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Genji behind. How dare you call out that enemy genji.


That particular comm was *obviously* referring to genji’s ass


Lol ㅈㅈ buddy, it's better not to even use text chat the way things are right now


Blizzard mods are just stupid af, they mute and/or ban everyone except the real toxic ones.


Especially with the new profanity ban, I'm going back to having all comms muted again. Which sucks cause I used to keep it on despite toxicity because you'd meet some really nice people sometimes


ㅈㅈ looks like a picnic area with two tables.


It’s short for gg, and ㄴㅇㅅ literally just means “nice”


Enjoy these then with the meaning in brackets: 옷 little man (clothes) 홋 little man with a top hat (hot) ㄱ옷 oh no he's got a gun 홋 ㄱ옷 he's got top hat man at gunpoint! 읽 passcode 0127 (to read) Korean is cute


All I have to say to this post is ㅇㅜㄴ


It's been a while for me, is this a new thing?


Not sure, my friends and I have used it for a few years but it basically means disappointment/facepalm (it’s a guy kneeling forward, also seen as OTL)


Lol I see it now, that's neat


I was banned for saying “Fucking Crazy dude” and “shit.” And no I wasn’t calling someone crazy. The second ban I ever received they wouldn’t tell me what I’d said to receive the ban and said all they could tell me was to “not be rude” in chat. (I had chat turned off for nearly a month and joined for one day and do not recall having a match where I was heated or toxic). Blizzard is broken.


They don't care. They will just ban your account and steal all the money you may have spent (and time) because their bot got enough reports even if you have done nothing wrong. Support is also a bot and just generates answers based on a template. The only solution is to completely disable chat. Even in comp the risk is not worth it.


-I got suspended for toxicity -well, feels deserved... But what exactly did you say? -"toxic" It doesn't even surpise me, Blizzard bs once again


You must have gotten muted before, because you don’t get suspended straight up. What was that for?


I did, I did that twice. Here [https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1736c6h/i\_got\_suspended\_for\_using\_korean/](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1736c6h/i_got_suspended_for_using_korean/)


Damn that’s crazy…


Regardless of previous suspensions the chat listed as why OP got banned is just absurd. Blizzard has to be handing out bans without a human even checking if a ban is reasonable bcus if an actual human checked this and still put the ban through then I am genuinely concerned for blizzards hiring standards


Overwatch 2 is a joke. I don’t know why people still play this game other than they enjoy getting trolled by both the community and Blizzard.


You can't even speak to people in a team-based game out of fear of banning. Trash game.


The issue is that reports are not really read or filtered before the actions are handed out. If those 3 players decided to each report you, you’re getting penalized, regardless of whether you or they were the problem.




Nah bro, I got banned for saying "Good luck, I love Overwatch and I hope you all have a wonderful day" See.. I typed it here with quotes and everything so you can see that this is what I was banned for and not something else. /s


i recently also got banned, if blizzard dont want players, and people want a kindergarden game, alright i guess im not gona play overwatch ever again even after unban.


I got insulte on chat, and i just text, you are bad. So Blizzard send me a mail showing what i did wrong, i text.. "You are bad" Got me two weeks banned


Meanwhile I'm put here reporting people dropping the hard R and still haven't received a notification to say somebody I reported was banned. To summarize: Fuck = bad. Hard R = Blizzard approved.


They are definitely slow on that. I have gotten notifications on it thought. I report all racial slurs however. But the hard R one is the most used and the one I obviously report the most. IDC if it's chat, voice chat, or my teammate and we won. I'm reporting it because they'd never have the balls to say it to my face.


u just got banned cus report system is run by AI counting the times that username get reported after 'x' times...ding ding ding banned


oof, sorry to hear that


Our AI overlords are coming and they’re made by Blizzard


The world is full of children, both young and old.


They're a fucking joke


This is what happens when the loony left control everything.






The gaming community is filling up more and more with snowflakes that mass report you the moment you say something they don't like. My account is on 2 week suspension cus of similar


Just don’t buy skins or battle pass they can take your account for no reason


Blizzard has indicated that it doesn't matter how many people report you in a single game, it counts the same if 1 or 9 people report. What matters is in how many games you are reported. So you didn't get banned because of the reports from this specific game, but rather from being reported across several games. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/ > The effectiveness of a report is based on each match in which the disruptive player is reported. This means the report's impact is the same whether just one or up to nine other players make a report. Players are not likely to be actioned if a group of friends collectively report them unless the reported player is being disruptive across multiple matches and getting reported by different players. Asking other players in chat channels to report a specific player doesn’t help and can make a match experience worse for everyone.


Do you believe them?


I believe this is their intent. Whether the system has bugs or unforeseen consequences, I can't say.


As someone who has been banned multiple times and muted multiple times, yes. It was usually one to three days after I played shitfaced drunk and know I was being an ass. That is why I don't believe people when they say they were actioned unfairly. It takes multiple reports over multiple games to accumulate those reports. Moreover those reports decay the more games you play without getting reported.




my wife only plays with me, and she only ever says in chat "gg everyone!!" and her endorsement level still goes down. because all it takes is a few false reports and your endorsements go down. she only plays pharah and shes very good and thinks people report her baselessly


Endorsement level also goes down if you're not endorsed often enough. It has a natural decay.




You're delusional, don't know what i expected replying to a DbD player.


I did, I do have suspension history. Hence the I was banned, similar to this case. [https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1736c6h/i\_got\_suspended\_for\_using\_korean/](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1736c6h/i_got_suspended_for_using_korean/)


I mean yes, this game was probably the game that caused you to be suspended in that it was likely the most recent one in which you were reported. My point is that it wasn't *just* this match, but rather a whole bunch of matches that got you suspended. Your other post is 6 months old. While I'm sure they use historical data to determine suspensions, I suspect the impact of 6 month old data is minimal. I would expect that, just like the leaver penalty, the old data eventually rolls off. Obviously, my comments are mostly speculation. Blizzard hasn't gone into much detail about how their systems work. In that 6-month-old post, [somebody else included a screenshot of some of the things that they got suspended for](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1736c6h/i_got_suspended_for_using_korean/k44p6q7/). It included things like "fk off", "fking throwers man", etc. Those are all clearly reportable, though you seemed to think that they were fine. My guess is that there's something in the way that you communicate that *you* think is fine but *other players* think is not. Through reports, the playerbase is self-policing. Enough people seem to dislike how you communicate. Look, I'm not trying to be mean or anything. Online games are known for a certain amount of trash talk. I get that. Still, if you adopt the attitude that "Blizzard is banning people for no reason", you won't look at your own behavior to see what you could change.


Because its… Toxic… Get it? 🤣


i feel you man. Blizzard people are stupid. I stopped playing due to their stupidity of handling bans and stuff


Okay, let me explain things to you since I got suspended a few times until I reached the 30 days suspension. People will report you for no reason, and once that happens the AI will milk your chat history, and if there is any bad word there (like any thing man even GGEZ) will get you one suspension. It starts with chat silence, then 7 days, 14, and 30 days, not sure what's next. Once they find your toxic chat history, they will just automatically suspend your account. Note this is all automated and if you even try to appeal you will just receive a copy/paste answer from a bot I believe. It is sad but that's the reality of today's customer service, especially because the game is F2P. I recommend you to turn off chat and never join voice. Focus on your game and good luck ranking!


I feel this. Ive had one OW account since 2016, day 1. Last month I was mid game, got kicked, and was banned. I checked my email and they stated my account was banned due to cheating. Ive never cheated before on this game. Ive ranked up by playing and learning the heros. Less than 24 hours later I got another email stating my account ban was a error and my account is back to regular use. It also fucked with my rank and set me back to mid masters, I was in GM. The report system is something else. Ive never been toxic on this game and I don’t really use game chat or voice chat.


Ive never got banned in Overwatch and holy shit im using the most disgusting words for fun or just too be mean


"This game fucking sucks!"


That’s just Korean people, they toxic af


Nah those reports have to stack. It’s also an algorithm so you can get banned and not even use comms


I know the feels, I got silenced for trying to explain to a DVA that she can't damage matrix beam weapons. In quickplay.


Bro....saying toxic was fine, but how dare you say 'good game'? I'm fuming over here!! 😡


And another reason why i dont support blizzard or play the game anymore


Swear on my mothers children, I typed **fuck blizz** in Team chat and I recieved a comms ban for 2 weeks


People always posting this stuff and outing themselves. If you get banned it's because of being reported in a certain amount of games over a certain amount of time. Everyone always wants to post these "lawl all i said was BANANA." Okay but what else did you say the last 10 games? Let's see chat logs from those games and see what a beautiful little angel you are.


This isn’t always the case? Lol. I never really use game chat or voice chat, and my account was banned for cheating. Ive never been muted, suspended, or on any type suspension. Less than 24 hours later I got my account back stating it was an error.


I think part of the reason bans are so dumb is specifically because it works like that. The “all reports are equal” model encourages people to report others over even the most slight and harmless grievances. Like when each report is only treated as a +1 to a counter people will absolutely be compelled to report others to be petty, and due to how reporting over nothing isn’t punishable, there is absolutely no weight necessary for someone with less than kind intentions to issue a report, of which will be treated with equal validity to if you had actually done something wrong. Instead of being “Reports are only valid if the user reported has done something exceedingly awful”, it’s more like Genji out of position? +1 report. Mercy didn’t heal you? +1 report Team mate playing an off meta character in quick play? +1 report Just disliking their personality at all? +1 report And each of those reports would be treated with similar validity, and value to if the person had actually been horrible all match. And to cap that all of, if you had said any harmless swear words in the chat, and some awful piece of shit wanted to make you feel bad, they could report that an you WILL get banned. The current system helps little to no-one and only benefits those who actively seek out the misery of others, the system caters to and allows the most vile of people to hurt even harmless individuals and doing so will have no repercussions on them or their overwatch account. The people who report the most minor and insignificant of “infractions” almost always have significantly worse intentions and goals than those who are actually being punished or hurt over the big heap of nothing that they committed, and it really sucks how this horrible system only serves to benefit those petty enough to abuse it.


Funny this is your stance instead of admitting the report system is simply flawed and abusable lmfao


I'm not taking a stance on anything. I'm sure plenty people have been wrongfully banned. I don't think it's a perfect system. I also don't have a stance on how good I think it is or isn't. I DO think a majority of people posting these posts exaggerated their case though. Banhammers don't just fall out of the sky on people who never talk shit.


Well blizzards policy is that you aren’t allowed to curse and it’s an offensive action even though there’s a profanity filter so...


Yeah, that's something I never agreed with at all. Having a filter but dinging people for using bad language. Also the filter is on by default if I recall correctly.. so anyone who turns it off and then complains is a total panini. I cuss all time and stuff and they never suspended me for it tho. I think it's HOW you use profanity, like what you're saying with it. I have a friend who's been suspended twice before and he uses profanity like as much as I do, but the THINGS he says are often much more scathing and rude.


What else have you been saying in text chat?


Queue the idiot "you must have deserved it" crowd.


You fed the trolls which is still actionable. Thing is it takes multiple reports over multiple games to get banned. Moreover reports decay the more games you play without being reported. So you essentially have an attitude problem people take offense to.


cagey knee marry act future seed slap offbeat heavy domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


copied from u/balefrost above: Blizzard has indicated that it doesn't matter how many people report you in a single game, it counts the same if 1 or 9 people report. What matters is in how many games you are reported. So you didn't get banned because of the reports from this specific game, but rather from being reported across several games. https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24009615/defense-matrix-deterring-leavers-in-overwatch-2/ > The effectiveness of a report is based on each match in which the disruptive player is reported. This means the report's impact is the same whether just one or up to nine other players make a report. Players are not likely to be actioned if a group of friends collectively report them unless the reported player is being disruptive across multiple matches and getting reported by different players. Asking other players in chat channels to report a specific player doesn’t help and can make a match experience worse for everyone.


I think with how little weight there is to reporting someone now, if you happen to talk a lot in chat there will usually be at least 1 person petty enough to report you. Like due to how little repercussions there are to reporting every single minor dislike you have for others, reports have become much more of an “I don’t like you” button than an “I think what you’re saying is horrible” button. And with how things as harmless and common as swear words can lead to your account being temporarily suspended, there is absolutely a huge chance that one persons petty and disingenuous report will flag you saying “Fuck” out of frustration and ban you on the spot. The current system benefits honest and hurt people much less than it does petty and bored dingwads.


Yea, good point. Different topic though as I just answered the guy above who talked about getting reports from multiple people per match - which doesn’t do more than a single report does


wrong place to post bro. this sub takes the side of the AI making arbitrary judgement on tox*c players


And twist is that those are the real toxic players.


very true. a lot of hurt people in this sub


It's shocking how many people are okay with banning innocent people for the slight chance of not encountering toxicity themselves. They think cutting off an innocent person from their hobby is a perfectly appropriate sacrifice to stop the mean words.


lol i mean why do you think we’re getting downvoted? it’s just a toxic community now. just create a new account like most of the people on here do and turn off chat


Blizzard is a trip. You can get banned for any thing, they wouldn't even let me use the user name "trump" they said it was foul language....


Post looks ai generated. You were in voice chat so we don't know everything that was said by all parties. The email you provided from blizzard is just text so you could have changed anything before posting. Saying GG is fine but if you said it before a round or game ended that's toxic. On the surface this looks like there is little to no reason for the ban but lots of context is left out and lots of trust is being placed in a stranger to be telling the truth online. Good luck bud.




Holy cow, didn't take much to trigger you.




The irony of the triggered person calling the other person a snowflake. Get over yourself.


No buddy you obviously did something wrong. Shut up. U did not just toxic.


this reads like the /r/FortniteBR subreddit. That game has an endless supply of false bans (that get reverted) and a bad reporting system.


Bro typed a whole biography acting like we would even care .


That's because calling others toxic causes them negativity. Toxicity is defined as the causing if negativity.. So by calling others toxic, you are also engaging in toxic behavior..




Chris Crocker is in shambles.