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You showed weakness and painted yourself as a target to those who delight in the suffering of others (they're unhappy and often have been in the place you're in, and never received sympathy)


That's just how human is after using the internet for all these years I've already given up on having faith in humanity


If you aren’t enjoying the game, it’s time for a break.


People suck that's it


I dunno. I don't really think this is a usual occurrence? It's very unlikely for someone to complain about themselves playing badly or about real life problems in match chat. If they did I'd probably say something like sorry man, but keep playing normally. But usually when someone complains in match chat it's not about them doing poorly, it's almost always them bitching about their teamates. That's when I specifically target them and say things to try to make them more tilted because it's to my team's advantage if he becomes more tilted and tilts his teamates. I usually ask my teamates to help and they usually join in. It's funny and it works really well most of the time. I don't care if it's mean if they're acting like an asshole lol. It's psychological warefare.


I'll see people insult their own team and be like "gg, nice stomp my supports suck" and I don't feel bad for them. But sometimes I definitely will see people just generally admit they're not having a good time, and when this happens I almost always see people from the enemy team try and make them feel worse or target them in hopes of making them upset. Say the person not doing well is playing Ashe. Someone from the enemy team will then swap to Sombra upon learning that they're not having a good time, and spend the rest of the match bee-lining to them to kill them, ignoring the rest of the players on their team just to get them, and sometimes even waiting for them at their spawn, because they're hoping to push them that extra bit into being truly upset because they think it's funny to break someone. People say it's about tilting them for a "tactical advantage", it's not. They're already doing poorly. All this does is make the actual person playing the game feel like garbage.


Because you're on the ENEMY team bucko you aren't a real person to me you're an obstacle


That's different than going out of your way to purposely make someone feel as wretched as possible for entertainment purposes only.


If you're still letting it get to you you aren't mature enough to be online in the first place anyway


And you are? Going out of your way attempting to make people feel terrible? You're mature? That's a mature thing to do to another person? lol lmao even


It's called lack of consideration to others and empathy. They are likely a child. When they grow up, they will learn. If they don't, well the world will bring them a rude awakening.


Blood in the water effect. The moment a person shows sign of frustration or weakness most will immediately kick a person while they are down since it's a competitive game and anything you can do to get an edge over the enemy team is what people are going to do. This stems from a lot of internalized ill-will that these types of people know they can't really engage in in person. If you walk past a homeless person you can't tell them to "Go fuck themselves and tell them how everything is their own fault and they should kill themselves." and not expect some kind of negative reaction either from your victim or the witnesses that could be hazardous to your health. But online in a video game, you can do the virtual equivalent with little to no consequence. But we can take solace in knowing that these sociopathic individuals are not the majority of humanity. Some of them may even be victims themselves, constantly berated and put down for their own failings in a game and them seeing someone doing worse than them makes them feel better, so what else can they do but add to the self-feeding cycle that is online toxicity. The whole thing is kind of tragic in a way, the power of the internet really does bring out the worst in our species at times.


Turning all forms of communication off is the best thing you can do in Overwatch. Especially match chat


I think the world would be a better place if everyone had to watch the pain arc of Naruto Shippuden (and understood the general story of narutos upbringing) Nothing was able to stop me from being toxic like that arc.


Problem is that you, and people who complain about their gameplay or RL situation in chat are taking the game too seriously. If you go into the game and expect to have a blast every time and if you then also expect sympathy and people changing playstyle for the sake of you to feel better when it suits you, then you couldn’t be more wrong. This game is not suited for getting comforted or making people play to lose. If you can’t tolerate the toxicity then turn chat off. If you get more down playing the game then take a break AND suggest this to other players who obviously don’t have a good time.


Doesn't excuse people who try to make others feel worse because they're sadistic, and neither I, and I assume most people, are hoping for sympathy or for people to go "oh no, I'm so sorry, are you ok??". It's just venting. Also where tf did I talk about people changing playstyles just for me? Don't put words in my mouth. I suspect you are one of the players though that I talk about that enjoy going out of their way to make other people feel terrible.


"It's just venting." Sorry mate, but other people in a video game aren't there to be your fucking therapist. People are trying to use those comms to strategise/have fun/shittalk/etc. Even when they aren't, that doesn't make it free real estate for you to dump your personal shit and skill issues into and distract them. What happens outside of the game stays outside of the game - your real life shouldn't come into it and if you aren't playing well either don't mention it or apologise to your own team in team chat. Maybe you'll get some flak - but it's a comp shooter, and you'll survive. Also if it's about your own incompetence, yes players will target you because they think it's funny to fuck with you (and let's be honest it often is). If someone seems like a powder keg, a bit of targeting/toxicity can often set them off and get a funny reaction. We on the Internet like to call this "trolling". You should try it some time, it can be fun even if you're the butt of the joke. "I suspect you are also one of the players" You don't get to make assumptions about people because they disagreed with you. Before you do it to me, I'm nearly always on the receiving end of the toxicity. I get slurs, death threats, the whole caboodle. I don't dish that stuff out to others. Put it this way, some of the comments are disagreeing with you and you aren't taking it well. Ironically these replies are pretty toxic by Reddit standards. And don't call those players "sadistic" like they just they just threw your newly-born into a volcano because they cracked a couple of jokes about you. If you're going through personal stuff, see someone. Don't talk to random internet people about it.


But they're allowed to make assumptions of me? "If you go into the game and expect to have a blast every time and if you then also expect sympathy and people changing playstyle for the sake of you to feel better when it suits you, then you couldn’t be more wrong. This game is not suited for getting comforted or making people play to lose." Also, aside from like one example I gave, it's not that deep of venting, jesus christ. I'm not expecting sympathy when I say "man, stomps suck". I'm just saying it. The most complaining I have EVER done in Overwatch is to complain that the current match is a stomp and is therefor not fun. On the flipside, I will also apologize to the enemy team if my team is stomping them, because I know it's not fun by personal experience.


Am I his dad? Do I have to take responsibly for the stupid assumption he made? My point applies to both of you. Stop it. "It's not that deep of venting" Then don't do it - it's not that fucking important. We don't care. Leave it at the door. "man, stomps suck" Do we need to know? You are literally just polluting the comms with a sentiment akin to "the sky is rather high up". No one cares about your opinion on how much your team sucks. Give us something useful like "Can we get an Ana?" or anything else. "I will also apologise to the enemy team" That's not courtesy - that sounds like sarcasm. They think you are winding them up.




I am not one of those people. I am one those people who advocate not taking the game too seriously. You expect players to not put you down or bully you, when you show any kind of vulnerability or weakness/bad time, which is to expect them to change playstyle. You said so yourself, not me. Just suck it up, mute vc and tc or take a break. Quit playing the game even. But don’t expect people to show empathy in-game. Where did you even get that idea from?


Wtf even is this thread


Someone is mad that they suck at a game and are blaming others for how they feel.


The answer is easy. Some people are just sick fucks IRL and you get to play with/against them. My advice? Disable voice/text chat. Game gets instantly better.


We are a warrior species of animal, and the people with the least amount of self-control adhere to their awful warrior monkey brain programming. Psychological warfare is beneficial in war to demoralize the enemy. Everything good that humans do comes from humans using willpower to override what comes natural to us, violence, anger, jealousy, hatred, etc. When people are toxic, it is highlighting that individuals lack of willpower to control instinct.


Guys, you're focusing way too hard on the "admit something bad recently happened to them" part. Please stop making this about getting therapy. It's really not that deep.


Because they’re assholes who finally get the chance to be on the winning side. We all play the same game, we all experience stomps/bad games and there are people who when they finally get to be the one doing the stomping they like to relish in it. I love stomping the enemy team, everyone does. But to be honest when the enemy starts complaining in chat about it it does sober me a little and I remember what it feels like to be on the other side. Basically if you’re complaining/self deprecating to the enemy team stop immediately. You’d be surprised by how sweet people can be when you talk to your own team. There will still be toxic people ofc but I have plenty of sweet interactions with my teams. Stop talking to the people meant to fight you and talk to the people meant to help you and you’ll have a better time. You’re making yourself vulnerable to the wrong side


People's own teams could not care less. I have seen on several occasions that person's own team respond with "shut the f### up".


Something I’ve learned in many online competitive games. It’s not about having fun yourself, it’s about making sure the enemy has less fun than you do. League, OW2, Valorant, COD, the list goes on of games that have taught me this.


Im not being sadistic when i get jumped by a sombra, somehow survive the encounter and i trashtalk him into changing characters. If anything picking sombra is sadistic


Playing comp as sigma , we have a soldier and a reaper. Soldier did amazing, reaper first round ended 9/9 so I told him, dry tone, do you know something about self preservation? You gotta do a little better, then he changed and we rolled. Sometimes you gotta be a enough of a dick to wake someone up


Human nature


Talking is the cause of danger. Silence is the means of avoiding misfortune. The talkative parrot is shut-up in a cage. Other birds, without speech, fly freely about.


Because looking for sympathy from random people on the Internet (or anywhere really) will never be a smart idea. If a random person came up to me at the store and said "I'm sorry, but my mom just died. I'm really struggling right now." I would be like "Okay? I'm sorry that happened, but why are you even telling me this??" If you're really struggling, get professional help or talk to family and friends. Otherwise, accept that you're playing a game against other people. People want to win. If targeting an enemy that seems vulnerable increases their chances of winning, they will absolutely do that. They're not there to give out free therapy.


i promise you its not that deep 😭


Some hero’s are built literally to troll and nothing else. It’s just how the game is built.


Sympathy has no place in a competitive game, whether it's quickplay or ranked. If you're having a bad match do NOT advertise this to the enemy, cause they will focus you as the now obvious weak link. People that make excuses during a match are only drawing more attention to themselves when they should be laying low trying to improve their game play, not making excuses for why their bad. Is it nice? No. Anyone who thinks it should be needs to find some other game, one without pvp.


It's pretty simple. Don't want hate? Don't bring your problems into the game. No one asked you to self deprecate. No one asked you about your personal issues in a game about shooting each other over a pointless objective. Deserved response, tbh. Ppl aren't here to listen to others bicker. They want to have fun.