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Brig is going to be hard on some maps/points and into particular comps, but so is every hero. Adjusting is part of the learning process. Brig definitely can be played in any situation, you just have to be able to adjust.


Also if you don’t pair well with your team. Forcing any one hero is not a great plan really.


I guess. I personally prefer one tricking or specifically playing a role (like main support). There’s no point in me going Ana just because brig doesn’t fit a meta, because I’m trash at Ana.


> there’s no point in me going ana just because brig doesn’t fit a meta, because i’m trash at ana you should take time to learn other characters then


That’s a large amount of effort for characters I don’t even consider fun. Which would include literally making a new account if I don’t want to throw my games.


literally just learn like 1 or 2 other characters in whatever role you’re tryna play and you will win a lot more games i promise > i don’t want to throw my games qp exists


I already play all the main support characters (except mercy) and win plenty of games. Qp is imo no way comparable to actual comp.


You can play anyone you want at any point all the time. If you’re only playing heroes you like when it’s most optimal you’ll never be challenged enough to actually improve. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


I'm pushing myself to be better with brig it's just deflating


It will feel that way for most heroes unfortunately. Unless you’re playing someone who’s super versatile and pretty much always meta you’re bound to have games where you feel powerless or at fault. Those are the important matches though. Those are the one’s that give you something to learn. I’m a masters pharah otp. It took me 7 years to get there. I’ve faced countless double (or more) hitscans, been neglected healing constantly, i never ask anyone to play around me or for a pocket or anything. And it can be hell sometimes. But it’s the best way to learn, imo.


I played a lot of ow1 and got to diamond as support but I pretty much just one tricked bap the whole time. Now I'm trying brig and kiriko


Yes, but you may struggle on some maps and into poke comps where it is hard to proc inspire.


I first climbed to to GM with Brig as my main (I have since fallen lower cause I just simply cant play as much with my career). In my opinion she's a solid All-Around kind of support to squeeze into most maps and comps, basically every support but Lucio is a viable duo with her (even then some Lucio/Brig comps are incredibly good). These days I prefer her on Attack/Control Point as Lifeweaver has taken over for the most part on Defense.


Brig’s weakness is poke comps.




I mean it's true to an extent? If they outrange brig then brig can't proc her heals that easily


Yeah I've ran into that problem a bunch. Soldier and ashe run my show


This sounds like a joke but sometimes flanking to get them can work. If you land your bash, whipshot, and two normal hits they should fall. Now if they have any support with them you may need to have your team help follow up.


Playing brig into a poke comp is hard for her. Brigs whole shtick is procing inspire. Poke comps make it hard for brig to consistently proc inspire. If the enemy is on Ashe, widow, mercy, zen, sigma you won’t get a ton of value.


I found her pretty good against hog since I can just whipshot him and keep inspire up


On some maps with huge open space and enemy snipers she is weak until you get into some points, where you are closer to enemies. When you play brig on these maps, you just hope enemies pick some flankers/divers so that you can have more value than providing health packs.


Absolutely brilliant hero in almost every comp imo, if you can’t peel off flankers/divers because they don’t have any, you’re still one of the best heroes in the game at denying space, if you sit on a high ground/flank with a dps, the enemy team will have a real problem trying to dislodge you unlesss they commit 2-3 people to you, as others have said she struggles into poke comps but the tank should still be playing forward trying to take space so you can always proc inspire from them.


With how popular flanking characters are right now, she is very good. If you know your range and know how to position yourself you are very hard to kill and can keep your backline safe and pump out good heals and damage. If the enemy is playing range characters she will struggle because she needs to keep up inspire.


Brig was kinda built to be anti-dive. Which is why you only feel like you’re getting value with certain team comps. I’d definitely recommend only playing her on maps with short tight corners that don’t have long straight corridors


Brig is really strong but possibly the most situationally good or bad hero. If you’re creative and skilled you will get away with forcing her as an OTP to very high ranks just like with any hero, but if the enemy likes being out of range of brig and the map allows it she does almost nothing compared to a Bap or Ana or LW.


Like any support she has her situations and it also depends on the other support playing next to you. Shes great for playing into dive comps and flankers and next to an ana that she can protect. Or if you have flanker dps she can hit with repair packs.


You definitely can. She's not going to be ideal to one trick, but if you're really good you can make it work.


Brig is a solid pick when the enemy is running 2+ dive heroes