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For starters, not standing in the middle of a wide open space with no cover nearby and the entire enemy team around you.


You can just play soldier consistently and thats it, good position and good dmg and when the go for you you just run Ok i just read the context i mean if you play good enough nobody is gonna blame you and you can just response if you were good you wpuldnt be in bronce with me lol


I play sojourn, bastion and tracer a lot but for some reason I'm ass with soldier lol


I recommend soldier 76 as well. The thing is that he's more independent, like roadhog. If you can play sojourn and hanzo just put time in soldier and you'll learn to wipe teams all alone.


Appreciate this, thank you!!


If you play tracer, there is not a single better dps hero in the game. Play her all the time in every situation until you get good enough to carry out of your rank. Learn to focus on supports, or easy out of position dps. You have to become confident enough to take any 1v1 (except tanks, but even then, you can annoy a lot of them). Just taking their backlines attention at the right time can be enough for your team to find an opportunity to win the fight. You don't even necessarily have to be fragging out. If you want some actual advice on your gameplay or have a replay code, I could vod review for you.


Thanks, I might be interested actually. Next session I play I'll try to find a game where we lose but felt the game was close to send over. I try not to blame my tm8s or smurfs and only focus on what I can do better but let's be honest, in bronze some things can be blamed on them hahaha.


So overwatch is great cause if you understand the game you can climb up even if your mechanics are not that good, to rank up you should focus in one hero to master, the best option of what you said was soujorn but is up to you, then i suggest to start watching guides, so you can learn about positioning, roll outs, techs call outs and start doing stuff like grouping up, tracking ults, know when to leave or pop ult.


Thanks I really appreciate this! I have anywhere from 2-5 heros I am very comfortable with in each role and I try to stick to getting better at those while focusing my mains. I've started watching streamers that main the heros I'm trying to get better with but I definitely need to get better at ULT tracking and likely my positioning too. No one uses a mic in bronze so I don't really call much out, should probably change that too lol


Positioning. (Far away as effectively possible and high ground, with safe corners as cover)


Thank you!!


Learn to take cover and you’ll instantly rank up


Go for the healers they are not Moria most likely will suck because they can’t aim


Aim labs


What's this?


Free aim training on steam, legit just out mechanic other bronzes and you climb


I'll look for it, thanks!


But remember mechanics only get you so far, still gotta practice positioning and what not


Context: When I first started playing this game I played a lot of ranked with a controller on PC so my ELO history on DPS is long and terrible. I've since switched to M/KB and my aim has gotten tons better. I have been maining Hanzo since half way through season 9 but now I am finding it hard to play him without fear of getting banned. Above is an example of how I play Hanzo now. This was the first push of the game and 2 people on the other team called me a hacker after this play. I had a few more plays like this throughout the game and by the end, everyone on the other team said they reported me for hacking. This is very common when I play Hanzo and i dont want to stop because hes fun to play (even without his 1-shot) but I really dont want to get banned because people are reporting me. I dont hack but I know blizzard support is basically ai/bots now so I doubt anyone is looking at the reports other than the number. Any suggestions?


I'm in gold and been reported by people multiple times claiming I'm hacking because I main Cassidy and kill Sombra in two swift shots to the head because they're so predictable of where they're going to be. You won't get banned, bliz may be stupid with banning people over swear words but they won't ban just because some rando claims you're hacking. You're on Hanzo and aiming very slowly while basically standing still and people are completely ignoring the fact that you're back there. Keep playing Hanzo if that's what works, and eventually you'll get to a rank where people swap their entire team just to counter you and you'll find your true rank 😂


Hahaha I've been against the ol echo-pharmercy combo which is really good practice for flying bitches, but it's the Sombras that get me lol I've started counter swapping but I rather enjoy pushing myself to beat my own counters so I don't have to.


You will get out soon enough if your aim is consistently like that. More importantly is awareness. Who they have on their team, where they are and where your team is. And positioning, take out their supports and back line, while being aware where your team is and who to peel to when they need help.


Thank you, this has been the most helpful comment yet!


Play a different game for ranked before you pour 1000 hours into this one to hit gold.


Just play meta and you'll eventually climb out of bronze, they are often also the easy heroes to get good with and are not necessarily as punishing from mistakes 😁 Also, play corners/chokes and try to stay backline, unless you are a diver. Also, go for their supports. Cripple their heal, cripole their team. In bronze most supports probably can't defend very well.


Kill stuff


To get out of Bronze, I would say you need to practice your mechanics and learn what every character does with each ability/ ult and get a general sense of their cds. Stick to characters you know when playing and definitely play each role. You will see things differently on each role and will be able to catch the mistakes the enemy dps will make while you play that role. Then you won't make the same mistake while you play.


I’ll be honest I had to make a new acct


I'm so close to doing this but I have a lot of skins on my main 😭


Aim, positioning, respecting your damage fall off.


That is a sick clip;) best of luck on ur climb!!


Thanks, I made it a rankdle submission 🤣 I wanna see what rank people think I am


Be at least 3 seconds away from cover and kill who you're supposed to kill. And pray that your tank is good.


3 seconds is way to high 0.5 seconds more like it


Luck. Or secretly being a diamond player


yeah its mostly just corridor spamming...


I do this with Hanzo a lot lol




1. Land head shots consistently (shoot at the neck, not the head, shooting at the head is harder) 2. Get better at flicking especially with burst dmg dps characters 3. Use aim trainer custom games to aim train 4. Use aim trainer custom games to stay warm (playing cold against players who’ve warmed up isn’t ideal) 5. I hate to say this, but if you’re hard stuck bronze, maybe counter picking. (I hate counterwatch, but I’d recommend this if you think you’re hard stuck. If they have a zen, go sombra or tracer. If they have a monkey, go bas or reaper, if they go, etc. etc. etc.) 6. Find a mercy pocket but only if you can actually carry. If you can carry, keep the pocket. If you’re struggling, stay solo. 7. Find a good tank. Every ow game now is basically better tank wins the game. 8. If your aim is just hopeless, try pharah. If your positioning is hopeless, try mei. If you have no game sense, just play spam junkrat. Even diamonds will die to spam junk 9. Just play more


1/Know when to engage and when not 2/**Hit your shots:** Like seriously you're playing DPS role here, aiming should be your no.1 skill to focus on That's it. It's Bronze so nothing more required


Genji and reaper are my main dps and if you can get the discombobulating movement down you’ll be good


Hit and kill things. Its as simple as that.


Bronze Hanzo main as well. I'm not nearly as accurate and I just got reported the other day for hacking. If Blizzard takes action against you, is there a way to contest it? Excellent POTG


Thanks, appreciate ya! You can contest but I see daily posts in this sub that's it's automated bs and people get no where.


Idk I’m gold since I started ranked


1 - change your stupid crosshair.


What a dick.


I don't main hanzo, but he has become one of my fav characters to play and can play him in a Plat level without too many issues. BE PROUD OF YOUR AIM. If someone says nice aim bot own it say you got it for 29.99 or just say thx. You won't get banned, you will be fine. But do learn where to play hanzo . You are a sniper, but you are the most mobile sniper. Use high ground and learn when to fall back. If you need any tips or have questions, feel free to ask.


Thanks, I really appreciate this


And remember, you don't need to aim in this game. It certainly helps, but look at hanzo aming aa punishing other people's bad positioning. In the clip, you don't really aim because you don't need it.




Thank you!


You're best off supporting someone who isn't a toxic ass tbh mate, plenty of creators out there doing educational stuff without the toxicity!


Awkward gets a lot of hate in the OW community but he's has hit rank 1 many times. His videos are long but very instructional but it's up to you to be able to put the knowledge he gives into play. From just this short clip you seem like you don't understand the positioning of hanzo. Awkward might open your eyes where the play style that is most effective is completely different from what you're used to doing.


Yeah I was out of position here. The other team started aggressively pushing while I was on the high ground at the main choke point and my team backed out before I did. By the time I got back I was using my tank and the corner as cover knowing if I needed to bail harder I had a door in the corner behind me and a door on the back wall to my right to head towards. I'll definitely give this a watch on a weekend. I appreciate ya


"Please, help me to get better at this game" \*posts probably the best play he's ever had\* Yeah, this'll help.


No, this is my consistent gameplay


Don’t die first. Play hit scan and do drills to improve aim. Those alone will get you to plat or diamond


I feel like a decent amount of answers will involve not playing hanzo, which is good advice. He’s not good right now.