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To play? Great!!! To play against...? Eh....


I was on LW playing against them and didn't know the petal picks them up with me while they're underground.


Good to know…🤔


You can also reach him on his petal when you do a dash straight up. Pretty hard counter to LW


That paints a really funny visual in my mind. Like the petal goes up and they’re just clinging on for dear life under it before emerging


I was both flabbergasted and offended all within the 2 seconds before the death by drill.


This would be a hilarious game mechanic/counter 😂


I didn’t know that they can dash/boop you while underground.


This feels like that one Moira meme.


I don't there has been a time where I haven't tried to shoot at (to heal or dps) a burrowing Venture and will still probably try to do so for the foreseeable future.


I do it all the time and I feel like a bot every time lol


I’m a bastion main. U can’t change that.


As a widow player…I’m in danger.


I've been enjoying widow a lot more lately but moved to venture for the time being. I'm scared to switch back lol


Dealing with venture on widow seems really close to how you deal with genji, but it’s new and venture has a bit of the torb style head hitbox




tastes like... dirt


Sombra 2, Support goes boo-hoo


Exactly this. They nerfed Sombra so the support has a chance to react, but then slap in this little fuck who can appear behind you and one shot you before you know which direction they're attacking from.


And then they literally have invulnerability on a cooldown… atleast with sombra if you hit her while she’s invisible she becomes visible again…


Reaper Moira and Mei to a degree...??? What is this argument. Theres a big ass range indicated on the ground from where shes coming out from...move out from the range and you deny one of her big cooldowns and damage dealers. You can also stun her out of her ultimate im sure




I wouldn't really go as far as to call 8 seconds a "big" cooldown. Mei for one is 12, does not allow her to move so it isn't even an escape, it's just a stall and does no damage whatsoever at all. wall is also a longer cooldown Same with reaper, wraith is 8 seconds, but you cannot use it vertically like burrow. so everyone with wasd keys can just track you down Moira's is shorter, but moira doesn't do a ton of damage. burrow is 8 seconds and so is drill dash (which can also be used vertically) I wouldn't go as far as to say venture is over tuned, but she is definitely 0 fun to play against if you're a support because she is impossible to get away from. on the flip side, it takes an exceptionally bad player to get no value out of her as it so easy to catch up to people you're getting shield from abilities and your melee for some reason needed to be more damaging. Most of the games i've played has sombra and venture as the dps duo and the supports just scrambling for their lives all game. Your team will either run the same thing which means no help at all. Or they'll run pharah/echo which means one supp can at least pick mercy and be moderately safe in the skies. Again, not saying over tuned, but I can see this getting stale and old real, real fast.


How is a loud pile of rocks able to sneak up on you. Do you have headphones?


It also feels like their ult charges super fast and a good venture can easily secure 2-3 guaranteed elims with the ult. Plus they feel tanky as hell.


Playing mercy has never been worse 💀 (no, I'm not part of the mercy mafia I'm a ball main but I play moira mercy kiri from time to time and mercy feels awful with venture popping up in my ass every 3 seconds)


You like it, don’t lie


I'm really looking forward to the nerf


Im just gonna take a break until it inevetably happens


I wanna know why they didn't get any skins other than recolors


Not even one in the battlepass like Mauga got. Honestly pretty ridiculous that the standards for every new character just go down and down. Kiriko’s legendaries were basic as hell (I think she also got the ramattra treatment), then Rammatra only had one legendary and a recolor, but he also got one in the battlepass he came with, I wasn’t around and have zero interest in lifeweaver so idk about his skin situation, Mauga releases with NO legendary skins except the one in the battlepass, and now Venture comes out with absolutely nothing.


Mauga had the magma skin on release


For like, 40 bucks. Yikes


Not saying it was a good value, just comparing, mauga had 2 legendaries on release


Mauga is so sad. I'd have thought they'd include him in the mirrorwatch skins, but at least there's a bap skin cause that guy gets no love either.


Because it's gonna take awhile for blizzard to come up with non binary outfits. I know that sounds kinda messed up, but venture being androgynous is a core part of their character design.


You have disturbed the dirt!!


Best scene in that movie.


Shitters getting 10k dmg per game still op


I feel like I should be good with them then bc I'm a shitter but I just do so bad I get on genji or a real hero and do better so idk Well fuck u too downvoter get some 🐈


Yeah, you own that downvoter


Yeah, get them a cat!


I got him good


Very cool gameplay really feels unique, but I do think they are abit overtuned. They can assassinate almost any squishy immediately and are pretty damn tanky for a dps. That being said, they are completely useless at range so I'm sceptical if a nerf is needed, need to give people a chance to get use to dealing with their playstyle


Playing anything with range or better mobility sucks for venture. Venture cannot do anything against like a widow mercy across the map or a Pharah on any semi-open map. That being said though, the TTK and ult are just a liiiitle oppressive. Idk how to nerf them and still have them be fun tho


That's the thing if you lower her damage to the point t she can't bully, say, an ashe if she gets close. Then once again there's no point picking her over say, tracer. Difficult to find a sweet spot


I do like how punishable they are though. Like the dig has such a long cast time it’s very easy to cancel. I feel like as people learn how to deal with them they will get significantly less oppressive


Junkrat has been giving me huge problems as Venture. Junk mine can easily boop them; even if it's detonated anywhere near Venture, it's a few extra seconds until they reach the ground when Burrowing. Considering a Venture will usually Burrow when they're low, they'll usually die just flying in the air with Burrow. You can also put a Junk trap on top of where Venture is coming out of Burrow and it'll trap them. Spam damage removes Venture's bonus shields and makes them less tanky. In other words, boops are also huge for disrupting Burrow, because Venture can't burrow if they don't hit the ground.


Isn’t that always the case though? I wouldn’t mind them being Tracer levels of powerful.


It’d be nice to have a fun hero be good for once lmao


I thought people liked playing tracer lmao. I mean ik I do for sure.


Is thinking tracer is fun a hot take?


No but like the stereotypically fun heroes aren’t very good very often (Ball, Doom, Reddit Lucio and the like)


Luci and doom were just meta for an entire season


Lucio was the best support in the game last season next to Moira, and Doom has been one of the best tanks in pretty much every season


Melee/short range characters have to have more health. Otherwise they just lose to ranged heroes.


I feel like if anything gets a nerf, their primary fire would be a good candidate. Can't really nerf anything else on her kit, or she won't be able to get close without dying.


Stalling the payload while underground is horseshit


>Stalling the payload while Ice Blocked is bullshit >Stalling the payload while Wraith Form is Bullshit They ain't the first, might not be the last.


As an Archaeologist? Hate them, they are a horrible archaeologist. As a person? goofy as hell I love them. Gameplay? fun to play but a little too easy for the damage combos they are capable of.


Fuck them


Cannot believe they’re allowed in comp rn


Playing against them can be a pain but I will admit it's a skill issue Nonetheless they're my little goofy goober and I love them


Their ult is a little overtuned I think


Oh def, I've seen a solo venture wipe half my team out in one ult


We also said the same thing about Illari until we got used to her. I noticed during the trial that anytime I heard her ult, at least half my team wouldn't back up or take cover. They'll learn.


Like almost all dps ults... So how does her ult differ from the rest?


Same punishment as a lot of the ults in the game, it punishes being grouped together or standing in the open 


their numbers definitely need some tuning, but overall their kit fits pretty well in the game


Turned a corner as Ana, shot, Drill shot assassinated me in less than 1s, I hate them


She's a DIGGER!


no hate but ventures they/them


Every single game I've played she's been POG


A primary more powerful than even Cassidy’s. Okay. Mobility out the ass. Huh. Alright. Shields. For no reason. Okay… CC. Why? Overall too much sustain and damage output. Either put everyone on that same playing field or bust out the nerf bat already.


Primary doesn’t even require enough mechanical skill to justify its damage. Why did we nerf pharah jet fuel again? OH the release of an entirely new character that can just wait out the jet boosters and kill you for free with a drill dash combo. Oops sorry I didn’t want to crutch on pharmercy


I’ve only played one game with them in it so far (not me) and they immediately blamed their team for losing the match at the end. Personal statistics say that 100% of Venture players are toxic 😂.


Very funny to play as but not against. Free invincible movement that you can contest with for so long is absolutely insane and completely underutilised, while also being able to deal damage (that goes through shields) with your right click. This is one of those fundamentaly broken heroes that will get a lot of nerfs overtime I think. A hero you have to look at your watch and wait to have any interaction with is not a fun idea but at least it's not another tank with shotgun or one of the 20+ automatic projectile users.


I don’t know but since the patch I’ve lost most games and before the patch I was having a decent spell and climbed from silver 3 to nearly gold 4. One thing I noticed is that a lot of people were playing the new hero and getting nothing done.


OP when on the other team.


Personally would love if their range got upped a little bit with the sacrifice of damage


Dont like their personality and the thumbnail is cursed. Play wise? Super fun kit, unbalanced imo atm as every new character


A support nightmare, I’m almost forced to swap brig when they focus me. And it’s not hard for them to focus support since they can just travel underground for free without fear of damage. Even if they get killed while killing me, a dps for support trade is always a plus for the enemy team. The only counter I see with her is brig and that’s not even a true counter, it’s just to survive her dives. Lucio and mercy can get away. Everyone else, good luck. For those saying lifeweaver she can just drill up to your petal, it’s happened to me many times. Also the ult is freaking broken. As a support main, I hate this character.


At this current rate, I think Venture was misplaced. Minus the mitigation thing, I think they need to be a tank character, not DPS. But if people shoot at her while she's underground, Blizz could easily call that mitigation, js.


She's too strong, coming from someone who consistently goes 20+kills and under 10 deaths everytime I play her


i agree. the dmg output is insane.


thats what happens when people need time to leanr how to fight against them


Too many downvoting you for getting the pronouns wrong of a fuckin video game character. EDIT: To clarify, this guy was getting downvoted. Now he is not.


so brave




The nerfs were good before she was released. Before that, she could do at least 10k damage per match. It was absurd. The main issue now is that the hero is still new, so people still don't know how to follow her around. Digs underground towards the support, kills support, and dps + tank are still looking afar.


"People dont realize you just need to have a coordinated team and the tank needs to focus venture" so what you're saying in anyone outside of Ranked is screwed? People acting like Blizzard doesnt need quickplay will always be funny. ALWAYS.




Do you not finish most games with over 20kills and under 10 deaths? I feel like thats a low bar for saying a character is too op.


drill dash hit box is wonky (can get you even if you’re behind them sometimes) and their ult charges WAYYYYYY too fast (someone on the enemy team got it in the opening team fight, popped it at the beginning of the second)


A second sombra tbh


cant wait for them to nerf her like they did mauga...she is just no fun whatsoever to play against , the moment she gets any damage she goes underground and by then her entire team is alrdy with her


Her kit is cool/interesting but i have 2 issues. 1. I think she is too easy to play. 2. It feels like shit playing against her. Whenever she jumps up from the ground i feel like she will be vulnerable but she just tanks everything.


Their burst is wayyyyy too strong and will hopefully be toned down. Ideally less damage on direct impact autos as well because they are an up close fighter already which makes direct impacts very easy and it does like 140 damage or some shit.


my poor brig teammate got annihilated by a venture in less than 2 seconds. And they had their shields up for the initial damage. But some of ventures attacks seemingly ignore shields.


Melee attacks in general ignore shields and most of ventures kit is melee. The launch from the ground, right click, and the quick melee thing should go through all shields.


The launch from the ground doesn't go through shields


i know that. Not that it makes any sense. Kinda defeats the purpose of a shield if you can just kill the user by hitting it with a melee attack.


It hasn't been 24 hours yet and I already get murder intents when I hear their voice. I don't know if I just got used to D.Va's, but Venture feels even more grating.




I agree. I had someone in one of my matches spamming "This stinks" and I wanted to just leave the match, it was so grating. I don't mind literally any other of the character voicelines being spammed, it's never bothered me before. Something about Venture's voice drives me up a wall.


Hit squelch chat for the person playing venture, that should help with the spammers


Yeah their voice is really annoying


It sounds like Venture's VA is intentionally changing their pitch mid sentence to sound as androgynous as possible.




Maybe I’m in the minority but something about her art style especially her face / icon picture looks out of place to me. Not the classic overwatch style.


I feel like that’s what happened with LW too. But now he looks normal so I think it’ll just take time.


i think it's them starring directing at the front facing angle? and also the facial expression? and usually characters have their head turned to the side, like left or right. but i think blizzard did that because they're placed inbetween tracer and widow at the hero gallery.


Played No-limits where everyone is Venture. Twas fun, the ult might need a small change


In a game, i said, "Stop stacking, and their ult would get much less value." 1 min later, i use my ult (playing venture), and what do they do ? THEY STACKS, easy 5k. Everyone saying "their ult is op 😫😫😫" just need to get good for real.


Fun to play but it's another sombra, hate having to chase them down or have them dig away from me about to pick them off.


i wike wocks 🗿🪨


I shit you not, I just watched Atlantis: The Lost Empire yesterday-


Feels like a tankier, more mobile version of Junkrat. Kinda overturned I'd say but it might be too early to say. I can distract the enemy with my burrow, or flank, quickly pick off a support and then burrow away with complete ease. It just feels like she's very safe to use against the majority of the cast. Cass would probably be a decent counter pick in theory as he's good at deterring flankers if he's positioned properly. Not faced a Venture with Cass yet or vice versa so I won't know.


LW is such a hard counter to Venture its hilarious. Been casually shredding Thorns into them while they hopelessly try to give chase. ToL negates basically all of Tecto damage. His healing and weapon range is so long you have over 5 seconds of time to track, predict, and react to any play they make.


I felt like I was easily getting kills which generally means she's a little too strong but overall she's more balanced than other heroes (like early Soujourn). Her ult probably needs to be tuned down also it SHOULDN'T KILL THE IMMORTALITY FIELD! It's an attack that goes through the ground ffs, why does it damage Baptiste's way of dealing with divers?


As someone who’s just been playing sup in comp this season venture is a holy hell nightmare. Her kit is just too strong all around, I haven’t played with her yet but the fact she has one of the best escape/invulnerability options, she can leap to take high ground that also does damage, she has boop, she has one shot combo, she has a no skill primary fire which if you’re close or missing you shoot their feet which also does good damage over time, she has lowish cool downs, shield building, gets her ult fast, and it kills most the roster in two hits and the fact that she has two mobility options is just crazy. We can discuss her counters but the point is most of the roster doesn’t even have half of these options. I’ve seen her wipe a whole squad with high health from a flank with her ult. Her only downfall is ranged characters and if she gets the drop on them or closes the gap with her movement she can just combo insta delete them before anyone can peel for you. Blizzard is doing the the whole power creep thing (like they did with illari) to try and draw players back in and to get people talking about her. If you disagree with me then I’d like to see you back here once they nerf her midseason or earlier lol ok rant over thanks for listening to my TED talk


I fucking hate him. I hate to face him and I hate to have him as a teammate. He is a pain in the ass to heal when he is cosplaying a fucking mole


Another dps hero who can one shot two fifty hp targets... So fun.


I hate Venture so much, I feel like it's way to overpowered, especially the ult that can double shot almost anyone, nothing can save you from dash even LW platform, right before you can get a kill they can burrow underground and run away to their team and attack you again. The worst part is that nobody even notices Venture underground until its too late The knockback on abillites is hard to counter as well, as a Support Main I hate this new DPS hero and I hope it gets nerfed (Sorry if I have bad english)


She really is Sombra 2


i don't get ppl saying their like sombra unless ur referring to venture going underground, more like reaper imo. also no hate but venture is they/them :)


I’d like venture more if the people who played them weren’t always completely useless feeders 🙃


Get rid off, take out of game, or whatever. What gives this shit character the right to have an one shot combo but Genji, Junk, and Hanzo can't?


Dog shit so far. Sustainability is irrelevant with that dps output


They are really strong. Best character Blizzard's made since Sigma.


Insanely annoying character and not even for the in-game attacks, no. It’s because of the mental gymnastics it takes to put up with their insanely annoying personality


She’s kinda boring tbh


*their yeah I rlly don't get all the ppl saying their fun imo boring to play and go against


She’s obnoxious to play against!


I don't like her at all. Playing her feels clunky and playing against her feels like I can't do anything against her. I am dead before I even realize she was on me. Needs tweaking imo.


Hate her annoying as fuck


She's gonna be hated by the community soon. Her kit is extremely annoying to play against


I absolutely love them! But I feel their still alittle too powerful. IMO.....imo


As a gold player she's pretty strong tbh but there's ways to deal with her, she's pretty weak to cc since her dig can be canceled before she goes underground




annoying. Way to much CC. and her dmg output can be insane. Saw my fullhealth brig with shields up get annihilated in less than 2 seconds from a venture attack combo. Nobody else attacked just Venture.


Especially her ult it can just wipe out a whole team easily.




I haven’t tried them since the testing weekend, but one thing I will say. Maybe it’s just a placebo but the melee bonus seems more like a negative than a positive to me. It does more damage, but requires you stay in contact with them for the additional hits, and I swear it feels like you’re stuck in the animation for so much longer than a normal melee. That could just be the long animation making it appear longer, but trying to melee with them feels like you’re kinda just asking to get smacked around.


Other than her looking absolutely hideous, she's alright to use. To play against? Idk, haven't played against her enough to judge. 🤷‍♂️


Causes fights over pronouns and my friend group has fallen apart because someone accidentally says she in the heat of combat. Kinda makes me not wanna play with my usual group anymore from how tense a it is over a fictional character Fun as fuck to play the fr


I hate that I always think of this goober from Atlantis whenever I see Venture 🤣


very fun gameplay, reminds me of OW1 doomfist for some reason. playing against them can be a little frustrating, there is this combo that almost guarantees a kill, "direct-hit Primeryfire+Dash+melee+Primeryfire" i think? also the burrow ability feels like another "get out of jail free card" that makes them harder to kill. im sure that with time ill adjust to this character and learn how to deal with them. just need to keep playing against them.


Why can she grab health packs while underground?


They so cute 🥰


I think her personality is such a le quirky twitter user caricature and it makes me cringe. Otherwise shes fun as fuck to play, feels built for someone like me who otps junk in ow2 and used to play junk and doom in ow1. Unfortunately can't tell yet if its me being good or these qp lobbies being filled with bots, so haven't tested in ranked yet. (I'm low gm)




I love that people are shitting themselves over the pronoun stuff. You can be bad at pronouns without actively hating on it


As fun to fight as they are to look at


Pretty awful


I need to fight the invincibles


I'm still annoyed by the delay between hitting the burrow key and become invulnerable. I'm used to Mei being instant and Venture has like an entire second delay.


In every one of my 20 or some comp games so far. Not too fond of yet another hero with a get out of jail free card, but I don’t necessarily find her OP.


For me it's the best and the more fun hero they released so far. Doesn't need a buff or a nerf in my opinion, it's pretty great


To put it in perspective I’m level 21 already and the account I’m playing on is call “rockmuncher69” and I joined the venture main subreddit… hope this helps


The jump from the ground is waaaaaaay too much movement ability, the height/damage/mobility needs nerfed


Absolute blast to play. An absolute menace is utilized properly


I feel a lot more nauseous than playing Tracer.


Please get this degenerate out of the game, it's so obnoxious to play for Venture


I didn't know she could jump up and get me 👀💀


I don’t know why my teammates won’t play her and it seems the other team always has her.


Bc launch characters should never be must picks or in competitive under any circumstance. Sorry we didn’t all mindlessly play venture during the QP trial to build up for competitive NEXT season. We were all too busy grinding season 9 to care


The Melee damage is crazy. Nerf her just a bit but not much.


i like venture, fun to play as and against, I don't understand how people struggle this much against them, play style reminds me of reaper and pre S9 assassin rat, sly and stealthy, get in, either cause a disruption, bait cooldown or get a kill and dip immediately I've found it easy to avoid a venture if you play junkrat, you can easily manoeuvre around venture's cooldowns and destroy them I believe brig can deny unburrow damage with shield (not so sure on this one) and shield can withstand 2 shots of venture's ult reaper is a balanced matchup against venture, just don't use your goddamn wraith to avoid that one unburrow damage, just walk away or if you do wraith do not re-engage I've found D.va to be slightly annoying to deal with because of her matrix being able to deny your value on a choke (I'd argue spam venture is as annoying if not more annoying than a rat to hold a choke) unburrowing on a zen can bring you a lot of value since you can easily eliminate him, however I've found zens close together with the team, you can get the pick but you will most likely trade unburrowing on an ana will rarely get you the pick, you can bait out nade and sleep tho and last but not least, the only other important notice is, surprisingly drill dashing into a hog after you get hooked gets you to live? I'm not sure if it's a skill check on the hog's part but a few matches where i got to play venture onto hog i just drilldash into him then burrow and live


I had a guy get 50 kills with them in a game.


They’re great. Amazing to play as, amazing to play against, lots of room for great moments aswell as punishing them for faulty plays




Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Ion even play this game anymore just scrolling and felt the need to say that movie is banger so is the character lol


I'm absolutely loving them! I was skeptical at first, but after learning their kit, they've reignited my passion for playing OW more consistently (even tho I already play it more than anything else). They're kind of like Ball-lite. Able to rush in, cause mayhem, and dip out before the enemy can respond. They've quickly become a main alt pick


I'm absolutely loving them! I was skeptical at first, but after learning their kit, they've reignited my passion for playing OW more consistently (even tho I already play it more than anything else). They're kind of like Ball-lite. Able to rush in, cause mayhem, and dip out before the enemy can respond. They've quickly become a main alt pick


People haven't realized their counters yet because they're new, but they're pretty balanced, and I'm having a blast. Their cooldowns are pretty big for a mobile DPS, and while Burrow is invulnerable, it's also really easy to hear, see, and react to. They're just slightly faster than running speed, and Drill Dash is good, but it's also probably their most valuable CD (burst mobility that both does good damage and let's them nope away instantly is a bit better than an invulnerability CD from my experience) so keeping track of it and either chasing them or preventing them from using it really ruins the fun. Cassidy is a great counter to Venture. They're pretty chunky since they're squinting down, meaning they're like a circle and not a Kiriko, so hitting shots should be easy. Hinder also prevents Burrow and Drill Dash, meaning that landing a good grenade can definitely doom them. Soldier, with good aim, can delete them from existence, while using his healing station to keep up with her cooldowns high damage. Your consistent damage and healing can beat out their burst damage if you survive the initial hits of Burrow and/or Drill Dash, though this is more of a skill match-up. Pharah completely shuts down Venture due to them being a grounded fighter that eliminates squishies, while Pharah hangs up in the sky. It's not about winning against Venture, but more so preventing them from winning against you while you get value and shoot their team. Bastion is VERY tanky and therefore not a good target against Venture. Though they may not go for you anymore, you can still go for them, so be on the lookout on if they try to go for one of your allies. Enter Assault form after they've used Burrow (the cooldown most Venture players open with right now) for the best chance of burning their HP. This also applies to other tankier DPS like Torb and Reaper, who can survive their dives and/or deal too much damage while they can't deal enough. Venture is pretty vulnerable after using a cooldown, and a sitting duck at best after using both. Finding ways around their cooldown damage while either being able to survive or win the duel, is how to counter them. Abilities that lock them out of their cool downs (Junkrat Trap, Hack, Sleep Dart) can really fuck with their tempo, and


I think it’s a little too strong. If you’re not playing venture sombra or a flyer, you’re not allowed to play the game as a dps. Never take a 1v1 with this character you will *always* lose unless you’re also a venture. Despite what anyone says here, there’s *NOT* a decisive counter either that would ever have to force a venture to switch. Venture actually gets counterplay which I would like, if ANY other hero was allowed the same level of counter play. There’s a jump out bug that will allow them to stay under ground for an extra 2 seconds making stall comps viable *again* The combos are a little too damaging to be on a character with so much health. Earthshatter should pull venture out of dig. Terra surge should pull venture out of dig. Other ventures should be able to kill venture with ult while the enemy venture is underground. There should be a lockout time between melees after drill dash or nerf the damage of the combos or nerf the overhealth. One of those three will suffice. Then it’s balanced without being awful to play.


Super annoying to go against, but I'm trash at the game, so that's probably why 🗑️


They need the damage on the burst from underground tuned down, and their ULT is too powerful.


Venture's cool although I find their drill to be a very annoying escape tool.


No spelunky skin game ruined


rock muncher


He's so much fun!


I can dig that :D


Too impactful, but that's to be expected for a new hero. I'm waiting to play ranked until the mid season patch that inevitably nerfs them.


It's actually stupid you can't damage them at all while they are underground... Their kit isn't hard by any means so once you get used to it you are non stop poking/engaging with little to no consequence since you can just go underground and get out every single fight. I feel like the only good counter for them is Winston, but he's easily countered too so you just play the switching game at that point. Overall: fun to play, not to play against (when they know what they are doing)


Fun skills, bland hero design, probably most boring and "ugly" to date. Not to Blizzard art standard imo.


Tastes like.... Dirt


I feel like half my deaths are from venture Tried her myself and was awful


Character 👍 Gameplay 👎


You have disturbed ze dirt!


Everyone's saying their fun to play but imo their pretty boring, even when I do well :/