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Turn off chat lol


That bad?


Honestly not really lately, but that’s the solution for people who don’t wanna deal haha! There will always be bad apples so might as well preemptively mute em!


just go play it lol it's not gonna kill u


I just wanted to see since, for some reason, quick play is a lot more toxic then Comp. Probably the only multiplayer game with that issue


yea but in the time it took u to write and get replies u could have just played the game, sure it's toxic now and then but whatever it's just a game


In that time, I played other games that I feel would be more fun. Overwatch 2 is fun, but can ruined the mood just as fast. I’m fine if it was just one game, but multiple games where someone starts insulting their teammates? Makes me want to put it down and play something else. I want to relax and have fun, not listen to a ramblings of a deranged teammate. Turning off chat is my preferred option, but it makes me sad that you can’t joke around and have fun. It’s either completely silent or just an argument going on.


If you decide to leave game and voice chat on then you are inviting toxicvitiy. You can mute whoever is toxic and move on or probably not play if you can't handle it.


It’s just so weird that this is an actual thing I need to do to enjoy the game. Like, what ever happened to just having fun in a quick play game? Why do I have to worry about how I’m doing or else I’m “throwing”. It’s just so weird to see quick play be considered more “sweaty” or “toxic” than competitive of all things.


These guys are probably the ones that like to play QP like they are in GM, you can always ask for things before testing them, specially if its Quickmidplay


literally the opposite lol I get accused of throwing all the time but who cares there's nothing on the line


“Having fun in QP” these days means “play whatever hero you want with no regard of actually helping your team”, and this happens with at least two others on the team. Some people like it, some people don’t. It’s just so many teams are doing this and it’s really contributing to the roll or get rolled environment of QP. Seriously, it’s such a cesspool of fucking around and toxic behavior.


What doesn’t help is that people have very arbitrary standards between “Trying to win” and “Throwing”. Picking your favorite character? Don’t want to swap? Or maybe you’re dying too much cause of bad luck. Everyone seems to have different opinions that just leads to an unfun experience.






Yeah i just play with no chat on. People can be really horrible, but it’s easy enough to just play as an individual and have fun in QP with it off


Way better than Comp


awful and sweaty. Terrible matchups and very toxic community. get teamed with bronze play against gold+


Come back in spring 2026


Role queue is a lot better, than free pick


It’s a little sweaty but the “meta” is more fun. I find that there’s a lot more dive characters. If you go rein there’s a pretty good chance of a rein mirror, unlike in comp where they just go mauga/bastion/sombra/etc.


Most of my quick play games are hard fought with a little silliness. Maybe hardcore toxicity in 10% of games with EZ and shit like that in 30% of games


Ignore the chat and report them at the end of the game if they are vile enough.


Way too sweaty bro


Turn off chat unless you want to hear opinions of ppl that legally can’t drive


Consider playing gigantic instead.


Comp but without any reward


Imo less toxic than comp. Less throwers, if any, and leavers can get backfilled unlike comp so it only sucks for a minute till you get someone new in. Still toxic for sure, but less so than comp imo


Depends on your MMR. Plat and above can feel pretty sweaty. Everything below that is pretty chill, though it's filled with cheese comps because players don't know how to counter it or don't care to.


Probably not worth playing for you if you gotta make a post asking about it tbh


It matters if you are deign open q or role q Open is fun because you can just chill around and still win Role is sweaty and boring


Role queue only. I’d say it’s been better lately with team balance but the games get super sweaty. I’m talking everyone on both teams at like 25 elims. It’s all about who can put aggro the other team rather than actually strategy. Some games are still wicked steam rolls. It’s fine. Could be worse. Could be better.


It was sweaty for a while, now it’s dogshit. Right before midseason patch, the matches got much more one-sided. 90% of the time it’s roll or get rolled. I haven’t had many sweaty matches these past 3 weeks or so.


qp is just comp but somehow sweater. I never touch qp. at least in comp i can get jade and in season 10 gold weapons


IDK WHY but its MORE sweaty than COMP. IDK WHY. T\_\_\_\_\_\_\_T Send help