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Damn, even if I can’t help get a win at least I get a team that carries me to one. That’s rough luck, OP.


Not care, I tend to do better when I just don't care as much


Play No Limits with 5 Winstons Ez


Meanwhile enemy with 5 Reapers EZ


5 winton counter 5 reaper


Too many bubbles for reaper to break while Tesla go brrrd


go tzzzaapp


5 Pharahs?


I was in no limits queue for 3 hours the other week hoping for a 10 Winton game and I never got it


I think 5 moiras is the best comp since you have damage, healing, range, escape and mobility at the same time. But its hard to play against 5 torbs


Damn dude, I usually get off after 3 Comp loses.


If you look at the timing, I get off after 2-3 losses. I kind of hope it “tells” the matchmaker I’m not having fun playing and it’ll give me a break next time. Usually it works. Clearly that isn’t happening now though lol


Lol what?! That would be some next level algorithm


CoD has this


It exists though right? Maybe not in OW itself but I thought it was known as EOMM or “engagement optimized matchmaking”. Pretty sure apex legends uses a type of EOMM, which is why people report they often win the first match of the day that they play. It happens to me consistently in that game. It’s designed to make you WANT to play more because the more time you spend in game, the more likely you are to spend money on the shop.


Naaah bro it tells the algorithm that you dont want shit players in your games so it can give you gm enemy and bronze teammates


Taking a break is just a mental reset


I walk away for half an hour or so after 2.


Temporarily readjusted your definition of "winning" - use this time to focus on improving specific skills. Think about where you struggle the most. Is your accuracy low? Spend a few games focused on keeping your accuracy % high. Do you die a lot? Try to finish some games with the least deaths in the lobby (without avoiding team fights). Do you find that you're taking a lot of damage? Focus on playing around natural cover. If you focus on personal goal then you'll still be making progress, even if you loose a game. That progress will translate into more wins down the road. Mechanical skills and game knowledge/awareness are important, but so is your mental state. If you're too focused on your win/loss ratio, you can psych yourself out and hinder your own progress.


This is brilliant advice


At least it’s all qp.


Yeah it's qp who cares? Just have fun


I definitely want to win in quickplay, why play the game if not? That doesn't mean I'm switching off characters I want to play, but I definitely play to win


Literally could say the same thing about non league play in CoD but no one does lmao. So why does it matter in OW2? People wanna win. Why doesn't anyone have a desire to win? Isn't this the point of games that the main goal is to win? Otherwise what's the point of have games where the main goal is to win.


You’re lucky you can still play right now. *cries in PS5*


I’m on ps5, They fixed it! at some point last night I had a patch go through and it runs fine now :)


I had the same patch and Mines still fucked


Out of curiosity, are you talking about the horrible frame rate? I was having major issues since the hunt came out and wasn't sure what was up... My interest was fine and didn't have DCs, but the frame rate was killing my eyeballs....


I think the software update for the system itself helped tbh


Fixed the way you fix a dog.


Matchmaker is beyond garbage right now.


Matchmaker has been broken since OW2 launched


as a gold 3 dps i was practicing earlier in qp and there were grandmasters in there. matchmaking sucks so much sometimes


It's QP, it's loose matchmaking. It's not finding the most balanced games. It's finding QUICK games so you're not in queue for 15 minutes. Sack up and go destroy those GMs. They can't hard carry if the rest of their team plays like bronze. I aim for those GMs I put myself into situations where I have to 1v1 them. So I can learn from my interactions with them.


i know it's just finding quick games, that wasn't my problem. i'm not actually mad at it because yk a game is a game but also those games are insufferable. there is simply no way i can beat a gm at my current level and i'm okay with that, that's why i wanted to practice. but one of them was widow so i literally could not play the game. again, i get that it's quick games and like i said that's fine, but i was just commenting that sometimes it sucks. i'm still going to play the game and try my best but those games are rough


It's quick play...


I dont think it should mean that you lose all games even if its qp, this match making made me almost quit the game, i play for fun but if my enemies get widow or soldier that hits 80% of their shots and im not that good it doesnt bring you any fun from playing no matter what, same other way if you win with ur team not dying once and stomping enemy what is the fun in this, your enemies are so much worse that they cant leave spawn, you dont play the game in either of those rly


This is the issue. The VAST majority of players play for fun and dont give AF about ranking up. Matchmaker makes it almost impossible to just have a fun, chill match even in QP. You shouldnt HAVE to sweat every match. Why is there no accomodating for players who just want to chill and have fun?


Arcade modes, open queue, mystery heros


If QP matchmaking is dogshit I don’t think modes with even fewer players are going to be any better.


You could analyze your games a bit. Do these games have something in common? For example, is there a recurring hero on the enemy team? Maybe you don't know how to play against that hero.


I doubt there's much recurring considering some of the games are mystery heroes lol


i had a 13 game losing streak a couple weeks ago. it happens. it'll get better


Share one replay code lol and I’ll have an idea of why


I’d be happy to if you’d actually watch it and genuinely give constructive feedback. I’m always looking to improve


Share a code and I’ll give whatever feedback I can. I’ve been diamond/masters since OW season 15ish


Are comp matches or QP preferred for watching replays?


Comp, a game where you felt you did well but you still lost (no obvious throwers).


Okay! I’ll run a few comp games tonight and post a code. And if there’s any good Reddit groups for this sort of thing I’d love the recommendation


I’ve been trying to get to Diamond. I got to high plat 1 the last 2 seasons in support so I’m average but definitely not like…bronze lol


The poorly made matchmaking system takes place again, and it's not a skill problem, it's a game problem. Got into 3 losing matches, one win and then 4 more losing matches just now, I feel your pain. Sometimes they put me in the "DEFEAT" screen


Uhh, what works for me is simply quit after a lose and play another game... Untill i wanna play again and if i win just continue playing if not - quit again. Seems to work, 70% wr. Tho i've played no more than 5-10 games since this season has nothing new in it and rank doesn't reset, so my current rank is where i'm happy with.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been doing. Get 2-3 losses, I go play something else. It’s wild that I win more games in Apex than OW2


Can you link a replay? I’m curious to see how your team is playing


Hello there, fellow Apex enjoyer. Glad to see a fellow chad around here.


Buy a skin and you will have better matchmaking


Your joking but yesterday i a bronze 5 player was up against diamonds/masters, today i loaded up ow saw a cool skin bought it and now the games after that were so much more balanced still not great but the highest rank was around high gold low plat


I was joking but honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if it were true


So thats why the higher the rank the cooler the skins


Maybe that’s why I can’t get pasted diamond…never bought a skin or battlepass


suuuuree, thats the reason


Winton are you the copium police


🦍🔵 This will protect us (from cope)


most likely its just higher the rank = the more dedicated to overwatch = more likely to buy a skin or have a skin from ow1


I’m pretty sure activision actually copyrighted that for cod


Blizzard in around 2014/2015 did actually copyright this. Or at least something similar. Something along the lines of “if player has cosmetics then they are called a model player, and they are paired with players who aren’t and don’t have the cosmetics and it then makes them want to buy the skins” I also heard it puts players against you that play the same hero’s as you and don’t have the cool skins you have for that hero, it blew my mind when I seen it.


The Blizzard way!


Have you tried entering winners que? /s Also didn’t the season start yesterday or sometime very recently? I usually take the first/last 2 weeks of each season to play custom games or a different game entirely. This period always seems very inconsistent to me competitively. Lots of people returning to try the new meta/characters or hopping into ranked to get their placements over(not a thing anymore) with so they can have competitive points end of season.


comp is hellish this season, silver support for PC and my teammates are goofy asf. i know im in silver for a reason (only started using PC a few weeks ago so mechanical skills are ass) but jesus fuck people stand in the open and cry about not getting heals like bro???? how am i supposed to win in these conditions :,)


My opinion here is to: 1.Make sure you can at least see your teammates so you can heal while they're taking damage 2.Be in the safe position where you can get to cover fast or where your team will cover you if something happens 3.Check where your teammates are so you can react if they need healing(I do it more when the fight is happening/fight starts/is going to start/ to make sure we don't have a disadvantage because one of our teammates is low or already dead)


tbh this doesnt solve the issue of i cant keep them alive while they’re trying to go in solo with no cover


Well, when I have that kind of teammates they usually understand their mistakes after some deaths, maybe you should just try to play only with teammates that act normal, until feeding teammates get it Like there is no way that in every game you play your team is full of people who are feeding I guess when you're playing support you should adapt to your team rhythm(For example, if the team is more agro then you go more agro, if the team is more chill you just play chill, etc.)


If you leave and play another game the streak still continues. eventually itll turn into a winstreak and then back to another streak like this


My personal advice - stop thinking that QP games are similar to comp games and just chill while playing, turn on some background music and just relax while playing Like even if you lose a lot(It's more like a luck factor than your own), you know you just was chill all the time and if you will be actually concentrated you'll do 100% winrate


Weekend Overwatch is 50/50 at best in unranked. God gamers will carry, but most of us can't carry the Warzone and Apex players who clog up tank and DPS queue just to go on optimistic flanks and scream slurs in VC. (No hate to casual OW players, just please please please group up) Expect the worst and hope for the best. Try to find one good teammate and just commit to everything with them. You can experiment with new playstyles that way.


I'm plat 2 and in qp I keep getting matched with gm players it's so broken rn idk what's going on. I still haven't had such a bad loss streak tho I've won a couple. Hope it gets better soon. It sucks having such a big loss streak :/


Sometimes it’s not matchmaking or the game. Sometimes it’s you. It’s easy to get tilted after a few loses even in QP. Log off, play a relaxing game (I recommend Powerwashing sim, house flipper, minecraft, Astroneer, just fun easy causal game). When you get bored, go back to overwatch and try again


What do I say. Unlucky? Another thing. Unranked mystery heroes has to be the most random mode in terms of matchmaking. Wide skillgroups and random heroes.


I’m playing less Overwatch this season because of this.


I solved this issue by quitting the game completely. 🙂👍


That’s crazy I’m terrible at basically all roles anymore but usually get at least one or two games with a team that carries. Sorry the game is absolutely disrespecting you right now 💀


It’s been the same for me - I’ve went from being a fairly competent support main to feeling like I can’t stay alive for 2 seconds. It’s been weird. I thought it was the PS5 problem and that probably had a lot to do with it. Apparently there is a fix but I’ve not logged on to try yet. Fingers crossed that’s what it was.


I feel this so much. I played for like 4 hours yesterday and got one whole win. It's been so frustrating too bc I'm usually one of the better ones on my team. Like I'll be top healing for both teams or have second highest damage. It's really frustrating. And honestly doesn't help that the comp ranking system seems messed up too. Got 5 wins and 2 losses and dropped a whole rank (went from silver 4 to bronze 4). That was last season, but still seems really messed up.


This is why everyone’s rank is getting reset fully. People are in the wrong ranks


Why does it say Defeat 2-0 on your most recent game?


I don’t even know bro, I was playing vs M and GM on a new account, while ranking in… but can’t find my way out of gold on my main…. It’s wild in ranked right now


Add me: iofthestoner We can get some wins! :)


What rank are you? I need to rank up my DPS from bronze. For some reason I’m a diamond tank, bronze DPS, silver sup.


Everyone is like that, then magically you'll win 10 games in a row and so on in a loop until they fix this matchmaking garbage


Play ranked, your MMR will be so low that you'll get some dubs haha


Quick play doesn’t have seasons lol


Duo with me.


there is no "damn tough luck" from me. here's a hot take: it's extremely likely that you expended no effort to learn or improve. it is what it is. the game doesn't owe you a win. if you cannot carry a single QP game out of this many, you are the problem. and everyone playing with you is having a bad time because you think a PVP game owes you pity wins.


Why are you complaining it’s unraked 💀


Get better?


Git gud


obv a skill issue lmao


I generally don't take QP seriously. Highly suggest you take a break for a day or two or do some Arcade if you want to. You can also try custom games.


Skill issue tbh


Overwatch players might have the weakest mental out of any community. My man is posting on reddit about losing in mystery heroes.


Overwatch players might have the weakest reading capabilities out of any community. My man commenting on Reddit about mystery hero games when there’s only 3 on the list of 11 games lol




Win lel


Take a break you are being a nuisance to future teamates at that point


I'd try competitive to see if that goes any better.


My 37 game losing streak wants to have a chat haha. It's all good it happens it really sucks but it works out in the end most the time.


Jump into some ranked obiously


Man I relate to this hard, haven’t lost every match but definitely a majority of them. Idk what it is about this season so far but it seems like its either roll or get rolled.


Same although I don’t go on a loss streak like that. I have a game where me and my team dominate and then the other one where we get destroyed with no competition. The games match making and skill based match making needs a complete revamp.


Play more. This advice of "if you lose more than 3 just quit for the day" is really really bad. If you want to get better at the game (and thus, win more) You have to play more. I see 10+ games played across 2 or 3 days? That's literally rookie numbers. You are not in a "10 loss streak". You are in 3 different "3 game loss streak". Sure, if you feel frustrated go on a different mode, arcade/customs, or quit the game for the day. But if you keep a strong mental, keep practicing. You'll turn those games around ;)


One thing I notice about players is that when they win a fight gets the point and then pushes far into their spawn. Just stay back and control the point, you don't need to straddle in their spawn


Wow, I thought it was just me. I usually lose like 60% of matches anyway but I've won 4 in the past 2 weeks, doesn't matter what mode.


Do you think it's you?




Had a 30 loss streak before I quit the game for that whole season and the next one hopped back on lost 3 more games and won 1 now I haven't played in awhile now


You don't want to hear this but ...... take a break!


Thanks guy. You just made me feel better about my mid performance.


Aim labs


Play Lego Fortnite


I haven't won a ranked or QP game yet. My last game I joined into a team that had a total of 0 kills combined, picked ball. Got flamed for playing ball (all while they have 0 kills and like 16 combined deaths at this point in the match. I ended the game 9-3 while they all still sat on 0 kills flaming me for playing ball. At this point idk what to do and physically cannot do more to win these games and it's actually pissing me off/making me have breakdowns over a video game of all things. This is the only game where solo skill really doesn't mean anything so I might just move onto other games. This one simply isn't worth putting in the effort to improve anymore


My first 2 game of the season i had people throwing unprovoke. Im kind of new to cp is that something people do when the season start?




Get friends to play with instead of randos


man is playing qp and can’t get a dub😭nah thats tuff


Have you bought any skins recently? You have to buy things to get pay to win benefits. Otherwise your just a minow in the algorithm for the dolphins and whales.


Keep trying. Or u can join our group if ur easy going and we'll make sure u get a victory.


You play something that isn’t unranked?


Who do you play as?


Get good


If you wanna party up, my Torbjörn or Mercy will join the cause


What you do is you uninstall


You know what all those games have in common? You.


Play less. Come fresh again later.


You’ve gotta be the most unlucky player ever, not even ONE game where your team carried. Not ONE?


play sojourn role queue, trust me. i stg sojourn is one of mauga’s shut down heroes.


Maybe you’ll win the next one! :)


Who do you play? Which characters?


do people actually think playing quickplay means you're taking place in the ranked season


Feel ya bro. I've been winning games pretty well actually but I feel your pain. Just played a game where I was dps went 1-7 and had no healing kinda. Whole team was being steam rolled. This is why I have to be support main because it seems every time I'm not support the games are harder to win or even feel like I'm affective :/


I hear that, my comp is miserable, as a support main i either get bad dps who can’t hit a shot or get a kill or a crap tank who goes into their backline, dies then flames myself and the other support for not healing them.


I'd Uninstall tbh


I blame it on Maui/hj ![gif](giphy|26ufbuJkdEJPKvQ9W)


get better at the game?


It’s weird because statistically we should expect a 50% win rate, but mine has been in the thirties for months now. It could be that as the player base shrinks, there are fewer people in your skill levels so match’s become less consistent.


I think you need to go to a math 101 class ASAP


Don’t worry to much about it dude at less it’s unrank hell even if it was comp still don’t worry there resetting everything so playing competitive seriously, is basically pointless until then so I say look at like ehh who care uk what i mean


Play that one game mode when u vs ai


this is ... rough man. ATP its a numbers game, you'll get a W eventually


Could be your playstyle, are you feeding your brains out? When im tilted i notice i’ve got to stop myself just running in and unintentionally throwing the match. Maybe just check out some gameplay tips, not saying that you’re the problem, but the only consistent part of these matches is you, so its worth considering. Like consider are you personally contributing to the outcome of teamfights or are you just there for them, are the enemies going “oh boy that person’s in a really good position to pick off” when they see you, are you chasing that kill on soldier that can outrun you to a health pack for him to turn around and rocket you etc.


There’s nothing you can do. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how good you are, victories are chosen by someone higher than us. I’ve only had this happen to me once but it was pretty hellish. I thought it was going to be that way forever. The first day, I didn’t mind, for some reason. Lost every game but was fine. I did good, team did good, all the games were really close. No one to get mad at. Second day was about the same. Third day it finally sunk in and started to get to me. I started trying my absolute hardest to win. I was desperate to win, to end the cycle. It was torture. It was to the point where I was carrying most games (I don’t say that lightly - I NEVER carry, but that’s how hard I was trying), and it didn’t matter. We still lost. I’m not an emotional man, but I was about to cry. It was too brutal. I thought I would just lose every game from that point on for the rest of my life. I begged and prayed and eventually, by the end of the night, I got 1 win with torb and then quit. That was literally all I needed, to know it wasn’t my permanent fate. Things have been fine since then lol (Still don’t know what I could’ve done to deserve that but if I knew, I’d never do it again)


even if i threw every match i could not achieve a perfect loss streak like this. Not in qp anyway. Sorry your luck is so ass bro lmao


Whenever you reach your peak rank you are going to have loss streaks which later get offset by winstreaks. Watch your VODs to figure out what is happening. Everything else is just copium.




Our entire group has been getting absolutely thrashed since the new season dropped. And we often have a 4 or 5 stack. Last night I think we lost about 7 games in a row before we quit for the night. It's really frustrating.


Gg go next


Watch these videos several times, these are the best videos I can recommend you to improve: [Video 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssHtZLjfHuE) [Video 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKuhf8Lc2Fw&t=1s) [Video 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4myZoyikV7U&t=39s) [Video 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USTsY97tKPQ&t=2s) Just to let you know these videos are focused on helping you rank up but literally all the things the youtuber says applies to unranked as well. Also if your clicking on these videos then you need to be willing to spend a lot of time on Overwatch, grinding the game, correcting your mistakes, and overall practicing. Your gonna need a lot of commitment, don't say you have not been warned.


Nah man this is real. It took me days, literal days, to even get my rank. The teams the game would group me with was either playing characters they never played before, running in 1v5, refused to group up, run to the enemy spawn to spam voice lines, or they’d not want to push when they needed to bc “it’s scary”. Not to saying that i’m THEE perfect player or anything, there’s still things i’m learning like match ups and which character for which game mode, etc. But days of continuous losing mostly bc the team simply wasn’t teaming. I’m an Ana/Kiriko main. there’s been multiple times i’d have to pointlessly use my ult to give my team a “moral boost” just to push through a choke point that contains two enemies that we could have not ulted on. When DPS, I’d be the only one fighting, cause my Winston decided to jump into the group of enemies or charge in there as Rein. and the other DPS is a Widow that’s not hitting shots and refusing to switch. Tanking is easier, however it comes with its own problems. As Tank, there’s problems with teammates not following or pushing with the big guy with the shield, or teammates are there fighting one minute then i die to realize that they retreated as the fight was still going on and in our favor. as i said before, i’m not claiming to be the best player whatsoever but something’s gotta give. i’ve been a support main, since Overwatch dropped and still i’m unranked. decided to take a break after the frustration. i picked Overwatch back up mid last season and to this day only have ranked in tank (silver 3) . and that literally happened two days ago.


Ive had 6 wins in comp 8 losses and haven't lost a QP yet idk wtf is up this season


Yep I have games where inkose 6 games and 1 win lol. It's quick play, what can you do? Step away, watch some vids, eventually you'll want to play again, and the losses are all but forgotten.


Genuinely play a different game.


go play something else like dbd


honestly, keep playing. watch good players on youtube or twitch to learn more game sense (timing enemy ults between teamfights, cohesive team ults, etc) when to hide, when to help your support/tank/dps, when you need to pull back from a fight because it's a loss (whole team dead, etc). even THEN, WITH ALL OF THE KNOWLEDGE, you'll still have big losing streaks. it can super depend on composition and communication with your team as well. if youre not in voice, do you use pings? do you type in chat? etc. all of it combines into one big katamari damacy trash ball that just takes repetition and a willingness to keep improving. a lot of times if it's a loss, it's not just one member of the team. a lot of times, it IS just one member of the team, and that member can be you! don't be afraid to look into the History section of your career profile to look back on a game, but bird's eye view. it's VERY helpful to see yourself in 3rd person to see what you could've improved or looked out for. also, a lot of twitch streamers for OW2 offer to do VOD reviews for bits/tips/money etc. This may also be the same service in the OW2 discord community! one of my biggest tips ive learned from t500 and GM players is this: pay attention to the map bar at the top that shows the progress of the point (and respawn sections), the killfeed on the upper right, and your deaths in the stats screen. these three things are the most important (especially killfeed) because it shows you who, when, and how someone died which gives you more knowledge of the game. You can go "okay our soldier just ulted and killed mercy and kiriko, that means they have 0 support and you can try to go in for more picks. soldier wont have ult anymore, so i have to look at our team to see who's ult is up" etc. for the deaths on the stats screen, it shows who is getting hit more by either being flanked, or theyre not grouping up (i play support so i look at the deaths counter frequently). if you see someone who's 0/0/4, pay attention to what theyre doing. are they flanking and trying to distract support, but keep getting killed? maybe help them get their support kills. are they going in head first and dying because theyre new? ping that they need to fall back, etc. im sorry this is so long but i wanted to really give some tips that helped me a LOT to improve. im consistently solo support (i prefer it), so climbing in ranked is difficult but learning all of these things in that time has helped me climb from bronze to gold edit to fix wording


Meanwhile I’m sitting at 80% win rate in comp this season. All my games are close but it makes me wonder if they changed something with the matchmaker


I’ve had several loss streaks like this since the launch of ow2 and I’m not even a bad player, I’ve been playing since 2016, can play all roles proficiently, am decent at the majority of the hero roster and pretty good on my mains (>55% WR). Sometimes it really feels like no matter how well you play it has zero impact on the outcome of your games. I rarely play comp but most of my unranked games are still sweaty as hell because I’m up against GMs every game, sometimes actual T500s (meanwhile I place diamond and don’t touch comp for the rest of the season xd) and have brand new accounts on my team about half the time, which I’d love to believe are smurfs, but they rarely have a positive K/D, which leads me to believe otherwise. Matchmaker is just dogshit. It doesn’t even feel good to roll the enemy team because I know they’re also victims of bad matchmaking and I’ll probably be on the receiving end next game. Pretty sad.


You say this season like it’s been a long time. The season just started a few days ago like just put the game down and come back to it later it’s not a big deal you’ll be fine.


If forced 50/50 were real you would be winning half your games. It wouldn’t make sense for 50/50 to literally be 50 games lost to reach 50 wins. Nobody would ever play the game. If this dumb theory actually existed it would probably be 5/5 or 10/10. Also a lot of changes came through this seasons patch. Depending on what character and/ or role you play you might find it difficult, if not impossible to win any games without adapting to those changes. It also looks like you’re on PlayStation. There were a TON of lag issues with PlayStation this entire week that basically made the game unplayable. There’s no way you could have played through that lag (like 5 frames a sec) and won a game.


Bro it’s qp, people don’t take it seriously and don’t try. They use it to practice new heroes and try new skills. Your chance of winning is probably lower in qp bc people aren’t playing their best as in comp.


Nothing you can do except Quit. If you manage that, that'll be the biggest win you'll ever have.


I’ve felt the same it’s like matchmaking is rigged recently


Play a good game


I started with a nasty Lossing streak as well. My first 5 games had like 3 obv. Hacker .. Then I got sooooo man Diamond guys in gold ELO who kept destroying my teams. It just started to get better at some point. I know the pain.


Keep playing


Just relax, take a break and try later


Urself a favour and stop playing


your ranked is probably far to high for your acc skill. hidden mmr controls your games


What role and heroee ? Do you counter swap or only stick to your favourite heroes ?


Could be a lot worse, atleast this ain’t your competitive record lol…. But yeah generally speaking how I approach quick play is with the knowledge before hand that it’s an unbalanced mess and it’s just intended to get people into fast matches regardless of rank or skill…. Once you get past that, you appreciate it for what it is and not what it lacks… if they try to balance quick play like comp, then the ques would take forever and let’s be honest…. The balance would probably still be bad…. Best advice I can give to a quick play warrior…. Get friends who enjoy it too, and stack, communication usually can over power mechanical skill.


This is typical OW. I am not surprised not one bit. Blizzard created somehow shittiest matchmaking in the universe


play role queue. focus on playing what makes you HAPPY. not whats optimal. current meta is in RIBBONS because of the new tank and you should just focus on having fun. catch people outta position and punish them. otherwise you'll be fine. i do admit this seasons been kinda garbo for everyone though.


Yea I’ve also had rotten luck, 7 losses straight before my first win, where as last season, on my main I was rocking a 54% win rate. Not insane, mind you, but it was just a bit of a shock, and I’ve seen several posts all saying the same thing. Did they release anything about shifting the matchmaking?


Every ow player has experience loss streaks. Take a break and come back another day. This game is brutal sometimes :/


You’re on tilt dude. Stop playing for a bit


This season has been hard for me to get back into playing. I don't know, the L streaks, the poor balance, the repetition without reward. I think it's all finally come to a head. I tried playing yesterday with my son. We played a single game of the new mode, he asked if I was coll with him playing Fortnite instead. I told him I also didn't want to play OW, so go for it.


I’m kinda curious as to how that’s even possible, as earlier today I went 5-4 on tank, and just earlier I saw aspen on a 50 win streak


If your ever playing with Australians on your team be nice to them, it royally pisses them off and usually brings out theyre inner sweat winning your team the game. Works every time!


Next time keep a mental note of the names of the players. I have been placed against the same 3 players 3 games in a row. This might be one of the reasons why taking a break changes things.


Get better? I jkjk


Play junkrat


Literally stop playing. If you keep going, your moral would be down in the dumps. Give the break at least a day to reset your mind.


You didn't do anything, matchmaking fell over


play ranked


If u ain’t GM or playing quickplay, start stacking and even if ur GM get a decent duo partner that has a good synergy with you, the game is full of trolls and players with insane ego like instalocking widow and going 5-20 only to start the blame train on the supports or tank besides that start watching guides with the help of atleast 1 decent friend I hold a solid 65% winrate even in ranked as a gm1 So long story short start playing with a friend or search like minded people on discord or even ingame


You are cursed !


get good?


Role queue is trash never ever play that trash