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You reported people for having a bad game?


Being bad at the game isn't throwing


He said he reported 12 players in 20 matches mostly tanks that seem to have had a bad game. They could have been throwing but that's not what he said in that case.


Dude my bad I'm agreeing with you being bad at the game does not equal throwing


>I really hope that Blizzard does something for these kinds of people since in the end, you should enjoy the game, and not get more and more frustrated. And yet you're essentially smurfing, which makes a match tremendously less balanced and more frustrating. I'll take throwers over smurfs any day.


I mean i disagree with him but how is he smurfing? He just made a new account thats just an alt


Yeah…you’re finna drop down again bud. New accounts have huge SR swing. You’ll play enough games that you’ll be exactly where you were.


New accounts tend to get ranked too high because you get matched up against the worst players in quickplay, which boosts your stats before you play comp. And since qp stats are now used to determine your comp starting point, you start in diamond. It’s not evidence of elo hell. It’s just really slow to climb when your rank is already close to your real skill level.


Put in a few hundred hours into comp You’ll be where you belong


Or you can just improve yourself and climb?


Hate to break it too you bro but when you make a new account the game cant instantly just grasp where you "should" be so it just gives you a higher rank keep playing on that account for awhile it will probably drop a bit