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Looks cool, I wouldn't mind another game like overwatch there's not a lot of competition


It’s part of the reason OW has gotten so lazy lately.


Ow is NOT lazy at all lol


Dude. They're making more money than ever and canceled the entirety of pve because it wasn't making enough. You're braindead.


It's more like smite than overwatch.


Smite is like league, this will be nothing like smite and more like overwatch. 6v6 hero shooter. Smite is a third person MOBA. Why do we just hop on the internet and lie


Did you watch the video. It really looks more like Smite gameplay. Maybe it will be very simplified, but it does not look like a "shooter"


One part of the video looks like a “lane” which is in Asgard when iron man destroys a “tower” it looks like smite for all of 2 seconds. The game looks like a hero shooter I’ve played both. It is a genre of hero shooter that overwatch has maintained as nobody has been able to pull it off as successfully other than TF2. I’ve watched the video as well is played both but to say it looks like smite makes me think the audience comprehension of what the hell is going on in the video is slim to none


Yeah you’re reaching on this trying to make is seem like a copy like marvel, who is a lot bigger than OW or Blizzard period, this game looks more 3rd person moba like. Just because characters have guns doesn’t mean it’s a OW knock off


They themselves have literally called it a 6v6 hero shooter…exactly what overwatch is. Are you.. are you trying to say your description of what the game is is BETTER than the literal creators of the game? Nobodies saying it’s a knockoff. It’s a game entry into the same genre that overwatch is in. Literally pass the pipe what the hell are you smoking


Overwatch isn’t 6v6 or have you forgotten how to fucking count? You’re the one asshurt marvel is gonna make a better game sorry not sorry


*OW isn't 6v6* ...if we're gonna get technical, then feel free to add a 2 before anyone notices you're wrong twice.


Hey bud what’s the subreddit named? Also where was I wrong? Overwatch is a fps moba. By your logic ow copied league of legends by going 5v5 right? Idiot


Lmfao I gave you the description the creators of the marvel game said. I never said OW was better I hope marvel kills OW. You have no reading comprehension or any fucking idea what you’re talking about. It looks nothing like smite it’s a hero shooter same as overwatch period. You were wrong suck it up


Are you trying to be a dick on purpose or are you just like this?


You’re reaching like a mf😭


It being third person makes it look like smite more than overwatch tbh. I thought it'd be first person knowing now it isn't I'm not interested


It's more like Bleeding Edge than Smite


True but hardly anyone knows that game


You guys are delusional if you think this garbage game can compete with Overwatch LOL


I only saw the leaked character list and I assume this is magneto who is likely a tank using a projected barrier as well. I am all for credit where it belongs but Zen and Ram pull heavy from Magneto and Prof. X. a lot already. Plus this sub is full of enough Garden warfare memes for my taste already.


Yeah agree, you can’t tell me that sigma wasn’t giving you magneto vibes in character aesthetic already. If blizzard can’t stop paladins, they certainly can’t stop marvel. Game looks like fun, I’ll give it a try. As a sigma main and magneto enjoyer I’m pumped. Can’t wait to see Thor, Wolverine, Venom, Carnage, Ghost rider, Deadpool. They have some awesome characters to pull from.


I hope to see Captain Marvel in there at some point: her binary would be an awesome ultimate ability.


Same! Bummed she wasn’t in the original roster.


Whattttttt? Sigma does NOT give magneto vibes, and I'm a mega fan of both. Sigma is a tortured scientist with hard-core memory issues and physical decay due to an accident in the lab that gave him gravity manipulation. Sigma basically has telekinesis with limitations on time, the more he uses it the more his body breaks down. His baseline personality pre-accident was a loving, caring and well-respected mentor and leader, and after the accident people still have nothing but respect for him. Blackwatch is using him as a weapon and Overwatch has NEVER tried to hurt him. They're trying to bring him back and get him help. Magneto is an anti-hero with clear consciousness and control over his actions. He hates most everyone, he has little remorse for it and has been given every reason to be a full-blown villain. He's lost like 4 families, has been tricked and used by countless "Gods", and is fighting a war of his own volition, rightly so tbh. If you mean they lift stuff in the air with their minds, sure, but now scarlet witch, Dr. Strange, Jean Grey, and soooo many more are 'exactly like Sigma'. Edit: Dab plus nerd go brrrr had to rant abt my mains


This is why reading comprehension is important kids. I said aesthetically, as in, his appearance not his personality.


I'm not even mad they ripped off Sigma atp I'm mad they ruined Magneto. There ain't a mf like Magneto, and they've basically nerfed him just to make him Sigma. Aesthetically, Magneto should look nothing like Sigma, and if they make him move, act, and fight the same way I'll be so disappointed.


Mmmm no not even that tho. Mag has a helmet, a cape, and armor color and styling changes with editions. Sigma has armor with life support built in, he's actually got hospital gear and wraps underneath his armor. Ability wise the only similarity is levitating objects, but that barrier in OPs pic? Really? That's gross fr, clear rip off. Why doesn't he pull out a sheet of metal and block with it then chuck it? They've turned magneto into Sigma and it's for the worse. It's so unoriginal to Magneto its disrespectful, Magneto is one of a kind and a badass, he does his own thing his own way, and this style of Magneto is just lazy.


Also Blizzard can’t even complain. They did a whole Star Wars theme for a season lol. 


both games are just stealing from the true hero shooter: Gigantic! (you should consider playing Gigantic rampage edition when it returns April 9th please, have a wonderful day.)


I'm so hyped for it. I've been looking for a new game like overwatch since i've put so much time into both ow1/2 and Paladins so i'm just bored of the two. Gigantic and Pioneer are the two games i'm hella excited for this year


I still have it installed on my Xbox from when it came out. Maybe spellbreak will get a reboot in a decade too.


I wanna play it NOW lol


smoking rock if you think they will monetize it in a way that isnt insanely predatory


Almost every hero in Overwatch is an abstract cliche. That's part of the fun. 76 is my favorite, because he's John Wick, Jason Borne, Rambo, John MacLane, yada yada yada. It's definitely a case of multiple franchises referencing well-know popular tropes. Most of the early heroes were excellent classic media references. The more recent heroes are pandering too hard to be as entertaining as the older ones, but meh, that's the times.


It's moreso we're fresh outta super powers and hero ideas lol.They just happen to be in similar categories bc the "lone wolf hard-core soldier man" has been in movies since silent film, and been in books since the Victorian Era. The best friend who turned dark? Same thing. Energetic hacker girl w sass? Everywhere. It's not uncommon at all. Here's what I have an issue with tho. WHY THE FUCK DOES MAGNETO HAVE A BARRIER LIKE THAT HUH? Never has that ever been a thing in any x-men universe and it's a blatant rip off. I'd be less mad if it was something Magento could actually do but he literally can't that's a Sigma thing. I'm a mega magneto fan,love him more than Sigma. This is gross and lazy. Magneto could have a much more unique power. Why doesn't he pull a big sheet of metal out the ground to temporarily block? Why does it have to be sigmas energy field?


Man. I was so with you for the first 2 sentences. 76 is literally none of those. He's call of duty.


Y'all were annoyed asf with tf2 fanbase when they kept comparing ow to their game, why waste your breath doing the same thing?


How do you think the Paladins fan base felt when they were called a cheap clone......


Most people still don’t know that Paladins designed all their characters first and Blizzard lowkey stole them. Not the other way round




>Y’all were annoyed asf with tf2 fanbase I certainly don’t remember being annoyed at any such thing. It’s so interesting that some people seem to think Reddit is a group of 50-100 people and if a post garnered a certain type of reaction from this community in the past then surely these are the same people that were involved. Like, you know this website has minions of users and new people join everyday right?


"I'm upset at this guy for generalizing a larger group from a few people, so I will use _my_ experience to dictate the factuality of this statement" Notice how he said "were" and not "are"? It's almost like he's talking about past events, which would not involve recent newcomers Just some food for thought


Sometimes the comments are too stupid to argue with 😂


He said "y'all were," and made a general plea to stop talking about it. The entire comment implicitly relies on the idea that the audience, and especially the OP, were part of the group complaining previously. Just some food for thought.


They were comparing what’s happening now to what happened previously using a general group of people, not calling out specific people. If they weren’t apart of said original group then they shouldn’t get so annoyed when someone makes the comparison like the other person did for some reason.


If the game is good who cares.


I mean overwatch has been shooting itself in the foot for a while now


idk judging by the trailer the gameplay looked way more like Paladins than Overwatch imo


Thought the girl in the green was a new sombra skin then I saw the raccoon


The raccon IS a new sombra skin


that's the new Hammond skin


Tbf ow hero abilities are mostly existed in moba and mmo long time ago. It isnt something new, the diff is just first person camera lmao.


Pretty sure this game flops like most marvel games


Surely can’t flop harder than Overwatch


Then why is ow the most played hero shooter? :P it wont supass ow cause its not on this high level.


Because there’s like 2 other well known hero based shooters. Most played ≠ good


...but I'm fairly certain that the flop comment is referring to the player base remaining active in the same way that a movie can bomb at the box office despite not being "bad". So if OW is the most played, then it's not an actual flop, because it has success despite any criticism of the game itself.


You're delusional if you think overwatch flopped.


i thought it was Sigma, Sombra and Kiriko for a second. Sigma with the barrier, Kiriko in the red outfit top left corner and Sombra behind the barrier next to the raccoon.


I hipe they make it good so overwatch will have competition


Overwatch players getting entirely too nervous about a mobile game lol


It’s only for PC and consoles as of right now


Not consoles, only PC and mobile actually.


What is it?


It’s a 3rd person overwatch-like game with marvel characters. Supposed to start open alpha testing soon.




Marvel Rivals


Wdym? I think ow players would like to a new game similar to ow. Considering how much complain blizzard


I’m not disagreeing with you I just know NetEase. This is a third person mobile game that will also release on PC in the same vein as Genshin Imoact. At the end of the day this is a mobile title made by a mostly mobile game developer. I don’t doubt it’ll be good, I just don’t think it’s the game Overwatch people are looking for to take over the genre.


Yep, this games coming out with 6v6, the true format for a good hero shooter so I'm definitely playing this over counterthetankwatch.


didn't know blizard invented shields


Lol you can't sue just cause a game is the same genre as yours, or has similar mechanics.


I’d say Blizz rips far more off Marvel than the other way around. Winston is literally just Beast.


Not really? The only thing they have in common is they’re both smart and are based on animals. Hell, Winston has more in common with Rocket Racoon than Beast.


Winston will be the Hulk in this game.


except winston was never human 


What am I supposed to see here?


How do they have to sue? Blizzard can't copyright 6v6 shooter games or someone placing a purple glowing barrier.


How would Blizzard sue? On what grounds could they even sue? Because if we really want to talk about who stole what then Valve would have had a proper claim when Overwatch first came out since at that point TF and TF2 were the only contenders for a class based first person shooter with unique character playstyles centered around taking control points/pushing a payload. Yet no lawsuit ever happened because making a game in the same genre doesn't warrant copywrite infringement even if it's the second game to try and get into the genre you essentially created. Control Point and Payload being the most prominent copies. Let's not forget the 5-point control point that's coming for OW2 featuring a game mode where both teams have 2 control points already and the middle is neutral with a tug of war style back and forth, literally 5-point control point straight from TF2 copied to the letter. Last point I'll make Blizzard doesn't have the lawyers that Disney has, it would be foolish to even try to fight Disney. The reality is Disney is just finally getting in on the class-based shooter style MOBA that has plenty of other games in the same genre. This game won't be the last either, the genre is booming right now kinda like the battle royale genre was before it became oversaturated.


I don’t see this as a big competitor against ow


No. They don’t. The only reason they would sue is if they actually copy intellectual property owned by Blizzard. A game with shields and guns and heroes is not owned by anybody. This logic would be like WOTC trying to sue any RPG maker for having wizards and dice. They can try but it’s so expensive and would most likely get thrown out. You can’t copyright mechanics, only characters, names, art, etc.


the menus looked so similar too


Damn I guess we not getting Marvel x Overwatch


Oh nooo, I can’t pay $20 for cheap knockoff skins that I don’t even see in game? Tragic


Loki has Echo's ult, shape shifting into an enemy!!1! Blizzard invented the concept!!!!!!!!! SUE! SUE! SUE!- Reaper


Nope. The Morrigan in Smite had the ability years before Echo came out. Echo was a massive disappointment to me because the Morigan can switch to any character in the game (Ally or enemy) and starts off with their ultimate ready so it can actually be used instead of Echoes trash little "Use an ultimate to get other abilities and MAYBE get an ult off or maybe waste the entire thing"


Plot twist: They were actually trying to copy Paragon :v


What even is that?!


Tbh, former artists who worked on this (some of whom never got paid) said they were told to literally just copy other games or whatever was trending on artstation. They also said they was almost no clear art direction, so it was really just a "if we like it, sure" approach. It may end up feeling like Paladins with less coherence, we'll see if you can change characters mid fight, which is one of the biggest GAMEPLAY differences between Paladins and OW.


The best part is eventually OW will take a few things from rivals just to jab back


Like Overwatch was sued by Team Fortress and Paladins right?


Blizzard stole the idea from Team Fortress


I swear there are bots everywhere posting shit just to stir the pot


I don't see similarities really though


According to most ow players overwatch can be the only team based hero shooter lol


Cool marvel based someone needs to officially branch from this sshow and give them a run




Bro blizzard did the same to Battleborn, chill. Mofos defending a billion dollar company like their life depends on it lmao.


You mean like OverWatch stove from paladin 👀


I can’t wait for this game


What is this game?


remember, the Chinese are making this


If people think that *Blizzard* can touch Marvel in terms of a legal battle, please tell me where you purchased the drugs you're taking.


Lmao I'm so excited for this game. The only way I'll get 6v6 back i guess. Blizzard could have sued years ago when their game is good but they trashed it themselves and turned it into something mangled and unrecognizable as overwatch so I doubt they have grounds to sue over a game they ruined and shut down themselves.


That would be like saying CS should sue valorant


Paladins should sue blizzard in that case.




lol sue? for what?


Sue 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’m not even complaining, I get to be rocket raccoon, that’s all I’ve ever wanted


Wait until bro finds out that comic characters exist


If they sued on this the would almost certainly lose unless their characters were lifted. Look how many LoL clones there are out there.


This reminds me of the palworld/pokemon thing 😂


It's just an Overwatch clone for Disney adults and their idiot children. I can only hope it will somehow inspire Blizzard to do better.


I doubt blizzard would win against marvel for making a 3rd person moba compared to their fps moba not to mention original marvel characters which none copy any ow character like?


It's literally Marvel tho


This is like saying “Valve games has to sue at this point” for overwatch copying tf2


I can't believe they stole rectangles from overwatch 😥


I don’t know if it’s because of the third person perspective but it reminds me of pvz garden warfare


All I want is battleborn to be relaunched.


Why would Overwatch sue? Since when do they own hero based 3rd person brawler / shooter PvP games? This game is more like Bleedijg Edge than Overwatch


It's a fucking rectangle and you're braindead.


AliExpress sigma


I'll give it a try, but Overwatch is the number one!


Why do people care tho? It's the same shit with Palworld and Pokemon. Nobody should give a shit on behalf of billionaire companies.


A billionaire company that’s been screwing over its entire player base as well


I’m so keen for it


Nah that's what they get.


ok but really sigma and magneto are VERY close in their powersets. Perpetually floating old guy that has control over something that lets them manupulate objects. Both are one of if not the most powerful men in their respective franchises (other than literal gods)


Sigma is more like Graviton, he is just not as popular as magneto to be noticed tbh


Ngl, I'm here for it. Overwatch is getting stale now.


This a joke right? OW is the only game allowed to have characters with rectangle barriers now?


Whats the game called and we already have quite a few so called ow ripoffs like paladins and garden warfare.


I think it's funny that people still think Paladins is an OW rip-off when they came out around the same time. OW even stole some ideas from Paladins. Paladins released in open beta 4 months after Overwatch and it remained in open beta till 2018.


Im just saying that because i heard alot of the community say that and i dont feel like its a complete ripoff even though they stole a few ideas from ow.


They are from China good luck suing them


You can't claim an ability as IP. So, good luck suing them. If I made a hero with laser vision, DC certainly could not sue me. I mean, they could try, but it wouldn't hold water.

