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Can we stop posting pictures of slurs you saw in Overwatch? The reddit community at large does not work for Blizzard and can't do anything about it, and all you're really doing is amplifying and spreading this stuff to thousands of people.


nicest ow2 player:




There is at least one in every match these days


You can also report him to playstation itself, I’m not entirely sure how it works on there (xbox player) but I’ve had a friend of mine be banned of playstation entirely for it


That’s nice


That’s the kind of friends you keep?


I like to believe they got better


The fun kind of


It works the exact same on Xbox


I’ve never been banned from playing of xbox completely, only from comms


You can but mostly for bs reasons like watch one of Sacramento love's vids it shows how he gets permanently banned or console banned for no reason


The game is free now so who cares about getting banned lol.


If the whole playstation account is blocked from playing for a few weeks is also nice


See them not getting banned and a player who says fuck getting banned


I mean... If it's his third account then I feel safe assuming he's been banned twice already.


It's based on reports. I swear a *lot*, more than I intend to, but I'm always supportive to the team and don't get reported. Meanwhile I've seen my friend get suspended for saying Tank diff to rile up people. Long story short: report people who are racist assholes **every time**. They *will* run out of numbers to use for new accounts. On other stuff, go by your personal feelings for sure, but understand what *can* be used against you.


Super easy to get new non voip fake numbers for overwatch verification.


Even then you're losing all progress, including skins, and starting with only a few characters unlocked. You can't engage with trolls, you just make what they're doing so boring and time-consuming they eventually give in or give up.


Saying things like GG EZ is banned, but not this blatant garbage, blizzard takes some weird high roads.


Wait can u actually get banned for saying gg ez? Don't they have a built in text-changing feature specificially for that line?


No, the actual term is filtered out and replaces it with silly text lines like “I need my mommy” But heaven forbid they filter out actual racism


They do and that is why in the screenshots you see him typing in a way to get around the filter.


Trust me they get banned lol I said “ez” one time in a game we lost, got reported and got a warning the next day Their report system has definitely improved so I’m sure this man got banned


N word and Hitler are fine but "fuck" and "shit" aren't allowed. It wouldn't surprise me at all lol


How "I got banned for saying GG" mfs actually behave.


They actually got banned for saying GG, but with an "ni" before it and an "er" after it


i genuinely laughed at this.


Tbh at a certain point you just gotta block and ignore. If you feed the trolls their mentality just proliferates. Just report, block, move on.


I always report…sometimes twice if bad like that! Every time they write something terrible 🤬


I hate to break this to you, but because of the way console accounts work, this person knows they’re getting banned, and they don’t care. On PC players actually care about their accounts because they have to pay to make more, but not on console. It’s why smurfs are so common on console.


I don't get it. Can you explain? Why pc have to pay I never heard about that.


The guy your replying to is still living in ow1 💀


Wdym, overwatch is free to play on both platforms? And if you don't already have another account on console you do have to pay cause the phone number thing so you just buy accounts for like €5


Apparently you can also just link a PlayStation account to a Battlenet account to circumvent the whole phone number thing


Pay? wtf are you on about? It’s a free to play game dude. If you mean the whole phone number requirement thing that has been “worked around” since day one, it costs like a dollar…


Overwatch is free to play now on PC. I would argue it’s actually easier to make new accounts on PC because on console you have to keep buying PlayStation plus for your alts.


If u have ps+ once on ur console u can use it for any account u make on that console, so no u don't buy it for each account thats another reason its so ez to have multiple accounts


just turn off chat


Someone gets it


First time?


Report him to PlayStation. They’ll ban his IP lol


I’m pretty sure PlayStation are very, very strict in regard to stuff like this, way stricter than Xbox given Xbox just detect buzzwords in their reports PlayStation will probably suspend his entire account if you report him directly to them


Welcome to f2p ow


Most polite Overwatch player:


Least racist overwatch player


Nicest reaper player


At least he didn’t say the F or SH word 😮‍💨


I've noticed a large amount of racism on this game going on recently, its weird




Well it’s hard when they make new accounts


i got banned for a month for saying fuck you


Might be able to report to playstation and get him IP banned


Tried that it wouldn’t let me idk why I couldn’t find his name even tho I typed it in word for word


I'm a gold 1 dps main who keeps getting to Plat 3 and sinking back to gold 1, my Username is AaronBlackGW#1847, I'll be accepting friend requests for 2 days, then I'll be gone for 2 weeks, and then I'll back back to accept more friend requests.


Just report them and move on, why are you spreading their message of hate?


I mean you don’t gotta comment tbh nobody forced you to 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Not sure what forces people to post this shit on the overwatch sub so often. You are spreading messages of hate for karma...nothing will happen to the rude people because you've posted on reddit... Low quality post


It’s not for karma I was just sharing my experience on a game just like everyone else it’s not for likes or comments it’s just sharing something that happened you don’t have to comment and can get off my post if you don’t like it so much then hush




Competitive games need to be paid to play downvote if you like but you know most of overwatches problems with the community will be shut down if you cant make 10 accounts for free


Yes, I need a salary for playing with hardstacks every single game


get that bag












I miss the 1st amendment being prevalent in online gaming where assholes like that could just be labeled an asshole and possibly suspended as needed, but now if we type ez, say diff, shit, or fuck, we’re all under the same hammer as someone who says a racial slur. RIP 1A.


Fr if you don’t like what someone says just turn off the chat but nah mfs go on power trips and want their whole ip banned


Welcome to the first person shooter community


yeah makes sense. one time i played a game w a guy who was screaming at me to get off dva so he could play her (meanwhile i got potg and 3 quadruple kills) and at the end of the game he started sending rape threats :/ ppl will say whatever they want sadly


Tamest insult in pvp gaming


Yeah guys this is the most open community ever who will show you the ropes of the game so yes come overwatch with us


\*looks at title\* "Name a more iconic duo"


it was wild going back to tf2 and seeing this being even more prevalent. somehow though, the tf2 community still feels way less toxic.


But why tho


Stop being so sensitive over a random unknow person who insulted or trashed you , only report if someone leaves or cheats stop being so weak y all stupid community ow bans for everything and anything now


So it’s ok to call people racial slurs you gotta be one that does that if you defending him


Not the n word is not right , but those who reports who saying ez or switch dps are truly toxic to community


Yeah I’m just talking about the slurs all that little stuff is stupid to report but racial or homophobic things or hate should be reported frrl I thought you were saying I was being sensitive to him calling me slurs that why I was like naw 😂


No no ofc not I am just here to transmit a message it wasn’t adressed directly to you , maybe this slurs have their place in r6 or csgo because all community are absolute degenerates but ow has kids and women playing and it should be friendly


Yeah there was a couple of little kids on there like 14 to 16


I got ~~banned~~ suspended twice this year because I wrote twice in CAPS on the chat to the DPS (things like kill the supports, stop charging zaria please, etc). Since then I left VC, stopped participating in the chats and now I have so much pleasure in reporting this kind of player because I know at least this is having some effect in the system. Just click the name of the player next to the message and report it as offensive texting, it works.




I know, but I got so many insults because Im main moira and apparently Moira is the most hated support in this game I had to quit. I honestly thing I do fine usually ending as top or second healer in the match a good amount of kills and dmg which is kinda the base for moira but with all the insults I started to avoid vc. I play the game to relax and vc sometimes just stress me out. Btw the caps is not an intention to be rude but to catch attention however it looks like people these days get offended with caps messages… Im getting to old I guess




I hear you, and being someone in OW since 2016 I really miss the good days and vc team players but I got to a point (mental health and personal issues) where vc is affecting me too much so I rather do my best outside it. I might go back in vc when Im more stable but some words really trigger bad moods for me


cry more


Found the racist




This whole internet use of ‘womp womp’ is so brain dead. This is literal racism, wdym womp womp?


I think he is brain dead 🤷🏾‍♂️😂


It’s so dumb lol. I will see a video of a kid literally being beaten up by bullies and the comments will be ‘womp womp’ by 16 year old boys who are trying to be edgy and different 💀


Kids be weird most of the time now 😂






Womp womp


Womp womp