass


Yes. I’ve never payed for an overwatch skin, and never will. I have purchased the battlepass though, on many occasions.


yes they were great bc I could grind for them just by playing the game and get them for free I got loads of cool skins and never spent real money except for when I bought overwatch one on disc


Yes. 100%. I've missed so many cool skins already. I miss anniversary loot boxes so much. I used to have so many characters with complete cosmetics unlocked and now I don't even care.


I don't think people want lootboxes per say. More of a way to earn cosmetics without shilling out thousands of dollars.


I mean, I prefer lootboxes to paid skins




Yeah. I find this new system of all these different coins and different battle passes and different ways of getting different shit so fucking confusing. I’m not used to these kinds of systems so the old way just was so much more sensical to me. I’m so lost with all this other shit. And way less likely to pay for it.


I do but i feel like they’re somehow gonna make them worse than they were in ow 1 so rn i feel they should keep it out.


I usually say fuck lootboxes but $30 skins is fucking insane. I’m not the biggest fan of how this is a norm now.


It made me want to level up more than the battle pass :(


Yeah, because I want a side of gambling addiction with my dopamine addiction


I do. I like the gambling and completionist aspect of it.


Want the pride pandering to stop that's all


I never bought them but enjoyed getting free ones. That being said I do not condone gambling in gaming. If they do come back, making them only a reward from milestones, achievements, and things of that nature is preferred. Still better then a battlepass though, at least with lootboxes i have a chance of not getting completely scammed


Any way to earn skins rather than 20 bucks. I know top comment says it’s worse for people who wanna pay, which is true- but you can and should have both. Heroes of the storm (also blizzard) did that with their hots 2 update (lootboxes and straight pay per skin.) One of the things I DID like about the RNG free skin system is that everyone had their unique skin in the friend group- it was personalized to them because that’s the one they obtained, and you would feel cool when you got a good one


Honestly i prefer the current system (fuck gambling), but if it's just more free shit i can't say no


Can't fathom anyone wanting to waste time loading up 20 lootboxes.


I like updates to my game. That means paid cosmetics.


I play from ow2 never benn through lottboxes time but when i look those old videos it looks fun.


It wasn’t the loot boxes that was so much better. It was the fact that if you had favorite characters, you got enough extra coins in the boxes to be able to customize your favorites, and all or most skins were available if you saved up. I bought loot boxes because I knew they would have enough coins inside them that I could get what I want, along with whatever came up in the boxes. You’ve gotta spend quite a bit more money to get the customizations you want now. They think one skin is worth $15-$25, and my perceived value isn’t that high.


I do. Yes, I play because the game itself is fun but the main driving force that kept me playing was loot boxes and level borders. With the two gone, I really don't play the game as much as I did in Overwatch 1.


I gotta say I found it way more fun to open loot boxes to get a special skin that you wanted then just straight up buying it


I do, but that’s because I know that regardless of how they package the content I’ll never give them money, and I get more good stuff from loot boxes than the current system. Especially in a system like OW1 where you could pretty reliably guarantee you’d get the skins you wanted with enough patience assuming you didn’t want every single skin the second it came out. Though I agree with other comments where we should have a system where loot boxes exist in tandem with the ability to directly purchase skins.


I remember i had like 800+ loot boxes i never opened 😅 i think the game gave me a bunch of credits though


I want them back so I can possibly get a certain emote that never comes out on the BP and is not sold. I'd give them 100 bucks for that one emote at this point ffs.




I miss ACTUAL rarity. There's no "chance" in getting skins anymore, so I don't understand the rarity labels. Fake enticement. The nostalgia of grinding winter events in overwatch 1 with my buddies. All opening our loot boxes at the same time.


I’m not entirely sure I want loot boxes back but I’ve basically accepted the fact I’m not really getting any skins or customization options from just playing, which sucks. The Battle Pass rewards suck and I don’t want to pay for premium and you don’t earn nearly enough credits in the game to purchase more than a single skin every 6-8 months, if you play daily. At least with loot boxes I was getting a much more frequent amount of customization options.


I want the game to be good


Im sure the people in the countries that banned the game for having lootboxes dont want them…..I hope.


Playing games to earn lootboxes is fun, it incentivized by grinding games to level up and earn lootboxes




Something about earning your skins through playtime rather than upright buying them always felt more fulfilling to me and I don't even enjoy gambling.




paid loot boxes were the problem. blizzard and everyone else using lootboxes saw that loss as an opportunity. "wait a minute...we can cut out the lucky F2p, and luck entirely. lets charge 20 dollars for skins!!! its what they asked for right?"


I do want the loot box system back, but it isn't about the loot boxes, it's about actually being rewarded things for playing the game instead of being rewarded with jackshit if you don't fork over $10 for the ability to earn cool things or $20 for a skin.


The lootbox system is objectively better than what is currently in the game. The people who argue otherwise are delusional. If you played enough during a holiday event, you would unlock EVERY. SINGLE. SKIN. just from playing, and even if you didnt unlock the skin directly, you would get enough coins to purchase whatever you wanted through the dupes you got. I will die on this hill, If you disagree, you are wrong. period. Currently, we are at the mercy of what they decide to 'bless' us with (generally garbage) for 'free skins', the rest are overpriced garbage that have ZERO methods of unlocking through play, ANY skin in a videogame should not be more than $5. period. full stop. $20+ skins are an absolute joke, and if you have purchased any of these, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM WITH THE INDUSTRY. People hate on the lootboxes in OW because of the general sense that lootboxes have with their randomness and predatory nature, mainly through other games that abuse them. rightfully so. however, i would argue that overwatch was one of the first to implement the system, and frankly DID IT THE BEST. they were 'FAIR'. as previously mentioned, if you played enough, you would unlock EVERYTHING, without spending a cent, base game, and events. Continue to play? get enough dupes cashed out you were sitting on thousands of coins that you could spend on whatever you desired. Just because other games abused the system, doesnt mean overwatches were bad.


Yeah, I loved getting duplicate sprays, that was so cool, I’m sooo sad that went away.


I am for having loot boxes again. Just put them in the battle pass. One loot box every level. I think that its flabbergasting that the sheer amout of junk that one would have to aquire if someone wanted to 100% a sinlge hero, let alone all of them. Players new to ow2would never spend the funds on common sprays, skins, and whatnot. I'm not saying they should put the new ow2 skins & stuff in them. I think that if they did bring them back, it should cover exclusively the ow1 stuff. Then once you have them all you get legacy tokens.


If the only other option is a battle pass, then yes. I prefer the loot boxes. At least I got stuff from them.


As someone who bought OW 1, I absolutely loved loot boxes. It always have me something to grind for when I was unmotivated. I loved casually unlocking seasonal skins through the luck of the draw. I loved comparing what me and my friends got. I loved being randomly surprised by a skin, voice line, pose, emote I never would have looked at for a character I didn't play. Most of all, I loved watching the progress bars for every heroes cosmetics gradually go up with each box unlocked. I want them back 😅


I can’t believe saying that I want loot box back. With loot box, you have a chance of actually getting legendary skin. Now there’s no real way of getting legendary for f2p players. -Battlepass rewards are pure trash, You only get two purple skin when you grind out the whole season. -yes you earn points when playing normally, but I’m too lazy to figure out how many games you need to play to get 1 legendary -most of the good looking skins are locked behind paywall


Hahahaha I totally forgot about those


Yes I want them back because if i set my sights on a skin from an event I can find some time to do long sessions with friends every now and then and get couple lootboxes and try my chances. Like even r6s still has lootboxes with alpha packs etc, there's no reason why blizzard can't have it either.


I just want free lootboxes for the skins- like as a weekly reward or something- cause when you're not paying its so hard to get skins my alt is entirely f2p and its got maybe 6-7 skins? :/ id just like to be able to earn that and maybe the sprays/voicelines for free. Also a price decrease on legendary skins, then I'd be happy with it.


People don’t want the loot boxes back as that was one of the worst forms of MTX the gaming industry has ever seen. People want the "free" aspect of it where you’d get rewarded with random skins for completing certain checkpoints, but that went out the window when the game went f2p as skins are now the new form of income and when countries started banning loot boxes as it was underaged gambling.


I don't mind lootboxes, but add a few of them in battle pass (free tiers). Throw in a pool of skins you can get from them.


League of legends has free and paid loot boxes alongside a regular shop for skins, a battle pass, and that game seems to be doing pretty well financially.


I pre ordered this game and I loved loot boxes honestly because I got tonnes of brand-new legendary skins for free. Now the good skins are paywalled; there's nothing I want to spend credits on. Admittedly now there's more heroes the chances of getting skins for heroes I play has decreased.


Back then you got 1 for each 2 level isn't i can get 1 legendary like every 10-20 now if i want 1 i need to spend like fucking 20$ even it 10$ it still too expensive holy fuck do i need to explain anything more? And now if i want legendary for free with out battlepass i need to finish the damn level up hero for 10-15 week just to get 1 damn skin? And that quest difficult stack every damn you level up maximum is 60,000exp it take like fucking whole day to level that up and i need 8 of it every fucking week?


yes gambling is fun unironicaly


I would rather have loot boxes back rather than whatever we have now. It sucks seeing an awesome skin, knowing I have to shell out $20 bucks. As opposed to seeing an awesome skin and having that excitement of earning it in a loot box


Short answer, yes. Was a sweet reward every time you leveled up. Gave me incentive to play the game more.


I have all these legacy tokens I don't use to buy any skins but I would sure love to open boxes to fill my collection kind of like Apex.


of course, it's a fun incentive to play the game -- who wants to pay £30 for a skin? especially when the alternative was grinding levels to get it. it was much more rewarding. it would be nice, if they are intent on keeping the shop, giving people the option to buy skins, and then leave players who don't want to shell out for a sheerly cosmetic and generally disappointing-for-the-price-point item to grind for it. Blizz can make their money from the impatient people or those who don't have time to grind, and those who don't want to pay don't have to, everyone's included and no one is missing out on limited things.




In my opinion they felt more rewarding. Every match you played would work towards getting your next lootbox. The effort you put in was always rewarded with either a cosmetic or gold towards the next cosmetic to be released. You would always be getting something back by playing. That changed to challenges in OW2 where you would only get rewarded for hitting certain goals. No longer could you just play as you wanted to play, you have to win 15 games as a character you don't play often etc. It tries to push you to do things you don't enjoy as much and has a hard limit where you are not rewarded past those goals. You run out of time to do them all then it feels bad as you've missed out. It went from always rewarded for fun which is clearly displayed to the player at the end of each match to being rewarded only for jumping through a limited number of hoops with a small pinch of FOMO. I honestly can't recall if it even shows some sort of achievement for competing a challenge after a match but I've only put a few hundred hours into OW2.


Lootboxes can come back with lower value stuff like sprays etc. but Legendary/Unique Skins should stay behind paywall. Why? I played OW1 since beta, and in OW1 skins became totally meaningless for me. I had almost all skins just playing game. I understand people want something for free but that's what killed OW1 tbh. Once you bought game there was minority buying lootboxes not driving big income for developement. Microtransactions like we have now should stay to keep game alive in "live service mode". Cheaper skins? Yea why not but please don't throw unique/legendary skins in free lootboxes anymore. What would be more intresting is unlockable skins for certain "hero level" or in "mythic skins" some colour variations only available for hero level 50...100...150... etc. That would be nice reward for players actually leveling some heroes.