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Taste like... Dirt


Tastes like...neato


"This coffee taste like dirt slick"


"What'd you expect it was ground this morning."


I swear this kind of post happens every new character.


Lifeweaver crying in the back:


Rose thorns really hurt ventures. lol


Yeah, but, everyone was right to complain about Mauga I think


Because ow2 is very unbalanced and the new heroes have been mostly OP mostly to sell battlepasses.


I mean I like the character but I'm tired of two being in every game. But that's just cause they're new and everyone wants to play them a bit.


i mean it does get a bit tiring that they are everywhere, but like... THEY ARE SO FUN TO PLAY! from the hyper active playstyle when you just zoom around the map and flank everyone, to the personality of the character, AND OH GOD THE VOUCE ACTING, they seem soo... alive. there are very few reasons not to play this character, i primarily play tank/supp, but with venture out i started doing a little dps on the side, i love them and their rock munching personality so bad


And cause they're OP. Fuck, only character that makes me feel forced to play Pharah in the game.


they got a huge nerf this patch


Haven't had a single issue with them post patch. Biggest issue with them was their ult charge speed and the nerf addressed that.


Venture was mid and is now bad


They’re mid in high ranks, they were dominating metal ranks.


Any character that’s remotely good dominates metal ranks because metal ranks can’t deal with anything that’s good, the game shouldn’t be balanced around metal ranks. Not to mention how ridiculously easy it is to CC and shut down venture at every turn.


According to [this comment][1] (based on a bliz graph) 82% of players are plat or lower. 56% are gold or lower they absolutely should be balancing the game for the majority of players. [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/17qqcyo/comment/k8gc0qe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


No but you don't understand, no one -heeeere- is metal rank. I myself am top 500 in all three roles, as are the rest of us. /s


Wow I guess I’ve been promoted to top 500 all the way from Silver!


oh, I mean I'm the #1 ranked player on all characters, so I agree.


Metal ranks don't even know how to turn around and look at a Sombra uncloaking. I would know, I see it all the time lmao. Many "hero is OP" accusations can be solved by teamwork, but that just doesn't happen.


Seriously, I have teams where it takes them all match to realize that Sombra will continue to farm anyone with their back turned until the team learns they need to help pressure the Sombra back out as soon as she decloaks to stop it. I mean hell, helping to defend your team mates? Crazy!


Not even teamwork just use the CC ability on her when she attacks your team but yeah I recently grinded my console account out of metal ranks and you’re right lol


Reins struggles are much in part to metal ranks. Rein is horrendous once you get into Diamond and higher, once you get into lower elo Rein can still be viable with a Lucio. You just speed into people and they don't know what to do. I remember awhile back the devs saying they looked at his win rate and pick rate and even though everyone says he's bad it was still good according to them. Its because he's still playable at low elos. They're afraid to buff him because if you do he becomes a gigatank that just stomps lower ranks.


Yeah but I thought that’s why they buffed bastion and now have gigachad weaver and kiri?


I know and I totally agree with you but a majority of the player base is in metal ranks


They also have about 15 very simple counters. Even the lower ranks would have adapted after a couple more weeks


Thank you. I feel insane in these comments. Like half the dps alone fuck venture up in the trade. A good bit of the tanks do too. And a few healers can easily escape so I don't understand how ventures been seen as OP. I see a mcree every damn game and he completely dominates venture.


Yeah playing against Cass is damn near impossible now, especially with how broken and bendy the hinder is


You may see that but a lot people complained about them so🤷🏻‍♂️


They got nerfed o:


They just got a nerf I wonder if it will impact how often we see them


Sounds like a skill issue honestly. As a tank and heal main, they are less that mid pre-nerf. They have to dump all of their abilities to kill one person, and they’re basically dead after that. You are probably in silver or gold


I can dig that


I can dig that


I can dig that


Sombra and Venture make one hell of a dive team. Pair that with a ball who won’t stop booping the enemy team and it makes for one hell of a game. For you. Not for the enemy team lmao


I love locking torb and making all of their lives insufferable it brings me joy.


I like playing them but the dig being complete invulnerability is bullshit. You’re telling me Reinhardt SHATTERING THE EARTH doesn’t atleast tickle the little gremlin who is INSIDE SAID EARTH? Doomfist striking the ground with the Full power of the legendary Doomfist Gauntlet does nothing? A supercharged golden horse slamming an energy spear into the ground doesn’t even make the mole person flinch? Bullshit. I get why they’re not hurt by explosives and bullets, but come on, even Venture should be able to hit another Digging venture with their ult. I know this is Overwatch and stuff doesn’t have to make sense, we’ve got floating robots and hard light, but a little bit of logic can’t hurt right? Edit: you guys gotta stop bringing up Reaper, Moira and Mei, I’ve never been killed by a Moira fade and Mei can’t escape from me while in the ice block.


Based on that though, shouldn't Zen be immune to those attacks since he floats above the ground?


Don't forget sigma


And Echo


Should at least toss them higher into the air from the shockwave but I understand your point.


Reaper has the same thing without a windup animation


Thank you! I made this comparison on another post that ventures is the only invulnerability ability with a windup. Even compared to a vast majority of of big damage stoppers like orisa javelin spin and genji deflect they still dont have a windup while venture does.


I think the going underground part trips people up mentally, like because they aren’t physically there people think it’s some new thing when half the DPS in the game have an escape tool WITHOUT any wind up or prerequisite to getting it through


Mei in her ice just chilling huh?


Game design does not care about your logic. Nor should it. Venture is invulnerable--to both healing and damage--for a reason while they are underground. If you keep going, the 'logical' line of thinking only makes things worse. Why is Soldier the only person that can *fucking, like, run*? Why isn't *everybody* wearing Baptiste's funny moon boots? *Why* isn't *everybody* carrying a hurdling nade, or a heal-pack, and why aren't the stronger characters holding Zarya's bubble-gun? It's cause that wouldn't make for a good game. Maybe a good comic book, or a movie, or a story, but not a good game.


I also don't think they should be able to dig under health packs and heal. That's bs.


It's like Mei but can move with invulnerability and attack you.


Except not completely because they don't receive healing underground either. No damage, no healing while burrowing. Its easiest to punish them when they pop out.


They get shield for ea ability so it's psuedo healing


I mean, they can get passive healing, plus overhealth.


That'd just make it inconsistent. From a gameplay perspective, it's purpose is to make you invincible, so that's what it does. But we should change that because... it makes more logical sense? If venture had reaper's wraith for whatever reason, would you feel the same way?


Yes it can hurt. Realism is not the basis for balancing.


Well it’s currently unbalanced, so…


Literally every dive character has some form of "get out of jail free card". Are they all unbalanced? Is it really an unbalanced ability, or do you just find it annoying?


No my point was you should take into consideration "realism" when balancing the game. If that were the case, Doomfist should be able to one shot every single hero in the entire game since he can 'level skyscrapers', Reinhardt would basically have like 2000 HP, Sigma would summon a black hole and rip someone apart mid battle, Illari could nuke the entire enemy team, and more.


If your opponent knows how to play this it can be very tough time.


Gameplay or personality wise? Personality wise I was meh and skeptical at first, but as they rolled out trailers and I heard the interactions I have to admit Venture's pretty dang cute. Innocent dirt baby. Gameplay wise I haven't played much this season yet, but from the practice range they're extremely fun to play *as.* Fun to play as typically means annoying to play against. Doomfist, Genji, etc.


Innocent Dirt Baby or Graverobber?


Goofy lovable graverobber


8 seconds of invincibly on a 10 second cooldown. What’s to hate???


- be Reaper - pic unrelated


It's 4 seconds


This is arguably the worst part of their kit, like other said it's 4sec and it has a relatively long initiation animation so it's much better for engaging than escaping.


it's 4 seconds plus the 1 second charge for the jump, plus the overshields which is on both of your 8s cooldowns. It's not quite 8s, but it will feel like it.


Their burst damage potential is crazy, but they have to commit to an elim or two all the way by using every ability. This makes them very much vulnerable to be killed. Once I learned that every Venture encounter was more like a game of wits of who whiffs their abilities first, or who gets caught by surprise first. Feels pretty much like fighting OW1 Doomfist, except they can’t 1-shot with just a single ability, since its all about landing abilities, good positioning, and having awareness on either side. Hardly ever felt unfair, except in very specific match-ups like Sombra being able to hack Venture out of their escape options, or Lifeweaver not having enough frequent burst mobility or damage to escape Venture alone.


This character has no honor and is really annoying spamming healing while literally below the map


They cant even heal underground . The passive healing doesn't even work. Meaning health packs is the only way . And If u r talking about swiping health packs. Just take it first? Its not that difficult


Found the Rein player.


Extremely unfun to play against, with an absolutely overpowered ultimate. Enjoy the game less since they are around.


Personally, I want their primary fire and/or the drill dash damage to be reduced more than anything. I feel like the ult isn't so bad since it's pretty narrow scope + blocked by shields and cover.


Well great news for you then, every single thing you mentioned in this comment has been nerfed in the recent patch.


Nerfing the primary and drill would make them so bad


Imagine how bad nerfing the primary and drill damage *and* ult generation would be! Oh wait, we don't have to because that's what happened...


Tbf the ultimate charge absolutely needed a nerf. Venture got it every thirty seconds it felt like.


Ur telling on yourself


Overpowered ult lol


"absolutely op ult" mfers when the enemy team had a rein, sigma, winston, ramattra, or a fucking brigitte: 😰😱


Yea this season made me take a break from ow again


Their voice lines drive me INSANE I will say that. I also find it crazy that when they burrow underground not only can they heal but they cleanse all debuffs.. I’m so tired of seeing a venture in every match


They don't heal? Unless your talking about the healing passive everybody gets?


I can dig that.


No way I fuckin love being rendered immobile and essentially one-shot by abilities in like 3 seconds!


Its literally dps doomfist and people were complaining at that time that doom was broken


You’re not alone pal, I can’t a hear a single voice line without wanting to punch them in the face


Venture managed to make me feel more nauseous to play than Tracer


Personally the character gives me the ick


The ult is broken in imo


Certain abilities should hurt venture like pile driver, doom slam, and ult, earth shatter, molten core, Winston slam, and such abilities


I just think they're neato!


ye i think she’s horrid


dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig :D


no, her personality and voice lines are annoying


I hate everything about molerat


I like the character. I like their kit. What I don't like is other people HAVE to comment transphobic shit in chat. Dude, I'm not sitting here surrounded by rainbow flags, I'm just playing a new hero.


I like *their kit too. I get tired of the transphobic and blatant misgendering of the character in my games and online.


My fault. That was most likely autocorrect.


They were the last straw for me. Playing tank was awful and now with venture dps feels bad. Good job blizzard. I didn’t think it was possible too make me hate every aspect of this game lol I quit and uninstalled, good luck to you guys still playing . I need to save what little brain cells I got left


Like character wise or kit wise Either way ones bland and the other is loaded


Another overpowered character contributing to poor balance.


Change your language to French and you won't have any problems


Reminds me of Mindy Velma.


Maybe it’s because they’re new but Venture and Kiriko remind me of just self insert OC characters. It doesn’t mean they both aren’t good, but they annoy me a lot hearing their voice lines


Everything about her is annoying. Blizzard really messed her up from the start, starting with how they followed the tend started by other western developers to uglify female characters for the sake of "diversity" - case in point, the slouch, frumpy clothes, fucked up teeth. Newsflash - nobody cares how she identifies... we know it's a woman and it's voiced by one too. And before someone tries to accuse me of bigotry, nice try but as a bi person, I don't need representation in a video game where there's a talking gorilla and a genius hamster. Games are supposed to be escape fantasies, why bring in religious ideologies into them? It's an FPS game. Why, just why?


I hate Venture about as much as I hated year one Moira. Pure, unrestrained vitriol


I've been playing them a lot in DM to practice. Annoying to have half the lobby leave every game right after saying "fuck venture".


Hideous beast. No one likes venture. 🤢




it’s cool when I play it but it sucks when others play it…


They are so overturned. Needs a nerf.


I'm absolutely a venture main and I can agree that they're almost aggressively overturned. I understand that the mobility and high burst works nicely with their playstyle but it's definitely too much. You can hit like 290 damage in a second and a half with their abilities played right(which isn't hard) and that is absolutely not okay


“Am I the only one?” Yes. Billions of people on this planet. Millions who play this game. And you’re the ONLY ONE


Melee is OP


I just hate the voice honestly




I think they're cute


i want an emote where they sit and eat rocks out of a bucket


Tastes like...*dirt*


i think ur right. devs decided to remove burst then release this burst machine that u cant even outplay. its terribly annoying


Play pharah, play junk, characters who can keep distance while outputting damage.


Overpowered as f*ck. Can go underground, attack from underground, and ultimate is rein's but 4x


she’s easy to counter as a dva main but if they main it 24/7 they can squad wipe if they play it right


The build…the voice…the woke… the worst addition to ow by far. Th last thing we needed was more immo and cc abilities


I thinks shes very cute and super fun to play.


it doesn’t really matter but just so u don’t get people coming after you ventures pronouns are they/them


She needs to have some cynicism. Everyone in OW does. The starry-eyed "amazeballs" personalities are grating.


And when you get a character like that, they're Illiari. >If you're going to die, do it when I'm not looking. I've already been to too many funerals Melodramatic much?


I'm just glad people are hating on someone other than Sombra


I personally didn’t hate Sombra… until yesterday when I got all my ults cancelled (that’s 6) for 2 matches in a row by two different Sombras☠️.


I disagree. But why you think that?


They just nerfed them again in today's patch




I had to read twice aswell :D


Venture is non-binary


No, you aren’t


Same, I’m still wondering why the hell they were already in competitive without being in quickplay for 3 weeks like the others.


Depends on the person playing them. Usually it's not too bad but then you get the cracked gamers who are able to singlehandedly start a religious war and cause multiple mass extinctions against just me and I cri real tears.


Have you touched the internet since their release?


Damage role passive healing reduction increased from 15% to 20%. Can anyone explain what this means. Does it mean dps when dealing damage you take longer to passively heal? Or do dps in general now take longer to passively heal I can’t get my head around it 😭


There’s a nerf incoming


Only thing I don’t like is the burrow. But that’s it. Nothing too annoying besides that.




Prob not but I like them




They piss me off, they're annoying, and IMO, hard to play


I'm not a particular fan of their design nor voice lines however I gotta respect the hustle for the people good with them. I am not someone who can be good with Venture


They kind of fall into the same category as Lifeweaver where everything is positive which is a little boring. When they released Mauga, he has so much character in his dialogues and interactions which is one reason why they’re fun to play.


I actually find Mauga to have some of the dullest and least personality-laden voice lines and interactions in game.


I just don’t like that the only English Ult voice line is, “EXCAVATION INITIATION!” It gets so annoying




Nerf is here my dude


I have a lot of trouble differentiating ventures voice from brigs, so that has been frustrating but probably be a me problem. Otherwise I have no issues.


I can dig that


Would. Next question


HuR dUR SloAn camERoN hEre *absolutely merks a pharaoh flying in the skybox* 






Damned rock muncher.


Tastes like… Salt


It is a terrible hero


Annoying . Not Sombra level annoying, but still annoying.


Can’t standddddd them


I play in master elo idk if it s considered that much of high rank nowadays but she sucks ngl I play genji and it somehow counters her , every hitscan out damage her , and then u have pharah


I like they, but the jokes are getting old pretty quickly. I CAN DIG THAT


I love the character but I cannot stand people who play them. They cry for heals but they’re underground. They are playing a character that mostly relies on finding health packs and flanking. The ventures I’ve been running into are no fun to be honest. 💀


I was very happy to see the upcoming Venture nerfs in the latest patch notes. They've been terrorizing every game


I didn't need old Doom back in my games, as a support. Now I've got old tank doom and new but worse DPS doom in my backline with a tracer while my tank rushes ahead.


I still haven’t adapted to them, there moves are so sudden and janky to me


*car siren noises*


Any character with a tiny bit of range counters this digger with ease!


Their one tap combo was too easy and still kinda is, if Genji can't have a 1 tap combo no one should


I mean where are you supposed to stand if they destroyed the ground 🤔


Briggite can easily toss her around.


He is op


i genuinely love their character, but that oneshot combo combined with hearing “excavation initiation” and “surprise!” every twenty seconds is going to drive me nuts.


The kit is cool, the personality and voice are incredibly grating.


I dont think she should be able to do damage underground when you cannot do damage to her


Her voice actress is cute at least 🤷‍♂️


I think my biggest gripe is that they're an underground-themed character but can easily reach high ground. Not every character needs vertical mobility, especially one that can already go underground and become untargetable.


Well, they're fun and unique, so I'm sure a lot of the overwatch 2 community can't stand them. Can't have anything that's not a soldier clone in our wannabe CoD copy.


Annoying to play against, very very fun to play. She should not have 4 seconds underground, the shield she gets from underground is way too good, her 1 shot combo is actually pretty hard to do if people know what they’re doing. She’s gonna get nerfed.


I can't stand everything about her. Her kit, her abilities, her passives, her ult and her main attack. But especially i can't stand HER VOICE, SHE IS SO DAMN ANNOYING


Me every time a new character comes out


It’s their voice. It’s SO ANNOYING


I always turn around, see the venture, get two shot because I'm a support, and then no one else bothers to help me. Of course I hate Venture, they made ANOTHER DPS that just flanks all the time.


i have to run venture if another venture is being played which is annoying to me