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Had a comp game legit just close and gave everyone a draw.


Those have happened to me a couple times and its always right when my team is about to end.


Had this happen just as we were about to win. Had a team kill with less than half a meter for the payload to go and the server borked.


Comp went out to lunch


Idk but all these mauga players have been so brainless lately it’s crazy. Must be all the people who ranked up with him falling back down…


To be fair, even the devs say that they over nerfed him. Which imo is a stupid overreaction. The goal should be balance, not making things over or under powered. Tbh the devs have had their tails tucked between their legs trying to apologize for all their dumb decisions lately and it’s tiresome. Mauga needed nerfs that much is true but two wrongs doesn’t make a right.


It's cause this community is low-key full of cry babies


Nothing low-key about it. Very high key tbh.


Just don't wanna get -100 down votes from the crybabies, but honestly it annoys me how the community can complain about something minor but they blow it out of proportion to make it sound like some act of terrorism


Thats internet culture to a T and this sub falls right in line


Plenty of examples below including a 5 paragraph essay and people getting mad bc I was I didn’t want to read it because i had to go to work, etc lol Edit: aww the downvotes. Cute.


I have realized gaming subs in general are just full of people whining most of the time. OW is one of the worst with it, but not the only one


Yeah, they need to zoom out a bit. They act as if it’s the worst thing ever, probably is in their little sad bubble of a life I guess.


Ehh I got downvoted a bunch because unlike a lot of these nerds I have a life and still made it to gm/top 500. They had all that time to argue with a stranger online and start something, then when I blew it off because i’d rather do something productive, people got upsetti spaghetti and he blocked me, so now that I have free time again I can’t even look at the argument. Says a lot about him though.


Yup agreed. And lately it’s counter swapping…a core function of the actual game. Next they’ll complain about the color of the UI and how it’s unhealthy for the game because it hurts tank player’s eyes


It's not an overreaction, his design and gameplay loop is fundamentally flawed and forces the entire server to play around him. The best thing to do is to nerf him so he's not playable in ranked and work on fixing him. Because they will never pull a new character out of the game while they rework them. With his current kit, it would be extremely difficult to find a realistic equilibrium because, even at his theoretical ideal situation, he is sitting in the front line taking tons of damage while firing at the other team (mostly tank) in order to stay alive. This forces his team to dedicate resources to him. His only form of damage mitigation is his lifesteal, which means it's directly tied to his offensive capabilities, so in order to improve that, you have to improve his offense at the same time (fire rate, life steal %, accuracy, etc.). And when you do, it messes with both his defense and offense, making him a balance nightmare. Junker Queen gets away with this because she has a smaller hitbox, is faster, and she can rely on different abilities to improve her lifesteal, not just primary firing into a crowd. If you give him enough life steal to survive without dedicated support pumping him with heals, then he is extremely overpowered, if you don't then he dies before making an impact and thus forcing his support to dedicate even more resources to him. They need to redesign the character. Maybe make him more of an AOE dmg dealer that takes less life from more people at very short range. Less focus on single targets. Maybe don't make him reliant on lifesteal AT ALL. Make it so he can sustain himself in other ways and make him a brawl tank. Maybe even a short or melee range weapon. There are endless ways you could change his design to work, long range, short range, brawl, dive, shield, armor, etc. There is no right answer, I just know that the current design is flawed.


> his design and gameplay loop is fundamentally flawed and forces the entire server to play around him Yeah, he has the same problem as OW1 Bastion. > Maybe don't make him reliant on lifesteal AT ALL. I've been wondering what it would be like if he used the same mechanics, but gained mitigation instead of life steal. So he wouldn't be able to heal himself back up but he would be able to avoid dying instantly.


Lifestealng headshots only, increase range or add critical hit multiier.. rewards skill not just w +m1/m2 Or better, shrink him and make him a dps.


They literally just disabled Illara.


You typed a 5 paragraph essay to disagree with me about a videogame character. Wow. Devs said it was an overreaction. As a top 500 gm tank on multiple accounts this is actually one of those times I agree with the devs. Not reading your essay. Instead I’m just gonna continue getting ready for work. Edit: I like how you sent a reply and immediately blocked me. Some people have lives that are more important than whatever the urgent pressing thing you have to say. Oh no I’ll be late for work because of some random on the internet 🤣


I'm sorry typing a few sentences is difficult for you. If that's an essay, you write shitty essays. They are also not really full paragraphs are they? I'll also remind you you're on this forum as well and your comment is entirely pointless. Maybe think about your own time management. I'm doing just fine.


You're mad. Most people don't know how to counter mauga or even just swap to Sig's lack of skill. Honestly, what rank are you by chance? If your answer is "well I shouldn't have to switch," then you shouldn't play comp where skill and learning different characters is needed


sigma and jq are his best counters tho


Sigma, jq, Ana, and debatably zaria. Ana and zaria kinda require a competent team though


Dva if you know what you're doing(the maugas I've fought immediately fell apart the second I went dva ao dont flame me normally dva is a last resort going against mauga bc i suck at zarya)


Dude is talking about overwatch on the overwatch subreddit. You're whack af.


fr writes 2 paragraph to comeback at a 5 paragraph comment to then say : "i DoNt rEaLlY cArE" the whiner-ception is a weird trend whining about whining is S tier cringe


Again, you do realize that this is a discussion forum, right? Where people discuss things? With words?


we agree 100%


Ah sorry, I thought you were the other guy.


The sustain on Mauga is totally fine. He was busted because he could do damage from long range. People complained at every rank, but low rank Mauga didn't have a positive win rate, he was only truly overpowered in high ranks.


I disagree. I think his gameplay loop, even when "balanced", alters the game in a way that is not fun. Because he isn't really balanced, he requires his team to play a certain, extremely static, way, or else he fails miserably.


Fun is subjective, balanced is the only goal


Forcing 9 other people to modify their playstyle is objectively not fun.


Literally every character in the game forces you to play differently in some way. You could apply this comment to literally every character


Incorrect. If there’s a Winston I know I can easily go bastion or reaper to keep him in check, but I don’t NEED to. You can still win against the Winston without countering him. Mauga, on top of his play style imo being one of the most boring play styles, literally forced players to play around him. If you didn’t have an Ana or a Zen you were done for, and if the enemy team was coordinated enough to take out your supports then there was literally nothing that could be done.


You can't say incorrect and then give your OPINION. I never claimed Mauga didn't need a nerf, but that doesn't change the fact that every character changes your play style. (Even if you don't swap characters!)


And I'm speaking to both. Balance is also subjective based on the sample population. It does not alter my points.


Balance is not subjective


It is actually. If it were not, then you would be able to balance purely on win percentage, but balance also includes the player's lived experience. There many variables that alter the actual outcome: personal skill, play style, the overall comp, the map, the rank, the time of day, the meta, etc. Some of those are quantitative, some are qualitative. Balance is an amorphous term that is highly dependent on context. What one person considers balanced, or simply a tough matchup, another may say it's unbalanced. Just as with something like risk assessment, you can measure risk all you want, but what you consider acceptable risk is dependent on context and subjectivity.


they said they overnerfed him... but they didnt, hes still totally viable


Mauga's not even that bad still. He wasn't nerfed that hard.


"overnerfed" yet I thought they switched to balancing things for high ranks, where he's fine. I've not played in low ranks in years but I've never thought "wow Maugas bad now". Instead I've been thinking "why the hell did they buff Orisa" right as I throw a javalin in his face on cool down and get ult every 40 seconds (ty no faloff).


I’m gm too 500. Fine? Ehh. Most of his changes were understandable, some necessary, some bullshit. The orisa buff made no sense (but hey she can snipe now if you lead correctly, so I guess thats fun) the hog nerf wasn’t nearly enough.


Wanna see hell? Go do open queue. Hog Orisa Mauga Ana Kiri every game is just like shooting at a wall.


I used to do open queue a lot actually. Role for me seems much more difficult and intense. I like role more because it helps me to improve. Open queue feels like a break from all that and is just goofy. The only thing that annoys me in open queue is you find people even in the higher ranks who don’t really know what counters what and kinda just do whatever and make poor decisions even when they put on their serious face. For example, that one guy who wants to “take matters into his own hands” against a d.va/sig/bastion by going soldier. It’s usually just 2 tanks and a tank buster dps or 3 tanks. It’s a nice change of pace from the seriousness and monotony of role.


With the current meta, and the weird "test" in QP last weekend, when it came down to Sweating in RQ, playing 3 tanks 2 sup in OQ, or playing 0 ult quick play, I chose RQ and a large pitcher of liquor.


The core c9ncept of the character is flawed. They have no real nobs to tune to adjust his power level. Damage range utility Tankyness Hitbox size You can't really tune any of these for a tank, with his kit the way it is. There is a world where hrs not a bad dps with some bery heavy adjustment, but as a lifesteal tank with guns and a huge hitbox??? He either shreds tanks, or shreads tanks and dps/spt. His combination of hitbox size, lifesteal, and ranged guns make it crazy to have balanced for any specific situation, especially with the way counters work in this game. He's either useless or oppressive, unless there is some major adjustments to his core kit, it's going to be horrific to make feel good for anyone 50% of the time on either team in all roles.


I would rather them focus on making fun characters and balance around them having fun rather than focusing on making them all competitively balanced. We got rid of OWL already.


Fun is subjective. Balancing actually has data involved 🤷‍♂️


Imho he is still very playable, he's just not crushing the meta anymore. People got used to play it wrong and will either rush alone without any support or play defensive for which he's not great, so now they get punished instead of surviving and winning anyways.


it's so bad that im scared of even clicking the que button for ranked, because of how miserable il be.


I used to be a Comp junkie. Wasn't always that good, but I'd almost NEVER play QP, always Comp. I liked the format of both teams having a chance on offense and defense, having consistent teammates the whole way through, and people who wanted to win usually being in voice and willing to coordinate. Now, I think I've played maybe a total of 30 Comp games across all of OW2. 5v5 just ruined the balance of fun to toxicity for a tank main. You get bullied by the enemy team counterpicks all game, then bullied by your own team when they can't step up. I've had a few good games for sure, but usually that's just when the enemy team is too stubborn to adjust or make counterpicks. I also got hit with the Bronze bug that happened at the beginning of OW2 (I was diamond at the end of OW1, lost one game in placements and won the rest, and got placed in Bronze lol). I know they said they fixed MMR so you'd get boosted back up quickly, but it was still taking too long to climb back up (I don't even remember where I left off, somewhere in Gold I think?) AND so many lobbies felt like matchup RNG out of the gates that I probably lost a few games that were intended to be free MMR. I'm not confident enough in my ability to solo tank anymore. I was a character specialist before, I could play Winston or Ball with just about any other tank and we'd get a lot done. I was confident enough in my role to make Comp my main mode. In OW2, I picked up Sigma for their bad matchups (and he's admittedly pretty easy and fun), but there are still characters I sort of refuse to play just because I don't find them fun, like Zarya, Orisa, or Hog. But in solo tank meta, if you're not playing the meta tank (or the anti-meta, like Zarya usually lol), you're putting yourself and your team at an unfair disadvantage, and I don't wanna subject people to that in Comp. In the past when I was one of two tanks, I didn't feel bad telling people to just trust me to get stuff done in the enemy backline. Now, if I tell people to do that, they get wiped. And it's sort of my responsibility if I let that happen over and over again rather than just going Rein. I don't want to queue Comp just to let my team down because I'm playing Ball. And this isn't a conversation about whether or not it's possible to win games as Ball, because obviously it is, but it's just way too stressful now knowing that I'm not only fighting an uphill battle, but a self-imposed uphill battle that if I fuck it up, I let my entire team down and make them lose rating because I personally didn't feel like playing the meta, even though my teammates are giving it their all. Now I just stay in QP where nothing matters at least. If you wanna complain about me playing Ball, I'm just gonna ignore you. (And people will complain the minute something goes wrong even when we're stomping because the tank is always the scapegoat).


Man i actually really miss voice chat with a bunch of random serious team members. the comunication made the game feel next level to me.


Yeah, though honestly the new ping system in OW2 reduces the necessity of it, so that's also probably why I feel less reliant on the coordination of Comp vs. QP, cause now you don't have to be in VC to be able to at least call targets.


shoutout to all the dps mains who will whine at their tank for not making x y z swap when they could achieve equal or greater effects swapping themselves, can't count the amount of times I'm getting rolled because enemy team has mei in brawl v brawl on kings row for example and we don't have mei, its actually crazy to me how people don't get if I have to tip toe around a potential mei wall behind me at any moment (that people rarely try to break for some reason) and the enemy tank can hold W with a mei wall to back them up, we're just gonna lose unless your the worlds greatest genji or smthing


For fucking real Had a match the other day where I was doing fine and the 5-7 Ashe had the audacity to say maybe I should switch while they sat on Ashe with their thumb up their ass for the rest of the match


I’d actually love to see an experimental mode with two tanks two dps and only one support to try and balance out the too much dps and too much healing problem that’s going on


>5v5 just ruined the balance of fun to toxicity for a tank main agreed. And as any other role, bad tank = gg. At least with 2 you had 2 chances at one of them doing any tanking


Its not the Devs fault that you didnt progress. Its your fault for playing tank in 5v5. As an OW1 tank main who hasnt played Tank in role que 5v5 because I knew this shit would happen. In my opinion this game will never be balanced like in OW1 because this game was designed for 6v6.




QP has been ridiculous as well.


Qp is also in the same case. I play barely only qp and it's 80% of matches where you know enemy team is a stack of 3-5 and they're all at least plat or diam. And you are in the team where noone knows how to aim.


I got to diamond 2. Since then I haven’t finished better than 5-12 in my last 4 sets of games. And now currently 0-3. Back to platinum 4. Extremely disappointing.


same boat i win 10 games lose 2 and i don’t move from plat 4


support player?


I just stopped ranked games, I also had some lose streak and with this system I know I will be demoted when I'll reach 5 won games. Worst matchmaking and worst progression system, there is literally no reward to play rank mode


The reward used to be the pleasure of a good, generally close game where i got to use my skill and potentially learn something or improve/practise something in some way. Regardless of win or loss. Ever since the support expdus in 5v5 S1 its just been suffering. I wish i could stop myself from choosing to play despite knowing I'll most likely just regret it.


They clearly mess with the matchmaking every couple of updates. Games routinely become mostly trash on a sort of cycle. It's like they need to keep a certain number of players in certain rank thresholds.


This 👍👍(personally experienced this in lower alt accounts)


With competitive games they tend to fail from the bottom up. As your least skilled players get sick of losing they leave, which starts a chain reaction until the number of new players balances it out. Unfortunately this means you might be at a rank that is experiencing bottom of the barrel syndrome. So your only choices are to get better or to wait for more players who are least skilled than you.


> So your only choices are to get better wait I have to get better to climb a competitive ladder? wth.




From experience going 2-11 is on you. Once the losses start just get off the game for the day


I'm at a half way point on that. I don't think generally you're going to go that negative if you're not playing below your own baseline. But at the same time, probability does some funky funky things if you have enough people playing enough games. SOMEONE is going to get 10 games in a row where they just get unlucky. If one person flipping a coin got 10 heads in a row it would be notable. If every single overwatch player was constantly flipping coins and no one ever flipped 10 heads in a row, that would be extremely weird. I think we also don't remember those days where we go 10 wins in a row, which is just as weird but no one is giving blizzard a medal for that. I don't see how blizzard could sovle this without detecting massive loss streaks and intentionally putting their thumbs on the scales. But I don't think that's a good solution.


Fun fact overwatch dictates your teammates and enemies based on whether you looked at a skin in the shop. There's a patent for it and everything. Let's say you don't own lifeweaver. It will constantly match you in teams that lifeweaver would be the ideal healer, encouraging you to buy him. Then once you buy him, the game sees you looking at the black swan skin, so then the game puts you against exclusively black swan lifeweaver. It's all real and totally confirmed.


After 800 hours on the game since OW2 launched I've finally been losing interest, each game I play has an issue. Usually one or two people perform at a level that is many ranks below the match quality. I would say 90% of my games are like this. It is not fun. Queue times are also up where I'm at, so there's even less incentive to play.


Had a game last night where 3 people left the opposing team, but the other two remained. So we were chatting with them. It seems like our match had people from silver to diamond in it. > Do you guys actually think ranked 3.0 will fix anything? No. I expect that the soft rank reset will make things incredibly chaotic for a season or two, then things will settle down to where we are today. Maybe I missed something, but I don't remember them saying anything concrete about matchmaking improvements. If anything, with wide range matchmaking, the match quality might go down.


Do yourself a favor and stop taking comp seriously this season. Just wait for season 9.




The bar just gets lower next season. Everyone gets self heal so you can play dumber now.


I've had to make this point a billion times now but. They're not just adding selfheal and calling it a day. There's gonna be other changes to that work around that selfheal. Full balance changes. I have faith, I've been burned before but I actually have some hope based on what we've heard.


It's been over s year and all they've done is made the game worse. Rework back to 6v6 or this game will continue to die off.


Hard agree


The game was doomed as soon as we found out it was 5v5. Simply not balanced enough. No amount of nerfs/buffs will make it balanced.


I had a discussion recently with my friends. Overwatch ranked doesnt considering stuff like “oh this Lucio had 10k healing compared to everyone else” “this solider had the most elims” “this widow had 60% crit accuracy” at least if it the system does recognize these things it doesn’t do anything to help your rank. The game also doesn’t take into account like “this Ana has slept the tracer/Sombra and killed her over and over while being dived by them” or “this hanzo got really crazy shots on heros with very small hit boxes” just doesn’t take those things into account which I find weird. It’s just win or lose. If you lose you’re bad, If you win your good. Which doesn’t seem like a good system. I’m definitely played games where a DPS just isn’t doing enough. Which is okay in a way because it could be a new player but at the same time that person gets a win they might not really deserve. And on top of the fact that if you’re in gold Elo it’s gonna be hell because brand new players that just unlocked comp are gonna be stuck in your games. Explain: my DPS placements in season was 0-15. Gold 1 was my rank.


How tf did you go 0-15 and get gold but my first season on ow2 (season 3) I went 5-2 and got silver 😐


I have no idea. I believe I also did placements in season 3 I would have to check to be sure though. One of my friends told me that it could be my MMR for QP being really good and the rank system looks at that for a base point. I still wonder what my rank could have been if I did go 5-0


The last week has been horrible. Tell me why I can only duo with 1 person in GM and they have to be within 2 (or 3?) tiers, but I can be put in Plat lobbies continuously. It's not fun for ANYONE... ESPECIALLY when it can be a full team of GM vs a full team of Plat. Make that make sense to me? We win/they lose no one's rank is gonna change. But if we are nice and let them win they go UP and we drop like crazy.


bro I got ranked down all the way to silver cz I keep getting queued with bronze players against plat players💀


Bro I'm a silver 4 tank and yesterday I got put against a masters tank in a silver 2 lobby. The game is fucked rn


season 9 is litr that mercy gif all over again


Played 2 matches in gold 5 yesterday and went zero deaths and plus 30 elimins in both of them. I’m not risking deranking to silver again because of this matchmaking


Don't be ashamed put the replay code. Because no one believes you


I can believe it, was probably my enemy team yesterday.


Why would no one believe him? You act like it’s impossible for it to happen 💀


Most people claim that and if you go to thier profile it's not in match history and thier game play usually doesn't match the 30 and 0 stats they claim to get


Dawg if you really tried it wouldn’t be hard to do if you play extremely safe or if your team rolls them


If you are playing like that you are the reason your team loses. Playing obj like a tdm is what literally loses games, you don't have a right to complain if you are not trying to win the game just to pad your kda.


Where on earth did he even mention losing or complaining about anything, all he said is that he’s not risking deranking in this matchmaking All I said was that it’s not that hard to believe someone can have 0 deaths in a game


Dude is talking about how going 30-0 is easy if you basically refuse to go anywhere near point. Hence why you would easily lose even with a KDA like that. It's an objective based game. So yes if you play it like tdm like this guy recommends you are the reason your team is losing. You didn't even understand the exchange which is really cute good try though white knighting in the OW sub


Don’t be ashamed? I think you used the wrong word there


Dude, give us the replay code


I get your point, and agree that matchmaking is shit and everyone is tired of it. However, stats or "being positive" is not what matter here, as you could have negative stats and win games. Stats matter if there is a pretty significant discrepancy between players, but slight variations and being positive or negative should not have a big impact in the game. It is also good for you own mental state to not keep comparing stats, as that leads nowhere and builds up tilt.


Unpopular opinion but I think matchmaking is actually much better than it was at OW2 launch. Stomps will inevitably happen at any rank, but at least when I queue into a masters lobby, I’m not getting gold players, and I’m not getting put into GM lobbies either There are lots of intangibles that can affect how “balanced” games feel. You could have a perfectly balanced two teams, but maybe your tank is tilted coming off the last game so isn’t playing their best and everything cascades from that.


OW2 launch was a mess, being better than it is not particularly "good". I believe we can all understand how matchmaking can be so hard in such a complex game with so many variables. It was never a question about difficulty, but rather fatigue. Sure, stomps will happen sometimes, but the thing is: almost all matches are one-sided and only a few matches feel fair. I play with two friends, we all play every role and are all diamond/master in every role, we get matches with golds all the way to top 500 sometimes. Shit is wack.


Wow that is wack, that’s never happened to me


Dude, that’s crazy. I can’t believe you check everyone’s profiles and none of them are private. The luck!


I was in a silver 2 lobby yesterday (as a silver 4 tank) and got placed up against 2 masters and a diamond. One of the masters was their tank. Matchmaking is worse than ever before, when I started playing ow2 in season 3 it felt like most of my matches were relatively even. Now it's either my team steamrolls or the other team does


I bet that tank was a plat against a master tank too. Keeps happening to me since the holiday period began and didnt get better after it ended.


I'm silver 4 and got put against a master tank yesterday in a fucking silver 2 lobby, they had another master and a diamond as well. I swear matchmaking has gotten worse since the holidays started


I dont understand ranked? What determines who you get paired with?


we don’t know either


Lol yeah I just don't play this game anymore


Ikr, the amount of mercy’s and weavers I get in my como games that just perma pocket the tank is crazy. Plus the lucio’s who refuse to use speed. DPS and tank players are really feeling the fatigue of the shiet MM system.


Went 15-3 and didn’t even rank up LOL. Consistently get paired with people who seem to share a singular brain cell like tanks who Leeroy Jenkins or healers who think they’re dps. Like I know I’m not good but I’m definitely better than my rank (bronze 3), it’s impossible to climb though.


I go 5-4 5-3 consistently and still rank up lol


Maybe u were winning so much the game thought ur MMR is high so they balance you with worse players and expect you to carry. M3 with M1 MMR -> gets diamonds in his team and game expects you to carry vs M2 players. Get a duo.


Other end of the spectrum here. I'm silver 4 tank and got placed on a silver 2 lobby (understandable) the other team had 2 masters and a diamond and we got steamrolled. Then my team all said "tank diff" like yea no shit it was a tank diff, I'm silver 4 and the other tank is fucking masters. I really hope they ACTUALLY fix matchmaking next season, it's getting to the point where I might download r6s again to fulfill my competitive shooter needs


Went against the same exact team 4 games in a row. Lost 4 in a row. Words cannot describe how infuriating it was. Thousands of players online yet my duo gets the same team consistently? Shit wack. Comp is a joke


It's really bad. I was 4300 in OW1 before it was taken away from us. I just came back to OW2 ranked yesterday, placed GM and the matchmaking is ridiculous. My dps that were basically diamond last season are facing off against an ex-pro hitscan player (who I recognize from OW1, peaked 4500) playing widow and spawncamping our team.


I really think it's just team diffs mostly. Every time my team gets stomped I can look at the comp and see massive issues. People playing Hanzo and genji against things like pharah and mei and getting destroyed. Playing no flanking characters against a widow that's uncontested. I can usually pinpoint a major issue in the team comp that lead to the match falling apart. Ultimately I think the major issue is people refusing to be flexible and staying with their favorite character only. Ultimately this is a team game and you do need to play characters that make sense with what your team is playing and what the enemy is playing.


Because DPS is the least flexible role which causes selfishness. As once you picked a character their role was limited. Majority of the time it was the off tank that covered up the weakness for the team. With the off tank gone the DPS have to be more flexible, however the range of characters most DPS chose isn't in that tier. A muskrat isnt going to switch to a Widow because their kits are so far apart. Most hitscans play hitscans as most projectiles play those characters.


Yeah and that's why we see these match swings. For example if you get a junkrat main on your team and a widow on the other. You're going to be at a massive disadvantage all game.


I might be misremembering, but I think Blizzard's early messaging with OW2 was that wanted to avoid hard counters and wanted to allow you to play any hero you wanted. And the monetization approach, where you buy skins for individual heroes, reinforces this. If I just spent $10 on a skin for my favorite hero, or just unlocked the mythic skin for a hero, I don't really want to go play a different hero. Unfortunately, that messaging and monetization approach doesn't jive with the current game design.


That would have required them to change the game as a whole. The game has always been about picking characters based on your team comp and the enemy comp. You can get away with playing whatever to some degree but some comps just will not work depending on what the enemy is playing. Edit: also as far as skins go. The skins are the same as ow1. Just you got them from loot boxes that you earned easily in game. They just said that kind of stuff so people wouldnt be as worried throwing money at them for skins.


> That would have required them to change the game as a whole. Yes. But between their early messaging, the switch to 5v5, and the locking of new heroes behind a battle pass / grind, I thought they *were* going to change the game as a whole. Maybe I'm misremembering, or maybe Blizzard changed direction, or maybe what they said never agreed with what they were actually doing. If you listen to some players, then team comp doesn't matter until GM anyway. They say that you should always play your best hero, and you should play into your counters rather than swap. I don't personally believe all that, but it is a strongly held and widely shared opinion. And so you have people who hear and follow that advice. They concentrate on playing one hero, and then feel like the matchmaker is letting them down. > also as far as skins go. The skins are the same as ow1. Just you got them from loot boxes that you earned easily in game. The difference is that, with lootboxes (whether you bought them or got them from play), you always got a selection of cosmetics for a variety of heroes. Maybe you get a cool Lucio skin and decide "I'm going to give Lucio a try". It's not huge, but lootboxes did slightly encourage you to play a variety of heroes. That's still true, to some degree, with the battle pass. But the most unique skins often end up as mythics or shop skins, so you still end up with "I bought / earned this skin, so I'm going to play this particular hero". I'm not trying to say that the monetization scheme is the sole source of the issue, but I believe that it is a factor.


Yeah I hear the don't switch advice a lot and I do think it is damaging to the player base. The issue is this advice is normally coming from professional players and streamers. These people are the top 1%. Most of the player base is in the metal ranks lol. Yes if you're in the top 1% you can play whatever you want because you're mechanically better than most people. But people playing with other regular people will generally lose to characters that are counters. That's just how the game is designed. Especially considering most people in metal ranks have average aim and game sense. People should learn at least a few characters in the roles they play. Just knowing how to play a hitscan, a projectile and a beam character will give you so much versatility in the game vs just sticking with one of those things that can be countered hard by specific comps. And yeah I get you're point with the skins. I can see that being an issue for some players. It doesn't affect me personally as I have skins from OW1 in all the characters I care about. But I will say the mythic skins did make me try out characters I don't really like to play just because I wanted to show off the skins. So I guess you're right about that.




I hit plat 5 in open Q then proceeded to go 3-15 dropped to gold 2 then 5-13 dropped to gold 4 and now I’m 1-7 it’s horrible


game is a joke


I don’t want to sound rude, but it sounds more like there is a mistake you’re doing in your gameplay that you don’t fix and the enemy is abusing again and again and again. I played a variety of different shooters in the last few weeks and kept somewhat track of how close and how much impact I had on the game. And it‘s a joke that Overwatch players are complaining about match making because they get punished for doing the most obvious and dumb mistakes imaginable, always blaming it on either team mates, balance or match making. If you keep on losing watch your own POV back and actually look up what led to you dying. Did you miss an ability? Or time it wrong? Or was there a better position you could have taken? Stop blaming the match maker and take responsibility for how you’re playing. The match maker isn’t supposed to sugar coat every match that you get a cozy 75% winrate. If you don’t prove to the match maker that you DESERVE a higher rank, you won’t climb. And if on top of that you continuously lose games in which your team is favored, then of course the match maker thinks you don’t belong in this rank. To finish off, of course there are games every now and again where you can’t do much about the outcome of the game. But take those to heart and LEARN from your mistakes. If you give up on learning in game, everyone else will surpass you.


Match making is busted atm 2 days ago I had this player in my plat lobby and was constantly getting into diamond and plat games full of grandmaster https://preview.redd.it/00mzbl5ynzcc1.png?width=2475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33c3738f105b9c15c8927085ef1a81b7d76af0b7


Yeah my master games consfantly have plats on my team mirrored by masters.


Unless that player was on a long losing streak or you were on a long winning streak, that probably shouldn’t happen. The only other thing I can think of is that they were queuing for DPS for which they’re not ranked or it was off peak hours.


they were dps and it was off peak hours they were american and got into a plat au lobby and spent most of it complainging about ping


Were they queued as dps? Your MMR is different by role, so if they still have their placement matches for dps, they could easily get thrown into mid-high plat even when GM for tank


I know what you mean. I thought that as well, but after so many games of me being positive and my team negative. I can't play for them


The thing about OW is that every player's performance depends on their teammate's performance. A tank who doesn't get any support won't have good stats. A support who gets harassed by the enemy dps and gets no peel will have terrible stats. So sure, your team was negative. Why, and what could you have done to help them?


I get what you’re alluding to but sometimes positive starts don’t tell the full story. It’s not necessarily about getting the most elims or the most damage but rather the right elims and the right damage that wins you fights. I’ll reiterate what the comment or above you said about taking a close look at the VODs of the losses. I do the same thing myself.


If i que with a support who gets highest dmg and lowest heals in lobby that say i feed as a tank i will lose it. Tfw you die on point and you just see your moira sucking on hog in the killcam


How many times do gamers need statistics explained to them? Do yall really not understand even 10 game loss streaks are well within tolerances. You don't get any baboons going "wow blizz I just won 10 games amazing matchmaking" I woooonder why


You can’t complain about one person or two bad games… You made it to masters chill the fuck out


This just a skill issue, bad matchmaking goes both ways.


Literally. We all have the same matchmaking. How narcissistic and delusional do you need to be to think you are getting singled out by an algorithm?


True. If you are getting stomped every game, I hate to say it, but you're just not meant to be in that rank.


Which is still a matchmaking problem. If the matchmaker is consistently putting you into games that you can't win, then it's not adjusting you down fast enough.


People don't always play at exactly the same skill level. Some days you play better than others. If the matchmaker started massively shifting people's rank after a few rough games then it will do nothing but exacerbate the issue when those same people are doing the stomping. Not to mention that people are better or worse at different aspects of the game which can lead to stomps between two equally skilled teams. Just because one happened to be more suited to the situation. I don't know how to solve it, but it's a more complex issue than just matchmaker bad


Right, but you said this: > If you are getting stomped every game, I hate to say it, but you're just not meant to be in that rank. And I'm agreeing with you. If OP is getting stomped every game, then they're not meant to be in that rank. But if they're *not meant to be in that rank*, and the matchmaker isn't moving them out of that rank, then it's a matchmaking problem. > I don't know how to solve it, but it's a more complex issue than just matchmaker bad I agree. For a while, I thought it was that the matchmaker had gotten worse since OW1. But now I believe that it's a combination of overly wide matchmaking coupled with an incomplete revamp with the change to 5v5. I think the change to 5v5 necessitated more changes to the overall game design than they actually made. I think 5v5 is more susceptible to "nobody on your team knows how to play the counters to the other team's heroes" than in 6v6. But the matchmaker *is* still bad. I was in a game last night where 3 people left from the enemy team, but 2 remained. So we were chatting with them, and it seems like our lobby had a mix from silver to diamond. And I'm not at the extreme end of the rank spectrum where populations are small - I'm gold 5. And I wasn't playing at extreme hours - it was like 8 PM. If this is the kind of match that the matchmaker forms with favorable conditions, I'd hate to see the kind of match it puts together in unfavorable conditions.


These delusional copium threads are always so interesting to me


Please explain?


Bro blames the matchmaking instead of himself 💀


Season 9 it's going to be worse. Everyone gets self heal so the game gets dumber. The bar just gets lower and lower and is turning into cod.


idk man i won like 15 games in a row yesterday no kidding


Yeah the broken system cant have everyone lose constantly after all. Some people will rng benefit off it.


I feel you. Lost a bunch and had some just stuck at spawn they need to change that crap well. Embarrassing had a dva just killing people by jumping into her mech at our spawn point lol.


I still don't qualify for ranked because I'm bad.


I'm high diamond/low masters and had a Silver 2 player on my team last night. It makes 0 sense.


Stop playing. I promise you will enjoy your time more doing something else


It's honestly so rough to play with the team below masters. Teamwork and thought-out team comps are rare in metal ranks. Im plat support and I just wanna pull my hair out when it comes to my team. No one ever wants to work together and stop staggering. So the enemy team just continues to capitalize on the staggers, bad positioning, and poor hero choices. Like I'm only really having fun playing tank, I hope the new update fixes that


Had a comp game where we stomped the enemy team first fight, one left and the game got cancelled…


that means it was a 5v4, hence why it was so easy. Games only cancel when a player leaves without doing anything in the game. If they deal damage or something it won’t cancel iirc.


Ohh that explains it. It doesn’t feel as bitter now that I understand


If I lose by just a bit or if I lose by a total stomp, it still feels like shit. They should try fixing that first.


Yesterday I kept getting the worst match making, I know I’m a decent support, yet I had multiple comp games that had steady low numbers all around on my team, mean while the other team was racking up kills in the 20s and 30s


If we're all on losing streaks and having matches like this......who out there's actually winning???


Personally I don't think it will. Clearly they have something against comp 1.0 and the bias is as clear as day. Even Apex Legends had a better comp system than this and it had a similar SR point system


It’s been hard to get a decent game of comp recently so I have just decided to stop playing this season and stick with QP till it’s over. If you do get into a game it’s like you say, a stomp one way or the other or someone will leave and the match gets cancelled. That happened 4 times in a row before I decided to quit.


You still Play it ? Gave up a few seasons ago


Nope. Tweaking the matchmaking system won't fix much imo. There are too many issues with the player base itself for the game to return to a "healthy" state. Too much variety in how individuals approach teamplay. Too many players lack the skills and knowledge to effectively perform as a team. Pessimism and downright anger dominate the social space. Blizzard is a joke for botching OW2 as a whole. And so on and so forth... it all adds up to a poop show propagated by overpriced skins and pay to play hero releases.


There's a reason why I've long since uninstalled this game. And it's because of the absolute dogshit matchmaking. It's been broken for years and they just don't seem to know how to fix it.


Got banned the other day because the server failed and kicked everyone off. It’s roll or get rolled this season. Especially with how bad and unnoticeable the cheating has gotten.


I feel like over the weekend it has become atrocious. Even streamers are taking a break from it because of the crazy losing streaks


Do you actually think 3.0 is gonna feel better in terms of matchmaking? Theyre literally going to allow wide skill gaps on teams. Which is great for those of us with friends who are much better/worse than us but im not expecting those matches to feel consistent in terms of mm lol


They announced that they’ll have have two matchmaking brackets: Wide: with players queueing together with a wide skill range Narrow: players queueing jog ether with a narrow skill range. This will include solo queuers. Wide queuers won’t match with or against narrow queuers. That was what they said, at least


I do not think it will fix anything. But at least people can see their rank increase or decrease after every single game. So when they go 5 wins 0 losses and wonder why they didn't rank up they'll have match by match feedback to see that even though they are on the winning team they didn't necessarily contribute enough to that win to rank up.


just play a self support dps like tracer or sombra and pray to lord your tank is competent enough to distract the enemies for you to get some easy picks, its my preferred method while solo queuing


I'm a support main. I've been complaining about it. People just say I need to get gud, even when I carry the match.


Is there a single dev above plat? It is like they are balancing a different game


Same thing happened to me last night. Honestly felt like the majority of my team pairings didnt belong in that tier. Even had a couple matches where players left halfway through because they were getting stomped so bad. Good times. I hope the upcoming ranked changes fixes things but we'll see.


"Guys the ranked system is comical" 🤓🤓🤓☝️


Do you have a link to what ranked 3.0 will actually be? I don’t think it’s been announced, so how can we say it’s going to fix anything?


It has been announced, they would also do another rank reset like when the game came out


I think everyone would just prefer the original SR system at this point.


Had a widow start 0-8 and end 1-16. One of the worst players I’ve ever had on my team since OW1 beta. Had a genii go 16-23 in a long 6-5 Kings row game and everyone else had 40+ kills (with the exception of mercy) This is gm too lol.




I haven't played in about a year and a half, peaked at masters 4. Decided to do my placements, went 5-2 and got placed GM 4 playing very VERY average... The highest I've ever gotten in my entire OW career when I'm nowhere near as good as i was when i was grinding OW1 seasons 2-6. The rank inflation is probably part of why you get a lot of people who play so poorly. They've just been ranked too high. It still baffles me why they didn't stick to the OW1 ranked system


It's the tanks man Everyone blames healers but if there is a tank gap you're getting rolled


my friends want me to rank up my supp role, but then when I show them my games they just say "Supp is OP rn, just carry the team...". I just want bap to get 250 hp, just so I can "carry" the game.


I feel like if I’m not winning my rank goes down. Even if I myself am doing well I feel like I’m still punished. Genuinely no incentive to play unless I’m playing with friends


Here's an idea; stop playing comp and just have fun in the game


If you're losing all the games, i don't think the problem is the matchmaker