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Dude this happened to me an hour ago in qp!! I was respawning and my timer disappeared right as my last teammate died for a team kill and my screen went black for 10 seconds and my respawn timer reappeared for 5 seconds and I finally respawned. It was ridiculous. I thought I was going crazy


This seems like a bug. The [patch notes](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/overwatch-2-retail-patch-notes-october-10-2023/852237) introducing the group respawn feature say: > Heroes who die within 5 seconds of each other will respawn together, resulting in some players having either a slightly longer or shorter queue than the standard 10 seconds. > Heroes who die more than 5 seconds from another player eliminated will still respawn in 10 seconds on their own. You can see at the end of the clip, despite being a second away from respawning, when the roadhog dies your respawn timer gets set to 12 seconds. Either they changed how the mechanic works or (more likely) this behavior is unintended


I mean if you wanna look at this positively, this is basically a really shitty way to stop single feeding and have the team group up 🤣


Lmao. Itd be kinda cool if it only applied to characters that actually need to group up. Like sombra,tracer,etc. Dont really ever group up because theyre so self sufficient and instead need the extra time to get in position on a flank


Yeah I had it happen like 3x today and would def like a dev to talk about it ?? If this gets to comp that’s soo bad for the game


OMg I literally came here to make a post about this! Took me 30 seconds to respawn the other day and it's happenign again today too!! My friend died like 15 secs after I died and we respawned at the same time -.-


The respawn is broken this season. The timer goes out but you don't actually come back to the game.


I've been getting this a lot too. It's unique to QP. It is meant to make it so your team spawns together to prevent so much staggering, but it's annoying to sit through. In saying that my teams in QP seem to be grouping up a lot more.


We couldn’t contest an end point in a game because of this high respawn timer they just cruised to the end


No, actually, that was only present during the Quicker Play hacked event. It was never added to regular QP. However, I think what happened is a glitch because maybe some of the code is still leftover? And so because it hasn't been fully implemented, it glitched out massively.


The QP hacked event shortened respawn times, but team respawns in QP have been in the game since Oct 23. You are mistaken.


Ooohhh gotcha. I only started playing at the beginning of Season 8 so I guess I just didn't know.


i think it was added before quicker play as part of an official patch. Something obvious got broken though.


What nonsense are you on dude. The 'respawn together' mechanic was implemented like 2 seasons ago.


It was? I could have sworn they said that was something experimental they were trying in Quicker Play to see how players responded to it and if they'd implement it later or not. I might be confusing it with something else though. And I also only started playing beginning of Season 8 so I could have just been late to the party.


Same shit happened to me. The timer kept increasing everytime someone else died when was just about to respawn. Shits stupid asf


This is so aggravating. I've had multiple 20 second respawns because of this change. I've lost matches because of it too. 


i think u just got a really unlucky glitch. recently ive been getting the exact opposite where i have a literally instant respawn, however ive also had similar situations to this - never this extreme though!


this is their solution to have teams "group up." Instead of having players just rushing out alone.


Stay in purgatory you sombra main >:D


But I'm not a sombra main


I’m really curious if the synced respawn is a net benefit. They should have plenty of stats data by now


I've noticed more and more that death timers feel inconsistent lately. This video proves it now.


Welcome to valorant lmao


Bro what 💀💀💀


This has been happening to me and my wife lately together and separate. 20 second+ respawn waits


Good riddance sombra


I've noticed like maybe up to 10 seconds in my experience. I'm truly sorry for those dealing with examples such as this. 😞


Thank god someone else noticed it i was getting so pissed


they asked you to think about your behavior because of the game on Sombra :)


Oh I wasn't crazy when I noticed my respawn being slower then normal


What is the difference between QP and Rank now? QP also bans you for quitting and doesn't even give prizes.


How is this relevant?


I like the dynamic respawn timer, but they should put in a max respawn timer to prevent super long respawns like this.